%% Physical constants PlanckConstant = 6.62607015E-34; PlanckConstantReduced = 6.62607015E-34/(2*pi); FineStructureConstant = 7.2973525698E-3; ElectronMass = 9.10938291E-31; GravitationalConstant = 6.67384E-11; ProtonMass = 1.672621777E-27; AtomicMassUnit = 1.660539066E-27; BohrRadius = 5.2917721067E-11; BohrMagneton = 9.274009994E-24; BoltzmannConstant = 1.38064852E-23; StandardGravityAcceleration = 9.80665; SpeedOfLight = 299792458; StefanBoltzmannConstant = 5.670373E-8; ElectronCharge = 1.602176634E-19; VacuumPermeability = 1.25663706212E-6; DielectricConstant = 8.8541878128E-12; ElectronGyromagneticFactor = -2.00231930436153; AvogadroConstant = 6.02214076E23; ZeroKelvin = 273.15; GravitationalAcceleration = 9.80553; VacuumPermittivity = 1 / (SpeedOfLight^2 * VacuumPermeability); HartreeEnergy = ElectronCharge^2 / (4 * pi * VacuumPermittivity * BohrRadius); AtomicUnitOfPolarizability = (ElectronCharge^2 * BohrRadius^2) / HartreeEnergy; % Or simply 4*pi*VacuumPermittivity*BohrRadius^3 % Dy specific constants Dy164Mass = 163.929174751*AtomicMassUnit; Dy164IsotopicAbundance = 0.2826; DyMagneticMoment = 9.93*BohrMagneton; %% Example usage: a_s = 100 * BohrRadius; % Scattering length in meters N = 1e5; % Number of atoms v_x = 10; v_y = 10; v_z = 1500; [R_x, R_y, R_z] = calculateThomasFermiRadiusFromTrapParameters(v_x, v_y, v_z, N, a_s, Dy164Mass); fprintf('Thomas-Fermi radii: R_x = %.2f µm, R_y = %.2f µm, R_z = %.2f µm\n', R_x*1e6, R_y*1e6, R_z*1e6); %% % Define the parameters Power_values = linspace(0.1, 1.5, 50); % Laser powers (W), from 1 W to 10 W waist_values = linspace(50e-6, 90e-6, 50); % Beam waists (m), from 10 µm to 100 µm % Constants a_s = 100 * BohrRadius; % Scattering length in meters N = 1e5; % Number of atoms LatticeConstant = 13e-6; alpha = 180 * (AtomicUnitOfPolarizability / (2 * SpeedOfLight * VacuumPermittivity)); R_z_matrix = zeros(length(waist_values), length(Power_values)); % Preallocate a matrix to store the R_z values omega_eff_matrix = zeros(length(waist_values), length(Power_values)); % Preallocate a matrix to store the omega_z values % Loop over all combinations of P and w0 for i = 1:length(waist_values) for j = 1:length(Power_values) % Calculate the Thomas-Fermi radii for each P and w0 [R_z, omega_eff] = calculateThomasFermiRadiusFromLatticeParameters(Power_values(j), waist_values(i), LatticeConstant, N, a_s, Dy164Mass, alpha); % Store the result in the matrix R_z_matrix(i, j) = R_z * 1e6; % Convert R_z to µm omega_eff_matrix(i, j) = (omega_eff/(2*pi)) * 1e-3; % Convert omega_z to kHz end end % Plot the resulting matrix figure(1) clf set(gcf,'Position',[50 50 950 750]) set(gca,'FontSize',16,'Box','On','Linewidth',2); imagesc(Power_values, waist_values * 1e6, R_z_matrix); % Specify x and y data for axes hold on [contour_matrix, contour_handle] = contour(Power_values, waist_values * 1e6, R_z_matrix, 'LineColor', 'white', 'LineWidth', 1.5); clabel(contour_matrix, contour_handle, 'FontSize', 12, 'Color', 'black', 'LabelSpacing', 600); % Adjust LabelSpacing for better placement set(gca, 'YDir', 'normal'); % Correct the y-axis direction cbar = colorbar; % Add a colorbar xlabel('Laser Power (W)','FontSize',16); ylabel('Beam Waist (\mum)', 'Interpreter', 