
79 lines
3.1 KiB

z = sort((26:-1:1))*1e-3;
d = sort([246, 240, 235, 230, 226, 222, 218, 215, 213, 210, 206, 204, 201, 199, 197, 195, 194, 193, 192, 191, 190, 191, 190, 189, 189, 189])*1e-6;
Wavelength = 532e-9;
TrimIndex = 7;
Seed = [100e-6 -5e-2];
[w0, dw0, z0, dz0] = extractWaist(z, d, Wavelength, Seed, TrimIndex);
z = z0;
f = 500e-3;
Mr = abs(f/(z-f));
r = zr/(z-f);
M = Mr/sqrt(1+r^2);
zp_to_f = M^2*(z-f)*10^6; % distance of waist to focal point in um
w0p = M*w0*1e3; % waist after objective in um
z = z0+dz0;
f = 50e-3;
Mr = abs(f/(z-f));
r = zr/(z-f);
M = Mr/sqrt(1+r^2);
zp_to_fmax = M^2*(z-f)*10^6; % distance of waist ot focal point in um
w0pmax = M*w0*1e3; % waist after objective in um
z = z0-dz0;
f = 50e-3;
Mr = abs(f/(z-f));
r = zr/(z-f);
M = Mr/sqrt(1+r^2);
zp_to_fmin = M^2*(z-f)*10^6; % distance of waist ot focal point in um
w0pmin = M*w0*1e3; % waist after objective in um
function [w0, dw0, z0, dz0] = extractWaist(z, d, lb, seed, trim_idx)
w = d/2;
fitmodel_waist = @(w0,z0,x)w0*sqrt(1+(x-z0).^2/(pi.*w0.^2/lb).^2);
fitmodel_waist_far= @(w0,z0,x)(x-z0)*lb/pi./w0;
lower_bounds = [0, -inf]; % Setting lower bound for w0 as 0 to prevent negative waist sizes
upper_bounds = [inf, inf];
z_trimmed = z(end-trim_idx:end);
w_trimmed = w(end-trim_idx:end);
fitwaistfar = fit(z_trimmed', w_trimmed', fitmodel_waist_far, 'StartPoint', seed, 'Lower', lower_bounds, 'Upper', upper_bounds); % fit first as if waist far away
seed = [fitwaistfar.w0 fitwaistfar.z0];
fitwaist = fit(z', w', fitmodel_waist, 'StartPoint', seed, 'Lower', lower_bounds, 'Upper', upper_bounds);
ci = confint(fitwaist,1-exp(-1)); %63% uncertainty confidence interval
ws = ci(:,1)*1e3; % in mm
w0 = mean(ws);
dw0 = diff(ws)/2;
z0s = ci(:,2)*1e3; % in mm
z0 = mean(z0s);
dz0 = diff(z0s)/2;
% Plot
zplot = linspace(-0.03, 0.03, 1001);
waistplot = feval(fitwaist,zplot);
waistplotfar = feval(fitwaistfar, zplot);
set(gcf,'Position',[100 100 950 750])
hold all
plot(z*1e3, w*1e6, 'ok', 'Linewidth',2, 'DisplayName', 'Measured Data')
plot(zplot*1e3, waistplot*1e6,'r-','Linewidth',2, 'DisplayName', 'Fit at near distances')
plot(zplot*1e3, waistplotfar*1e6,'b--','Linewidth',2, 'DisplayName', 'Fit at far distances')
ylim([min(w)*1e6, max(w)*1e6])
grid on
xlabel('Distance (mm)');
ylabel('Beam Radius (mum)')
legend('Location', 'NorthWest')