function [Transf] = setupSpaceRadial(~,Params,morder) Params.Lr = 0.5*min(Params.Lx,Params.Ly); Params.Nr = max(Params.Nx,Params.Ny); Zmax = 0.5*Params.Lz; Rmax = Params.Lr; Nz = Params.Nz; Nr = Params.Nr; if(nargin==2) morder=0; %only do Bessel J0 end % Fourier grids z=linspace(-Zmax,Zmax,Nz+1); z=z(1:end-1); dz=z(2)-z(1); Kmax=Nz*2*pi/(4*Zmax); kz=linspace(-Kmax,Kmax,Nz+1); kz=kz(1:end-1); % Hankel grids and transform H = hankelmatrix(morder,Rmax,Nr); r=H.r(:);; T = diag(H.J/H.kmax)*H.T*diag(Rmax./H.J)*dz*(2*pi); Tinv = diag(H.J./Rmax)*H.T'*diag(H.kmax./H.J)/dz/(2*pi); wr=H.wr; wk=H.wk; % H.T'*diag(H.J/H.vmax)*H.T*diag(Rmax./H.J) [Transf.R,Transf.Z]=ndgrid(r,z); [Transf.KR,Transf.KZ]=ndgrid(kr,kz); Transf.T=T; Transf.Tinv=Tinv; Transf.r=r;; Transf.z=z;; Transf.wr=wr; Transf.wk=wk; Transf.Rmax=Rmax; Transf.Zmax=Zmax;; Transf.dkz=kz(2)-kz(1); function s_HT = hankelmatrix(order,rmax,Nr,eps_roots) %HANKEL_MATRIX: Generates data to use for Hankel Transforms % % s_HT = hankel_matrix(order, rmax, Nr, eps_roots) % % s_HT = Structure containing data to use for the pQDHT % order = Transform order % rmax = Radial extent of transform % Nr = Number of sample points % eps_roots = Error in estimation of roots of Bessel function (optional) % % s_HT: % order, rmax, Nr = As above % J_roots = Roots of the pth order Bessel fn. % J_roots_N1 = (N+1)th root % r = Radial co-ordinate vector % v = frequency co-ordinate vector % kr = Radial wave number co-ordinate vector % vmax = Limiting frequency % = roots_N1 / (2*pi*rmax) % S = rmax * 2*pi*vmax (S product) % T = Transform matrix % J = Scaling vector % = J_(order+1){roots} % % The algorithm used is that from: % "Computation of quasi-discrete Hankel transforms of the integer % order for propagating optical wave fields" % Manuel Guizar-Sicairos and Julio C. Guitierrez-Vega % J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 21(1) 53-58 (2004) % % The algorithm also calls the function: % zn = bessel_zeros(1, p, Nr+1, 1e-6), % where p and N are defined above, to calculate the roots of the bessel % function. This algorithm is taken from: % "An Algorithm with ALGOL 60 Program for the Computation of the % zeros of the Ordinary Bessel Functions and those of their % Derivatives". % N. M. Temme % Journal of Computational Physics, 32, 270-279 (1979) % % Example: Propagation of radial field % % % Note the use of matrix and element products / divisions % H = hankel_matrix(0, 1e-3, 512); % DR0 = 50e-6; % Ur0 = exp(-(H.r/DR0).^2); % Ukr0 = H.T * (Ur0./H.J); % k0 = 2*pi/800e-9; % kz = realsqrt((k0^2 -^2).*(k0>; % z = (-5e-3:1e-5:5e-3); % Ukrz = (Ukr0*ones(1,length(z))).*exp(i*kz*z); % Urz = (H.T * Ukrz) .* (H.J * ones(1,length(z))); % % See also bessel_zeros, besselj if (~exist('eps_roots', 'var')||isemtpy(eps_roots)) s_HT.eps_roots = 1e-6; else s_HT.eps_roots = eps_roots; end s_HT.order = order; s_HT.rmax = rmax; s_HT.Nr = Nr; % Calculate N+1 roots: J_roots = bessel_zeros(1, s_HT.order, s_HT.Nr+1, s_HT.eps_roots); s_HT.J_roots = J_roots(1:end-1); s_HT.J_roots_N1 = J_roots(end); % Calculate co-ordinate vectors s_HT.r = s_HT.J_roots * s_HT.rmax / s_HT.J_roots_N1; s_HT.v = s_HT.J_roots / (2*pi * s_HT.rmax); = 2*pi * s_HT.v; s_HT.kmax = s_HT.J_roots_N1 / (s_HT.rmax); s_HT.vmax = s_HT.J_roots_N1 / (2*pi * s_HT.rmax); s_HT.S = s_HT.J_roots_N1; % Calculate hankel matrix and vectors % I use (p=order) and (p1=order+1) Jp = besselj(s_HT.order, (s_HT.J_roots) * (s_HT.J_roots.') / s_HT.S); Jp1 = abs(besselj(s_HT.order+1, s_HT.J_roots)); s_HT.T = 2*Jp./(Jp1 * (Jp1.') * s_HT.S); s_HT.J = Jp1; s_HT.wr=2./((s_HT.kmax)^2*abs(Jp1).