'tex','FontSize',16); ylabel(cbar,'R_z (\mum)', 'Interpreter', 'tex','FontSize',16,'Rotation',270) title(['\bf Thomas-Fermi Radius @ Lattice Spacing = ' num2str(LatticeConstant * 1E6) ' \mum'],'fontsize',16, 'Interpreter', 'tex'); % Plot the resulting matrix figure(2) clf set(gcf,'Position',[50 50 950 750]) set(gca,'FontSize',16,'Box','On','Linewidth',2); imagesc(Power_values, waist_values * 1e6, omega_eff_matrix); % Specify x and y data for axes hold on [contour_matrix, contour_handle] = contour(Power_values, waist_values * 1e6, omega_eff_matrix, 'LineColor', 'white', 'LineWidth', 1.5); clabel(contour_matrix, contour_handle, 'FontSize', 12, 'Color', 'black', 'LabelSpacing', 600); % Adjust LabelSpacing for better placement set(gca, 'YDir', 'normal'); % Correct the y-axis direction cbar = colorbar; % Add a colorbar xlabel('Laser Power (W)','FontSize',16); ylabel('Beam Waist (\mum)', 'Interpreter', 'tex','FontSize',16); ylabel(cbar,'\nu_z (kHz)', 'Interpreter', 'tex','FontSize',16,'Rotation',270) title(['\bf Vertical Trap Frequency @ Lattice Spacing = ' num2str(LatticeConstant * 1E6) ' \mum'],'fontsize',16, 'Interpreter', 'tex'); %% function [R_x, R_y, R_z] = calculateThomasFermiRadiusFromTrapParameters(v_x, v_y, v_z, N, a, m) % Calculate the Thomas-Fermi radius of a BEC. % % Parameters: % omega_x, omega_y, omega_z: Trap frequencies in x, y, z directions (Hz) % N: Number of atoms % a: s-wave scattering length (m) % m: Mass of the atom (kg) % % Returns: % R_x, R_y, R_z: Thomas-Fermi radii in meters omega_x = 2*pi*v_x; % Trap frequency in x direction (Hz) omega_y = 2*pi*v_y; % Trap frequency in y direction (Hz) omega_z = 2*pi*v_z; % Trap frequency in z direction (Hz) % Calculate the geometric mean of trap frequencies omega_bar = (omega_x * omega_y * omega_z)^(1/3); % Constants PlanckConstantReduced = 6.62607015E-34/(2*pi); % Reduced Planck's constant (J⋅s) % Calculate the mean harmonic oscillator length a_ho = sqrt(PlanckConstantReduced / (m * omega_bar)); % Calculate the chemical potential mu = 0.5 * PlanckConstantReduced * omega_bar * (15 * N * a / a_ho)^(2/5); % Calculate Thomas-Fermi radii R_x = sqrt(2 * mu / (m * omega_x^2)); R_y = sqrt(2 * mu / (m * omega_y^2)); R_z = sqrt(2 * mu / (m * omega_z^2)); end function [R_TF, omega_eff] = calculateThomasFermiRadiusFromLatticeParameters(P, w_z, d_lat, N, a, m, alpha) % Calculate Thomas-Fermi radius of a BEC in a Gaussian potential % % Inputs: % P - Laser power (W) % w_z - Beam waist (m) % theta - angle between beams % N - Number of atoms % a - s-wave scattering length (m) % m - Atomic mass (kg) % % Output: % R_TF - Thomas-Fermi radius (m) % Constants PlanckConstantReduced = 6.62607015E-34/(2*pi); % Reduced Planck's constant (J⋅s) % Calculate trap depth I = (2 * P) / (pi * w_z^2); U_single = alpha * I; V_o = 4 * U_single; % Calculate lattice constant % d_lat = lambda / (2 * cos(deg2rad(theta)/2)); % Calculate effective trapping frequency omega_eff = (pi / d_lat) * sqrt(2 * V_o / m); % Calculate chemical potential a_ho = sqrt(PlanckConstantReduced / m * omega_eff); mu = 0.5 * PlanckConstantReduced * omega_eff * (15 * N * a / a_ho)^(2/5); % Shallow lattice % Calculate Thomas-Fermi radius R_TF = sqrt(2 * mu / (m * omega_eff^2)); end