diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/ImageSelection.class b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/ImageSelection.class
deleted file mode 100644
index cfac41d..0000000
Binary files a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/ImageSelection.class and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/ImageSelection.java b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/ImageSelection.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5be8fbb..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/ImageSelection.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * Based on code snippet from
- * http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/releases/data/
- *
- * Copyright © 2008, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
- */
-import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
-import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
-public class ImageSelection implements Transferable {
- private static final DataFlavor flavors[] =
- {DataFlavor.imageFlavor};
- private BufferedImage image;
- public ImageSelection(BufferedImage image) {
- this.image = image;
- }
- // Transferable
- public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor) throws UnsupportedFlavorException {
- if (flavor.equals(flavors[0]) == false) {
- throw new UnsupportedFlavorException(flavor);
- }
- return image;
- }
- public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() {
- return flavors;
- }
- public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor
- flavor) {
- return flavor.equals(flavors[0]);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/PhysicsConstants.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/PhysicsConstants.m
deleted file mode 100644
index f62dd0a..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/PhysicsConstants.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-classdef PhysicsConstants < handle
- properties (Constant)
- PlanckConstant=6.62607015E-34;
- PlanckConstantReduced=6.62607015E-34/(2*pi);
- FineStructureConstant=7.2973525698E-3;
- ElectronMass=9.10938291E-31;
- GravitationalConstant=6.67384E-11;
- ProtonMass=1.672621777E-27;
- AtomicMassUnit=1.66053878283E-27;
- BohrRadius=0.52917721092E-10;
- BohrMagneton=927.400968E-26;
- BoltzmannConstant=1.380649E-23;
- StandardGravityAcceleration=9.80665;
- SpeedOfLight=299792458;
- StefanBoltzmannConstant=5.670373E-8;
- ElectronCharge=1.602176634E-19;
- VacuumPermeability=1.25663706212E-6;
- DielectricConstant=8.8541878128E-12;
- ElectronGyromagneticFactor=-2.00231930436153;
- AvogadroConstant=6.02214076E23;
- ZeroKelvin = 273.15;
- GravitationalAcceleration = 9.80553;
- % Dy specific constants
- Dy164Mass = 163.929174751*1.66053878283E-27;
- Dy164IsotopicAbundance = 0.2826;
- BlueWavelength = 421.291e-9;
- BlueLandegFactor = 1.22;
- BlueLifetime = 4.94e-9;
- BlueLinewidth = 1/4.94e-9;
- RedWavelength = 626.086e-9;
- RedLandegFactor = 1.29;
- RedLifetime = 1.2e-6;
- RedLinewidth = 1/1.2e-6;
- PushBeamWaveLength = 626.086e-9;
- PushBeamLifetime = 1.2e-6;
- PushBeamLinewidth = 1/1.2e-6;
- end
- methods
- function pc = PhysicsConstants()
- end
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/bringFiguresWithTagInForeground.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/bringFiguresWithTagInForeground.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c58a117..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/bringFiguresWithTagInForeground.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-function output = bringFiguresWithTagInForeground()
-figure_handles = findobj('type','figure');
-for idx = 1:length(figure_handles)
- if ~isempty(figure_handles(idx).Tag)
- figure(figure_handles(idx));
- end
-if nargout > 0
- output = figure_handles;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/calculateDistanceFromPointToLine.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/calculateDistanceFromPointToLine.m
deleted file mode 100644
index df5c8c6..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/calculateDistanceFromPointToLine.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-function ret = calculateDistanceFromPointToLine(p0 , p1, p2)
- p01 = p0 - p1;
- p12 = p2 - p1;
- CrossProduct = [p01(2)*p12(3) - p01(3)*p12(2), p01(3)*p12(1) - p01(1)*p12(3), p01(1)*p12(2) - p01(2)*p12(1)];
- ret = norm(CrossProduct) / norm(p12);
- %Height of parallelogram (Distance between point and line) = Area of parallelogram / Base
- %Area = One side of parallelogram X Base
- %ret = norm(cross(one side, base))./ norm(base);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/convertstruct2cell.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/convertstruct2cell.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 90fdf2c..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/convertstruct2cell.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-function CellOut = convertstruct2cell(StructIn)
- % CellOut = Convertstruct2cell(StructIn)
- % converts a struct into a cell-matrix where the first column contains
- % the fieldnames and the second the contents
- CellOut = [fieldnames(StructIn) struct2cell(StructIn)]';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/findAllZeroCrossings.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/findAllZeroCrossings.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b8d9db..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/findAllZeroCrossings.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-function ret = findAllZeroCrossings(x,y)
-% Finds all Zero-crossing of the function y = f(x)
- zci = @(v) find(v(:).*circshift(v(:), [-1 0]) <= 0); % Returns Approximate Zero-Crossing Indices Of Argument Vector
- zxidx = zci(y);
- if ~isempty(zxidx)
- for k1 = 1:numel(zxidx)
- idxrng = max([1 zxidx(k1)-1]):min([zxidx(k1)+1 numel(y)]);
- xrng = x(idxrng);
- yrng = y(idxrng);
- [yrng2, ~, jyrng] = unique(yrng); %yrng is a new array containing the unique values of yrng. jyrng contains the indices in yrng that correspond to the original vector. yrng = yrng2(jyrng)
- xrng2 = accumarray(jyrng, xrng, [], @mean); %This function creates a new array "xrng2" by applying the function "@mean" to all elements in "xrng" that have identical indices in "jyrng". Any elements with identical X values will have identical indices in jyrng. Thus, this function creates a new array by averaging values with identical X values in the original array.
- ret(k1) = interp1( yrng2(:), xrng2(:), 0, 'linear', 'extrap' );
- end
- else
- warning('No zero crossings found!')
- ret = nan;
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/getFigureByTag.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/getFigureByTag.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fc6bf9..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/getFigureByTag.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-function figure_handle = getFigureByTag(tag_name, varargin)
- % figure_handle = getFigureByTag(tag_name, varargin)
- %
- % Example code:
- % f_h = getFigureByTag('survivalMeasurement','Name','Survival')
- %
- % clf(f_h);
- % a_h = gca(f_h);
- % xlim(a_h,[10,100]);
- % % custom position
- % f_h.Position = [4052.3 719.67 560 420];
- assert(nargin>=1 && ischar(tag_name),'You must specify ``tag_name'' as a string.');
- f_h = findobj('type','figure','tag',tag_name);
- if isempty(f_h)
- f_h = figure('Tag',tag_name,varargin{:});
- defaultNewFigProperties = {'Color','w','NumberTitle','off','Name',sprintf('Fig. %d',f_h.Number)};
- varargin = [defaultNewFigProperties,varargin];
- else
- f_h = f_h(1);
- end
- if ~isempty(varargin)
- set(f_h,varargin{:});
- end
- addCopyButton(f_h);
- if nargout > 0
- figure_handle = f_h;
- else
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- end
-function addCopyButton(f_h)
- if(strcmp(f_h.ToolBar,'none'))
- return
- end
- tb = findall(f_h,'Type','uitoolbar');
- pt = findall(tb, 'tag', 'Custom.CopyPlot' );
- if isempty(pt)
- pt = uipushtool(tb);
- else
- pt = pt(1);
- end
- cdata = zeros(16,16,3);
- % Evernote Logo
-% cdata(:,:,1) =[255 NaN NaN NaN NaN 99 11 27 175 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 255
-% NaN NaN NaN 251 93 14 0 0 0 66 70 106 210 NaN NaN NaN
-% NaN NaN NaN 42 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 185 NaN NaN
-% NaN 243 56 0 42 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 NaN NaN
-% NaN 156 44 64 113 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 NaN NaN
-% 136 9 26 28 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 188 NaN
-% 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 175 16 0 133 NaN
-% NaN 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 152 238 50 0 124 NaN
-% NaN 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 71 NaN
-% NaN 175 0 0 0 0 0 61 15 0 0 0 0 0 100 NaN
-% NaN NaN 143 12 0 0 0 210 195 87 17 0 0 0 126 NaN
-% NaN NaN NaN 183 118 50 150 NaN NaN 110 219 78 0 0 160 NaN
-% NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 191 0 35 NaN 150 0 23 NaN NaN
-% NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 124 0 172 NaN 81 0 93 NaN NaN
-% 255 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 183 0 0 0 0 51 228 NaN 245
-% 253 254 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 156 63 45 100 NaN NaN 255 255]/255.;
-% cdata(:,:,2) = [255 255 255 255 255 216 166 171 225 229 218 229 247 255 255 255
-% 255 255 255 255 201 166 159 157 167 188 189 200 243 255 255 255
-% 237 238 255 181 159 183 164 170 163 158 160 157 169 233 248 250
-% 224 235 188 140 182 195 161 168 168 168 168 169 147 186 244 240
-% 255 226 175 185 207 189 161 168 168 168 168 168 159 179 249 249
-% 227 172 172 179 172 163 169 168 168 170 163 155 160 173 231 237
-% 215 161 163 165 166 168 168 168 168 162 215 228 172 163 209 219
-% 248 178 159 168 168 168 168 168 168 159 220 249 185 158 208 222
-% 249 192 151 169 168 168 169 160 163 172 163 159 166 167 194 204
-% 246 229 155 157 168 169 159 188 174 154 162 167 166 166 202 214
-% 212 231 218 168 157 153 165 255 242 190 171 159 167 166 207 220
-% 218 203 251 243 206 181 230 210 208 207 242 196 154 168 223 232
-% 255 224 232 250 237 214 244 194 152 178 255 223 145 175 250 252
-% 255 255 244 239 222 213 240 214 149 228 254 199 136 203 244 232
-% 255 255 255 246 231 246 246 232 165 159 167 147 184 253 254 242
-% 253 254 255 255 254 255 255 255 231 183 178 199 249 255 255 255]/255.;
-% cdata(:,:,3) = [255 255 255 255 255 117 38 50 187 211 170 190 234 255 255 255
-% 255 254 255 255 120 51 27 20 39 97 98 122 220 255 255 255
-% 238 252 246 73 22 71 37 49 35 20 24 18 49 196 231 231
-% 232 242 86 0 78 108 29 45 45 45 45 46 0 82 214 201
-% 255 175 63 85 139 98 27 45 45 45 45 45 23 72 233 231
-% 167 51 57 72 55 32 47 45 45 50 34 14 27 57 201 218
-% 154 30 33 38 39 45 45 45 45 31 157 188 53 34 153 180
-% 234 67 24 45 45 45 45 44 45 24 169 241 83 20 146 182
-% 241 99 4 48 45 45 47 28 35 53 32 26 39 44 104 127
-% 238 192 14 20 45 47 27 97 56 10 29 44 41 40 127 158
-% 214 253 169 37 20 16 34 218 207 105 55 23 42 40 147 182
-% 218 214 241 201 138 71 177 225 181 130 224 107 12 45 175 197
-% 255 233 202 218 212 132 230 196 27 61 255 172 0 64 240 242
-% 255 255 219 197 176 160 237 143 0 195 245 110 0 123 230 230
-% 255 255 255 227 197 241 244 202 36 24 39 0 81 228 242 245
-% 253 254 255 255 254 255 255 255 191 78 71 121 221 255 255 255]/255.;
- %OneNote logo
- cdata(:,:,1) =[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 245 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 184 184 215 255
- 255 255 255 255 241 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 184 184 208 255
- 255 233 204 204 194 176 176 185 213 213 213 213 184 184 208 255
- 255 154 101 101 101 101 101 103 213 213 213 206 162 162 193 255
- 255 152 101 183 116 152 115 101 213 213 213 206 162 162 193 255
- 255 152 101 207 189 178 122 101 213 213 213 206 162 162 193 255
- 255 152 101 199 152 224 122 101 213 213 213 195 128 128 170 255
- 255 152 101 166 101 183 115 101 213 213 213 195 128 128 170 255
- 255 154 101 101 101 101 101 103 213 213 213 195 128 128 170 255
- 255 233 204 204 194 176 176 185 213 213 213 183 95 95 148 255
- 255 255 255 255 241 213 213 213 213 213 213 183 94 94 148 255
- 255 255 255 255 245 213 213 213 213 213 213 183 94 94 163 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]/255.;
- cdata(:,:,2) =[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 219 112 110 110 110 110 110 134 84 84 158 255
- 255 255 255 255 207 110 110 110 110 110 110 134 84 84 141 255
- 255 222 178 178 146 81 81 88 110 110 110 134 84 84 141 255
- 255 102 23 23 23 23 23 24 110 110 110 125 58 58 123 255
- 255 100 23 147 46 100 44 23 110 110 110 125 58 58 123 255
- 255 100 23 183 156 139 55 23 110 110 110 125 58 58 123 255
- 255 100 23 170 99 208 55 23 110 110 110 119 38 38 109 255
- 255 100 23 121 23 146 44 23 110 110 110 119 38 38 109 255
- 255 102 23 23 23 23 23 24 110 110 110 119 38 38 109 255
- 255 222 178 178 146 81 81 88 110 110 110 118 37 37 109 255
- 255 255 255 255 207 110 110 110 110 110 110 118 37 37 110 255
- 255 255 255 255 219 112 110 110 110 110 110 118 37 37 131 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]/255.;
- cdata(:,:,3) =[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 246 229 229 240 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 246 229 229 238 255
- 255 242 224 224 224 224 224 232 255 255 255 246 229 229 238 255
- 255 194 163 163 163 163 163 164 255 255 255 244 223 223 234 255
- 255 194 163 212 172 194 171 163 255 255 255 244 223 223 234 255
- 255 194 163 226 216 209 176 163 255 255 255 244 223 223 234 255
- 255 194 163 221 193 236 176 163 255 255 255 240 209 209 224 255
- 255 194 163 202 163 212 171 163 255 255 255 240 209 209 224 255
- 255 194 163 163 163 163 163 164 255 255 255 240 209 209 224 255
- 255 242 224 224 224 224 224 232 255 255 255 223 161 161 192 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 223 160 160 192 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 223 160 160 201 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]/255.;
- pt.Tag = 'Custom.CopyPlot';
- pt.CData = cdata;
- pt.Separator = true;
- pt.ClickedCallback = @copyToClipboard;
-function copyToClipboard(~,~)
- fig_h = get(get(gcbo,'Parent'),'Parent');
- if strcmp(fig_h.WindowStyle,'docked')
- if ismac || ispc
- matlab.graphics.internal.copyFigureHelper(fig_h);
- else
- %warning('Copy function to the clipboard only works if the figure is undocked.');
- Helper.screencapture(fig_h,[],'clipboard');
- end
- else
- pos = fig_h.Position;
- Helper.screencapture(fig_h,[],'clipboard','position',[7,7,pos(3)-2,pos(4)]);
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/ode5.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/ode5.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 3eb003f..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/ode5.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-function Y = ode5(odefun,tspan,y0,varargin)
-%ODE5 Solve differential equations with a non-adaptive method of order 5.
