%% Plot cavity signal % Load the data from the CSV file ScopeData = readmatrix('.csv'); % Extract Time and CavitySignal with offsets Time = ScopeData(:, 1); CavitySignal = ScopeData(:, 2); % Calculate xoffset and yoffset xoffset = Time(1); yoffset = min(CavitySignal); % Adjust CavitySignal and Time CavitySignal = CavitySignal - yoffset; Time = Time - xoffset; % Plot the data figure(1); clf; set(gcf,'Position',[50 50 950 750]) set(gca,'FontSize',16,'Box','On','Linewidth',2); scatter(Time, CavitySignal, 10, 'b', 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5); xlabel('\bf Time (s)', 'FontSize', 16); ylabel('\bf Voltage (V)', 'FontSize', 16); title('\bf Cavity Signal', 'FontSize', 16); set(gca, 'FontSize', 12); grid on; %% Fit cavity signal % Extract signal cavity mode tstartIdx = 1; tendIdx = 50; TruncatedScopeData = ScopeData(tstartIdx:tendIdx,:); % Fit and plot Airy function, extracting characteristic parameters fitAndplotCavityMode(TruncatedScopeData); %% Extract distance between consecutive cavity modes and their amplitudes % == Add two Airy functions to fit two consecutive cavity modes == % function fitAndplotCavityMode(dataset) % Define the Airy function AiryFunc = @(a, b, t) a ./ (1 + b * (sin(t / 2)).^2); % Perform non-linear fitting to find parameters a and b t = dataset(:, 1); CavitySignal = dataset(:, 2); fitParams = fit(t, CavitySignal, @(a, b, t) AiryFunc(a, b, t), ... 'StartPoint', [1, 1]); a = fitParams.a; b = fitParams.b; % Coefficient of finesse from fit % Calculate reflectivity (r) syms r; Reflectivity = solve(b == (4 * r) / (1 - r)^2, r); % Calculate finesse from reflectivity (r) Finesse = (pi * sqrt(Reflectivity))/(1 - Reflectivity); % Generate fitted data fitData = [t, AiryFunc(a, b, t)]; % Find FWHM maxSignal = max(fitData(:, 2)); left = find(fitData(:, 2) >= maxSignal / 2, 1, 'first'); right = find(fitData(:, 2) >= maxSignal / 2, 1, 'last'); FWHM = fitData(right, 1) - fitData(left, 1); % Calculate FSR from Finesse and FWHM FSR = Finesse * FWHM; % Plot the original data and the fitted curve figure; plot(dataset(:, 1), dataset(:, 2), 'o', 'MarkerSize', 5, ... 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'blue', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'blue', ... 'DisplayName', 'Cavity Signal', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5); hold on; plot(fitData(:, 1), fitData(:, 2), '--', 'LineWidth', 1.5, ... 'Color', [1, 0.5, 0], 'DisplayName', 'Best Fit'); hold off; % Customize the plot grid on; xlabel('\bf Time (s)', 'FontSize', 16); ylabel('\bf Voltage (V)', 'FontSize', 16); title('\bf Airy Function Fit', 'FontSize', 16); legend('show', 'Location', 'Best'); % Annotate the plot with fit results annotation('textbox', [0.6, 0.7, 0.3, 0.2], ... 'String', sprintf(['Reflectivity = %.1f\n', ... 'Finesse = %.1f\n', ... 'FWHM = %.2f \n', ... 'FSR = %.2f'], ... Reflectivity, Finesse, FWHM, FSR), ... 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FontSize', 12); end