Added new plotting routines that allow for checks, minor cosmetic changes to other scripts.

This commit is contained in:
Karthik 2021-07-03 10:19:27 +02:00
parent d88d4d683d
commit add5d02ae3
24 changed files with 572 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ classdef PhysicsConstants < handle
% Dy specific constants % Dy specific constants
Dy164Mass = 163.929174751*1.66053878283E-27; Dy164Mass = 163.929174751*1.66053878283E-27;
Dy164IsotopicAbundance = 0.2826;
BlueWavelength = 421.291e-9; BlueWavelength = 421.291e-9;
BlueLandegFactor = 1.22; BlueLandegFactor = 1.22;
BlueLifetime = 4.94e-9; BlueLifetime = 4.94e-9;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
function output = bringFiguresWithTagInForeground()
figure_handles = findobj('type','figure');
for idx = 1:length(figure_handles)
if ~isempty(figure_handles(idx).Tag)
if nargout > 0
output = figure_handles;

View File

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ function copyToClipboard(~,~)
end end
else else
pos = fig_h.Position; pos = fig_h.Position;
Helper.screencapture(fig_h,[],'clipboard','position',[1,1,pos(3)-2,pos(4)]); Helper.screencapture(fig_h,[],'clipboard','position',[7,7,pos(3)-2,pos(4)]);
end end
end end

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
function plotAngularDistributionForDifferentBeta(obj, Beta)
f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('AngDistForBeta');
a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
f_h.Name = 'Beta dependence';
f_h.Units = 'pixels';
screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 750 600];
hold on
SimulationBeta = obj.Beta;
if ~ismember(SimulationBeta, Beta)
theta = linspace(0.0001,pi/2,1000);
J = zeros(1,length(theta));
for j=1:length(theta)
J(j) = obj.angularDistributionFunction(theta(j));
Norm = 0;
for j=1:length(J)
Norm = Norm+J(j)*sin(theta(j))*(theta(2)-theta(1));
J = J ./Norm*2;
J = J ./max(J);
plot([-flip(theta),theta], [flip(J),J],'DisplayName', ['\beta = ',num2str(SimulationBeta, '%.3f')], 'Linewidth',1.5)
for i=1:length(Beta)
theta = linspace(0.0001,pi/2,1000);
J = zeros(1,length(theta));
obj.Beta = Beta(i);
obj.NozzleLength = (2 * obj.NozzleRadius) / Beta(i);
for j=1:length(theta)
J(j) = obj.angularDistributionFunction(theta(j));
Norm = 0;
for j=1:length(J)
Norm = Norm+J(j)*sin(theta(j))*(theta(2)-theta(1));
J = J ./Norm*2;
J = J ./max(J);
if Beta(i) ~= SimulationBeta
plot([-flip(theta),theta], [flip(J),J],'DisplayName',['\beta = ',num2str(Beta(i))], 'LineStyle', '--', 'Linewidth',1.5)
plot([-flip(theta),theta], [flip(J),J],'DisplayName',['\beta = ',num2str(Beta(i))], 'Linewidth',1.5)
hold off
leg = legend;
hXLabel = xlabel('\theta (rad)');
hYLabel = ylabel('J(\theta)');
hTitle = sgtitle('Angular Distribution (Free Molecular Flow)');
set([hXLabel, hYLabel, leg] , ...
'FontSize' , 14 );
set( hTitle , ...
'FontSize' , 18 );
grid on

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
function plotCaptureVelocityVsAngle(obj)
theta = linspace(0, obj.MOTExitDivergence, 40);
CaptureVelocity = zeros(length(theta),3);
for i=1:length(theta)
CaptureVelocity(i,:) = obj.calculateCaptureVelocity([-obj.OvenDistance,0,0], [cos(theta(i)),0,sin(theta(i))]);
f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Capture Velocity');
a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
f_h.Name = 'Capture Velocity';
f_h.Units = 'pixels';
screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 750 600];
plot(theta, sqrt(CaptureVelocity(:,1).^2+CaptureVelocity(:,2).^2+CaptureVelocity(:,3).^2), 'Linewidth', 1.5)
hXLabel = xlabel('\theta (rad)');
hYLabel = ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');
hTitle = sgtitle('Capture Velocity of an atomic beam from (0,0,0)');
set([hXLabel, hYLabel] , ...
'FontSize' , 14 );
set( hTitle , ...
'FontSize' , 18 );
grid on

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
function plotFreeMolecularFluxVsTemp(obj, Temperature)
f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Tube Flux');
a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
f_h.Name = 'Tube Flux';
f_h.Units = 'pixels';
screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/4.5 screensize(4)/4.5] 920 750];
hold on
for i=1:length(Temperature)
beta = linspace(0.01,0.5,200);
L = 2*obj.NozzleRadius./beta;
obj.OvenTemperature = Temperature(i);
flux = zeros(1,length(L));
for j=1:length(L)
obj.NozzleLength = L(j);
flux(j) = obj.calculateFreeMolecularRegimeFlux();
plot(beta, flux, 'DisplayName', sprintf('T = %.1f ', Temperature(i)), 'Linewidth', 1.5)
xline(obj.Beta, 'k--','Linewidth', 0.5);
fmf = obj.calculateFreeMolecularRegimeFlux();
yline(fmf, 'k--', 'Linewidth', 1.5);
textstring = [sprintf('%1.e',fmf) ' atoms/s for ' '$$ \beta $$ = ' num2str(obj.Beta, '%.2f') sprintf(' @ %.2f K', obj.OvenTemperatureinKelvin)];
txt = text((obj.Beta + 0.05*obj.Beta), (max(fmf) + 0.2*fmf), textstring, 'Interpreter','latex');
hold off
leg = legend('Location', 'southeast');
leg.String = leg.String(1:end-2); % Remove xline and yline legend entries
hXLabel = xlabel('\beta');
hYLabel = ylabel('Flux (atoms/s)');
hTitle = sgtitle('Total Flux from a Tube (Free Molecular Flow)');
set([hXLabel, hYLabel, txt, leg] , ...
'FontSize' , 14 );
set( hTitle , ...
'FontSize' , 18 );
grid on

