Scripts to produce publication-ready figures.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

331 lines
15 KiB

import numpy, imageio, os
from scipy import interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from qtutils import *
from labscript_utils.connections import ConnectionTable
from labscript_utils import device_registry
from labscript_c_extensions.runviewer.resample import resample as _resample
import h5py
def generate_ylabel(channel_name):
if channel_name == 'AO_MOT_Grad_Coil_current':
label = '$ \\nabla B_{AHH}$'
elif channel_name == 'AO_MOT_CompZ_Coil_current':
label = '$B_{HH}$'
elif channel_name == 'AO_MOT_3D_freq':
label = '$\Delta \\nu$'
elif channel_name == 'AO_MOT_3D_amp':
label = '$P_{3D}$'
elif channel_name == 'AO_Red_Push_amp':
label = '$P_{Push}$'
elif channel_name == 'MOT_2D_Shutter':
label = '$P_{2D}$'
elif channel_name == 'AO_ODT1_Pow':
label = '$P_{cODT1}$'
elif channel_name == 'Imaging_RF_Switch':
label = '$P_{img}$'
elif channel_name == 'MOT_3D_Camera_Trigger':
label = '$Cam$'
return label
def plotSequence(Channels, Switches, animate = False, idx = 0):
axs = plt.subplots(len(Channels), figsize = (10, 6), constrained_layout=True, sharex=True)[1]
for i, channel_name in enumerate(Channels):
#markers_unscaled = sorted(list(shotObj.markers.keys()))
#scalehandler = ScaleHandler(markers_unscaled, markers_unscaled, shotObj.stop_time)
#unscaled_time = numpy.asarray(Traces[channel_name])[0]
#scaled_time = scalehandler.get_scaled_time(unscaled_time)
channel_time = numpy.asarray(Traces[channel_name])[0]
channel_trace = numpy.asarray(Traces[channel_name])[1]
xmin = 0
xmax = shotObj.stop_time
dx = 1e-9
resampled_channel_trace = shotObj.resample(channel_time, channel_trace, xmin, xmax, shotObj.stop_time, dx)[1]
time = numpy.arange(xmin, xmax, (xmax-xmin)/len(resampled_channel_trace))
switch_time = numpy.asarray(Traces[Switches[i]])[0]
switch_trace = numpy.asarray(Traces[Switches[i]])[1]
xmin = 0
xmax = shotObj.stop_time
dx = 1e-9
resampled_switch_trace = shotObj.resample(switch_time, switch_trace, xmin, xmax, shotObj.stop_time, dx)[1]
trace = numpy.multiply(resampled_channel_trace, resampled_switch_trace)
if not animate:
axs[i].plot(time, trace, '-b') #'-ob'
axs[i].fill_between(time, trace, alpha=0.4)
axs[i].plot(time[0:idx], trace[0:idx], '-b') #'-ob'
axs[i].fill_between(time[0:idx], trace[0:idx], alpha=0.4)
axs[i].axvline(x=0, color = 'b', linestyle = '--')
axs[i].axvline(x=4, color = 'b', linestyle = '--')
axs[i].axvline(x=4.315, color = 'b', linestyle = '--')
axs[i].axvline(x=shotObj.stop_time, color = 'b', linestyle = '--')
axs[i].set_xlim(0, shotObj.stop_time)
axs[i].set_ylim(0, max(resampled_channel_trace) + 0.2)
if i == len(Channels)-1:
axs[i].set_xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize = 16)
axs[i].set_ylabel(generate_ylabel(channel_name), fontsize = 16)
if not animate:
plt.savefig(f'seq.png', format='png', bbox_inches = "tight")
def animateSequence(Channels, Switches):
SIZE = 6000
STEP = 58
for i in range(2, SIZE, STEP):
plotSequence(Channels, Switches, animate = True, idx = i)
with imageio.get_writer('seq_animated.gif', mode='i', fps = 24, loop = 1) as writer:
for i in range(2, SIZE, STEP):
image = imageio.imread(f'seq-{i}.png')
class ScaleHandler():
def __init__(self, input_times, target_positions, stop_time):
# input_times is a list (may be unsorted) of times which should be scaled evenly with target_length
# an input list of [1,2,4,6] and target_length of 1.0 will result in:
# get_scaled_time(1) -> 1
# get_scaled_time(1.5) -> 1.5
# get_scaled_time(3) -> 2.5
# get_scaled_time(4) -> 3
# get_scaled_time(5) -> 3.5 ...
self.org_stop_time = float(stop_time)
if not all((x >= 0) and (x <= self.org_stop_time) for x in input_times):
raise Exception('shot contains at least one marker before t=0 and/or after the stop time. Non-linear time currently does not support this.')
