Allows plotting of trajectories in space, plotting of velocities and phase space.

This commit is contained in:
Karthik 2021-07-14 20:12:47 +02:00
parent 69358ded5f
commit 59b486a147

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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
function plotDynamicalQuantities(obj, MaximumVelocity, IncidentAtomDirection, IncidentAtomPosition)
f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Trajectories Plot');
a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
f_h.Name = 'Trajectories Plot';
f_h.Units = 'pixels';
screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/50 screensize(4)/10] 1870 850];
N = obj.NumberOfAtoms;
Theta = IncidentAtomDirection;
z = IncidentAtomPosition;
L = obj.OvenDistance * 2;
T = obj.SimulationTime;
tau = obj.TimeStep;
Y = linspace(0,MaximumVelocity,N);
DynamicalQuantities = zeros(length(Y),int64(T/tau),6);
for i=1:length(Y)
x =-L/2;
vx = Y(i)*cos(Theta);
vz = Y(i)*sin(Theta);
r = [x,0,z];
v = [vx,0,vz];
DynamicalQuantities(i,:,:) = obj.solver(r, v);
t = linspace(0, T, T/tau) * 1e+3;
for i=1:length(Y)
subplot(3, 3, 1)
hold on
plot(t, DynamicalQuantities(i,:,1) * 1e+3,'r','linewidth',1.3)
hXLabel_1 = xlabel('Time (ms)');
hYLabel_1 = ylabel('x (mm)');
hold off
subplot(3, 3, 2)
hold on
plot(t, DynamicalQuantities(i,:,2) * 1e+3,'g','linewidth',1.3)
hXLabel_2 = xlabel('Time (ms)');
hYLabel_2 = ylabel('y (mm)');
hold off
subplot(3, 3, 3)
hold on
plot(t, DynamicalQuantities(i,:,3) * 1e+3,'b','linewidth',1.3)
hXLabel_3 = xlabel('Time (ms)');
hYLabel_3 = ylabel('z (m/s)');
hold off
subplot(3, 3, 4)
hold on
plot(t, DynamicalQuantities(i,:,4),'r','linewidth',1.3)
hXLabel_4 = xlabel('Time (ms)');
hYLabel_4 = ylabel('v_x (m/s)');
hold off
subplot(3, 3, 5)
hold on
plot(t, DynamicalQuantities(i,:,5),'g','linewidth',1.3)
hXLabel_5 = xlabel('Time (ms)');
hYLabel_5 = ylabel('v_y (m/s)');
hold off
subplot(3, 3, 6)
hold on
plot(t, DynamicalQuantities(i,:,6),'b','linewidth',1.3)
hXLabel_6 = xlabel('Time (ms)');
hYLabel_6 = ylabel('v_z (m/s)');
hold off
subplot(3, 3, 7)
hold on
plot(DynamicalQuantities(i,:,1), DynamicalQuantities(i,:,4),'r','linewidth',1.3)
hXLabel_7 = xlabel('x (mm)');
hYLabel_7 = ylabel('v_x (m/s)');
xlim([-L/2 L/2])
hold off
subplot(3, 3, 8)
hold on
plot(DynamicalQuantities(i,:,2), DynamicalQuantities(i,:,5),'g','linewidth',1.3)
hXLabel_8 = xlabel('y (mm)');
hYLabel_8 = ylabel('v_y (m/s)');
xlim([-1 1] * 1e-04)
hold off
subplot(3, 3, 9)
hold on
plot(DynamicalQuantities(i,:,3), DynamicalQuantities(i,:,6),'b','linewidth',1.3)
hXLabel_9 = xlabel('z (mm)');
hYLabel_9 = ylabel('v_z (m/s)');
xlim([-1 1] * 1e-04)
hold off
hold off
hTitle = sgtitle(sprintf("Magnetic gradient = %.2f T/m", obj.MagneticGradient));
set([hXLabel_1, hXLabel_2, hXLabel_3, hXLabel_4, hXLabel_5, hXLabel_6, hXLabel_7, hXLabel_8, hXLabel_9,...
hYLabel_1, hYLabel_2, hYLabel_3, hYLabel_4, hYLabel_5, hYLabel_6, hYLabel_7, hYLabel_8, hYLabel_9], ...
'FontSize' , 14 );
set( hTitle , ...
'FontSize' , 18 );