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
function plotMeanFreePathAndVapourPressureVsTemp(TemperatureinCelsius)
TemperatureinKelvin = TemperatureinCelsius + 273.15;
Dy164VapourPressure = 133.322*exp(11.4103-2.3785e+04./(-219.4821+TemperatureinKelvin)); % Vapor Pressure Dysprosium for the given oven temperature
MeanFreepath = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant*TemperatureinKelvin)./(sqrt(2) * ( pi * (2*281e-12)^2) * Dy164VapourPressure); %free path at above tempeture
f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Dysprosium Gas Properties');
a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
f_h.Name = 'Dysprosium Gas Properties';
f_h.Units = 'pixels';
screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 750 600];
yyaxis left
semilogy(TemperatureinCelsius, Dy164VapourPressure, 'Color', '#0071BB', 'Linewidth',1.5);
hYLabel_1 = ylabel('Vapor Pressure (mbar)');
yyaxis right
semilogy(TemperatureinCelsius, MeanFreepath.*1000, 'Color', '#36B449', 'Linewidth',1.5)
hYLabel_2 = ylabel('Mean Free Path (mm)');
hXLabel = xlabel('Temperature ()');
ax = gca;
ax.YAxis(1).Color = '#0071BB';
ax.YAxis(2).Color = '#36B449';
hTitle = sgtitle('^{164}Dy Gas');
set([hXLabel, hYLabel_1, hYLabel_2] , ...
'FontSize' , 14 );
set( hTitle , ...
'FontSize' , 18 );
grid on

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
function plotPhaseSpaceWithAccelerationField(obj, MaximumVelocity, NumberOfBins, IncidentAtomDirection, IncidentAtomPosition)
f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Phase Space Plot');
a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
f_h.Name = 'Phase Space Plot';
f_h.Units = 'pixels';
screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 750 600];
N = obj.NumberOfAtoms;
L = obj.OvenDistance * 2;
Theta = IncidentAtomDirection;
z = IncidentAtomPosition;
T = obj.SimulationTime;
tau = obj.TimeStep;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-L/2:L/NumberOfBins:L/2,-MaximumVelocity:2*MaximumVelocity/NumberOfBins:MaximumVelocity);
for i=1:length(X)
for j=1:length(Y)
a(i,j,:) = obj.calculateTotalAcceleration([X(1,i), 0, z], [Y(j,1)*cos(Theta),0,Y(j,1)*sin(Theta)]);
for i=1:length(X)
for j=1:length(Y)
if isnan(a(i,j,1)) || isnan(a(i,j,2)) || isnan(a(i,j,3))
hold on
col.Label.String='Aceleration (m/s^2)';
shading flat
Y = linspace(0,MaximumVelocity,N);
Trajectories = zeros(length(Y),int64(T/tau),9);
for i=1:length(Y)
x =-L/2;
vx = Y(i)*cos(Theta);
vz = Y(i)*sin(Theta);
r = [x,0,z];
v = [vx,0,vz];
[Trajectories(i,:,:),~] = obj.solver(r, v);
hold on
for i=1:length(Y)
hold off
hXLabel = xlabel('Position: Along the x-axis (m)');
hYLabel = ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');
hTitle = sgtitle(sprintf("Magnetic gradient = %.2f T/m", obj.MagneticGradient));
set([hXLabel, hYLabel] , ...
'FontSize' , 14 );
set( hTitle , ...
'FontSize' , 18 );

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
function plotPositionAndVelocitySampling(Simulator, NumberOfBins) function plotPositionAndVelocitySampling(obj, NumberOfBins)
f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('RejectionSampling'); f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('RejectionSampling');
set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h); set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ function plotPositionAndVelocitySampling(Simulator, NumberOfBins)
screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize'); screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/7 screensize(4)/7] 1.357e+03 770]; f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/7 screensize(4)/7] 1.357e+03 770];
initialPositions = Simulator.InitialPositions; initialPositions = obj.InitialPositions;
initialVelocities = Simulator.InitialVelocities; initialVelocities = obj.InitialVelocities;
subplot(3,2,1) subplot(3,2,1)
histogram(initialPositions(:, 1)*1e3,NumberOfBins, 'LineStyle', 'none', 'DisplayName','x-Component') histogram(initialPositions(:, 1)*1e3,NumberOfBins, 'LineStyle', 'none', 'DisplayName','x-Component')
@ -53,4 +53,6 @@ function plotPositionAndVelocitySampling(Simulator, NumberOfBins)
legend('FontSize', 14) legend('FontSize', 14)
sgtitle('Rejection sampling for initial distributions','FontSize', 18) sgtitle('Rejection sampling for initial distributions','FontSize', 18)
end end

View File

@ -62,4 +62,6 @@ function plotResultForTwoParameterScan(XParameter, YParameter, ZQuantity, vararg
'FontSize' , 14 ); 'FontSize' , 14 );
set( hTitle , ... set( hTitle , ...
'FontSize' , 18 ); 'FontSize' , 18 );
end end

View File

@ -67,4 +67,6 @@ function visualizeMagneticField(obj, x_range, y_range, z_range)
'FontSize' , 14 ); 'FontSize' , 14 );
set( hTitle , ... set( hTitle , ...
'FontSize' , 18 ); 'FontSize' , 18 );
end end