-% Y = ODE5(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0) with TSPAN = [T1, T2, T3, ... TN] integrates
-% the system of differential equations y' = f(t,y) by stepping from T0 to
-% T1 to TN. Function ODEFUN(T,Y) must return f(t,y) in a column vector.
-% The vector Y0 is the initial conditions at T0. Each row in the solution
-% array Y corresponds to a time specified in TSPAN.
-% Y = ODE5(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0,P1,P2...) passes the additional parameters
-% P1,P2... to the derivative function as ODEFUN(T,Y,P1,P2...).
-% This is a non-adaptive solver. The step sequence is determined by TSPAN
-% but the derivative function ODEFUN is evaluated multiple times per step.
-% The solver implements the Dormand-Prince method of order 5 in a general
-% framework of explicit Runge-Kutta methods.
-% Example
-% tspan = 0:0.1:20;
-% y = ode5(@vdp1,tspan,[2 0]);
-% plot(tspan,y(:,1));
-% solves the system y' = vdp1(t,y) with a constant step size of 0.1,
-% and plots the first component of the solution.
-if ~isnumeric(tspan)
- error('TSPAN should be a vector of integration steps.');
-if ~isnumeric(y0)
- error('Y0 should be a vector of initial conditions.');
-h = diff(tspan);
-if any(sign(h(1))*h <= 0)
- error('Entries of TSPAN are not in order.')
- f0 = feval(odefun,tspan(1),y0,varargin{:});
- msg = ['Unable to evaluate the ODEFUN at t0,y0. ',lasterr];
- error(msg);
-y0 = y0(:); % Make a column vector.
-if ~isequal(size(y0),size(f0))
- error('Inconsistent sizes of Y0 and f(t0,y0).');
-neq = length(y0);
-N = length(tspan);
-Y = zeros(neq,N);
-% Method coefficients -- Butcher's tableau
-% C | A
-% --+---
-% | B
-C = [1/5; 3/10; 4/5; 8/9; 1];
-A = [ 1/5, 0, 0, 0, 0
- 3/40, 9/40, 0, 0, 0
- 44/45 -56/15, 32/9, 0, 0
- 19372/6561, -25360/2187, 64448/6561, -212/729, 0
- 9017/3168, -355/33, 46732/5247, 49/176, -5103/18656];
-B = [35/384, 0, 500/1113, 125/192, -2187/6784, 11/84];
-% More convenient storage
-A = A.';
-B = B(:);
-nstages = length(B);
-F = zeros(neq,nstages);
-Y(:,1) = y0;
-for i = 2:N
- ti = tspan(i-1);
- hi = h(i-1);
- yi = Y(:,i-1);
- % General explicit Runge-Kutta framework
- F(:,1) = feval(odefun,ti,yi,varargin{:});
- for stage = 2:nstages
- tstage = ti + C(stage-1)*hi;
- ystage = yi + F(:,1:stage-1)*(hi*A(1:stage-1,stage-1));
- F(:,stage) = feval(odefun,tstage,ystage,varargin{:});
- end
- Y(:,i) = yi + F*(hi*B);
-Y = Y.';
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/onenoteccdata.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/onenoteccdata.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f3c177..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/onenoteccdata.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-cmap = zeros(16,16,3);
-cmap(:,:,1) = [0.0000 0.0118 0.4510 0.0039 0.2078 0.1569 0.4078 0.4431 0.4510 0.1922 0.4235 0.4196 0.2235 0.4235 0.4039 0.4392
- 0.4471 0.1647 0.4157 0.0000 0.0235 0.4353 0.0314 0.4314 0.0196 0.2392 0.0667 0.0392 0.4431 0.3804 0.2941 0.4275
- 0.3686 0.3608 0.2000 0.2824 0.3059 0.0549 0.1804 0.1882 0.4392 0.4314 0.3255 0.0078 0.0902 0.1961 0.4353 0.1412
- 0.2314 0.3647 0.0353 0.3804 0.1647 0.2431 0.1686 0.2745 0.2980 0.4235 0.3922 0.4157 0.2784 0.3333 0.2510 0.0588
- 0.1020 0.0745 0.2549 0.0471 0.1216 0.4000 0.3961 0.2627 0.1098 0.1725 0.3098 0.4314 0.3529 0.3412 0.0784 0.0824
- 0.4471 0.1490 0.1804 0.3529 0.2196 0.3137 0.3255 0.0941 0.0078 0.3294 0.3765 0.2706 0.0510 0.0157 0.4275 0.1176
- 0.1294 0.1333 0.1725 0.3451 0.2118 0.3843 0.1255 0.1569 0.2118 0.1608 0.0353 0.2039 0.1608 0.4510 1.0000 0.8000
- 0.9882 0.6510 0.9961 0.4549 0.4549 0.6824 0.7882 0.5686 0.5373 0.5490 0.7765 0.7137 0.8510 0.7176 0.5020 0.4902
- 0.8941 0.9020 0.4745 0.8980 0.9098 0.4824 0.6471 0.6353 0.9922 0.9647 0.6353 0.4588 0.9647 0.9020 0.4980 0.8118
- 0.5059 0.4941 0.9686 0.4863 0.5451 0.9725 0.8980 0.5451 0.5333 0.6824 0.4588 0.8196 0.8314 0.8980 0.8941 0.9961
- 0.5255 0.8392 0.9804 0.5216 0.8588 0.8078 0.5176 0.7647 0.5608 0.9725 0.9059 0.4627 0.9882 0.8275 0.7725 0.8745
- 0.8235 0.8431 0.7373 1.0000 0.5137 0.4706 0.4784 0.7412 0.8863 0.9373 0.5529 0.5804 0.4510 0.9255 0.8235 0.8667
- 0.7569 0.8824 0.5294 0.5176 0.5373 0.9569 0.5294 0.4824 0.5098 0.5137 0.5569 0.8471 0.5098 0.9490 0.8706 0.9412
- 0.4902 0.6000 0.6980 0.7882 0.5490 0.7216 0.6431 0.4824 0.5569 0.4667 0.6627 0.9922 0.7804 0.8039 0.6275 0.7333
- 0.5725 0.5647 0.8549 0.7529 0.6235 0.8784 0.5922 0.7294 0.6118 0.7922 0.7843 0.6667 0.9294 0.6902 0.6784 0.9176
- 0.6706 0.7490 0.7961 0.5882 0.8627 0.4627 0.6196 0.7059 0.6078 0.9765 0.6549 0.6863 0.5373 0.7098 0.7176 0.7765];
-cmap(:,:,2) = [0.0000 0.0078 0.2157 0.0000 0.0980 0.0745 0.1922 0.2157 0.2157 0.0902 0.2000 0.1961 0.1059 0.2039 0.1882 0.2078
- 0.2078 0.0784 0.2000 0.0000 0.0118 0.2118 0.0157 0.2039 0.0078 0.1137 0.0314 0.0196 0.2118 0.1804 0.1373 0.2078
- 0.1765 0.1725 0.0941 0.1333 0.1451 0.0275 0.0863 0.0902 0.2078 0.2078 0.1529 0.0039 0.0431 0.0941 0.2039 0.0667
- 0.1098 0.1725 0.0157 0.1804 0.0784 0.1137 0.0824 0.1333 0.1412 0.2000 0.1882 0.2000 0.1333 0.1569 0.1176 0.0275
- 0.0471 0.0353 0.1216 0.0196 0.0588 0.1922 0.1882 0.1255 0.0510 0.0824 0.1451 0.2039 0.1686 0.1647 0.0392 0.0392
- 0.2157 0.0706 0.0863 0.1686 0.1020 0.1490 0.1529 0.0431 0.0039 0.1569 0.1804 0.1255 0.0235 0.0078 0.2000 0.0549
- 0.0627 0.0627 0.0824 0.1647 0.1020 0.1843 0.0588 0.0745 0.1020 0.0784 0.0157 0.0980 0.0784 0.2157 1.0000 0.7137
- 0.9843 0.4980 0.9961 0.2235 0.2196 0.5412 0.6980 0.3843 0.3373 0.3569 0.6824 0.5922 0.7843 0.6000 0.2902 0.2706
- 0.8510 0.8588 0.2471 0.8549 0.8667 0.2627 0.4980 0.4784 0.9843 0.9490 0.4745 0.2235 0.9451 0.8627 0.2824 0.7333
- 0.2941 0.2784 0.9529 0.2667 0.3490 0.9569 0.8510 0.3490 0.3333 0.5451 0.2275 0.7412 0.7608 0.8549 0.8471 0.9922
- 0.3255 0.7686 0.9725 0.3176 0.8000 0.7255 0.3098 0.6627 0.3725 0.9647 0.8627 0.2314 0.9804 0.7529 0.6745 0.8235
- 0.7451 0.7765 0.6235 0.9961 0.3020 0.2431 0.2510 0.6314 0.8392 0.9098 0.3608 0.4000 0.2196 0.8902 0.7490 0.8078
- 0.6549 0.8353 0.3294 0.3137 0.3412 0.9373 0.3255 0.2588 0.2980 0.3059 0.3686 0.7843 0.3020 0.9255 0.8157 0.9176
- 0.2745 0.4275 0.5686 0.6980 0.3569 0.6039 0.4863 0.2627 0.3647 0.2392 0.5137 0.9922 0.6863 0.7216 0.4706 0.6196
- 0.3882 0.3765 0.7882 0.6471 0.4588 0.8275 0.4157 0.6118 0.4431 0.7059 0.6902 0.5255 0.8980 0.5569 0.5412 0.8824
- 0.5333 0.6392 0.7098 0.4078 0.8039 0.2314 0.4549 0.5804 0.4392 0.9647 0.5059 0.5529 0.3373 0.5882 0.5961 0.6784];
-cmap(:,:,3) = [0.0000 0.0157 0.4980 0.0039 0.2314 0.1725 0.4627 0.5020 0.5020 0.2196 0.4745 0.4706 0.2510 0.4784 0.4510 0.4980
- 0.4941 0.1882 0.4667 0.0000 0.0275 0.4941 0.0353 0.4902 0.0196 0.2667 0.0745 0.0471 0.4902 0.4314 0.3294 0.4784
- 0.4196 0.4000 0.2235 0.3216 0.3412 0.0627 0.2039 0.2118 0.4863 0.4863 0.3608 0.0078 0.1020 0.2196 0.4824 0.1569
- 0.2588 0.4118 0.0392 0.4235 0.1843 0.2745 0.1882 0.3059 0.3373 0.4784 0.4392 0.4627 0.3137 0.3765 0.2824 0.0667
- 0.1137 0.0824 0.2863 0.0510 0.1373 0.4510 0.4471 0.2941 0.1216 0.1961 0.3490 0.4824 0.3961 0.3804 0.0902 0.0941
- 0.4980 0.1647 0.2000 0.4000 0.2431 0.3529 0.3647 0.1059 0.0118 0.3686 0.4196 0.3020 0.0549 0.0196 0.4824 0.1294
- 0.1451 0.1529 0.1922 0.3882 0.2392 0.4353 0.1412 0.1765 0.2353 0.1804 0.0353 0.2275 0.1843 0.5059 1.0000 0.8196
- 0.9882 0.6863 0.9961 0.5098 0.5098 0.7137 0.8118 0.6118 0.5843 0.5922 0.8000 0.7412 0.8627 0.7451 0.5529 0.5412
- 0.9059 0.9137 0.5255 0.9098 0.9176 0.5333 0.6824 0.6706 0.9922 0.9686 0.6706 0.5098 0.9647 0.9137 0.5490 0.8314
- 0.5569 0.5451 0.9725 0.5373 0.5922 0.9725 0.9059 0.5882 0.5804 0.7137 0.5137 0.8353 0.8510 0.9059 0.9020 0.9961
- 0.5725 0.8549 0.9843 0.5725 0.8745 0.8275 0.5647 0.7882 0.6039 0.9765 0.9137 0.5176 0.9882 0.8431 0.7961 0.8863
- 0.8392 0.8588 0.7647 1.0000 0.5608 0.5216 0.5294 0.7686 0.8980 0.9412 0.6000 0.6235 0.5059 0.9333 0.8431 0.8784
- 0.7804 0.8941 0.5765 0.5686 0.5843 0.9608 0.5765 0.5333 0.5569 0.5647 0.6039 0.8627 0.5608 0.9569 0.8863 0.9490
- 0.5412 0.6392 0.7294 0.8078 0.5961 0.7490 0.6784 0.5373 0.6000 0.5216 0.6941 0.9922 0.8039 0.8235 0.6667 0.7608
- 0.6157 0.6078 0.8667 0.7765 0.6588 0.8902 0.6314 0.7569 0.6510 0.8157 0.8039 0.7020 0.9373 0.7216 0.7098 0.9255
- 0.7059 0.7725 0.8196 0.6314 0.8784 0.5137 0.6549 0.7373 0.6471 0.9804 0.6902 0.7176 0.5804 0.7412 0.7451 0.8000];
-[cdata, cmap] = imread('onenote.png');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/parforNotifications.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/parforNotifications.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ad3af4..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/parforNotifications.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-% Copyright (c) 2019 Andrea Alberti
-% All rights reserved.
