classdef Potentials < handle & matlab.mixin.Copyable properties (Access = private) PotentialDefaults = struct('TrapPotentialType', 'Harmonic', ... 'TrapFrequencies', 100 * ones(1,2)); end properties (Access = public) TrapPotentialType; TrapFrequencies; NumberOfGridPoints; Dimensions; SimulationParameters; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %- Methods methods function this = Potentials(varargin) p = inputParser; p.KeepUnmatched = true; addParameter(p, 'TrapPotentialType', this.PotentialDefaults.TrapPotentialType,... @(x) assert(any(strcmpi(x,{'None','Harmonic','SquareBox','RoundBox'})))); addParameter(p, 'TrapFrequencies', this.PotentialDefaults.TrapFrequencies,... @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isvector(x) && all(x > 0))); addParameter(p, 'NumberOfGridPoints', 128 * ones(1,3),... @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isvector(x) && all(x > 0))); addParameter(p, 'Dimensions', 10 * ones(1,3),... @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isvector(x) && all(x > 0))); p.parse(varargin{:}); this.TrapPotentialType = p.Results.TrapPotentialType; this.TrapFrequencies = p.Results.TrapFrequencies; this.NumberOfGridPoints = p.Results.NumberOfGridPoints; this.Dimensions = p.Results.Dimensions; this.SimulationParameters = this.setupParameters(); end function [ret] = trap(this) format long switch this.TrapPotentialType case 'None' x = linspace(-0.5*this.SimulationParameters.Lx,0.5*this.SimulationParameters.Lx-this.SimulationParameters.Lx/this.SimulationParameters.Nx,this.SimulationParameters.Nx); y = linspace(-0.5*this.SimulationParameters.Ly,0.5*this.SimulationParameters.Ly-this.SimulationParameters.Ly/this.SimulationParameters.Ny,this.SimulationParameters.Ny); [X,Y] = ndgrid(x,y); ret = 0.0 * (X+Y); case 'Harmonic' x = linspace(-0.5*this.SimulationParameters.Lx,0.5*this.SimulationParameters.Lx-this.SimulationParameters.Lx/this.SimulationParameters.Nx,this.SimulationParameters.Nx); y = linspace(-0.5*this.SimulationParameters.Ly,0.5*this.SimulationParameters.Ly-this.SimulationParameters.Ly/this.SimulationParameters.Ny,this.SimulationParameters.Ny); [X,Y] = ndgrid(x,y); ret = 0.5*(this.SimulationParameters.gx.*X.^*Y.^2); end end function restoreDefaults(this) this.TrapPotentialType = this.PotentialDefaults.TrapPotentialType; this.TrapFrequencies = this.PotentialDefaults.TrapFrequencies; end end % methods function set.TrapFrequencies(this, val) assert(isnumeric(val) && isvector(val) && all(val > 0), 'Incorrectly defined trap frequencies!'); this.TrapFrequencies = val; end function ret = get.TrapFrequencies(this) ret = this.TrapFrequencies; end function set.TrapPotentialType(this, val) assert(any(strcmpi(val,{'None','Harmonic'})), 'Trap potential of the specified type cannot be generated!'); this.TrapPotentialType = val; end function ret = get.TrapPotentialType(this) ret = this.TrapPotentialType; end function set.NumberOfGridPoints(this, val) assert(isnumeric(val) && isvector(val) && all(val > 0), 'Incorrectly defined grid!'); this.NumberOfGridPoints = val; end function ret = get.NumberOfGridPoints(this) ret = this.NumberOfGridPoints; end function set.Dimensions(this, val) assert(isnumeric(val) && isvector(val) && all(val > 0), 'Incorrectly defined dimensions!'); this.Dimensions = val; end function ret = get.Dimensions(this) ret = this.Dimensions; end end % - setters and getters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %- Methods methods(Access = protected) function cp = copyElement(this) % Shallow copy object cp = copyElement@matlab.mixin.Copyable(this); % Forces the setter to redefine the function handles to the new copied object pl = properties(this); for k = 1:length(pl) sc = superclasses(this.(pl{k})); if any(contains(sc,{'matlab.mixin.Copyable'})) cp.(pl{k}) = this.(pl{k}).copy(); end end end end methods (Static) function y = custom_heaviside(x) % This function computes the Heaviside step function with a custom value for Heaviside(0). % x: input array % H0: value for Heaviside(0) % Use MATLAB's built-in heaviside function y = heaviside(x); % Replace the default value for Heaviside(0) with the custom value H0 y(x == 0) = 1; end % Creates an Instance of Class, ensures singleton behaviour (that there % can only be one Instance of this class function singleObj = getInstance(varargin) % Creates an Instance of Class, ensures singleton behaviour persistent localObj; if isempty(localObj) || ~isvalid(localObj) localObj = Simulator.Potentials(varargin{:}); end singleObj = localObj; end end end