View File

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ classdef MOTSimulator < handle & matlab.mixin.Copyable
VelocityCutoff; VelocityCutoff;
CaptureFraction; CaptureFraction;
ClausingFactor; ClausingFactor;
AngularDistribution; AngularDistribution;
NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution; NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution;
@ -80,13 +81,14 @@ classdef MOTSimulator < handle & matlab.mixin.Copyable
Sideband; Sideband;
ZeemanSlowerBeam; ZeemanSlowerBeam;
Gravity; Gravity;
DebugMode; DebugMode;
DoSave; DoSave;
end end
properties (SetAccess = private, GetAccess = public) properties (SetAccess = private, GetAccess = public)
InitialParameters SimulationParameters
end end
properties (Dependent, SetAccess = private) properties (Dependent, SetAccess = private)
@ -120,6 +122,8 @@ classdef MOTSimulator < handle & matlab.mixin.Copyable
@islogical); @islogical);
addParameter(p, 'Gravity', false,... addParameter(p, 'Gravity', false,...
@islogical); @islogical);
addParameter(p, 'AtomicBeamCollision', true,...
addParameter(p, 'DebugMode', false,... addParameter(p, 'DebugMode', false,...
@islogical); @islogical);
addParameter(p, 'SaveData', false,... addParameter(p, 'SaveData', false,...
@ -136,10 +140,13 @@ classdef MOTSimulator < handle & matlab.mixin.Copyable
s.Sideband = p.Results.Sideband; s.Sideband = p.Results.Sideband;
s.ZeemanSlowerBeam = p.Results.ZeemanSlowerBeam; s.ZeemanSlowerBeam = p.Results.ZeemanSlowerBeam;
s.Gravity = p.Results.Gravity; s.Gravity = p.Results.Gravity;
s.AtomicBeamCollision = p.Results.AtomicBeamCollision;
s.DebugMode = p.Results.DebugMode; s.DebugMode = p.Results.DebugMode;
s.DoSave = p.Results.SaveData; s.DoSave = p.Results.SaveData;
s.reinitializeSimulator(); s.reinitializeSimulator();
poolobj = gcp('nocreate'); % Check if pool is open poolobj = gcp('nocreate'); % Check if pool is open
@ -159,7 +166,7 @@ classdef MOTSimulator < handle & matlab.mixin.Copyable
ret = this.TimeStep; ret = this.TimeStep;
end end
function set.SimulationTime(this, val) function set.SimulationTime(this, val)
assert(val <= 5e-03, 'Not time efficient to compute for time spans longer than 5 milliseconds!'); % assert(val <= 5e-03, 'Not time efficient to compute for time spans longer than 5 milliseconds!');
this.SimulationTime = val; this.SimulationTime = val;
end end
function ret = get.SimulationTime(this) function ret = get.SimulationTime(this)
@ -530,6 +537,12 @@ classdef MOTSimulator < handle & matlab.mixin.Copyable
function ret = get.AngularDistribution(this) function ret = get.AngularDistribution(this)
ret = this.AngularDistribution; ret = this.AngularDistribution;
end end
function set.ThetaArray(this,val)
this.ThetaArray = val;
function ret = get.ThetaArray(this)
ret = this.ThetaArray;
function set.NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution(this,val) function set.NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution(this,val)
this.NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution = val; this.NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution = val;
end end
@ -537,6 +550,14 @@ classdef MOTSimulator < handle & matlab.mixin.Copyable
ret = this.NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution; ret = this.NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution;
end end
function set.AtomicBeamCollision(this,val)
function ret=get.AtomicBeamCollision(this)
function set.DebugMode(this, val) function set.DebugMode(this, val)
this.DebugMode = val; this.DebugMode = val;
end end
@ -544,7 +565,7 @@ classdef MOTSimulator < handle & matlab.mixin.Copyable
ret = this.DebugMode; ret = this.DebugMode;
end end
function set.DoSave(this, val) function set.DoSave(this, val)
this.DebugMode = val; this.DoSave = val;
end end
function ret = get.DoSave(this) function ret = get.DoSave(this)
ret = this.DoSave; ret = this.DoSave;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ function ret = calculateCaptureVelocity(this, PositionVector, VelocityVector)
VelocityVector = VelocityVector./norm(VelocityVector); VelocityVector = VelocityVector./norm(VelocityVector);
UpperLimit = 500; UpperLimit = 500;
LowerLimit = 0; LowerLimit = 0;
this.AtomicBeamCollision = false;
for Index = 1:500 for Index = 1:500
InitialVelocity = 0.5 * (UpperLimit + LowerLimit) * VelocityVector; InitialVelocity = 0.5 * (UpperLimit + LowerLimit) * VelocityVector;

View File

@ -3,5 +3,6 @@ function ret = calculateFreeMolecularRegimeFlux(this)
%See Expected atomic flux section in Barbiero %See Expected atomic flux section in Barbiero
Dy164VapourPressure = 133.322*exp(11.4103-2.3785e+04./(-219.4821+this.OvenTemperatureinKelvin)).*100; % Vapor Pressure Dysprosium for the given oven temperature Dy164VapourPressure = 133.322*exp(11.4103-2.3785e+04./(-219.4821+this.OvenTemperatureinKelvin)).*100; % Vapor Pressure Dysprosium for the given oven temperature
Dy164DensityinOven = Dy164VapourPressure/(Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant*this.OvenTemperatureinKelvin); Dy164DensityinOven = Dy164VapourPressure/(Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant*this.OvenTemperatureinKelvin);
ret =1/4 * Dy164DensityinOven * this.AverageVelocity * pi * this.NozzleRadius.^2; ClausingFactorApproximation = (8 * this.NozzleRadius) / (3 * this.NozzleLength);
ret = Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164IsotopicAbundance * 1/4 * Dy164DensityinOven * this.AverageVelocity * ClausingFactorApproximation * pi * this.NozzleRadius.^2;
end end