unscaled_times = sorted(input_times)
scaled_times = sorted(target_positions)
# append values for linear scaling before t=0 and after stop time
unscaled_times = [min(unscaled_times)-1e-9] + unscaled_times + [max(unscaled_times) + 1e-9]
scaled_times = [min(scaled_times)-1e-9] + scaled_times + [max(scaled_times) + 1e-9]
self.get_scaled_time = interpolate.interp1d(unscaled_times, scaled_times, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')
self.get_unscaled_time = interpolate.interp1d(scaled_times, unscaled_times, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')
self.scaled_stop_time = self.get_scaled_time(self.org_stop_time)
class Shot(object):
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
# Store list of traces
self._traces = None
# store list of channels
self._channels = None
# store list of markers
self._markers = None
# store list of shutter changes and callibrations
self._shutter_times = None
self._shutter_calibrations = {}
# Load connection table
self.connection_table = ConnectionTable(path)
# open h5 file
with h5py.File(path, 'r') as file:
# Get master pseudoclock
self.master_pseudoclock_name = file['connection table'].attrs['master_pseudoclock']
if isinstance(self.master_pseudoclock_name, bytes):
self.master_pseudoclock_name = self.master_pseudoclock_name.decode('utf8')
self.master_pseudoclock_name = str(self.master_pseudoclock_name)
# get stop time
self.stop_time = file['devices'][self.master_pseudoclock_name].attrs['stop_time']
self.device_names = list(file['devices'].keys())
# Get Shutter Calibrations
if 'calibrations' in file and 'Shutter' in file['calibrations']:
for name, open_delay, close_delay in numpy.array(file['calibrations']['Shutter']):
name = name.decode('utf8') if isinstance(name, bytes) else str(name)
self._shutter_calibrations[name] = [open_delay, close_delay]
def _load(self):
if self._channels is None:
self._channels = {}
if self._traces is None:
self._traces = {}
if self._markers is None:
self._markers = {}
if self._shutter_times is None:
self._shutter_times = {}
# Let's walk the connection table, starting with the master pseudoclock
master_pseudoclock_device = self.connection_table.find_by_name(self.master_pseudoclock_name)
def _load_markers(self):
with h5py.File(self.path, 'r') as file:
if "time_markers" in file:
for row in file["time_markers"]:
self._markers[row['time']] = {'color': row['color'].tolist()[0], 'label': row['label']}
elif "runviewer" in file:
for time, val in file["runviewer"]["markers"].attrs.items():
props = val.strip('{}}').rsplit(",", 1)
color = list(map(int, props[0].split(":")[1].strip(" ()").split(",")))
label = props[1].split(":")[1]
self._markers[float(time)] = {'color': color, 'label': label}
if 0 not in self._markers:
self._markers[0] = {'color': [0,0,0], 'label': 'Start'}
if self.stop_time not in self._markers:
self._markers[self.stop_time] = {'color': [0,0,0], 'label' : 'End'}
def add_trace(self, name, trace, parent_device_name, connection):
name = str(name)
self._channels[name] = {'device_name': parent_device_name, 'port': connection}
self._traces[name] = trace
# add shutter times
con = self.connection_table.find_by_name(name)
if con.device_class == "Shutter" and 'open_state' in
# Temporary solution to physical shutter times
def add_shutter_times(self, shutters):
for name, open_state in shutters:
x_values, y_values = self._traces[name]
if len(x_values) > 0:
change_indices = numpy.where(y_values[:-1] != y_values[1:])[0]
change_indices += 1 # use the index of the value that is changed to
change_values = list(zip(x_values[change_indices], y_values[change_indices]))
change_values.insert(0, (x_values[0], y_values[0])) # insert first value
self._shutter_times[name] = {x_value + (self._shutter_calibrations[name][0] if y_value == open_state else self._shutter_calibrations[name][1]): 1 if y_value == open_state else 0 for x_value, y_value in change_values}
def _load_device(self, device, clock=None):
module = device.device_class
device_class = device_registry.get_runviewer_parser(module)
device_instance = device_class(self.path, device)
clocklines_and_triggers = device_instance.get_traces(self.add_trace, clock)
for name, trace in clocklines_and_triggers.items():
child_device = self.connection_table.find_by_name(name)
for grandchild_device_name, grandchild_device in child_device.child_list.items():
self._load_device(grandchild_device, trace)
except Exception:
def resample(self, data_x, data_y, xmin, xmax, stop_time, num_pixels):
"""This is a function for downsampling the data before plotting
it. Unlike using nearest neighbour interpolation, this method
preserves the features of the plot. It chooses what value to
use based on what values within a region are most different
from the values it's already chosen. This way, spikes of a short
duration won't just be skipped over as they would with any sort
of interpolation."""
