185 lines
7.2 KiB
185 lines
7.2 KiB
function [contrast, periodX, periodY] = analyzeGSWavefunction(folder_path, run_index)
set(groot, 'defaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter','latex'); set(groot, 'defaultLegendInterpreter','latex');
% Load data
Data = load(sprintf(horzcat(folder_path, '/Run_%03i/psi_gs.mat'),run_index),'psi','Transf','Observ','Params','VParams');
Transf = Data.Transf;
Observ = Data.Observ;
Params = Data.Params;
VParams = Data.VParams;
if isgpuarray(Data.psi)
psi = gather(Data.psi);
psi = Data.psi;
if isgpuarray(Data.Observ.residual)
Observ.residual = gather(Data.Observ.residual);
Observ.residual = Data.Observ.residual;
% Set long format for output
format long
% Coordinates in micrometers
x = Transf.x * Params.l0;
y = Transf.y * Params.l0;
% Compute probability density |psi|^2
nxy = abs(psi).^2;
nxyScaled = nxy*(Params.add*10^6)^2;
%------------------ Calculate contrast ------------------ %
% Find unique maximum intensity values
uniqueMaxValues = unique(nxyScaled(nxyScaled == max(nxyScaled(:))));
if length(uniqueMaxValues) > 1
maxIntensity = median(uniqueMaxValues); % Choose the median of max values
maxIntensity = uniqueMaxValues; % If only one, take the unique value
% Find unique minimum intensity values
uniqueMinValues = unique(nxyScaled(nxyScaled == min(nxyScaled(:))));
if length(uniqueMinValues) > 1
minIntensity = median(uniqueMinValues); % Choose the median of min values
minIntensity = uniqueMinValues; % If only one, take the unique value
contrast = (maxIntensity - minIntensity) / (maxIntensity + minIntensity);
%------------------ Lattice Properties ------------------ %
% Apply 2D Fourier Transform
fftResult = fft2(double(nxyScaled));
fftMagnitude = abs(fftshift(fftResult)); % Shift zero frequency to center
% Get the size of the image
[Ny, Nx] = size(nxyScaled);
% Set the DC component to zero (ignore it)
fftMagnitude(Ny/2 + 1, Nx/2 + 1) = 0; % Assuming fftshift was used
% Calculate the sampling intervals (real-space distance)
dx = mean(diff(x)); % Sampling interval in the X direction
dy = mean(diff(y)); % Sampling interval in the Y direction
% Calculate wavenumber increment (frequency axes)
dkx = 1 / (Nx * dx); % Increment in the X direction (in micrometers^-1)
dky = 1 / (Ny * dy); % Increment in the Y direction (in micrometers^-1)
% Create the wavenumber axes
kx = (-Nx/2:Nx/2-1) * dkx; % Wavenumber axis in X (micrometers^-1)
ky = (-Ny/2:Ny/2-1) * dky; % Wavenumber axis in Y (micrometers^-1)
[G1, G2, reciprocalAngle, periodX, periodY] = extractLatticeProperties(fftMagnitude', kx, ky);
G1 = G1 * Params.l0;
G2 = G2 * Params.l0;
periodX = periodX/Params.l0;
periodY = periodY/Params.l0;
%------------------ Plotting ------------------ %
figure('Position', [100, 100, 1600, 800]);
t = tiledlayout(1, 2, 'TileSpacing', 'compact', 'Padding', 'compact'); % 2x3 grid
% Plot |psi(x,y)|^2 (density in x and y plane)
nexttile; % Equivalent to subplot('Position', [0.05, 0.55, 0.28, 0.4]);
plotxy = pcolor(x/Params.l0,y/Params.l0,nxyScaled');
set(plotxy, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
cbar1 = colorbar;
cbar1.Label.Interpreter = 'latex';
colormap(gca, 'parula')
% clim(ax1,[0.00,0.3]);
xlabel('$x$ ($\mu$m)', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 14)
ylabel('$y$ ($\mu$m)', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 14)