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ function [LoadingRate, StandardError] = calculateLoadingRate(this, CaptureFracti
NumberOfLoadedAtoms = zeros(1, this.NumberOfAtoms); NumberOfLoadedAtoms = zeros(1, this.NumberOfAtoms);
AutocorrelationFunction = zeros(1, this.NumberOfAtoms); AutocorrelationFunction = zeros(1, this.NumberOfAtoms);
for i = 1:NumberOfLoadedAtoms for i = 1:this.NumberOfAtoms
FinalPosition = FinalDynamicalQuantities(i,1:3); FinalPosition = FinalDynamicalQuantities(i,1:3);
DivergenceAngle = atan(sqrt((FinalPosition(1)^2+FinalPosition(3)^2)/(FinalPosition(2)^2))); DivergenceAngle = atan(sqrt((FinalPosition(1)^2+FinalPosition(3)^2)/(FinalPosition(2)^2)));
if (DivergenceAngle <= this.MOTExitDivergence) && (FinalPosition(2) >= 0) if (DivergenceAngle <= this.MOTExitDivergence) && (FinalPosition(2) >= 0)
@ -22,30 +22,30 @@ function [LoadingRate, StandardError] = calculateLoadingRate(this, CaptureFracti
end end
end end
for i = 1:NumberOfLoadedAtoms-1 for i = 1:this.NumberOfAtoms-1
MeanLoadingRate = 0; MeanLoadingRate = 0;
MeanLoadingRateShifted = 0; MeanLoadingRateShifted = 0;
for j = 1:NumberOfLoadedAtoms-i for j = 1:this.NumberOfAtoms-i
MeanLoadingRate = MeanLoadingRate + NumberOfLoadedAtoms(j)/j; MeanLoadingRate = MeanLoadingRate + NumberOfLoadedAtoms(j)/j;
MeanLoadingRateShifted = MeanLoadingRateShifted + (NumberOfLoadedAtoms(i+j))/(i+j); MeanLoadingRateShifted = MeanLoadingRateShifted + (NumberOfLoadedAtoms(i+j))/(i+j);
AutocorrelationFunction(i) = AutocorrelationFunction(i) + ((NumberOfLoadedAtoms(j)/j).*(NumberOfLoadedAtoms(i+j)/(i+j))); AutocorrelationFunction(i) = AutocorrelationFunction(i) + ((NumberOfLoadedAtoms(j)/j).*(NumberOfLoadedAtoms(i+j)/(i+j)));
end end
AutocorrelationFunction(i) = ((NumberOfLoadedAtoms-i)^-1 * (AutocorrelationFunction(i)) - ((NumberOfLoadedAtoms-i)^-1 * MeanLoadingRate * MeanLoadingRateShifted)); AutocorrelationFunction(i) = ((this.NumberOfAtoms-i)^-1 * (AutocorrelationFunction(i)) - ((this.NumberOfAtoms-i)^-1 * MeanLoadingRate * MeanLoadingRateShifted));
end end
if AutocorrelationFunction(1)~=0 % In case no atom loading if AutocorrelationFunction(1)~=0 % In case no atom loading
AutocorrelationFunction = AutocorrelationFunction./AutocorrelationFunction(1); AutocorrelationFunction = AutocorrelationFunction./AutocorrelationFunction(1);
x = linspace(1, NumberOfLoadedAtoms, NumberOfLoadedAtoms); x = linspace(1, this.NumberOfAtoms, this.NumberOfAtoms);
[FitObject,~] = fit(x',AutocorrelationFunction',"exp(-x/n)",'Startpoint', 100); [FitObject,~] = fit(x',AutocorrelationFunction',"exp(-x/n)",'Startpoint', 100);
n = FitObject.n; % n is the autocorrelation factor n = FitObject.n; % n is the autocorrelation factor
MeanLoadingRate = 0; MeanLoadingRate = 0;
NumberOfBins = floor(NumberOfLoadedAtoms/(2*n+1)); NumberOfBins = floor(this.NumberOfAtoms/(2*n+1));
LoadingRateError = zeros(1,NumberOfBins); LoadingRateError = zeros(1,NumberOfBins);
BinNumberLimit = min(NumberOfBins-1,5); BinNumberLimit = min(NumberOfBins-1,5);
for i = 1:NumberOfBins-BinNumberLimit for i = 1:NumberOfBins-BinNumberLimit
LoadingRateError(i) = NumberOfLoadedAtoms(NumberOfLoadedAtoms-ceil((i-1)*(2*n+1))) / ... LoadingRateError(i) = NumberOfLoadedAtoms(this.NumberOfAtoms-ceil((i-1)*(2*n+1))) / ...
(NumberOfLoadedAtoms-ceil((i-1)*(2*n+1))); (this.NumberOfAtoms-ceil((i-1)*(2*n+1)));
MeanLoadingRate = MeanLoadingRate + LoadingRateError(i); MeanLoadingRate = MeanLoadingRate + LoadingRateError(i);
end end
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function [LoadingRate, StandardError] = calculateLoadingRate(this, CaptureFracti
end end
StandardError = sqrt(StandardError/(NumberOfBins-BinNumberLimit)); StandardError = sqrt(StandardError/(NumberOfBins-BinNumberLimit));
LoadingRate = (MeanLoadingRate * this.FreeMolecularRegimeFlux() * CaptureFraction * ClausingFactor); LoadingRate = (MeanLoadingRate * this.calculateFreeMolecularRegimeFlux() * CaptureFraction * ClausingFactor);
else else
LoadingRate = 0; LoadingRate = 0;

View File

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ function ret = calculateLocalSaturationIntensity(~, PeakIntensity, PositionVecto
%One side of parallelogram = PositionVectorFromWaveVectorOrigin %One side of parallelogram = PositionVectorFromWaveVectorOrigin
%Base = Wavevector %Base = Wavevector
%Area = One side of parallelogram X Base %Area = One side of parallelogram X Base
%DistanceBetweenAtomAndLaserBeamAxis = norm(cross(PositionVectorFromWaveVectorOrigin, WaveVector))./ norm(WaveVector); % Slow DistanceBetweenAtomAndLaserBeamAxis = norm(cross(PositionVectorFromWaveVectorOrigin, WaveVector))./ norm(WaveVector); % Slow
DistanceBetweenAtomAndLaserBeamAxis = norm((WaveVector*WaveVector')*PositionVectorFromWaveVectorOrigin-(WaveVector*PositionVectorFromWaveVectorOrigin')*WaveVector)./ ... %DistanceBetweenAtomAndLaserBeamAxis = norm((WaveVector*WaveVector')*PositionVectorFromWaveVectorOrigin-(WaveVector*PositionVectorFromWaveVectorOrigin')*WaveVector)./ ...
(WaveVector(1)^2+WaveVector(2)^2+WaveVector(3)^2); % Faster % (WaveVector(1)^2+WaveVector(2)^2+WaveVector(3)^2); % Faster
if DistanceBetweenAtomAndLaserBeamAxis <= BeamRadius if DistanceBetweenAtomAndLaserBeamAxis <= BeamRadius
ret = PeakIntensity * exp(-2*DistanceBetweenAtomAndLaserBeamAxis^2 / BeamWaist^2); ret = PeakIntensity * exp(-2*DistanceBetweenAtomAndLaserBeamAxis^2 / BeamWaist^2);

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function ret = calculateTotalAcceleration(this, PositionVector, VelocityVector)
B = sign(LocalMagneticField(1:3) * WaveVectorEndPoint(i,1:3)') * LocalMagneticField(4); B = sign(LocalMagneticField(1:3) * WaveVectorEndPoint(i,1:3)') * LocalMagneticField(4);
ZeemanShift = this.LandegFactor * this.MagneticSubLevel * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BohrMagneton * Helper.PhysicsConstants.PlanckConstantReduced * B; ZeemanShift = this.LandegFactor * this.MagneticSubLevel * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BohrMagneton / Helper.PhysicsConstants.PlanckConstantReduced * B;
DopplerShift = (VelocityVector * WaveVectorEndPoint(i,1:3)') * this.CoolingBeamWaveVector; DopplerShift = (VelocityVector * WaveVectorEndPoint(i,1:3)') * this.CoolingBeamWaveVector;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
function LoadingRateArray = doTwoParameterScan(this, FirstParameterName, FirstParameterArray, ...
SecondParameterName, SecondParameterArray, varargin)
p = inputParser;
p.KeepUnmatched = true;
addRequired(p, 'ClassObject' , @isobject);
addRequired(p, 'FirstParameterName' , @ischar);
addRequired(p, 'FirstParameterArray' , @isvector);
addRequired(p, 'SecondParameterName' , @ischar);
addRequired(p, 'SecondParameterArray', @isvector);
addParameter(p, 'ChangeRelatedParameter', false, @islogical);
addParameter(p, 'Order', 1, @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0) && (x < 3)));
addParameter(p, 'RelatedParameterName', 'none', @ischar);
addParameter(p, 'RelatedParameterArray', length(FirstParameterArray), @isvector);
p.parse(this, FirstParameterName, FirstParameterArray, ...
SecondParameterName, SecondParameterArray, varargin{:})
FirstParameterName = p.Results.FirstParameterName;
FirstParameterArray = p.Results.FirstParameterArray;
SecondParameterName = p.Results.SecondParameterName;
SecondParameterArray = p.Results.SecondParameterArray;
ChangeRelatedParameter = p.Results.ChangeRelatedParameter;
Order = p.Results.Order;
RelatedParameterName = p.Results.RelatedParameterName;
RelatedParameterArray = p.Results.RelatedParameterArray;
NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = length(FirstParameterArray);
NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = length(SecondParameterArray);
for i=1:NumberOfPointsForFirstParam
eval(sprintf('OptionsStruct.%s = %d;', FirstParameterName, FirstParameterArray(i)));
if ChangeRelatedParameter && Order == 1
eval(sprintf('OptionsStruct.%s = %d;', RelatedParameterName, RelatedParameterArray(i)));
for j=1:NumberOfPointsForSecondParam
eval(sprintf('OptionsStruct.%s = %d;', SecondParameterName, SecondParameterArray(j)));
if ChangeRelatedParameter && Order == 2
eval(sprintf('OptionsStruct.%s = %d;', RelatedParameterName, RelatedParameterArray(j)));
options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
[LoadingRate, ~] = this.runSimulation();
LoadingRateArray(i,j) = LoadingRate;