-classdef parforNotifications < handle
- properties
- N; % number of iterations
- text = 'Please wait ...'; % text to show
- width = 50;
- showWarning = true;
- end
- properties (GetAccess = public, SetAccess = private)
- n;
- end
- properties (Access = private)
- inProgress = false;
- percent;
- DataQueue;
- usePercent;
- Nstr;
- NstrL;
- lastComment;
- end
- methods
- function this = parforNotifications()
- this.DataQueue = parallel.pool.DataQueue;
- afterEach(this.DataQueue, @this.updateStatus);
- end
- % Start progress bar
- function PB_start(this,N,varargin)
- assert(isscalar(N) && isnumeric(N) && N == floor(N) && N>0, 'Error: ''N'' must be a scalar positive integer.');
- this.N = N;
- p = inputParser;
- addParameter(p,'message','Please wait: ');
- addParameter(p,'usePercentage',true);
- parse(p,varargin{:});
- this.text = p.Results.message;
- assert(ischar(this.text), 'Error: ''Message'' must be a string.');
- this.usePercent = p.Results.usePercentage;
- assert(isscalar(this.usePercent) && islogical(this.usePercent), 'Error: ''usePercentage'' must be a logical scalar.');
- this.percent = 0;
- this.n = 0;
- this.lastComment = '';
- if this.usePercent
- fprintf('%s [%s]: %3d%%\n',this.text, char(32*ones(1,this.width)),0);
- else
- this.Nstr = sprintf('%d',this.N);
- this.NstrL = numel(this.Nstr);
- fprintf('%s [%s]: %s/%s\n',this.text, char(32*ones(1,this.width)),[char(32*ones(1,this.NstrL-1)),'0'],this.Nstr);
- end
- this.inProgress = true;
- end
- % Iterate progress bar
- function PB_iterate(this,str)
- if nargin == 1
- send(this.DataQueue,'');
- else
- send(this.DataQueue,str);
- end
- end
- function warning(this,warn_id,msg)
- if this.showWarning
- msg = struct('Action','Warning','Id',warn_id,'Message',msg);
- send(this.DataQueue,msg);
- end
- end
- function PB_reprint(this)
- p = round(100*this.n/this.N);
- this.percent = p;
- cursor_pos=1+round((this.width-1)*p/100);
- if p < 100
- sep_char = '|';
- else
- sep_char = '.';
- end
- if this.usePercent
- fprintf('%s [%s%s%s]: %3d%%\n', this.text, char(46*ones(1,cursor_pos-1)), sep_char, char(32*ones(1,this.width-cursor_pos)),p);
- else
- nstr=sprintf('%d',this.n);
- fprintf('%s [%s%s%s]: %s/%s\n', this.text, char(46*ones(1,cursor_pos-1)), sep_char, char(32*ones(1,this.width-cursor_pos)),[char(32*ones(1,this.NstrL-numel(nstr))),nstr],this.Nstr);
- end
- end
- function updateStatus(this,data)
- if ischar(data)
- this.n = this.n + 1;
- p = round(100*this.n/this.N);
- if p >= this.percent+1 || this.n == this.N
- this.percent = p;
- cursor_pos=1+round((this.width-1)*p/100);
- if p < 100
- sep_char = '|';
- else
- sep_char = '.';
- end
- if ~isempty(data)
- comment = [' (',data,')'];
- else
- comment = '';
- end
- if this.usePercent
- fprintf('%s%s%s%s]: %3d%%%s\n',char(8*ones(1,58+numel(this.lastComment))), char(46*ones(1,cursor_pos-1)), sep_char, char(32*ones(1,this.width-cursor_pos)),p,comment);
- else
- nstr=sprintf('%d',this.n);
- fprintf('%s%s%s%s]: %s/%s%s\n',char(8*ones(1,55+2*numel(this.Nstr)+numel(this.lastComment))), char(46*ones(1,cursor_pos-1)), sep_char, char(32*ones(1,this.width-cursor_pos)),[char(32*ones(1,this.NstrL-numel(nstr))),nstr],this.Nstr,comment)
- end
- this.lastComment = comment;
- if p == 100
- this.inProgress = false;
- end
- end
- else
- switch data.Action
- case 'Warning'
- warning(data.Id,[data.Message,newline]);
- if this.inProgress
- this.PB_reprint();
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/screencapture.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/screencapture.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 206312e..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Helper/screencapture.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,820 +0,0 @@
-function imageData = screencapture(varargin)
-% screencapture - get a screen-capture of a figure frame, component handle, or screen area rectangle
-% ScreenCapture gets a screen-capture of any Matlab GUI handle (including desktop,
-% figure, axes, image or uicontrol), or a specified area rectangle located relative to
-% the specified handle. Screen area capture is possible by specifying the root (desktop)
-% handle (=0). The output can be either to an image file or to a Matlab matrix (useful
-% for displaying via imshow() or for further processing) or to the system clipboard.
-% This utility also enables adding a toolbar button for easy interactive screen-capture.
-% Syntax:
-% imageData = screencapture(handle, position, target, 'PropName',PropValue, ...)
-% Input Parameters:
-% handle - optional handle to be used for screen-capture origin.
-% If empty/unsupplied then current figure (gcf) will be used.
-% position - optional position array in pixels: [x,y,width,height].
-% If empty/unsupplied then the handle's position vector will be used.
-% If both handle and position are empty/unsupplied then the position
-% will be retrieved via interactive mouse-selection.
-% If handle is an image, then position is in data (not pixel) units, so the
-% captured region remains the same after figure/axes resize (like imcrop)
-% target - optional filename for storing the screen-capture, or the
-% 'clipboard'/'printer' strings.
-% If empty/unsupplied then no output to file will be done.
-% The file format will be determined from the extension (JPG/PNG/...).
-% Supported formats are those supported by the imwrite function.
-% 'PropName',PropValue -
-% optional list of property pairs (e.g., 'target','myImage.png','pos',[10,20,30,40],'handle',gca)
-% PropNames may be abbreviated and are case-insensitive.
-% PropNames may also be given in whichever order.
-% Supported PropNames are:
-% - 'handle' (default: gcf handle)
-% - 'position' (default: gcf position array)
-% - 'target' (default: '')
-% - 'toolbar' (figure handle; default: gcf)
-% this adds a screen-capture button to the figure's toolbar
-% If this parameter is specified, then no screen-capture
-% will take place and the returned imageData will be [].
-% Output parameters:
-% imageData - image data in a format acceptable by the imshow function
-% If neither target nor imageData were specified, the user will be
-% asked to interactively specify the output file.
-% Examples:
-% imageData = screencapture; % interactively select screen-capture rectangle
-% imageData = screencapture(hListbox); % capture image of a uicontrol
-% imageData = screencapture(0, [20,30,40,50]); % capture a small desktop region
-% imageData = screencapture(gcf,[20,30,40,50]); % capture a small figure region
-% imageData = screencapture(gca,[10,20,30,40]); % capture a small axes region
-% imshow(imageData); % display the captured image in a matlab figure
-% imwrite(imageData,'myImage.png'); % save the captured image to file
-% img = imread('cameraman.tif');
-% hImg = imshow(img);
-% screencapture(hImg,[60,35,140,80]); % capture a region of an image
-% screencapture(gcf,[],'myFigure.jpg'); % capture the entire figure into file
-% screencapture(gcf,[],'clipboard'); % capture the entire figure into clipboard
-% screencapture(gcf,[],'printer'); % print the entire figure
-% screencapture('handle',gcf,'target','myFigure.jpg'); % same as previous, save to file
-% screencapture('handle',gcf,'target','clipboard'); % same as previous, copy to clipboard
-% screencapture('handle',gcf,'target','printer'); % same as previous, send to printer
-% screencapture('toolbar',gcf); % adds a screen-capture button to gcf's toolbar
-% screencapture('toolbar',[],'target','sc.bmp'); % same with default output filename
-% Technical description:
-% http://UndocumentedMatlab.com/blog/screencapture-utility/
-% Bugs and suggestions:
-% Please send to Yair Altman (altmany at gmail dot com)
-% See also:
-% imshow, imwrite, print
-% Release history:
-% 1.17 2016-05-16: Fix annoying warning about JavaFrame property becoming obsolete someday (yes, we know...)
-% 1.16 2016-04-19: Fix for deployed application suggested by Dwight Bartholomew
-% 1.10 2014-11-25: Added the 'print' target
-% 1.9 2014-11-25: Fix for saving GIF files
-% 1.8 2014-11-16: Fixes for R2014b
-% 1.7 2014-04-28: Fixed bug when capturing interactive selection
-% 1.6 2014-04-22: Only enable image formats when saving to an unspecified file via uiputfile
-% 1.5 2013-04-18: Fixed bug in capture of non-square image; fixes for Win64
-% 1.4 2013-01-27: Fixed capture of Desktop (root); enabled rbbox anywhere on desktop (not necesarily in a Matlab figure); enabled output to clipboard (based on Jiro Doke's imclipboard utility); edge-case fixes; added Java compatibility check
-% 1.3 2012-07-23: Capture current object (uicontrol/axes/figure) if w=h=0 (e.g., by clicking a single point); extra input args sanity checks; fix for docked windows and image axes; include axes labels & ticks by default when capturing axes; use data-units position vector when capturing images; many edge-case fixes
-% 1.2 2011-01-16: another performance boost (thanks to Jan Simon); some compatibility fixes for Matlab 6.5 (untested)
-% 1.1 2009-06-03: Handle missing output format; performance boost (thanks to Urs); fix minor root-handle bug; added toolbar button option
-% 1.0 2009-06-02: First version posted on MathWorks File Exchange
-% License to use and modify this code is granted freely to all interested, as long as the original author is
-% referenced and attributed as such. The original author maintains the right to be solely associated with this work.
-% Programmed and Copyright by Yair M. Altman: altmany(at)gmail.com
-% $Revision: 1.17 $ $Date: 2016/05/16 17:59:36 $
- % Ensure that java awt is enabled...
- if ~usejava('awt')
- error('YMA:screencapture:NeedAwt','ScreenCapture requires Java to run.');
- end
- % Ensure that our Java version supports the Robot class (requires JVM 1.3+)
- try
- robot = java.awt.Robot; %#ok
- catch
- uiwait(msgbox({['Your Matlab installation is so old that its Java engine (' version('-java') ...
- ') does not have a java.awt.Robot class. '], ' ', ...
- 'Without this class, taking a screen-capture is impossible.', ' ', ...
- 'So, either install JVM 1.3 or higher, or use a newer Matlab release.'}, ...
