function [Params] = setupParameters(this) CONSTANTS = Helper.PhysicsConstants; hbar = CONSTANTS.PlanckConstantReduced; % [J.s] w0 = 2*pi*100; % Angular frequency unit [s^-1] % Mass, length scale Params.m = CONSTANTS.Dy164Mass; l0 = sqrt(hbar/(Params.m*w0)); % Defining a harmonic oscillator length % Number of points in each direction Params.Nx = this.NumberOfGridPoints(1); Params.Ny = this.NumberOfGridPoints(2); Params.Nz = this.NumberOfGridPoints(3); % Dimensions (in units of l0) Params.Lx = this.Dimensions(1); Params.Ly = this.Dimensions(2); Params.Lz = this.Dimensions(3); % Trapping frequencies Params.wx = 2*pi*this.TrapFrequencies(1); Params.wy = 2*pi*this.TrapFrequencies(2); Params.wz = 2*pi*this.TrapFrequencies(3); % Trap depth and box size for box potentials Params.boxdepth = this.TrapDepth; % The depth of the box Params.boxsize = this.BoxSize; % The size of the box % ================ Parameters defined by those above ================ % % Trap gamma Params.gx = (Params.wx/w0)^2; = (Params.wy/w0)^2; Params.gz = (Params.wz/w0)^2; end