function [Params, Transf, psi, V, VDk] = run(this) format long; % --- Obtain simulation parameters --- [Params] = this.setupParameters(); this.SimulationParameters = Params; % --- Set up spatial grids and transforms --- [Transf] = this.setupSpace(Params); % --- Set up for Variational method --- VParams.SelfConIter = Params.SelfConIter; % Max number of iterations to perform self-consistent calculation VParams.ell = Params.ell; % initial [ell], ell is the "width" - psi ~ e^(z^2/ell^2) % Window of optimization VParams.ell_lower = Params.ell_lower; VParams.ell_upper = Params.ell_upper; % Relative cutoffs VParams.ellcutoff = Params.ellcutoff; VParams.evarcutoff = Params.evarcutoff; % --- Initialize --- mkdir(sprintf(this.SaveDirectory)) mkdir(sprintf(strcat(this.SaveDirectory, '/Run_%03i'),Params.njob)) fminconoptions = optimoptions('fmincon','Display','off','StepTolerance',1e-10,'Algorithm','sqp','MaxIterations',2000,'MaxFunctionEvaluations',4000); [psi,V,VDk] = this.initialize(Params,VParams,Transf); ells(1) = VParams.ell; E_Var = @(x) this.Calculator.calculateVariationalEnergy(psi, Params, x, Transf, V)/Params.N; E_vs_iter(1) = E_Var(ells(1)); t_idx = 1; firstpoint = 1; for nn = 1:Params.SelfConIter Observ.EVec = []; Observ.NormVec = []; Observ.PCVec = []; Observ.tVecPlot = []; Observ.mucVec = []; Observ.residual = []; Observ.res_idx = 1; if firstpoint == 1 [psi,V,VDk] = this.initialize(Params,VParams,Transf); % Recalculate Psi,VDk with new value for the variational parameter firstpoint = 0; else [~,V,VDk] = this.initialize(Params,VParams,Transf); % Recalculate Psi,VDk with new value for the variational parameter end % --- Adding some noise --- % Noise added in every iteration to ensure it is not stuck in some local minimum Norm = sum(abs(psi(:)).^2)*Transf.dx*Transf.dy; % normalisation psi = psi/sqrt(Norm); r = normrnd(0,1,size(psi)); theta = rand(size(psi)); noise = r.*exp(2*pi*1i*theta); psi = psi + Params.nsf*noise; % Renormalize wavefunction Norm = sum(abs(psi(:)).^2)*Transf.dx*Transf.dy; % normalisation psi = sqrt(Params.N)*psi/sqrt(Norm); % --- Run --- [psi, Observ] = this.propagateWavefunction(psi, Params, VParams, Transf, VDk, V, t_idx, Observ, nn); psi = gather(psi); % --- Constrained minimization --- E_Var = @(x) this.Calculator.calculateVariationalEnergy(psi, Params, x, Transf, V)/Params.N; VParams.ell = fmincon(E_Var,VParams.ell,[],[],[],[],Params.ell_lower,Params.ell_upper,[],fminconoptions); % --- Convergence check --- ells = [ells VParams.ell]; relelldiff = abs(ells(nn+1)-ells(nn))/ells(nn); E_vs_iter = [E_vs_iter E_Var(VParams.ell)]; relevardiff = abs(E_vs_iter(nn+1)-E_vs_iter(nn))/E_vs_iter(nn); save(sprintf(strcat(this.SaveDirectory, '/Run_%03i/psi_gs_%i.mat'),Params.njob,nn),'psi','Observ','Transf','Params','VDk','V','VParams'); %Plotting if this.PlotLive figure(1); subplots = findobj(gcf, 'Type', 'axes'); % Find all axes (subplots) in figure 1 subplots = flipud(subplots); % Reverse the order to match the subplot layout last_subplot_handle = subplots(end); % Grab the handle of the last subplot axes(last_subplot_handle); % Set the last subplot as the current axes plot(ells,E_vs_iter,'LineStyle','none','Marker','o','MarkerSize',3,'Color','b','MarkerFaceColor','b') xlabel('$\ell$', 'FontSize', 14) ylabel('$E_{var}$', 'FontSize', 14) title('Variational Energy', 'FontSize', 14); grid on drawnow end if relelldiff < Params.ellcutoff && relevardiff < Params.evarcutoff break end VParams.ells = ells; VParams.E_vs_iter = E_vs_iter; end fprintf('\n') disp('Saving data...'); save(sprintf(strcat(this.SaveDirectory, '/Run_%03i/psi_gs.mat'),Params.njob),'psi','Observ','Transf','Params','VDk','V','VParams'); disp('Save complete!'); delete(sprintf(strcat(this.SaveDirectory, '/Run_%03i/psi_gs_*.mat'),Params.njob)) end