# TODO: Only finely sample the currently visible region. Coarsely sample the rest
# x_out = numpy.float32(numpy.linspace(data_x[0], data_x[-1], 4000*(data_x[-1]-data_x[0])/(xmax-xmin)))
x_out = numpy.float64(numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, 3 * 2000 + 2))
y_out = numpy.empty(len(x_out) - 1, dtype=numpy.float64)
data_x = numpy.float64(data_x)
data_y = numpy.float64(data_y)
# TODO: investigate only resampling when necessary.
# Currently pyqtgraph sometimes has trouble rendering things
# if you don't resample. If a point is far off the graph,
# and this point is the first that should be drawn for stepMode,
# because there is a long gap before the next point (which is
# visible) then there is a problem.
# Also need to explicitly handle cases where none of the data
# is visible (which resampling does by setting NaNs)
# x_data_slice = data_x[(data_x>=xmin)&(data_x<=xmax)]
# print len(data_x)
# if len(x_data_slice) < 3*2000+2:
# x_out = x_data_slice
# y_out = data_y[(data_x>=xmin)&(data_x<=xmax)][:-1]
#'skipping resampling')
# else:
resampling = True
if resampling:
_resample(data_x, data_y, x_out, y_out, numpy.float64(stop_time))
# self.__resample4(data_x, data_y, x_out, y_out, numpy.float32(stop_time))
x_out, y_out = data_x, data_y
return x_out, y_out
def channels(self):
if self._channels is None:
return self._channels.keys()
def markers(self):
if self._markers is None:
return self._markers
def traces(self):
if self._traces is None:
return self._traces
def shutter_times(self):
if self._shutter_times is None:
return self._shutter_times
if __name__ == "__main__":
filepath = 'C:/Users/Karthik/Desktop/PreTalk/Plot Sequence/2023-01-25_0069_ODT_Imaging_9.h5'
shotObj = Shot(filepath)
Channels = list(shotObj.channels)
Traces = shotObj.traces
'prawn_clock_line_0', 'prawn_clock_line_1', 'Dummy_1', 'Imaging_RF_Switch', 'Imaging_Shutter', 'MOT_2D_Shutter', 'MOT_3D_RF_Switch', 'MOT_3D_Shutter', 'Push_Beam_Blue_Shutter',
'Push_Beam_Blue_Switch', 'Push_Beam_Red_Shutter', 'Push_Beam_Red_Switch', 'CDT1_Switch', 'CDT2_Switch', 'MOT_3D_Camera_Trigger', 'MOT_3D_Camera_trigger', 'MOT_CompX_Coil_Switch',
'MOT_CompY_Coil_Switch', 'MOT_CompZ_Coil_Switch', 'MOT_Grad_Coil_Switch', 'ODT_Axis_Camera_Trigger', 'ODT_Axis_Camera_trigger', 'AO_Blue_Push_amp', 'AO_Blue_Push_freq', 'AO_Imaging_amp',
'AO_Imaging_freq', 'AO_MOT_3D_amp', 'AO_MOT_3D_freq', 'AO_MOT_CompX_Coil_current', 'AO_MOT_CompX_Coil_voltage', 'AO_MOT_CompY_Coil_current', 'AO_MOT_CompY_Coil_voltage', 'AO_MOT_CompZ_Coil_current',
'AO_MOT_CompZ_Coil_voltage', 'AO_MOT_Grad_Coil_current', 'AO_MOT_Grad_Coil_voltage', 'AO_Red_Push_amp', 'AO_Red_Push_freq', 'AO_Dummy', 'AO_ODT1_Mod', 'AO_ODT1_Pow', 'AO_ODT2_Pow'
""" Without Imaging """
Channels = ['MOT_2D_Shutter', 'AO_Red_Push_amp', 'AO_MOT_3D_amp', 'AO_MOT_3D_freq', 'AO_MOT_Grad_Coil_current', 'AO_MOT_CompZ_Coil_current', 'AO_ODT1_Pow']
Switches = ['MOT_2D_Shutter', 'Push_Beam_Red_Switch', 'MOT_3D_RF_Switch', 'MOT_3D_RF_Switch', 'MOT_Grad_Coil_Switch', 'MOT_CompZ_Coil_Switch', 'CDT1_Switch']
""" With Imaging """
# Channels = ['MOT_2D_Shutter', 'AO_Red_Push_amp', 'AO_MOT_3D_amp', 'AO_MOT_3D_freq', 'AO_MOT_Grad_Coil_current', 'AO_MOT_CompZ_Coil_current', 'AO_ODT1_Pow', 'Imaging_RF_Switch', 'MOT_3D_Camera_Trigger']
# Switches = ['MOT_2D_Shutter', 'Push_Beam_Red_Switch', 'MOT_3D_RF_Switch', 'MOT_3D_RF_Switch', 'MOT_Grad_Coil_Switch', 'MOT_CompZ_Coil_Switch', 'CDT1_Switch', 'Imaging_RF_Switch', 'MOT_3D_Camera_Trigger']
plotSequence(Channels, Switches)
# animateSequence(Channels, Switches)