- 'ScreenCapture', 'warn'));
- if nargout, imageData = []; end
- return;
- end
- % Process optional arguments
- paramsStruct = processArgs(varargin{:});
- % If toolbar button requested, add it and exit
- if ~isempty(paramsStruct.toolbar)
- % Add the toolbar button
- addToolbarButton(paramsStruct);
- % Return the figure to its pre-undocked state (when relevant)
- redockFigureIfRelevant(paramsStruct);
- % Exit immediately (do NOT take a screen-capture)
- if nargout, imageData = []; end
- return;
- end
- % Convert position from handle-relative to desktop Java-based pixels
- [paramsStruct, msgStr] = convertPos(paramsStruct);
- % Capture the requested screen rectangle using java.awt.Robot
- imgData = getScreenCaptureImageData(paramsStruct.position);
- % Return the figure to its pre-undocked state (when relevant)
- redockFigureIfRelevant(paramsStruct);
- % Save image data in file or clipboard, if specified
- if ~isempty(paramsStruct.target)
- if strcmpi(paramsStruct.target,'clipboard')
- if ~isempty(imgData)
- imclipboard(imgData);
- else
- msgbox('No image area selected - not copying image to clipboard','ScreenCapture','warn');
- end
- elseif strncmpi(paramsStruct.target,'print',5) % 'print' or 'printer'
- if ~isempty(imgData)
- hNewFig = figure('visible','off');
- imshow(imgData);
- print(hNewFig);
- delete(hNewFig);
- else
- msgbox('No image area selected - not printing screenshot','ScreenCapture','warn');
- end
- else % real filename
- if ~isempty(imgData)
- imwrite(imgData,paramsStruct.target);
- else
- msgbox(['No image area selected - not saving image file ' paramsStruct.target],'ScreenCapture','warn');
- end
- end
- end
- % Return image raster data to user, if requested
- if nargout
- imageData = imgData;
- % If neither output formats was specified (neither target nor output data)
- elseif isempty(paramsStruct.target) & ~isempty(imgData) %#ok ML6
- % Ask the user to specify a file
- %error('YMA:screencapture:noOutput','No output specified for ScreenCapture: specify the output filename and/or output data');
- %format = '*.*';
- formats = imformats;
- for idx = 1 : numel(formats)
- ext = sprintf('*.%s;',formats(idx).ext{:});
- format(idx,1:2) = {ext(1:end-1), formats(idx).description}; %#ok
- end
- [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(format,'Save screen capture as');
- if ~isequal(filename,0) & ~isequal(pathname,0) %#ok Matlab6 compatibility
- try
- filename = fullfile(pathname,filename);
- imwrite(imgData,filename);
- catch % possibly a GIF file that requires indexed colors
- [imgData,map] = rgb2ind(imgData,256);
- imwrite(imgData,map,filename);
- end
- else
- % TODO - copy to clipboard
- end
- end
- % Display msgStr, if relevant
- if ~isempty(msgStr)
- uiwait(msgbox(msgStr,'ScreenCapture'));
- drawnow; pause(0.05); % time for the msgbox to disappear
- end
- return; % debug breakpoint
-%% Process optional arguments
-function paramsStruct = processArgs(varargin)
- % Get the properties in either direct or P-V format
- [regParams, pvPairs] = parseparams(varargin);
- % Now process the optional P-V params
- try
- % Initialize
- paramName = [];
- paramsStruct = [];
- paramsStruct.handle = [];
- paramsStruct.position = [];
- paramsStruct.target = '';
- paramsStruct.toolbar = [];
- paramsStruct.wasDocked = 0; % no false available in ML6
- paramsStruct.wasInteractive = 0; % no false available in ML6
- % Parse the regular (non-named) params in recption order
- if ~isempty(regParams) & (isempty(regParams{1}) | ishandle(regParams{1}(1))) %#ok ML6
- paramsStruct.handle = regParams{1};
- regParams(1) = [];
- end
- if ~isempty(regParams) & isnumeric(regParams{1}) & (length(regParams{1}) == 4) %#ok ML6
- paramsStruct.position = regParams{1};
- regParams(1) = [];
- end
- if ~isempty(regParams) & ischar(regParams{1}) %#ok ML6
- paramsStruct.target = regParams{1};
- end
- % Parse the optional param PV pairs
- supportedArgs = {'handle','position','target','toolbar'};
- while ~isempty(pvPairs)
- % Disregard empty propNames (may be due to users mis-interpretting the syntax help)
- while ~isempty(pvPairs) & isempty(pvPairs{1}) %#ok ML6
- pvPairs(1) = [];
- end
- if isempty(pvPairs)
- break;
- end
- % Ensure basic format is valid
- paramName = '';
- if ~ischar(pvPairs{1})
- error('YMA:screencapture:invalidProperty','Invalid property passed to ScreenCapture');
- elseif length(pvPairs) == 1
- if isempty(paramsStruct.target)
- paramsStruct.target = pvPairs{1};
- break;
- else
- error('YMA:screencapture:noPropertyValue',['No value specified for property ''' pvPairs{1} '''']);
- end
- end
- % Process parameter values
- paramName = pvPairs{1};
- if strcmpi(paramName,'filename') % backward compatibility
- paramName = 'target';
- end
- paramValue = pvPairs{2};
- pvPairs(1:2) = [];
- idx = find(strncmpi(paramName,supportedArgs,length(paramName)));
- if ~isempty(idx)
- %paramsStruct.(lower(supportedArgs{idx(1)})) = paramValue; % incompatible with ML6
- paramsStruct = setfield(paramsStruct, lower(supportedArgs{idx(1)}), paramValue); %#ok ML6
- % If 'toolbar' param specified, then it cannot be left empty - use gcf
- if strncmpi(paramName,'toolbar',length(paramName)) & isempty(paramsStruct.toolbar) %#ok ML6
- paramsStruct.toolbar = getCurrentFig;
- end
- elseif isempty(paramsStruct.target)
- paramsStruct.target = paramName;
- pvPairs = {paramValue, pvPairs{:}}; %#ok (more readable this way, although a bit less efficient...)
- else
- supportedArgsStr = sprintf('''%s'',',supportedArgs{:});
- error('YMA:screencapture:invalidProperty','%s \n%s', ...
- 'Invalid property passed to ScreenCapture', ...
- ['Supported property names are: ' supportedArgsStr(1:end-1)]);
- end
- end % loop pvPairs
- catch
- if ~isempty(paramName), paramName = [' ''' paramName '''']; end
- error('YMA:screencapture:invalidProperty','Error setting ScreenCapture property %s:\n%s',paramName,lasterr); %#ok
- end
-%end % processArgs
-%% Convert position from handle-relative to desktop Java-based pixels
-function [paramsStruct, msgStr] = convertPos(paramsStruct)
- msgStr = '';
- try
- % Get the screen-size for later use
- screenSize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- % Get the containing figure's handle
- hParent = paramsStruct.handle;
- if isempty(paramsStruct.handle)
- paramsStruct.hFigure = getCurrentFig;
- hParent = paramsStruct.hFigure;
- else
- paramsStruct.hFigure = ancestor(paramsStruct.handle,'figure');
- end
- % To get the acurate pixel position, the figure window must be undocked
- try
- if strcmpi(get(paramsStruct.hFigure,'WindowStyle'),'docked')
- set(paramsStruct.hFigure,'WindowStyle','normal');
- drawnow; pause(0.25);
- paramsStruct.wasDocked = 1; % no true available in ML6
- end
- catch
- % never mind - ignore...
- end
- % The figure (if specified) must be in focus
- if ~isempty(paramsStruct.hFigure) & ishandle(paramsStruct.hFigure) %#ok ML6
- isFigureValid = 1; % no true available in ML6
- figure(paramsStruct.hFigure);
- else
- isFigureValid = 0; % no false available in ML6
- end
- % Flush all graphic events to ensure correct rendering
- drawnow; pause(0.01);
- % No handle specified
- wasPositionGiven = 1; % no true available in ML6
- if isempty(paramsStruct.handle)
- % Set default handle, if not supplied
- paramsStruct.handle = paramsStruct.hFigure;
- % If position was not specified, get it interactively using RBBOX
- if isempty(paramsStruct.position)
- [paramsStruct.position, jFrameUsed, msgStr] = getInteractivePosition(paramsStruct.hFigure); %#ok jFrameUsed is unused
- paramsStruct.wasInteractive = 1; % no true available in ML6
- wasPositionGiven = 0; % no false available in ML6
- end
- elseif ~ishandle(paramsStruct.handle)
- % Handle was supplied - ensure it is a valid handle
- error('YMA:screencapture:invalidHandle','Invalid handle passed to ScreenCapture');
- elseif isempty(paramsStruct.position)
- % Handle was supplied but position was not, so use the handle's position
- paramsStruct.position = getPixelPos(paramsStruct.handle);
- paramsStruct.position(1:2) = 0;
- wasPositionGiven = 0; % no false available in ML6
- elseif ~isnumeric(paramsStruct.position) | (length(paramsStruct.position) ~= 4) %#ok ML6
- % Both handle & position were supplied - ensure a valid pixel position vector
- error('YMA:screencapture:invalidPosition','Invalid position vector passed to ScreenCapture: \nMust be a [x,y,w,h] numeric pixel array');
- end
- % Capture current object (uicontrol/axes/figure) if w=h=0 (single-click in interactive mode)
- if paramsStruct.position(3)<=0 | paramsStruct.position(4)<=0 %#ok ML6
- %TODO - find a way to single-click another Matlab figure (the following does not work)
- %paramsStruct.position = getPixelPos(ancestor(hittest,'figure'));
- paramsStruct.position = getPixelPos(paramsStruct.handle);
- paramsStruct.position(1:2) = 0;
- paramsStruct.wasInteractive = 0; % no false available in ML6
- wasPositionGiven = 0; % no false available in ML6
- end
- % First get the parent handle's desktop-based Matlab pixel position
- parentPos = [0,0,0,0];
- dX = 0;
- dY = 0;
- dW = 0;
- dH = 0;
- if ~isFigure(hParent)
- % Get the reguested component's pixel position
- parentPos = getPixelPos(hParent, 1); % no true available in ML6
- % Axes position inaccuracy estimation
- deltaX = 3;
- deltaY = -1;
- % Fix for images
- if isImage(hParent) % | (isAxes(hParent) & strcmpi(get(hParent,'YDir'),'reverse')) %#ok ML6
- % Compensate for resized image axes
- hAxes = get(hParent,'Parent');
- if all(get(hAxes,'DataAspectRatio')==1) % sanity check: this is the normal behavior
- % Note 18/4/2013: the following fails for non-square images
- %actualImgSize = min(parentPos(3:4));
- %dX = (parentPos(3) - actualImgSize) / 2;
- %dY = (parentPos(4) - actualImgSize) / 2;
- %parentPos(3:4) = actualImgSize;
- % The following should work for all types of images
- actualImgSize = size(get(hParent,'CData'));
- dX = (parentPos(3) - min(parentPos(3),actualImgSize(2))) / 2;
- dY = (parentPos(4) - min(parentPos(4),actualImgSize(1))) / 2;
- parentPos(3:4) = actualImgSize([2,1]);
- %parentPos(3) = max(parentPos(3),actualImgSize(2));
- %parentPos(4) = max(parentPos(4),actualImgSize(1));
- end
- % Fix user-specified img positions (but not auto-inferred ones)
- if wasPositionGiven
- % In images, use data units rather than pixel units
- % Reverse the YDir
- ymax = max(get(hParent,'YData'));
- paramsStruct.position(2) = ymax - paramsStruct.position(2) - paramsStruct.position(4);
- % Note: it would be best to use hgconvertunits, but:
- % ^^^^ (1) it fails on Matlab 6, and (2) it doesn't accept Data units
- %paramsStruct.position = hgconvertunits(hFig, paramsStruct.position, 'Data', 'pixel', hParent); % fails!
- xLims = get(hParent,'XData');
- yLims = get(hParent,'YData');
- xPixelsPerData = parentPos(3) / (diff(xLims) + 1);
- yPixelsPerData = parentPos(4) / (diff(yLims) + 1);
- paramsStruct.position(1) = round((paramsStruct.position(1)-xLims(1)) * xPixelsPerData);
- paramsStruct.position(2) = round((paramsStruct.position(2)-yLims(1)) * yPixelsPerData + 2*dY);
- paramsStruct.position(3) = round( paramsStruct.position(3) * xPixelsPerData);
- paramsStruct.position(4) = round( paramsStruct.position(4) * yPixelsPerData);
- % Axes position inaccuracy estimation
- if strcmpi(computer('arch'),'win64')
- deltaX = 7;
- deltaY = -7;
- else
- deltaX = 3;
- deltaY = -3;
- end
- else % axes/image position was auto-infered (entire image)
- % Axes position inaccuracy estimation
- if strcmpi(computer('arch'),'win64')
- deltaX = 6;
- deltaY = -6;
- else
- deltaX = 2;
- deltaY = -2;
- end
- dW = -2*dX;
- dH = -2*dY;
- end
- end
- %hFig = ancestor(hParent,'figure');
- hParent = paramsStruct.hFigure;
- elseif paramsStruct.wasInteractive % interactive figure rectangle
- % Compensate for 1px rbbox inaccuracies
- deltaX = 2;
- deltaY = -2;
- else % non-interactive figure
- % Compensate 4px figure boundaries = difference betweeen OuterPosition and Position
- deltaX = -1;
- deltaY = 1;
- end
- %disp(paramsStruct.position) % for debugging
- % Now get the pixel position relative to the monitor
- figurePos = getPixelPos(hParent);
- desktopPos = figurePos + parentPos;
- % Now convert to Java-based pixels based on screen size
- % Note: multiple monitors are automatically handled correctly, since all
- % ^^^^ Java positions are relative to the main monitor's top-left corner
- javaX = desktopPos(1) + paramsStruct.position(1) + deltaX + dX;
- javaY = screenSize(4) - desktopPos(2) - paramsStruct.position(2) - paramsStruct.position(4) + deltaY + dY;
- width = paramsStruct.position(3) + dW;
- height = paramsStruct.position(4) + dH;
- paramsStruct.position = round([javaX, javaY, width, height]);
- %paramsStruct.position
- % Ensure the figure is at the front so it can be screen-captured
- if isFigureValid
- figure(hParent);
- drawnow;
- pause(0.02);
- end
- catch
- % Maybe root/desktop handle (root does not have a 'Position' prop so getPixelPos croaks
- if isequal(double(hParent),0) % =root/desktop handle; handles case of hParent=[]
- javaX = paramsStruct.position(1) - 1;
- javaY = screenSize(4) - paramsStruct.position(2) - paramsStruct.position(4) - 1;
- paramsStruct.position = [javaX, javaY, paramsStruct.position(3:4)];
- end
- end
-%end % convertPos
-%% Interactively get the requested capture rectangle
-function [positionRect, jFrameUsed, msgStr] = getInteractivePosition(hFig)
- msgStr = '';
- try
- % First try the invisible-figure approach, in order to
- % enable rbbox outside any existing figure boundaries
- f = figure('units','pixel','pos',[-100,-100,10,10],'HitTest','off');
- drawnow; pause(0.01);
- oldWarn = warning('off','MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame');
- jf = get(handle(f),'JavaFrame');
- warning(oldWarn);
- try
- jWindow = jf.fFigureClient.getWindow;
- catch
- try
- jWindow = jf.fHG1Client.getWindow;
- catch
- jWindow = jf.getFigurePanelContainer.getParent.getTopLevelAncestor;
- end
- end
- com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities.setWindowOpacity(jWindow,0.05); %=nearly transparent (not fully so that mouse clicks are captured)
- jWindow.setMaximized(1); % no true available in ML6
- jFrameUsed = 1; % no true available in ML6
- msg = {'Mouse-click and drag a bounding rectangle for screen-capture ' ...
