69 lines
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69 lines
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function [optrefimages] = fringeremoval(absimages, refimages, bgmask)
% FRINGEREMOVAL - Fringe removal and noise reduction from absorption images.
% Creates an optimal reference image for each absorption image in a set as
% a linear combination of reference images, with coefficients chosen to
% minimize the least-squares residuals between each absorption image and
% the optimal reference image. The coefficients are obtained by solving a
% linear set of equations using matrix inverse by LU decomposition.
% Application of the algorithm is described in C. F. Ockeloen et al, Improved
% detection of small atom numbers through image processing, arXiv:1007.2136 (2010).
% Syntax:
% [optrefimages] = fringeremoval(absimages,refimages,bgmask);
% Required inputs:
% absimages - Absorption image data,
% typically 16 bit grayscale images
% refimages - Raw reference image data
% absimages and refimages are both cell arrays containing
% 2D array data. The number of refimages can differ from the
% number of absimages.
% Optional inputs:
% bgmask - Array specifying background region used,
% 1=background, 0=data. Defaults to all ones.
% Outputs:
% optrefimages - Cell array of optimal reference images,
% equal in size to absimages.
% Dependencies: none
% Authors: Shannon Whitlock, Caspar Ockeloen
% Reference: C. F. Ockeloen, A. F. Tauschinsky, R. J. C. Spreeuw, and
% S. Whitlock, Improved detection of small atom numbers through
% image processing, arXiv:1007.2136
% Email:
% May 2009; Last revision: 11 August 2010
% Process inputs
% Set variables, and flatten absorption and reference images
nimgs = size(absimages,3);
nimgsR = size(refimages,3);
xdim = size(absimages(:,:,1),2);
ydim = size(absimages(:,:,1),1);
R = single(reshape(refimages,xdim*ydim,nimgsR));
A = single(reshape(absimages,xdim*ydim,nimgs));
optrefimages=zeros(size(absimages)); % preallocate
if not(exist('bgmask','var')); bgmask=ones(ydim,xdim); end
k = find(bgmask(:)==1); % Index k specifying background region
% Ensure there are no duplicate reference images
%R=unique(R','rows')'; % comment this line if you run out of memory
% Decompose B = R*R' using singular value or LU decomposition
[L,U,p] = lu(R(k,:)'*R(k,:),'vector'); % LU decomposition
for j=1:nimgs
% Obtain coefficients c which minimise least-square residuals
lower.LT = true; upper.UT = true;
c = linsolve(U,linsolve(L,b(p,:),lower),upper);
% Compute optimised reference image
optrefimages(:,:,j)=reshape(R*c,[ydim xdim]);
end |