^2); s_HT.wk=2./((s_HT.rmax)^2*abs(Jp1).^2); return function z = bessel_zeros(d,a,n,e) %BESSEL_ZEROS: Finds the first n zeros of a bessel function % % z = bessel_zeros(d, a, n, e) % % z = zeros of the bessel function % d = Bessel function type: % 1: Ja % 2: Ya % 3: Ja' % 4: Ya' % a = Bessel order (a>=0) % n = Number of zeros to find % e = Relative error in root % % This function uses the routine described in: % "An Algorithm with ALGOL 60 Program for the Computation of the % zeros of the Ordinary Bessel Functions and those of their % Derivatives". % N. M. Temme % Journal of Computational Physics, 32, 270-279 (1979) z = zeros(n, 1); aa = a^2; mu = 4*aa; mu2 = mu^2; mu3 = mu^3; mu4 = mu^4; if (d<3) p = 7*mu - 31; p0 = mu - 1; if ((1+p)==p) p1 = 0; q1 = 0; else p1 = 4*(253*mu2 - 3722*mu+17869)*p0/(15*p); q1 = 1.6*(83*mu2 - 982*mu + 3779)/p; end else p = 7*mu2 + 82*mu - 9; p0 = mu + 3; if ((p+1)==1) p1 = 0; q1 = 0; else p1 = (4048*mu4 + 131264*mu3 - 221984*mu2 - 417600*mu + 1012176)/(60*p); q1 = 1.6*(83*mu3 + 2075*mu2 - 3039*mu + 3537)/p; end end if (d==1)|(d==4) t = .25; else t = .75; end tt = 4*t; if (d<3) pp1 = 5/48; qq1 = -5/36; else pp1 = -7/48; qq1 = 35/288; end y = .375*pi; if (a>=3) bb = a^(-2/3); else bb = 1; end a1 = 3*a - 8; % psi = (.5*a + .25)*pi; for s=1:n if ((a==0)&(s==1)&(d==3)) x = 0; j = 0; else if (s>=a1) b = (s + .5*a - t)*pi; c = .015625/(b^2); x = b - .125*(p0 - p1*c)/(b*(1 - q1*c)); else if (s==1) switch (d) case (1) x = -2.33811; case (2) x = -1.17371; case (3) x = -1.01879; otherwise x = -2.29444; end else x = y*(4*s - tt); v = x^(-2); x = -x^(2/3) * (1 + v*(pp1 + qq1*v)); end u = x*bb; v = fi(2/3 * (-u)^1.5); w = 1/cos(v); xx = 1 - w^2; c = sqrt(u/xx); if (d<3) x = w*(a + c*(-5/u - c*(6 - 10/xx))/(48*a*u)); else x = w*(a + c*(7/u + c*(18 - 14/xx))/(48*a*u)); end end j = 0; while ((j==0)|((j<5)&(abs(w/x)>e))) xx = x^2; x4 = x^4; a2 = aa - xx; r0 = bessr(d, a, x); j = j+1; if (d<3) u = r0; w = 6*x*(2*a + 1); p = (1 - 4*a2)/w; q = (4*(xx-mu) - 2 - 12*a)/w; else u = -xx*r0/a2; v = 2*x*a2/(3*(aa+xx)); w = 64*a2^3; q = 2*v*(1 + mu2 + 32*mu*xx + 48*x4)/w; p = v*(1 + (40*mu*xx + 48*x4 - mu2)/w); end w = u*(1 + p*r0)/(1 + q*r0); x = x+w; end z(s) = x; end end function FI = fi(y) c1 = 1.570796; if (~y) FI = 0; elseif (y>1e5) FI = c1; else if (y<1) p = (3*y)^(1/3); pp = p^2; p = p*(1 + pp*(pp*(27 - 2*pp) - 210)/1575); else p = 1/(y + c1); pp = p^2; p = c1 - p*(1 + pp*(2310 + pp*(3003 + pp*(4818 + pp*(8591 + pp*16328))))/3465); end pp = (y+p)^2; r = (p - atan(p+y))/pp; FI = p - (1+pp)*r*(1 + r/(p+y)); end return function Jr = bessr(d,a,x) switch (d) case (1) Jr = besselj(a, x)./besselj(a+1, x); case (2) Jr = bessely(a, x)./bessely(a+1, x); case (3) Jr = a./x - besselj(a+1, x)./besselj(a, x); otherwise Jr = a./x - bessely(a+1, x)./bessely(a, x); end return