- ... %'or single-click any Matlab figure to capture the entire figure.' ...
- };
- catch
- % Something failed, so revert to a simple rbbox on a visible figure
- try delete(f); drawnow; catch, end %Cleanup...
- jFrameUsed = 0; % no false available in ML6
- msg = {'Mouse-click within any Matlab figure and then', ...
- 'drag a bounding rectangle for screen-capture,', ...
- 'or single-click to capture the entire figure'};
- end
- uiwait(msgbox(msg,'ScreenCapture'));
- k = waitforbuttonpress; %#ok k is unused
- %hFig = getCurrentFig;
- %p1 = get(hFig,'CurrentPoint');
- positionRect = rbbox;
- %p2 = get(hFig,'CurrentPoint');
- if jFrameUsed
- jFrameOrigin = getPixelPos(f);
- delete(f); drawnow;
- try
- figOrigin = getPixelPos(hFig);
- catch % empty/invalid hFig handle
- figOrigin = [0,0,0,0];
- end
- else
- if isempty(hFig)
- jFrameOrigin = getPixelPos(gcf);
- else
- jFrameOrigin = [0,0,0,0];
- end
- figOrigin = [0,0,0,0];
- end
- positionRect(1:2) = positionRect(1:2) + jFrameOrigin(1:2) - figOrigin(1:2);
- if prod(positionRect(3:4)) > 0
- msgStr = sprintf('%dx%d area captured',positionRect(3),positionRect(4));
- end
-%end % getInteractivePosition
-%% Get current figure (even if its handle is hidden)
-function hFig = getCurrentFig
- oldState = get(0,'showHiddenHandles');
- set(0,'showHiddenHandles','on');
- hFig = get(0,'CurrentFigure');
- set(0,'showHiddenHandles',oldState);
-%end % getCurrentFig
-%% Get ancestor figure - used for old Matlab versions that don't have a built-in ancestor()
-function hObj = ancestor(hObj,type)
- if ~isempty(hObj) & ishandle(hObj) %#ok for Matlab 6 compatibility
- try
- hObj = get(hObj,'Ancestor');
- catch
- % never mind...
- end
- try
- %if ~isa(handle(hObj),type) % this is best but always returns 0 in Matlab 6!
- %if ~isprop(hObj,'type') | ~strcmpi(get(hObj,'type'),type) % no isprop() in ML6!
- try
- objType = get(hObj,'type');
- catch
- objType = '';
- end
- if ~strcmpi(objType,type)
- try
- parent = get(handle(hObj),'parent');
- catch
- parent = hObj.getParent; % some objs have no 'Parent' prop, just this method...
- end
- if ~isempty(parent) % empty parent means root ancestor, so exit
- hObj = ancestor(parent,type);
- end
- end
- catch
- % never mind...
- end
- end
-%end % ancestor
-%% Get position of an HG object in specified units
-function pos = getPos(hObj,field,units)
- % Matlab 6 did not have hgconvertunits so use the old way...
- oldUnits = get(hObj,'units');
- if strcmpi(oldUnits,units) % don't modify units unless we must!
- pos = get(hObj,field);
- else
- set(hObj,'units',units);
- pos = get(hObj,field);
- set(hObj,'units',oldUnits);
- end
-%end % getPos
-%% Get pixel position of an HG object - for Matlab 6 compatibility
-function pos = getPixelPos(hObj,varargin)
- persistent originalObj
- try
- stk = dbstack;
- if ~strcmp(stk(2).name,'getPixelPos')
- originalObj = hObj;
- end
- if isFigure(hObj) %| isAxes(hObj)
- %try
- pos = getPos(hObj,'OuterPosition','pixels');
- else %catch
- % getpixelposition is unvectorized unfortunately!
- pos = getpixelposition(hObj,varargin{:});
- % add the axes labels/ticks if relevant (plus a tiny margin to fix 2px label/title inconsistencies)
- if isAxes(hObj) & ~isImage(originalObj) %#ok ML6
- tightInsets = getPos(hObj,'TightInset','pixel');
- pos = pos + tightInsets.*[-1,-1,1,1] + [-1,1,1+tightInsets(1:2)];
- end
- end
- catch
- try
- % Matlab 6 did not have getpixelposition nor hgconvertunits so use the old way...
- pos = getPos(hObj,'Position','pixels');
- catch
- % Maybe the handle does not have a 'Position' prop (e.g., text/line/plot) - use its parent
- pos = getPixelPos(get(hObj,'parent'),varargin{:});
- end
- end
- % Handle the case of missing/invalid/empty HG handle
- if isempty(pos)
- pos = [0,0,0,0];
- end
-%end % getPixelPos
-%% Adds a ScreenCapture toolbar button
-function addToolbarButton(paramsStruct)
- % Ensure we have a valid toolbar handle
- hFig = ancestor(paramsStruct.toolbar,'figure');
- if isempty(hFig)
- error('YMA:screencapture:badToolbar','the ''Toolbar'' parameter must contain a valid GUI handle');
- end
- set(hFig,'ToolBar','figure');
- hToolbar = findall(hFig,'type','uitoolbar');
- if isempty(hToolbar)
- error('YMA:screencapture:noToolbar','the ''Toolbar'' parameter must contain a figure handle possessing a valid toolbar');
- end
- hToolbar = hToolbar(1); % just in case there are several toolbars... - use only the first
- % Prepare the camera icon
- icon = ['3333333333333333'; ...
- '3333333333333333'; ...
- '3333300000333333'; ...
- '3333065556033333'; ...
- '3000000000000033'; ...
- '3022222222222033'; ...
- '3022220002222033'; ...
- '3022203110222033'; ...
- '3022201110222033'; ...
- '3022204440222033'; ...
- '3022220002222033'; ...
- '3022222222222033'; ...
- '3000000000000033'; ...
- '3333333333333333'; ...
- '3333333333333333'; ...
- '3333333333333333'];
- cm = [ 0 0 0; ... % black
- 0 0.60 1; ... % light blue
- 0.53 0.53 0.53; ... % light gray
- NaN NaN NaN; ... % transparent
- 0 0.73 0; ... % light green
- 0.27 0.27 0.27; ... % gray
- 0.13 0.13 0.13]; % dark gray
- cdata = ind2rgb(uint8(icon-'0'),cm);
- % If the button does not already exit
- hButton = findall(hToolbar,'Tag','ScreenCaptureButton');
- tooltip = 'Screen capture';
- if ~isempty(paramsStruct.target)
- tooltip = [tooltip ' to ' paramsStruct.target];
- end
- if isempty(hButton)
- % Add the button with the icon to the figure's toolbar
- hButton = uipushtool(hToolbar, 'CData',cdata, 'Tag','ScreenCaptureButton', 'TooltipString',tooltip, 'ClickedCallback',['screencapture(''' paramsStruct.target ''')']); %#ok unused
- else
- % Otherwise, simply update the existing button
- set(hButton, 'CData',cdata, 'Tag','ScreenCaptureButton', 'TooltipString',tooltip, 'ClickedCallback',['screencapture(''' paramsStruct.target ''')']);
- end
-%end % addToolbarButton
-%% Java-get the actual screen-capture image data
-function imgData = getScreenCaptureImageData(positionRect)
- if isempty(positionRect) | all(positionRect==0) | positionRect(3)<=0 | positionRect(4)<=0 %#ok ML6
- imgData = [];
- else
- % Use java.awt.Robot to take a screen-capture of the specified screen area
- rect = java.awt.Rectangle(positionRect(1), positionRect(2), positionRect(3), positionRect(4));
- robot = java.awt.Robot;
- jImage = robot.createScreenCapture(rect);
- % Convert the resulting Java image to a Matlab image
- % Adapted for a much-improved performance from:
- % http://www.mathworks.com/support/solutions/data/1-2WPAYR.html
- h = jImage.getHeight;
- w = jImage.getWidth;
- %imgData = zeros([h,w,3],'uint8');
- %pixelsData = uint8(jImage.getData.getPixels(0,0,w,h,[]));
- %for i = 1 : h
- % base = (i-1)*w*3+1;
- % imgData(i,1:w,:) = deal(reshape(pixelsData(base:(base+3*w-1)),3,w)');
- %end
- % Performance further improved based on feedback from Urs Schwartz:
- %pixelsData = reshape(typecast(jImage.getData.getDataStorage,'uint32'),w,h).';
- %imgData(:,:,3) = bitshift(bitand(pixelsData,256^1-1),-8*0);
- %imgData(:,:,2) = bitshift(bitand(pixelsData,256^2-1),-8*1);
- %imgData(:,:,1) = bitshift(bitand(pixelsData,256^3-1),-8*2);
- % Performance even further improved based on feedback from Jan Simon:
- pixelsData = reshape(typecast(jImage.getData.getDataStorage, 'uint8'), 4, w, h);
- imgData = cat(3, ...
- transpose(reshape(pixelsData(3, :, :), w, h)), ...
- transpose(reshape(pixelsData(2, :, :), w, h)), ...
- transpose(reshape(pixelsData(1, :, :), w, h)));
- end
-%end % getInteractivePosition
-%% Return the figure to its pre-undocked state (when relevant)
-function redockFigureIfRelevant(paramsStruct)
- if paramsStruct.wasDocked
- try
- set(paramsStruct.hFigure,'WindowStyle','docked');
- %drawnow;
- catch
- % never mind - ignore...
- end
- end
-%end % redockFigureIfRelevant
-%% Copy screen-capture to the system clipboard
-% Adapted from http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/28708-imclipboard/content/imclipboard.m
-function imclipboard(imgData)
- % Import necessary Java classes
- import java.awt.Toolkit.*
- import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
- import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
- % Add the necessary Java class (ImageSelection) to the Java classpath
- if ~exist('ImageSelection', 'class')
- % Obtain the directory of the executable (or of the M-file if not deployed)
- %javaaddpath(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '-end');
- if isdeployed % Stand-alone mode.
- [status, result] = system('path'); %#ok
- MatLabFilePath = char(regexpi(result, 'Path=(.*?);', 'tokens', 'once'));
- else % MATLAB mode.
- MatLabFilePath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
- end
- javaaddpath(MatLabFilePath, '-end');
- end
- % Get System Clipboard object (java.awt.Toolkit)
- cb = getDefaultToolkit.getSystemClipboard; % can't use () in ML6!
- % Get image size
- ht = size(imgData, 1);
- wd = size(imgData, 2);
- % Convert to Blue-Green-Red format
- imgData = imgData(:, :, [3 2 1]);
- % Convert to 3xWxH format
- imgData = permute(imgData, [3, 2, 1]);
- % Append Alpha data (not used)
- imgData = cat(1, imgData, 255*ones(1, wd, ht, 'uint8'));
- % Create image buffer
- imBuffer = BufferedImage(wd, ht, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
- imBuffer.setRGB(0, 0, wd, ht, typecast(imgData(:), 'int32'), 0, wd);
- % Create ImageSelection object
- % % custom java class
- imSelection = ImageSelection(imBuffer);
- % Set clipboard content to the image
- cb.setContents(imSelection, []);
-%end %imclipboard
-%% Is the provided handle a figure?
-function flag = isFigure(hObj)
- flag = isa(handle(hObj),'figure') | isa(hObj,'matlab.ui.Figure');
-%end %isFigure
-%% Is the provided handle an axes?
-function flag = isAxes(hObj)
- flag = isa(handle(hObj),'axes') | isa(hObj,'matlab.graphics.axis.Axes');
-%end %isFigure
-%% Is the provided handle an image?
-function flag = isImage(hObj)
- flag = isa(handle(hObj),'image') | isa(hObj,'matlab.graphics.primitive.Image');
-%end %isFigure
-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TODO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% find a way in interactive-mode to single-click another Matlab figure for screen-capture
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotAngularDistributionForDifferentBeta.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotAngularDistributionForDifferentBeta.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 3812724..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotAngularDistributionForDifferentBeta.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-function plotAngularDistributionForDifferentBeta(obj, Beta)
- f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('AngDistForBeta');
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
- if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
- end
- f_h.Name = 'Beta dependence';
- f_h.Units = 'pixels';
- set(0,'units','pixels');
- screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 750 600];
- hold on
- SimulationBeta = obj.Beta;
- if ~ismember(SimulationBeta, Beta)
- theta = linspace(0.0001,pi/2,1000);
- J = zeros(1,length(theta));
- for j=1:length(theta)
- J(j) = obj.angularDistributionFunction(theta(j));
- end
- Norm = 0;
- for j=1:length(J)
- Norm = Norm+J(j)*sin(theta(j))*(theta(2)-theta(1));
- end
- J = J ./Norm*2;
- J = J ./max(J);
- plot([-flip(theta),theta], [flip(J),J],'DisplayName', ['\beta = ',num2str(SimulationBeta, '%.3f')], 'Linewidth',1.5)
- end
- for i=1:length(Beta)
- theta = linspace(0.0001,pi/2,1000);
- J = zeros(1,length(theta));
- obj.NozzleLength = (2 * obj.NozzleRadius) / Beta(i);
- for j=1:length(theta)
- J(j) = obj.angularDistributionFunction(theta(j));
- end
- Norm = 0;
- for j=1:length(J)
- Norm = Norm+J(j)*sin(theta(j))*(theta(2)-theta(1));
- end
- J = J ./Norm*2;
- J = J ./max(J);
- if Beta(i) ~= SimulationBeta
- plot([-flip(theta),theta], [flip(J),J],'DisplayName',['\beta = ',num2str(Beta(i))], 'LineStyle', '--', 'Linewidth',1.5)
- else
- plot([-flip(theta),theta], [flip(J),J],'DisplayName',['\beta = ',num2str(Beta(i))], 'Linewidth',1.5)
- end
- end
- hold off
- leg = legend;
- hXLabel = xlabel('\theta (rad)');
- hYLabel = ylabel('J(\theta)');
- hTitle = sgtitle('Angular Distribution (Transition Flow)');
- set([hXLabel, hYLabel, leg] , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14 );
- set( hTitle , ...
