120 lines
4.7 KiB
120 lines
4.7 KiB
%% This script is testing the functionalities of the Dipolar Gas Simulator
% Important: Run only sectionwise!!
%% - Create Simulator, Potential and Calculator object with specified options
OptionsStruct = struct;
OptionsStruct.NumberOfAtoms = 1E5;
OptionsStruct.DipolarPolarAngle = 0;
OptionsStruct.DipolarAzimuthAngle = 0;
OptionsStruct.ScatteringLength = 86;
OptionsStruct.TrapFrequencies = [10, 10, 72.4];
OptionsStruct.TrapDepth = 5;
OptionsStruct.BoxSize = 15;
OptionsStruct.TrapPotentialType = 'Harmonic';
OptionsStruct.NumberOfGridPoints = [256, 512, 256];
OptionsStruct.Dimensions = [50, 120, 150];
OptionsStruct.CutoffType = 'Cylindrical';
OptionsStruct.SimulationMode = 'ImaginaryTimeEvolution'; % 'ImaginaryTimeEvolution' | 'RealTimeEvolution'
OptionsStruct.TimeStepSize = 500E-6; % in s
OptionsStruct.NumberOfTimeSteps = 2E6; % in s
OptionsStruct.EnergyTolerance = 5E-10;
OptionsStruct.ResidualTolerance = 1E-05;
OptionsStruct.JobNumber = 1;
OptionsStruct.RunOnGPU = false;
OptionsStruct.SaveData = true;
OptionsStruct.SaveDirectory = './Data';
options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
clear OptionsStruct
sim = Simulator.DipolarGas(options{:});
pot = Simulator.Potentials(options{:});
sim.Potential = pot.trap(); % + pot.repulsive_chopstick();
%-% Run Simulation %-%
[Params, Transf, psi, V, VDk] = sim.run();
%% - Plot numerical grid
% Plotter.visualizeSpace(Transf)
%% - Plot trap potential
%% - Plot initial wavefunction
%% - Plot GS wavefunction
% To reproduce results from the Blair Blakie paper:
% (n*add^2, as/add)
% Critical point: (0.0978, 0.784); Triangular phase: (0.0959, 0.750); Stripe phase: (0.144, 0.765); Honeycomb phase: (0.192, 0.780)
% N = ((n*add^2)/Params.add^2) * (Params.Lx *1E-6)^2
% Critical point: N = 2.0427e+07; Triangular phase: N = 2.0030e+07; Stripe phase: N = 3.0077e+07; Honeycomb phase: N = 4.0102e+07 for dimensions fixed to 100
% as = ((as/add)*Params.add)/Params.a0
% Critical point: 102.5133; Triangular phase: 98.0676; Stripe phase: 100.0289; Honeycomb phase: 101.9903
%% - Create Variational2D and Calculator object with specified options
OptionsStruct = struct;
OptionsStruct.NumberOfAtoms = 3.0077e+07;
OptionsStruct.DipolarPolarAngle = 0;
OptionsStruct.DipolarAzimuthAngle = 0;
OptionsStruct.ScatteringLength = 100.0289;
OptionsStruct.TrapFrequencies = [10, 10, 72.4];
OptionsStruct.TrapPotentialType = 'None';
OptionsStruct.NumberOfGridPoints = [128, 128];
OptionsStruct.Dimensions = [100, 100];
OptionsStruct.TimeStepSize = 100E-6; % in s
OptionsStruct.MinimumTimeStepSize = 1E-5; % in s
OptionsStruct.TimeCutOff = 2E6; % in s
OptionsStruct.EnergyTolerance = 5E-10;
OptionsStruct.ResidualTolerance = 1E-04;
OptionsStruct.NoiseScaleFactor = 4;
OptionsStruct.MaxIterations = 20;
OptionsStruct.VariationalWidth = 5.7;
OptionsStruct.WidthLowerBound = 0.2;
OptionsStruct.WidthUpperBound = 20;
OptionsStruct.WidthCutoff = 1e-2;
OptionsStruct.PlotLive = true;
OptionsStruct.JobNumber = 1;
OptionsStruct.RunOnGPU = false;
OptionsStruct.SaveData = true;
OptionsStruct.SaveDirectory = './Data_StripePhase';
options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
clear OptionsStruct
solver = VariationalSolver2D.DipolarGas(options{:});
pot = VariationalSolver2D.Potentials(options{:});
solver.Potential = pot.trap();
%-% Run Solver %-%
[Params, Transf, psi, V, VDk] = solver.run();
%% - Plot numerical grid
% Plotter.visualizeSpace2D(Transf)
%% - Plot trap potential
% Plotter.visualizeTrapPotential2D(solver.Potential,Params,Transf)
%% - Plot initial wavefunction
%% - Plot GS wavefunction
Plotter.visualizeGSWavefunction2D(solver.SaveDirectory, solver.JobNumber)
SaveDirectory = './Data_TriangularPhase';
JobNumber = 1;
Plotter.visualizeGSWavefunction2D(SaveDirectory, JobNumber)
% analyzeRun2D(SaveDirectory, JobNumber)
%% |