View File

@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
function ret = initialVelocitySampling(this, VelocityCutoff, AngularDistribution, NormalizationConstant) function ret = initialVelocitySampling(this)
n = this.NumberOfAtoms; n = this.NumberOfAtoms;
ret = zeros(n,3); ret = zeros(n,3);
SampledVelocityMagnitude =zeros(n,1); SampledVelocityMagnitude = zeros(n,1);
SampledPolarAngle =zeros(n,1); SampledPolarAngle = zeros(n,1);
SampledAzimuthalAngle =zeros(n,1); SampledAzimuthalAngle = zeros(n,1);
MostProbableVelocity = sqrt((3 * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant * this.OvenTemperature) / Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass); % For v * f(v) distribution MostProbableVelocity = sqrt((3 * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant * this.OvenTemperature) / Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass); % For v * f(v) distribution
if MostProbableVelocity > VelocityCutoff if MostProbableVelocity > this.VelocityCutoff
MaximumVelocityAllowed = VelocityCutoff; MaximumVelocityAllowed = this.VelocityCutoff;
else else
MaximumVelocityAllowed = MostProbableVelocity; MaximumVelocityAllowed = MostProbableVelocity;
end end
ProbabilityOfMaximumVelocityAllowed = this.velocityDistributionFunction(MaximumVelocityAllowed); ProbabilityOfMaximumVelocityAllowed = this.velocityDistributionFunction(MaximumVelocityAllowed);
ProbabilityOfMaximumDivergenceAngleAllowed = NormalizationConstant * max(AngularDistribution); ProbabilityOfMaximumDivergenceAngleAllowed = 0.98 * this.NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution * max(this.AngularDistribution .* sin(this.ThetaArray));
parfor i = 1:n parfor i = 1:n
% Rejection Sampling of speed % Rejection Sampling of speed
y = ProbabilityOfMaximumVelocityAllowed * rand(1); y = ProbabilityOfMaximumVelocityAllowed * rand(1);
x = VelocityCutoff * rand(1); x = this.VelocityCutoff * rand(1);
while y > this.velocityDistributionFunction(x) %As long as this loop condition is satisfied, reject the corresponding x value while y > this.velocityDistributionFunction(x) %As long as this loop condition is satisfied, reject the corresponding x value
y = ProbabilityOfMaximumVelocityAllowed * rand(1); y = ProbabilityOfMaximumVelocityAllowed * rand(1);
x = VelocityCutoff * rand(1); x = this.VelocityCutoff * rand(1);
end end
SampledVelocityMagnitude(i) = x; % When loop condition is not satisfied, accept x value and store as sample SampledVelocityMagnitude(i) = x; % When loop condition is not satisfied, accept x value and store as sample
% Rejection Sampling of polar angle % Rejection Sampling of polar angle
w = ProbabilityOfMaximumDivergenceAngleAllowed * rand(1);
z = this.MOTExitDivergence * rand(1); z = this.MOTExitDivergence * rand(1);
w = ProbabilityOfMaximumDivergenceAngleAllowed * rand(1);
while w > (NormalizationConstant * this.angularDistributionFunction(z) * sin(z)) %As long as this loop condition is satisfied, reject the corresponding x value while w > (this.NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution * this.angularDistributionFunction(z) * sin(z)) %As long as this loop condition is satisfied, reject the corresponding x value
w = ProbabilityOfMaximumDivergenceAngleAllowed * rand(1);
z = this.MOTExitDivergence * rand(1); z = this.MOTExitDivergence * rand(1);
w = ProbabilityOfMaximumDivergenceAngleAllowed * rand(1);
end end
SampledPolarAngle(i) = z; %When loop condition is not satisfied, accept x value and store as sample SampledPolarAngle(i) = z; %When loop condition is not satisfied, accept x value and store as sample