- 'FontSize' , 18 );
- grid on
- Helper.bringFiguresWithTagInForeground();
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotCaptureVelocityVsAngle.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotCaptureVelocityVsAngle.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 92c9306..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotCaptureVelocityVsAngle.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-function plotCaptureVelocityVsAngle(OvenObj, MOTObj)
- theta = linspace(0, OvenObj.ExitDivergence, 1000);
- CaptureVelocity = zeros(length(theta),3);
- for i=1:length(theta)
- CaptureVelocity(i,:) = MOTObj.calculateCaptureVelocity(OvenObj, [-OvenObj.OvenDistance,0,0], [cos(theta(i)),0,sin(theta(i))]);
- end
- f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Capture Velocity');
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
- if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
- end
- f_h.Name = 'Capture Velocity';
- f_h.Units = 'pixels';
- set(0,'units','pixels');
- screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 750 600];
- plot(theta .* 1e+03, sqrt(CaptureVelocity(:,1).^2+CaptureVelocity(:,2).^2+CaptureVelocity(:,3).^2), 'Linewidth', 1.5)
- hXLabel = xlabel('\theta (mrad)');
- hYLabel = ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');
- hTitle = sgtitle('Capture velocity for different angles of divergence');
- set([hXLabel, hYLabel] , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14 );
- set( hTitle , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14 );
- grid on
- Helper.bringFiguresWithTagInForeground();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotConfidenceIntervalRegion.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotConfidenceIntervalRegion.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2769798..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotConfidenceIntervalRegion.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-function plotConfidenceIntervalRegion(x, y1, y2)
- % draws two lines on a plot and shades the area between those
- % lines to indicate confidence interval.
- hold on
- X_interpolated = linspace(min(x), max(x), 100);
- Y1_interpolated = interp1(x,y1,X_interpolated);
- Y2_interpolated = interp1(x,y2,X_interpolated);
- %Plot the line edges
- %plot(X_interpolated, Y1_interpolated, 'LineWidth', 0.5, 'LineStyle', '--', 'Color', '#FE1A1A');
- %plot(X_interpolated, Y2_interpolated, 'LineWidth', 0.5, 'LineStyle', '--', 'Color', '#FE1A1A');
- fill([X_interpolated fliplr(X_interpolated)], [Y1_interpolated fliplr(Y2_interpolated)], [0 71 138] ./ 255, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceAlpha', 0.2);
- hold off
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotDynamicalQuantities.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotDynamicalQuantities.m
deleted file mode 100644
index dad74a4..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotDynamicalQuantities.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-function plotDynamicalQuantities(OvenObj, MOTObj, MaximumVelocity, IncidentAtomDirection, IncidentAtomPosition, varargin)
- p = inputParser;
- p.KeepUnmatched = true;
- addRequired(p, 'OvenObject' , @isobject);
- addRequired(p, 'MOTObject' , @isobject);
- addRequired(p, 'MaximumVelocity' , @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x)));
- addRequired(p, 'IncidentAtomDirection' , @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x)));
- addRequired(p, 'IncidentAtomPosition' , @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x)));
- addParameter(p, 'PlotPositions' , false, @islogical);
- addParameter(p, 'PlotVelocities' , false, @islogical);
- p.parse(OvenObj, MOTObj, MaximumVelocity, IncidentAtomDirection, IncidentAtomPosition, varargin{:})
- MaximumVelocity = p.Results.MaximumVelocity;
- IncidentAtomDirection = p.Results.IncidentAtomDirection;
- IncidentAtomPosition = p.Results.IncidentAtomDirection;
- PlotPositions = p.Results.PlotPositions;
- PlotVelocities = p.Results.PlotVelocities;
- f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Trajectories Plot');
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
- if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
- end
- f_h.Name = 'Trajectories Plot';
- f_h.Units = 'pixels';
- set(0,'units','pixels');
- screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/50 screensize(4)/3.5] 1870 600];
- N = MOTObj.NumberOfAtoms;
- Theta = IncidentAtomDirection;
- z = IncidentAtomPosition;
- L = OvenObj.OvenDistance * 2;
- T = MOTObj.SimulationTime;
- tau = MOTObj.TimeStep;
- Y = linspace(0,MaximumVelocity,N);
- DynamicalQuantities = zeros(length(Y),int64(T/tau),6);
- for i=1:length(Y)
- x =-L/2;
- vx = Y(i)*cos(Theta);
- vz = Y(i)*sin(Theta);
- r = [x,0,z];
- v = [vx,0,vz];
- DynamicalQuantities(i,:,:) = MOTObj.solver(r, v);
- end
- LabelStringArrayForPositions = {'x (mm)', 'y (mm)', 'z (mm)'};
- LabelStringArrayForVelocities = {'v_x (m/s)', 'v_y (m/s)', 'v_z (m/s)'};
- colors = { [0, 0.4470, 0.7410], [0.8500, 0.3250, 0.0980], [0.4940, 0.1840, 0.5560]};
- t = linspace(0, T, T/tau) * 1e+3;
- for i=1:length(Y)
- for j = 1:3
- if PlotPositions
- subplot(1, 3, j)
- hold on
- plot(t, DynamicalQuantities(i,:,j) * 1e+3,'Color', colors{j},'linewidth',1.3)
- hXLabel = xlabel('Time (ms)');
- hYLabel = ylabel(LabelStringArrayForPositions{j});
- hold off
- set([hXLabel, hYLabel], 'FontSize', 14);
- elseif PlotVelocities
- subplot(1, 3, j)
- hold on
- plot(t, DynamicalQuantities(i,:,j+3),'Color', colors{j},'linewidth',1.3)
- hXLabel = xlabel('Time (ms)');
- hYLabel = ylabel(LabelStringArrayForVelocities{j});
- hold off
- set([hXLabel, hYLabel], 'FontSize', 14);
- end
- end
- end
- hold off
- hTitle = sgtitle(sprintf("Magnetic gradient = %.2f T/m", MOTObj.MagneticGradient));
- set(hTitle, 'FontSize', 18);
- Helper.bringFiguresWithTagInForeground();
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotFreeMolecularFluxVsTemp.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotFreeMolecularFluxVsTemp.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 46e5734..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotFreeMolecularFluxVsTemp.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-function plotFreeMolecularFluxVsTemp(obj, Temperature)
- f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Tube Flux');
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
- if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
- end
- f_h.Name = 'Tube Flux';
- f_h.Units = 'pixels';
- set(0,'units','pixels');
- screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/4.5 screensize(4)/4.5] 920 750];
- hold on
- for i=1:length(Temperature)
- beta = linspace(0.01,0.5,200);
- obj.OvenTemperature = Temperature(i);
- flux = zeros(1,length(beta));
- for j=1:length(beta)
- obj.NozzleLength = (2 * obj.NozzleRadius) / beta(j);
- [ReducedClausingFactor, ~] = obj.calculateReducedClausingFactor();
- flux(j) = ReducedClausingFactor * obj.calculateFreeMolecularRegimeFlux();
- end
- plot(beta, flux, 'DisplayName', sprintf('T = %.1f ℃', Temperature(i)), 'Linewidth', 1.5)
- end
- set(gca,'yscale','log')
- obj.restoreDefaults();
- xline(obj.Beta, 'k--','Linewidth', 0.5);
- fmf = obj.ReducedClausingFactor * obj.calculateFreeMolecularRegimeFlux();
- yline(fmf, 'k--', 'Linewidth', 1.5);
- textstring = [sprintf('%1.e',fmf) ' atoms/s for ' '$$ \beta $$ = ' num2str(obj.Beta, '%.2f') sprintf(' @ %.2f K', obj.OvenTemperatureinKelvin)];
- txt = text((obj.Beta + 0.05*obj.Beta), (max(fmf) + 0.2*fmf), textstring, 'Interpreter','latex');
- hold off
- leg = legend('Location', 'southeast');
- leg.String = leg.String(1:end-2); % Remove xline and yline legend entries
- hXLabel = xlabel('\beta');
- hYLabel = ylabel('Flux (atoms/s)');
- hTitle = sgtitle('Total Flux from a Tube (Free Molecular Flow)');
- set([hXLabel, hYLabel, txt, leg] , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14 );
- set( hTitle , ...
- 'FontSize' , 18 );
- grid on
- Helper.bringFiguresWithTagInForeground();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotInitialVeloctiySamplingVsAngle.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotInitialVeloctiySamplingVsAngle.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 47b9479..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotInitialVeloctiySamplingVsAngle.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-function plotInitialVeloctiySamplingVsAngle(obj, MOTObj, NumberOfBins)
- n = obj.NumberOfAtoms;
- VelocitySamples = obj.initialVelocitySampling(MOTObj);
- Speeds = zeros(length(VelocitySamples),1);
- Angles = zeros(length(VelocitySamples),1);
- for i=1:length(VelocitySamples)
- Speeds(i) = sqrt(VelocitySamples(i,1)^2+VelocitySamples(i,2)^2+VelocitySamples(i,3)^2);
- Angles(i) = acos(VelocitySamples(i,1)/Speeds(i));
- end
- SpeedsArray = linspace(0,obj.VelocityCutoff,5000);
- SpeedBinSize = obj.VelocityCutoff / NumberOfBins;
- VelocityDistribution = @(velocity) sqrt(2 / pi) * sqrt(Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass/(Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant * obj.OvenTemperatureinKelvin))^3 ...
- * velocity.^3 .* exp(-velocity.^2 .* (Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass / (2 * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant ...
- * obj.OvenTemperatureinKelvin)));
- c = integral(VelocityDistribution, 0, obj.VelocityCutoff);
- AnglesArray = linspace(0, obj.ExitDivergence,1000);
- AngleBinSize = obj.ExitDivergence / NumberOfBins;
- dtheta = AnglesArray(2)-AnglesArray(1);
- AngularDistribution = zeros(1,length(AnglesArray));
- d = 0;
- for i = 1:length(AnglesArray)
- AngularDistribution(i) = obj.angularDistributionFunction(AnglesArray(i));
- d = d + (2 * pi * AngularDistribution(i) * sin(AnglesArray(i)) * dtheta);
- end
- AngularDistribution = AngularDistribution .* (2 * pi .* sin(AnglesArray));
- f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Velocity Sampling');
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
- if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
- end
- f_h.Name = 'Velocity Sampling';
- f_h.Units = 'pixels';
- set(0,'units','pixels');
- screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/10 screensize(4)/4] 1570,600];
- subplot(1,2,1)
- h_1 = histogram(Speeds, NumberOfBins,'FaceAlpha',0.4, 'EdgeAlpha',0.4);
- hold on
- plot(SpeedsArray, n/c * SpeedBinSize .* VelocityDistribution(SpeedsArray),'--', 'Linewidth',1.5)
- xline(obj.VelocityCutoff, 'k--', 'Linewidth', 1.5);
- text((obj.VelocityCutoff - 0.2 * obj.VelocityCutoff), max(h_1.Values) + 0.01 * max(h_1.Values), 'Cut-Off ---------->');
- hXLabel_1 = xlabel('|v| (m/s)');
- hYLabel_1 = ylabel('Counts');
- hold off
- subplot(1,2,2)
- histogram(Angles .* 1e+03, NumberOfBins,'FaceAlpha',0.4, 'EdgeAlpha',0.4)
- hold on
- plot(AnglesArray .* 1e+03, (n/d * AngleBinSize .* AngularDistribution),'--', 'Linewidth',1.5)
- xline(obj.ExitDivergence.* 1e+03, 'k--', 'Linewidth', 1.5);
- text((obj.ExitDivergence - 0.5 * obj.ExitDivergence).* 1e+03, max(h_1.Values) - 0.45 * max(h_1.Values), 'Maximum Allowed Divergence ----------->');
- hXLabel_2 = xlabel('\theta (mrad)');
- hYLabel_2 = ylabel('Counts');
- hold off
- hTitle = sgtitle('Sampled Velocities');
- set([hXLabel_1, hXLabel_2, hYLabel_1, hYLabel_2] , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14 );
- set( hTitle , ...
