function VDk = calculateVDCutoff(this,Params,Transf,TransfRad) % makes the dipolar interaction matrix, size numel( * numel( % Rmax and Zmax are the interaction cutoffs % VDk needs to be multiplied by Cdd % approach is that of Lu, PRA 82, 023622 (2010) % == Calulating the DDI potential in Fourier space with appropriate cutoff == % % Cylindrical (semianalytic) % Cylindrical infinite Z, polarized along x (analytic) % Spherical switch this.CutoffType case 'Cylindrical' %Cylindrical (semianalytic) Zcutoff = Params.Lz/2; alph = acos((Transf.KX*sin(Params.theta)*cos(Params.phi)+Transf.KY*sin(Params.theta)*sin(Params.phi)+Transf.KZ*cos(Params.theta))./sqrt(Transf.KX.^2+Transf.KY.^2+Transf.KZ.^2)); alph(1) = pi/2; % Analytic part of cutoff for slice 0