title(['$|\Psi(x,y)|^2$ - Contrast: ', num2str(contrast, '%.3f'), '; Period X = ', num2str(periodX, '%.2f'), '$ \mu$m', '; Period Y = ', num2str(periodY, '%.2f'), '$ \mu$m'], 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 14)
% Plot 2-D FFT
nexttile; % Equivalent to subplot('Position', [0.05, 0.55, 0.28, 0.4]);
plotxy = pcolor(kx*Params.l0,ky*Params.l0,fftMagnitude');
set(plotxy, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
cbar1 = colorbar;
cbar1.Label.Interpreter = 'latex';
colormap(gca, 'parula')
% Overlay the reciprocal lattice vectors
hold on;
quiver(0, 0, G1(1), G1(2), 0, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MaxHeadSize', 1); % G1 vector
quiver(0, 0, G2(1), G2(2), 0, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MaxHeadSize', 1); % G2 vector
% Display the angle between the vectors
angleDeg = rad2deg(reciprocalAngle); % Convert the angle to degrees
midX = (G1(1) + G2(1)) / 2;
midY = (G1(2) + G2(2)) / 2;
% Add the angle text annotation to the plot
text(midX, midY, sprintf('Angle = %.2f deg', angleDeg), 'Color', 'white', 'FontSize', 16, 'FontWeight', 'bold');
hold off;
xlabel('$k_x l_o$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 14)
ylabel('$k_y l_o$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 14)
title('$\mathcal{F}\{|\Psi(x,y)|^2\}$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16);
function [G1, G2, reciprocalAngle, periodX, periodY] = extractLatticeProperties(fftMagnitude, kx, ky)
% Define the index ranges for the positive side (first quadrant)
posX = kx > 0; % Positive kx
posY = ky > 0; % Positive ky
% Restrict the FFT magnitude to only the positive quadrant (kx > 0, ky > 0)
fftMagnitudePos = fftMagnitude(posY, posX);
% Find peaks in the Fourier domain using findpeaks
[peaks, peakIdx] = findpeaks(fftMagnitudePos(:)); % Find all peaks in the positive quadrant
[~, sortIdx] = sort(peaks, 'descend'); % Sort peaks in descending order
% Select the two largest distinct peaks
peakIdx1 = peakIdx(sortIdx(1)); % Index of the largest peak
peakIdx2 = peakIdx(sortIdx(2)); % Index of the second largest peak
% Convert peak indices to subscripts in the original FFT size
[peakY1, peakX1] = ind2sub(size(fftMagnitudePos), peakIdx1);
[peakY2, peakX2] = ind2sub(size(fftMagnitudePos), peakIdx2);
% Convert these subscripts back to the full FFT index space
peakY1 = find(posY, 1, 'first') + peakY1 - 1;
peakX1 = find(posX, 1, 'first') + peakX1 - 1;
peakY2 = find(posY, 1, 'first') + peakY2 - 1;
peakX2 = find(posX, 1, 'first') + peakX2 - 1;
% Extract the wavenumbers corresponding to the peaks
kx1 = kx(peakX1); ky1 = ky(peakY1);
kx2 = kx(peakX2); ky2 = ky(peakY2);
% Reciprocal lattice vectors
G1 = [kx1, ky1]; % Reciprocal lattice vector 1
G2 = [kx2, ky2]; % Reciprocal lattice vector 2
% Calculate the angle between the reciprocal lattice vectors using dot product
dotProduct = dot(G1, G2); % Dot product of G1 and G2
magnitudeG1 = norm(G1); % Magnitude of G1
magnitudeG2 = norm(G2); % Magnitude of G2
% Angle between the reciprocal lattice vectors (in radians)
reciprocalAngle = acos(dotProduct / (magnitudeG1 * magnitudeG2));
% Correct periodicity calculations (swap kx and ky for periodicity)
periodX = 1 / abs(kx1); % Periodicity along x-axis (use kx1)
periodY = 1 / abs(ky1); % Periodicity along y-axis (use ky1)