- 'FontSize' , 18 );
- Helper.bringFiguresWithTagInForeground();
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotMeanFreePathAndVapourPressureVsTemp.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotMeanFreePathAndVapourPressureVsTemp.m
deleted file mode 100644
index e7b9551..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotMeanFreePathAndVapourPressureVsTemp.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-function plotMeanFreePathAndVapourPressureVsTemp(TemperatureinCelsius)
- TemperatureinKelvin = TemperatureinCelsius + 273.15;
- Dy164VapourPressure = 133.322*exp(11.4103-2.3785e+04./(-219.4821+TemperatureinKelvin)); % Vapor Pressure Dysprosium for the given oven temperature
- MeanFreepath = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant*TemperatureinKelvin)./(sqrt(2) * ( pi * (2*281e-12)^2) * Dy164VapourPressure); %free path at above tempeture
- f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Dysprosium Gas Properties');
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
- if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
- end
- f_h.Name = 'Dysprosium Gas Properties';
- f_h.Units = 'pixels';
- set(0,'units','pixels');
- screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 750 600];
- yyaxis left
- semilogy(TemperatureinCelsius, Dy164VapourPressure, 'Color', '#0071BB', 'Linewidth',1.5);
- hYLabel_1 = ylabel('Vapor Pressure (mbar)');
- yyaxis right
- semilogy(TemperatureinCelsius, MeanFreepath.*1000, 'Color', '#36B449', 'Linewidth',1.5)
- hYLabel_2 = ylabel('Mean Free Path (mm)');
- hXLabel = xlabel('Temperature (℃)');
- ax = gca;
- ax.YAxis(1).Color = '#0071BB';
- ax.YAxis(2).Color = '#36B449';
- hTitle = sgtitle('^{164}Dy Gas');
- set([hXLabel, hYLabel_1, hYLabel_2] , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14 );
- set( hTitle , ...
- 'FontSize' , 18 );
- grid on
- Helper.bringFiguresWithTagInForeground();
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotPhaseSpaceWithAccelerationField.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotPhaseSpaceWithAccelerationField.m
deleted file mode 100644
index f198b01..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotPhaseSpaceWithAccelerationField.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-function plotPhaseSpaceWithAccelerationField(OvenObj, MOTObj, MinimumVelocity, MaximumVelocity, NumberOfBins, IncidentAtomDirection, IncidentAtomPosition)
- f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Phase Space Plot');
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
- if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
- end
- f_h.Name = 'Phase Space Plot';
- f_h.Units = 'pixels';
- set(0,'units','pixels');
- screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 750 600];
- N = MOTObj.NumberOfAtoms;
- L = OvenObj.OvenDistance * 2;
- Theta = IncidentAtomDirection;
- z = IncidentAtomPosition;
- T = MOTObj.SimulationTime;
- tau = MOTObj.TimeStep;
- [X,Y] = meshgrid(-L/2:L/NumberOfBins:L/2,-MaximumVelocity:2*MaximumVelocity/NumberOfBins:MaximumVelocity);
- a=zeros(NumberOfBins+1,NumberOfBins+1,3);
-% MOTObj.restoreDefaults();
- for i=1:length(X)
- for j=1:length(Y)
- a(i,j,:) = MOTObj.calculateTotalAcceleration([X(1,i), 0, z], [Y(j,1)*cos(Theta),0,Y(j,1)*sin(Theta)]);
- end
- end
- for i=1:length(X)
- for j=1:length(Y)
- if isnan(a(i,j,1)) || isnan(a(i,j,2)) || isnan(a(i,j,3))
- a(i,j,1)=0;
- a(i,j,2)=0;
- a(i,j,3)=0;
- end
- end
- end
- pcolor(X',Y',a(:,:,1))
- hold on
- col=colorbar;
- col.Label.String='Aceleration (m/s^2)';
- shading flat
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Y = linspace(MinimumVelocity, MaximumVelocity,N);
- DynamicalQuantities = zeros(length(Y),int64(T/tau),6);
- for i=1:length(Y)
- x =-L/2;
- vx = Y(i)*cos(Theta);
- vz = Y(i)*sin(Theta);
- r = [x,0,z];
- v = [vx,0,vz];
- DynamicalQuantities(i,:,:) = MOTObj.solver(r, v);
- end
- hold on
- count = 0;
- for i=1:length(Y)
- if DynamicalQuantities(i,end,2) > 0
- plot(DynamicalQuantities(i,:,1),DynamicalQuantities(i,:,4),'w','linewidth',1.3)
- count = count + 1;
- end
- end
- hold off
- hXLabel = xlabel('Position: Along the x-axis (m)');
- hYLabel = ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');
- hTitle = sgtitle(sprintf("Magnetic gradient = %.3f T/m", MOTObj.MagneticGradient));
- set([hXLabel, hYLabel] , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14 );
- set( hTitle , ...
- 'FontSize' , 18 );
- Helper.bringFiguresWithTagInForeground();
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotPositionAndVelocitySampling.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotPositionAndVelocitySampling.m
deleted file mode 100644
index ad87281..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotPositionAndVelocitySampling.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-function plotPositionAndVelocitySampling(NumberOfBins, initialPositions, initialVelocities)
- f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('RejectionSampling');
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
- if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
- end
- f_h.Name = 'Sampling';
- f_h.Units = 'pixels';
- set(0,'units','pixels');
- screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/7 screensize(4)/7] 1.357e+03 770];
- subplot(3,2,1)
- histogram(initialPositions(:, 1)*1e3,NumberOfBins, 'LineStyle', 'none', 'DisplayName','x-Component')
- xlabel('Positions (mm)','FontSize', 14)
- ylabel('Counts','FontSize', 14)
- legend('FontSize', 14)
- subplot(3,2,3)
- histogram(initialPositions(:, 2)*1e3,NumberOfBins, 'LineStyle', 'none', 'DisplayName','y-Component')
- xlabel('Positions (mm)','FontSize', 14)
- ylabel('Counts','FontSize', 14)
- legend('FontSize', 14)
- subplot(3,2,5)
- histogram(initialPositions(:, 3)*1e3,NumberOfBins, 'LineStyle', 'none', 'DisplayName','z-Component')
- xlabel('Positions (mm)','FontSize', 14)
- ylabel('Counts','FontSize', 14)
- legend('FontSize', 14)
- subplot(3,2,2)
- histogram(initialVelocities(:, 1),NumberOfBins, 'LineStyle', 'none', 'DisplayName','x-Component')
- xlabel('Velocities (m/s)','FontSize', 14)
- ylabel('Counts','FontSize', 14)
- legend('FontSize', 14)
- subplot(3,2,4)
- histogram(initialVelocities(:, 2),NumberOfBins, 'LineStyle', 'none', 'DisplayName','y-Component')
- xlabel('Velocities (m/s)','FontSize', 14)
- ylabel('Counts','FontSize', 14)
- legend('FontSize', 14)
- subplot(3,2,6)
- histogram(initialVelocities(:, 3),NumberOfBins, 'LineStyle', 'none', 'DisplayName','z-Component')
- xlabel('Velocities (m/s)','FontSize', 14)
- ylabel('Counts','FontSize', 14)
- legend('FontSize', 14)
- sgtitle('Rejection sampling for initial distributions','FontSize', 18)
- Helper.bringFiguresWithTagInForeground();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotResultForOneParameterScan.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotResultForOneParameterScan.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ff5dcd..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotResultForOneParameterScan.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-function plotResultForOneParameterScan(XParameter, YQuantity, varargin)
- p = inputParser;
- p.KeepUnmatched = true;
- addRequired(p, 'ParameterArray', @isvector)
- addRequired(p, 'QuantityOfInterestArray', @ismatrix)
- addParameter(p, 'RescalingFactorForParameter', 1, @isscalar)
- addParameter(p, 'XLabelString', 'X parameter', @ischar)
- addParameter(p, 'ErrorsForYQuantity', false, @islogical)
- addParameter(p, 'ErrorsArray', [], @isvector)
- addParameter(p, 'CIForYQuantity', false, @islogical)
- addParameter(p, 'CIArray', [], @ismatrix)
- addParameter(p, 'RescalingFactorForYQuantity', 1, @isscalar)
- addParameter(p, 'RemoveOutliers', false, @islogical)
- addParameter(p, 'YLabelString', 'Y parameter', @ischar)
- addParameter(p, 'TitleString', 'One-Parameter Scan', @ischar)
- p.parse(XParameter, YQuantity, varargin{:})
- XParameter = p.Results.ParameterArray;
- RescalingFactorForXParameter = p.Results.RescalingFactorForParameter;
- XLabelString = p.Results.XLabelString;
- YQuantity = p.Results.QuantityOfInterestArray;
- ErrorsForYQuantity = p.Results.ErrorsForYQuantity;
- ErrorsArray = p.Results.ErrorsArray;
- CIForYQuantity = p.Results.CIForYQuantity;
- CIArray = p.Results.CIArray;
- RescalingFactorForYQuantity = p.Results.RescalingFactorForYQuantity;
- RemoveOutliers = p.Results.RemoveOutliers;
- YLabelString = p.Results.YLabelString;
- TitleString = p.Results.TitleString;
- f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('One-Parameter Scan');
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
- if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
- end
- f_h.Name = 'One-Parameter Scan';
- f_h.Units = 'pixels';
- set(0,'units','pixels');
- screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 750 600];
- if RemoveOutliers
- [YQuantity,TF] = rmoutliers(YQuantity);
- XParameter = XParameter(~TF);
- ErrorsArray = ErrorsArray(~TF);
- ClippedCIArray(:,1) = CIArray(~TF,1);
- ClippedCIArray(:,2) = CIArray(~TF,2);
- CIArray = ClippedCIArray;
- end
- RescaledXParameter = XParameter .* RescalingFactorForXParameter;
- RescaledYQuantity = YQuantity .* RescalingFactorForYQuantity;
- hold on
- if ErrorsForYQuantity
- RescaledErrorsArray = ErrorsArray .* RescalingFactorForYQuantity;
- errorbar(RescaledXParameter, RescaledYQuantity, RescaledErrorsArray, 'o', 'Linewidth', 1.5, 'MarkerFaceColor', '#0071BB')
- else
- plot(RescaledXParameter, RescaledYQuantity, '--o', 'Linewidth', 1.5);
- end
- if CIForYQuantity
- RescaledCIArray = CIArray .* RescalingFactorForYQuantity;
- Plotter.plotConfidenceIntervalRegion(RescaledXParameter, RescaledCIArray(:,1), RescaledCIArray(:,2));
- end
- hold off
- xlim([0 inf])
- ylim([0 inf])
- hXLabel = xlabel(XLabelString);
- hYLabel = ylabel(YLabelString);
- hTitle = sgtitle(TitleString);
- set([hXLabel, hYLabel] , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14 );
- set( hTitle , ...
- 'FontSize' , 18 );
- grid on
- Helper.bringFiguresWithTagInForeground();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotResultForThreeParameterScan.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotResultForThreeParameterScan.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 6867c48..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotResultForThreeParameterScan.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-function plotResultForThreeParameterScan(XParameter, YParameter, DeltaParameter, ZQuantity, varargin)
- p = inputParser;
- p.KeepUnmatched = true;
- addRequired(p, 'FirstParameterArray', @isvector)
- addRequired(p, 'SecondParameterArray', @isvector)
- addRequired(p, 'ThirdParameterArray', @isvector)
- addRequired(p, 'QuantityOfInterestArray', @ismatrix)
- addParameter(p, 'RescalingFactorForFirstParameter', 1, @isscalar)
- addParameter(p, 'XLabelString', 'X parameter', @ischar)
- addParameter(p, 'RescalingFactorForSecondParameter', 1, @isscalar)
- addParameter(p, 'YLabelString', 'Y parameter', @ischar)
- addParameter(p, 'RescalingFactorForThirdParameter', 1, @isscalar)
- addParameter(p, 'RescalingFactorForQuantityOfInterest', 1, @isscalar)
- addParameter(p, 'ZLabelString', 'Z parameter', @ischar)
- addParameter(p, 'PlotTitleString', '', @ischar)
- addParameter(p, 'FigureTitleString', 'Third-Parameter Scan', @ischar)
- p.parse(XParameter, YParameter, DeltaParameter, ZQuantity, varargin{:})
- XParameter = p.Results.FirstParameterArray;
- RescalingFactorForXParameter = p.Results.RescalingFactorForFirstParameter;
- XLabelString = p.Results.XLabelString;
- YParameter = p.Results.SecondParameterArray;
- RescalingFactorForYParameter = p.Results.RescalingFactorForSecondParameter;
- YLabelString = p.Results.YLabelString;
- DeltaParameter = p.Results.ThirdParameterArray;
- RescalingFactorForDeltaParameter = p.Results.RescalingFactorForThirdParameter;
- ZQuantity = p.Results.QuantityOfInterestArray;
- RescalingFactorForZQuantity = p.Results.RescalingFactorForQuantityOfInterest;
- ZLabelString = p.Results.ZLabelString;
- PlotTitleString = p.Results.PlotTitleString;
- FigureTitleString = p.Results.FigureTitleString;
- f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Three-Parameter Scan');
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
- if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
- end
- f_h.Name = 'Three-Parameter Scan';
- f_h.Units = 'pixels';
- set(0,'units','pixels');
- screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/60 screensize(4)/10] 1530 870];
- RescaledXParameter = XParameter .* RescalingFactorForXParameter;
- RescaledYParameter = YParameter .* RescalingFactorForYParameter;
- RescaledDeltaParameter = DeltaParameter .* RescalingFactorForDeltaParameter;
- tiledlayout(ceil(length(DeltaParameter)/3), 3)
- for i = 1:length(DeltaParameter)
- nexttile
- RescaledZQuantity = ZQuantity{i} .* RescalingFactorForZQuantity;
- imagesc(RescaledXParameter, RescaledYParameter, RescaledZQuantity(:,:)');
- set(gca,'YDir','normal');
- hXLabel = xlabel(XLabelString);
- hYLabel = ylabel(YLabelString);
- hPlotLabel = title(sprintf(PlotTitleString, RescaledDeltaParameter(i)));
- set([hXLabel, hYLabel, hPlotLabel] , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14);
- end
- caxis([min(min(min(RescaledZQuantity))) max(max(max(RescaledZQuantity)))]);
- shading flat;
- c = colorbar;
- c.Label.String= ZLabelString;
- c.Label.FontSize = 14;
- c.Layout.Tile = 'east';
- hTitle = sgtitle(FigureTitleString);
- set( hTitle , ...