View File

@ -6,14 +6,13 @@ function reinitializeSimulator(this)
this.NozzleRadius = 2.50e-3; this.NozzleRadius = 2.50e-3;
this.Beta = 2 * (this.NozzleRadius/this.NozzleLength); this.Beta = 2 * (this.NozzleRadius/this.NozzleLength);
this.ApertureCut = max(2.5e-3,this.NozzleRadius); this.ApertureCut = max(2.5e-3,this.NozzleRadius);
this.OvenDistance = ((25+12.5)*1e-3 + (this.NozzleRadius + this.ApertureCut)) / tan(15/360 * 2 * pi); this.OvenDistance = (25+12.5)*1e-3 + (this.NozzleRadius + this.ApertureCut) / tan(15/360 * 2 * pi);
% Distance between the nozzle and the 2-D MOT chamber center % Distance between the nozzle and the 2-D MOT chamber center
% 25 is the beam radius/sqrt(2) % 25 is the beam radius/sqrt(2)
% 12.5 is the radius of the oven % 12.5 is the radius of the oven
% 15 eg is the angle between the 2-D MOT chamber center and the nozzle % 15 eg is the angle between the 2-D MOT chamber center and the nozzle
this.OvenTemperature = 1000; % Temperature in Celsius this.OvenTemperature = 1000; % Temperature in Celsius
this.MOTDistance = 320e-3; % Distance between the 2-D MOT the 3-D MOT this.MOTDistance = 320e-3; % Distance between the 2-D MOT the 3-D MOT
this.MagneticGradient = 0.425; % T/m
this.BlueWaveVector = 2*pi/pc.BlueWavelength; this.BlueWaveVector = 2*pi/pc.BlueWavelength;
this.BlueSaturationIntensity = 2*pi^2*pc.PlanckConstantReduced*pc.SpeedOfLight*pc.BlueLinewidth/3/(pc.BlueWavelength)^3/10; this.BlueSaturationIntensity = 2*pi^2*pc.PlanckConstantReduced*pc.SpeedOfLight*pc.BlueLinewidth/3/(pc.BlueWavelength)^3/10;
this.OrangeWaveVector = 2*pi/pc.OrangeWavelength; this.OrangeWaveVector = 2*pi/pc.OrangeWavelength;
@ -25,8 +24,8 @@ function reinitializeSimulator(this)
this.MOTExitDivergence = 0.016; % The limitation angle between 2D-MOT and 3D-MOT this.MOTExitDivergence = 0.016; % The limitation angle between 2D-MOT and 3D-MOT
this.TotalPower = 0.4; this.TotalPower = 0.4;
this.OrangeBeamRadius = 1.2e-03; this.OrangeBeamRadius = 1.2e-03;
this.PushBeamRadius = 0; this.PushBeamRadius = 0.000;
this.PushBeamDistance = 0; this.PushBeamDistance = 0.32;
this.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenter = 1; this.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenter = 0;
this.ZeemanSlowerBeamRadius = 1; this.ZeemanSlowerBeamRadius = 1;
end end

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ function [LoadingRate, StandardError] = runSimulation(this)
%Therefore, the Clausing Factor needs to be extracted from the %Therefore, the Clausing Factor needs to be extracted from the
%result of the above integration by dividing out pi %result of the above integration by dividing out pi
this.ThetaArray = ThetaArray;
this.AngularDistribution = AngularDistribution; this.AngularDistribution = AngularDistribution;
this.NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution = NormalizationConstant; this.NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution = NormalizationConstant;
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ function [LoadingRate, StandardError] = runSimulation(this)
% - sampling the position distribution % - sampling the position distribution
this.InitialPositions = this.initialPositionSampling(); this.InitialPositions = this.initialPositionSampling();
% - sampling the velocity distribution % - sampling the velocity distribution
this.InitialVelocities = this.initialVelocitySampling(this.VelocityCutoff, this.AngularDistribution, this.NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution); this.InitialVelocities = this.initialVelocitySampling();
%% Solve ODE %% Solve ODE
progressbar = Helper.parforNotifications(); progressbar = Helper.parforNotifications();
@ -52,15 +53,10 @@ function [LoadingRate, StandardError] = runSimulation(this)
Velocities = this.InitialVelocities; Velocities = this.InitialVelocities;
parfor Index = 1:n parfor Index = 1:n
ret = this.solver(Positions(Index,:), Velocities(Index,:)); ret = this.solver(Positions(Index,:), Velocities(Index,:));
FinalDynamicalQuantities(Index,:) = ret(2); FinalDynamicalQuantities(Index,:) = ret(end,:);
progressbar.PB_iterate(); progressbar.PB_iterate();
end end
clear Index clear Index
%% Calculate the Loading Rate %% Calculate the Loading Rate
[LoadingRate, StandardError] = this.calculateLoadingRate(this.CaptureFraction, this.ClausingFactor, FinalDynamicalQuantities); [LoadingRate, StandardError] = this.calculateLoadingRate(this.CaptureFraction, this.ClausingFactor, FinalDynamicalQuantities);
%% Save
%if this.DoSave
end end

