44 lines
1.7 KiB
44 lines
1.7 KiB
%% This script is testing the functionalities of the Dipolar Gas Simulator
% Important: Run only sectionwise!!
%% - Create Simulator, Potential and Calculator object with specified options
OptionsStruct = struct;
OptionsStruct.NumberOfAtoms = 1E6;
OptionsStruct.DipolarPolarAngle = pi/2;
OptionsStruct.DipolarAzimuthAngle = 0;
OptionsStruct.ScatteringLength = 86;
OptionsStruct.TrapFrequencies = [125, 125, 250];
OptionsStruct.TrapDepth = 5;
OptionsStruct.BoxSize = 15;
OptionsStruct.TrapPotentialType = 'Harmonic';
OptionsStruct.NumberOfGridPoints = [64, 64, 48];
OptionsStruct.Dimensions = [40, 40, 20];
OptionsStruct.CutoffType = 'Cylindrical';
OptionsStruct.SimulationMode = 'ImaginaryTimeEvolution'; % 'ImaginaryTimeEvolution' | 'RealTimeEvolution'
OptionsStruct.TimeStepSize = 50E-6; % in s
OptionsStruct.NumberOfTimeSteps = 100; % in s
OptionsStruct.EnergyTolerance = 5E-10;
OptionsStruct.SaveData = true;
OptionsStruct.SaveDirectory = './Data';
options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
clear OptionsStruct
sim = Simulator.DipolarGas(options{:});
pot = Simulator.Potentials(options{:});
sim.Potential = pot.trap(); % + pot.repulsive_stirrer();
%-% Run Simulation %-%
[Params, Transf, psi, V, VDk] = sim.run();
%% - Plot numerical grid
%% - Plot trap potential
%% - Plot initial wavefunction
Plotter.visualizeWavefunction(psi,Params,Transf) |