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function setInitialConditions(this, varargin)
@(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0))); @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0)));
addParameter(p, 'BluePower', 200e-3,... addParameter(p, 'BluePower', 200e-3,...
@(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0))); @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0)));
addParameter(p, 'BlueDetuning', -1.92857*Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth,... addParameter(p, 'BlueDetuning', -1.5*Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth,...
@(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x))); @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x)));
addParameter(p, 'BlueBeamWaist', 10e-3,... addParameter(p, 'BlueBeamWaist', 10e-3,...
@(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0))); @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0)));
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ function setInitialConditions(this, varargin)
@(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x))); @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x)));
addParameter(p, 'ZeemanSlowerBeamWaist', 7e-3,... addParameter(p, 'ZeemanSlowerBeamWaist', 7e-3,...
@(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0))); @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0)));
addParameter(p, 'MagneticGradient', 0.425,... % T/m
@(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0)));
p.parse(varargin{:}); p.parse(varargin{:});
@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ function setInitialConditions(this, varargin)
this.ZeemanSlowerBeamPower = p.Results.ZeemanSlowerBeamPower; this.ZeemanSlowerBeamPower = p.Results.ZeemanSlowerBeamPower;
this.ZeemanSlowerBeamDetuning = p.Results.ZeemanSlowerBeamDetuning; this.ZeemanSlowerBeamDetuning = p.Results.ZeemanSlowerBeamDetuning;
this.ZeemanSlowerBeamWaist = p.Results.ZeemanSlowerBeamWaist; this.ZeemanSlowerBeamWaist = p.Results.ZeemanSlowerBeamWaist;
this.MagneticGradient = p.Results.MagneticGradient;
%% Set general parameters according to simulation mode %% Set general parameters according to simulation mode
switch this.SimulationMode switch this.SimulationMode
@ -78,21 +81,61 @@ function setInitialConditions(this, varargin)
%% - store in struct %% - store in struct
this.InitialParameters = struct; this.SimulationParameters = struct;
this.InitialParameters.NumberOfAtoms = this.NumberOfAtoms; this.SimulationParameters.SimulationMode = this.SimulationMode;
this.InitialParameters.BluePower = this.BluePower; this.SimulationParameters.TimeStep = this.TimeStep;
this.InitialParameters.BlueDetuning = this.BlueDetuning; this.SimulationParameters.SimulationTime = this.SimulationTime;
this.InitialParameters.BlueBeamWaist = this.BlueBeamWaist; this.SimulationParameters.NumberOfAtoms = this.NumberOfAtoms;
this.InitialParameters.SidebandPower = this.SidebandPower; this.SimulationParameters.NozzleLength = this.NozzleLength;
this.InitialParameters.SidebandDetuning = this.SidebandDetuning; this.SimulationParameters.NozzleRadius = this.NozzleRadius;
this.InitialParameters.SidebandBeamWaist = this.SidebandBeamWaist; this.SimulationParameters.Beta = this.Beta;
this.InitialParameters.PushBeamPower = this.PushBeamPower; this.SimulationParameters.ApertureCut = this.ApertureCut;
this.InitialParameters.PushBeamDetuning = this.PushBeamDetuning; this.SimulationParameters.OvenDistance = this.OvenDistance;
this.InitialParameters.PushBeamWaist = this.PushBeamWaist; this.SimulationParameters.OvenTemperature = this.OvenTemperature;
this.InitialParameters.OrangePower = this.OrangePower; this.SimulationParameters.MagneticGradient = this.MagneticGradient;
this.InitialParameters.OrangeDetuning = this.OrangeDetuning; this.SimulationParameters.NozzleExitDivergence = this.NozzleExitDivergence;
this.InitialParameters.OrangeBeamWaist = this.OrangeBeamWaist; this.SimulationParameters.MOTExitDivergence = this.MOTExitDivergence;
this.InitialParameters.ZeemanSlowerBeamPower = this.ZeemanSlowerBeamPower; this.SimulationParameters.MOTDistance = this.MOTDistance;
this.InitialParameters.ZeemanSlowerBeamDetuning = this.ZeemanSlowerBeamDetuning; this.SimulationParameters.BluePower = this.BluePower;
this.InitialParameters.ZeemanSlowerBeamBeamWaist = this.ZeemanSlowerBeamWaist; this.SimulationParameters.BlueDetuning = this.BlueDetuning;
this.SimulationParameters.BlueBeamRadius = this.BlueBeamRadius;
this.SimulationParameters.BlueBeamWaist = this.BlueBeamWaist;
this.SimulationParameters.BlueSaturationIntensity = this.BlueSaturationIntensity;
this.SimulationParameters.OrangePower = this.OrangePower;
this.SimulationParameters.OrangeDetuning = this.OrangeDetuning;
this.SimulationParameters.OrangeBeamRadius = this.OrangeBeamRadius;
this.SimulationParameters.OrangeBeamWaist = this.OrangeBeamWaist;
this.SimulationParameters.OrangeSaturationIntensity = this.OrangeSaturationIntensity;
this.SimulationParameters.SidebandPower = this.SidebandPower;
this.SimulationParameters.SidebandDetuning = this.SidebandDetuning;
this.SimulationParameters.SidebandBeamRadius = this.SidebandBeamRadius;
this.SimulationParameters.SidebandBeamWaist = this.SidebandBeamWaist;
this.SimulationParameters.SidebandBeamSaturationIntensity = this.SidebandBeamSaturationIntensity;
this.SimulationParameters.PushBeamPower = this.PushBeamPower;
this.SimulationParameters.PushBeamDetuning = this.PushBeamDetuning;
this.SimulationParameters.PushBeamRadius = this.PushBeamRadius;
this.SimulationParameters.PushBeamWaist = this.PushBeamWaist;
this.SimulationParameters.PushBeamDistance = this.PushBeamDistance;
this.SimulationParameters.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenter = this.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenter;
this.SimulationParameters.PushBeamSaturationIntensity = this.PushBeamSaturationIntensity;
this.SimulationParameters.TotalPower = this.TotalPower;
this.SimulationParameters.LandegFactor = this.LandegFactor;
this.SimulationParameters.MagneticSubLevel = this.MagneticSubLevel;
this.SimulationParameters.CoolingBeamSaturationParameter = this.CoolingBeamSaturationParameter;
this.SimulationParameters.SidebandSaturationParameter = this.SidebandSaturationParameter;
this.SimulationParameters.PushBeamSaturationParameter = this.PushBeamSaturationParameter;
this.SimulationParameters.OvenTemperatureinKelvin = this.OvenTemperatureinKelvin;
this.SimulationParameters.AverageVelocity = this.AverageVelocity;
this.SimulationParameters.AtomicBeamDensity = this.AtomicBeamDensity;
this.SimulationParameters.MeanFreePath = this.MeanFreePath;
this.SimulationParameters.CollisionTime = this.CollisionTime;
if strcmpi(this.SimulationMode, '3D')
this.SimulationParameters.ZeemanSlowerBeamPower = this.ZeemanSlowerBeamPower;
this.SimulationParameters.ZeemanSlowerBeamDetuning = this.ZeemanSlowerBeamDetuning;
this.SimulationParameters.ZeemanSlowerBeamRadius = this.ZeemanSlowerBeamRadius;
this.SimulationParameters.ZeemanSlowerBeamBeamWaist = this.ZeemanSlowerBeamWaist;
this.SimulationParameters.ZeemanSlowerBeamSaturationIntensity = this.ZeemanSlowerBeamSaturationIntensity;
this.SimulationParameters.ZeemanSlowerBeamSaturationParameter = this.ZeemanSlowerBeamSaturationParameter;
end end

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
function [ParticleTrajectory, FinalDynamicalQuantities] = solver(this, InitialPosition, InitialVelocity) function [ParticleTrajectory, FinalDynamicalQuantities] = solver(this, InitialPosition, InitialVelocity)
if this.Gravity if this.Gravity
g = [0,0,- -Helper.PhysicsConstants.GravitationalAcceleration]; g = [0,0,-Helper.PhysicsConstants.GravitationalAcceleration];
else else
g = 0; g = 0;
end end
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ function [ParticleTrajectory, FinalDynamicalQuantities] = solver(this, InitialPo
collision = rand(1); collision = rand(1);
CollisionProbability = 1 - exp(-this.SimulationTime/this.CollisionTime); CollisionProbability = 1 - exp(-this.SimulationTime/this.CollisionTime);
if collision >= CollisionProbability || this.CollisionTime == -500 % -500 is a flag for skipping the background collision if collision >= CollisionProbability || this.AtomicBeamCollision == false %flag for skipping the background collision
ParticleTrajectory = zeros(int64(this.SimulationTime/this.TimeStep),9); ParticleTrajectory = zeros(int64(this.SimulationTime/this.TimeStep),9);

View File

@ -4,12 +4,13 @@ clc
OptionsStruct = struct; OptionsStruct = struct;
OptionsStruct.SimulationMode = '2D'; OptionsStruct.SimulationMode = '2D';
OptionsStruct.TimeStep = 50e-06; OptionsStruct.TimeStep = 50e-06; % in s
OptionsStruct.SimulationTime = 04e-03; OptionsStruct.SimulationTime = 4e-03; % in s
OptionsStruct.SpontaneousEmission = true; OptionsStruct.SpontaneousEmission = false;
OptionsStruct.Sideband = true; OptionsStruct.Sideband = false;
OptionsStruct.ZeemanSlowerBeam = false; OptionsStruct.ZeemanSlowerBeam = false;
OptionsStruct.Gravity = true; OptionsStruct.Gravity = true;
OptionsStruct.AtomicBeamCollision = true;
OptionsStruct.DebugMode = false; OptionsStruct.DebugMode = false;
OptionsStruct.SaveData = false; OptionsStruct.SaveData = false;
options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct); options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
@ -24,8 +25,8 @@ Simulator.setInitialConditions();
OptionsStruct = struct; OptionsStruct = struct;
OptionsStruct.NumberOfAtoms = 5000; OptionsStruct.NumberOfAtoms = 5000;
OptionsStruct.BluePower = 0.2; % in W OptionsStruct.BluePower = 0.2; % in W
OptionsStruct.BlueDetuning = -2 * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth; % in Hz OptionsStruct.BlueDetuning = -1.5 * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth; % in Hz
OptionsStruct.BlueBeamWaist = 0.010; % in m OptionsStruct.BlueBeamWaist = 0.016; % in m
OptionsStruct.SidebandPower = 0.2; OptionsStruct.SidebandPower = 0.2;
OptionsStruct.SidebandDetuning = -3 * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth; % in Hz OptionsStruct.SidebandDetuning = -3 * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth; % in Hz
OptionsStruct.SidebandBeamWaist = 0.010; % in m OptionsStruct.SidebandBeamWaist = 0.010; % in m
@ -49,20 +50,53 @@ YAxisRange = [-5 5];
ZAxisRange = [-5 5]; ZAxisRange = [-5 5];
Plotting.visualizeMagneticField(Simulator, XAxisRange, YAxisRange, ZAxisRange) Plotting.visualizeMagneticField(Simulator, XAxisRange, YAxisRange, ZAxisRange)
%% - Plot MFP & VP for different temperatures
TemperatureinCelsius = linspace(750,1100,2000); % Temperature in Celsius
%% - Plot the Free Molecular Flux for different temperatures
Temperature = [900, 950, 1000, 1050, 1100]; % Temperature'
%% - Plot Angular Distribution for different Beta
Beta = [0.5, 0.1 , 0.05, 0.02, 0.01]; %Beta = 2 * radius / length of the tube
Plotting.plotAngularDistributionForDifferentBeta(Simulator, Beta)
%% - Plot Capture Velocity
Simulator.SimulationTime = 15*10^(-4);
Simulator.TimeStep = 1.5*10^(-6);
Simulator.MOTExitDivergence = 15/360*2*pi;
Simulator.MagneticGradient = 0.4;
%% - Plot Phase Space with Acceleration Field
Simulator.NumberOfAtoms = 100;
MaximumVelocity = 150;
NumberOfBins = 200; %Along each axis
IncidentAtomDirection = 0*2*pi/360;
IncidentAtomPosition = 0;
Plotting.plotPhaseSpaceWithAccelerationField(Simulator, MaximumVelocity, NumberOfBins, IncidentAtomDirection, IncidentAtomPosition)
%% - Scan parameters %% - Scan parameters
%Use a for loop to change the parameter during set initial conditions %Use a for loop to change the parameter during set initial conditions
%Run simulation %Run simulation
NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = 10; %iterations of the simulation NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = 2; %iterations of the simulation
NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = 10; NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = 2;
LoadingRateArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam); LoadingRateArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam);
% Scan Sideband Detuning and Power Ratio % Scan Sideband Detuning and Power Ratio
DetuningArray = linspace(-0.5,-10, NumberOfPointsForFirstParam); DetuningArray = linspace(-0.5,-10, NumberOfPointsForFirstParam);
PowerArray = linspace(0.1,0.9, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam); PowerArray = linspace(0.1,0.9, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam);
OptionsStruct.NumberOfAtoms = 5000;
tStart = tic; tStart = tic;
for i=1:NumberOfPointsForFirstParam for i=1:NumberOfPointsForFirstParam
OptionsStruct.SidebandDetuning = DetuningArray(i) * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth; OptionsStruct.SidebandDetuning = DetuningArray(i) * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
@ -79,6 +113,30 @@ end
tEnd = toc(tStart); tEnd = toc(tStart);
fprintf('Total Computational Time: %0.1f seconds. \n', tEnd); fprintf('Total Computational Time: %0.1f seconds. \n', tEnd);
NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = 2; %iterations of the simulation
NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = 2;
Simulator.NumberOfAtoms = 5000;
% Scan Sideband Detuning and Power Ratio
DetuningArray = linspace(-0.5,-10, NumberOfPointsForFirstParam) * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
SidebandPowerArray = linspace(0.1,0.9, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam) * Simulator.TotalPower;
BluePowerArray = Simulator.TotalPower - SidebandPowerArray;
OptionsStruct = struct;
OptionsStruct.ChangeRelatedParameter = true;
OptionsStruct.Order = 2; %Change after first parameter = 1, Change after second parameter = 2
OptionsStruct.RelatedParameterName = 'BluePower';
OptionsStruct.RelatedParameterArray = BluePowerArray;
options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
tStart = tic;
LoadingRateArray = Simulator.doTwoParameterScan('SidebandDetuning', DetuningArray, 'SidebandPower', SidebandPowerArray, options{:});
tEnd = toc(tStart);
fprintf('Total Computational Time: %0.1f seconds. \n', tEnd);
clear OptionsStruct
%% - Plot results %% - Plot results
FirstParameterArray = DetuningArray * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth; FirstParameterArray = DetuningArray * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
@ -87,9 +145,9 @@ QuantityOfInterestArray = LoadingRateArray;
OptionsStruct = struct; OptionsStruct = struct;
OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForFirstParameter = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth)^-1; OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForFirstParameter = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth)^-1;
OptionsStruct.XLabelString = 'Detuning (\Delta/\Gamma)'; OptionsStruct.XLabelString = 'Sideband Detuning (\Delta/\Gamma)';
OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForSecondParameter = 1000; OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForSecondParameter = 1000;
OptionsStruct.YLabelString = 'Sideband Beam Power (mW)'; OptionsStruct.YLabelString = 'Sideband Power (mW)';
OptionsStruct.ZLabelString = 'Loading rate (atoms/s)'; OptionsStruct.ZLabelString = 'Loading rate (atoms/s)';
OptionsStruct.TitleString = sprintf('Magnetic Gradient = %.0f (G/cm)', Simulator.MagneticGradient * 100); OptionsStruct.TitleString = sprintf('Magnetic Gradient = %.0f (G/cm)', Simulator.MagneticGradient * 100);