- 'FontSize' , 18 );
- Helper.bringFiguresWithTagInForeground();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotResultForTwoParameterScan.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotResultForTwoParameterScan.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 36141c0..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/plotResultForTwoParameterScan.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-function plotResultForTwoParameterScan(XParameter, YParameter, ZQuantity, varargin)
- p = inputParser;
- p.KeepUnmatched = true;
- addRequired(p, 'FirstParameterArray', @isvector)
- addRequired(p, 'SecondParameterArray', @isvector)
- addRequired(p, 'QuantityOfInterestArray', @ismatrix)
- addParameter(p, 'RescalingFactorForFirstParameter', 1, @isscalar)
- addParameter(p, 'XLabelString', 'X parameter', @ischar)
- addParameter(p, 'RescalingFactorForSecondParameter', 1, @isscalar)
- addParameter(p, 'YLabelString', 'Y parameter', @ischar)
- addParameter(p, 'RescalingFactorForQuantityOfInterest', 1, @isscalar)
- addParameter(p, 'ZLabelString', 'Z parameter', @ischar)
- addParameter(p, 'TitleString', 'Two-Parameter Scan', @ischar)
- p.parse(XParameter, YParameter, ZQuantity, varargin{:})
- XParameter = p.Results.FirstParameterArray;
- RescalingFactorForXParameter = p.Results.RescalingFactorForFirstParameter;
- XLabelString = p.Results.XLabelString;
- YParameter = p.Results.SecondParameterArray;
- RescalingFactorForYParameter = p.Results.RescalingFactorForSecondParameter;
- YLabelString = p.Results.YLabelString;
- ZQuantity = p.Results.QuantityOfInterestArray;
- RescalingFactorForZQuantity = p.Results.RescalingFactorForQuantityOfInterest;
- ZLabelString = p.Results.ZLabelString;
- TitleString = p.Results.TitleString;
- f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Two-Parameter Scan');
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
- if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
- end
- f_h.Name = 'Two-Parameter Scan';
- f_h.Units = 'pixels';
- set(0,'units','pixels');
- screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 750 600];
- RescaledXParameter = XParameter .* RescalingFactorForXParameter;
- RescaledYParameter = YParameter .* RescalingFactorForYParameter;
- RescaledZQuantity = ZQuantity .* RescalingFactorForZQuantity;
- imagesc(RescaledXParameter, RescaledYParameter, RescaledZQuantity(:,:)');
-% hold on
-% contour(RescaledXParameter, RescaledYParameter, RescaledZQuantity(:,:)', 'Color', 'r', 'Linewidth', 4, 'ShowText','on')
- set(gca,'YDir','normal');
- caxis([min(min(min(RescaledZQuantity))) max(max(max(RescaledZQuantity)))]);
- hXLabel = xlabel(XLabelString);
- hYLabel = ylabel(YLabelString);
- shading flat;
- c = colorbar;
- c.Label.String= ZLabelString;
- c.Label.FontSize = 14;
- hTitle = sgtitle(TitleString);
- set([hXLabel, hYLabel] , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14 );
- set( hTitle , ...
- 'FontSize' , 18 );
- Helper.bringFiguresWithTagInForeground();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/visualizeMagneticField.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/visualizeMagneticField.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2af9d23..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Plotter/visualizeMagneticField.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-function visualizeMagneticField(obj, x_range, y_range, z_range)
- f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('VisualizeMagneticFieldFor2DMOT');
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
- if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
- end
- f_h.Name = 'Visualization';
- f_h.Units = 'pixels';
- set(0,'units','pixels');
- screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 820 645];
- xmin = x_range(1);
- xmax = x_range(2);
- ymin = y_range(1);
- ymax = y_range(2);
- zmin = z_range(1);
- zmax = z_range(2);
- dx = (xmax-xmin)/8;
- dy = (ymax-ymin)/8;
- dz = (zmax-zmin)/8;
- if dx ~= 0
- xm = xmin:dx:xmax;
- else
- xm = zeros(1,5);
- end
- if dy ~= 0
- ym = ymin:dy:ymax;
- else
- ym = zeros(1,5);
- end
- if dz ~= 0
- zm = zmin:dz:zmax;
- else
- zm = zeros(1,5);
- end
- [meshx,meshy,meshz] = meshgrid(xm,ym,zm); % construct data points
- switch obj.SimulationMode
- case '2D'
- alpha = obj.MagneticGradient;
- Bx = @(x,y,z) alpha .* z;
- By = @(x,y,z) 0 .* y;
- Bz = @(x,y,z) alpha .* x;
- Bx_val = Bx(meshx, meshy, meshz);
- By_val = By(meshx, meshy, meshz);
- Bz_val = Bz(meshx, meshy, meshz);
- case '3D'
- % Development in progress
- end
- quiver3(meshx, meshy, meshz, Bx_val, By_val, Bz_val, 'Color', ' #6600ff');
- axis equal
- hXLabel = xlabel('x');
- hYLabel = ylabel('y');
- hZLabel = zlabel('z');
- hTitle = sgtitle('Magnetic Field for 2-D MOT');
- set([hXLabel, hYLabel, hZLabel] , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14 );
- set( hTitle , ...
- 'FontSize' , 18 );
- Helper.bringFiguresWithTagInForeground();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Scripts/optimizingForSidebandEnhancement.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Scripts/optimizingForSidebandEnhancement.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4af4332..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Scripts/optimizingForSidebandEnhancement.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-OptionsStruct = struct;
-OptionsStruct.ErrorEstimationMethod = 'bootstrap'; % 'jackknife' | 'bootstrap'
-OptionsStruct.NumberOfAtoms = 5000;
-OptionsStruct.TimeStep = 50e-06; % in s
-OptionsStruct.SimulationTime = 5e-03; % in s
-OptionsStruct.SpontaneousEmission = true;
-OptionsStruct.SidebandBeam = true;
-OptionsStruct.PushBeam = true;
-OptionsStruct.Gravity = true;
-OptionsStruct.BackgroundCollision = true;
-OptionsStruct.SaveData = true;
-% OptionsStruct.SaveDirectory = '';
-options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
-clear OptionsStruct
-Oven = Simulator.Oven(options{:});
-MOT2D = Simulator.TwoDimensionalMOT(options{:});
-Beams = MOT2D.Beams;
-MOT2D.NumberOfAtoms = 10000;
-MOT2D.TotalPower = 0.8;
-MOT2D.MagneticGradient = 0.4; 0;
-CoolingBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Blue'), Beams)};
-CoolingBeam.Waist = 15e-03;
-CoolingBeam.Detuning = -1.67*Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-SidebandBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'BlueSideband'), Beams)};
-SidebandBeam.Waist = 15e-03;
-NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = 20; %iterations of the simulation
-NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = 20;
-DetuningArray = linspace(-1.0, -6.0, NumberOfPointsForFirstParam) * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-PowerArray = linspace(0, 0.8, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam) * MOT2D.TotalPower;
-tStart = tic;
-[LoadingRateArray, ~, ~] = Scripts.scanForSidebandEnhancement(Oven, MOT2D, 'Blue', 'BlueSideband', DetuningArray, PowerArray);
-tEnd = toc(tStart);
-fprintf('Total Computational Time: %0.1f seconds. \n', tEnd);
-if MOT2D.DoSave
- LoadingRate = struct;
- LoadingRate.Values = LoadingRateArray;
- MOT2D.Results = LoadingRate;
- SaveFolder = [MOT2D.SaveDirectory filesep 'Results'];
- Filename = ['TwoParameterScan_' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd_HHMM')];
- eval([sprintf('%s_Object', Filename) ' = MOT2D;']);
- mkdir(SaveFolder);
- save([SaveFolder filesep Filename], sprintf('%s_Object', Filename));
-MOT2D.SidebandBeam = false;
-MOT2D.PushBeam = false;
-CoolingBeam.Power = MOT2D.TotalPower;
-[LoadingRate, ~] = MOT2D.runSimulation(Oven);
-EnhancementFactorArray = LoadingRateArray ./ LoadingRate;
-% - Plot results
-OptionsStruct = struct;
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForFirstParameter = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth)^-1;
-OptionsStruct.XLabelString = 'Sideband Beam Detuning (\Delta/\Gamma)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForSecondParameter = 1000;
-OptionsStruct.YLabelString = 'Sideband Beam Power (mW)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForQuantityOfInterest = 1;
-OptionsStruct.ZLabelString = 'Enhancement Factor (\eta)';
-% OptionsStruct.ZLabelString = 'Loading rate (x 10^{9} atoms/s)';
-OptionsStruct.TitleString = sprintf('Magnetic Gradient = %.0f (G/cm)', MOT2D.MagneticGradient * 100);
-options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
-Plotter.plotResultForTwoParameterScan(DetuningArray, PowerArray, EnhancementFactorArray, options{:})
-%% Magnetic gradient scan
-MOT2D.NumberOfAtoms = 10000;
-MOT2D.TotalPower = 0.4;
-MOT2D.SidebandBeam = true;
-NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = 10; %iterations of the simulation
-NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = 10;
-NumberOfPointsForThirdParam = 6;
-DetuningArray = linspace(-0.5, -5.0, NumberOfPointsForFirstParam) * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-PowerArray = linspace(0.1, 1.0, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam) * MOT2D.TotalPower;
-MagneticGradientArray = linspace(30, 50, NumberOfPointsForThirdParam) * 1e-02;
-Beams = MOT2D.Beams;
-CoolingBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Blue'), Beams)};
-SidebandBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'BlueSideband'), Beams)};
-LoadingRateArray = {};
-tStart = tic;
-for k=1:NumberOfPointsForThirdParam
- eval(sprintf('MOT2D.%s = %d;', 'MagneticGradient', MagneticGradientArray(k)));
- lrmatrix = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam);
- for i=1:NumberOfPointsForFirstParam
- eval(sprintf('SidebandBeam.%s = %d;', 'Detuning', DetuningArray(i)));
- for j=1:NumberOfPointsForSecondParam
- eval(sprintf('SidebandBeam.%s = %d;', 'Power', PowerArray(j)));
- eval(sprintf('CoolingBeam.%s = %d;', 'Power', MOT2D.TotalPower - PowerArray(j)));
- [lrmatrix(i,j), ~, ~] = MOT2D.runSimulation(Oven);
- end
- end
- LoadingRateArray{end+1} = lrmatrix;
-tEnd = toc(tStart);
-fprintf('Total Computational Time: %0.1f seconds. \n', tEnd);
-% - Plot results
-OptionsStruct = struct;
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForFirstParameter = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth)^-1;
-OptionsStruct.XLabelString = 'Sideband Beam Detuning (\Delta/\Gamma)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForSecondParameter = 1000;
-OptionsStruct.YLabelString = 'Sideband Beam Waist (mm)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForThirdParameter = 100;
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForQuantityOfInterest = 1e-9;
-OptionsStruct.ZLabelString = 'Loading rate (x 10^{9} atoms/s)';
-OptionsStruct.PlotTitleString = 'Magnetic Gradient = %.0f (G/cm)';
-OptionsStruct.FigureTitleString = sprintf('Oven-2DMOT Distance = %.1f (mm); Total Beam Power = %d (mW)', Oven.OvenDistance * 1000, MOT2D.TotalPower*1000);
-options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
-Plotter.plotResultForThreeParameterScan(DetuningArray, PowerArray, MagneticGradientArray, LoadingRateArray, options{:})
-clear OptionsStruct
-MOT2D.NumberOfAtoms = 10000;
-MOT2D.TotalPower = 0.4;
-MOT2D.MagneticGradient = 0.4; 0;
-CoolingBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Blue'), Beams)};
-CoolingBeam.Power = 0.2;
-CoolingBeam.Detuning = -1.3*Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-SidebandBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'BlueSideband'), Beams)};
-SidebandBeam.Power = 0.2;
-NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = 20; %iterations of the simulation
-NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = 20;
-DetuningArray = linspace(-1.0, -6.0, NumberOfPointsForFirstParam) * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-BeamWaistArray = linspace(10, 25, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam) * 1e-03;
-tStart = tic;
-LoadingRateArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam);
-StandardErrorArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam);
-ConfidenceIntervalArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam, 2);
-for i=1:NumberOfPointsForFirstParam
- eval(sprintf('SidebandBeam.Detuning = %d;', DetuningArray(i)));
- for j=1:NumberOfPointsForSecondParam
- eval(sprintf('CoolingBeam.Waist = %d;', BeamWaistArray(j)));
- eval(sprintf('SidebandBeam.Waist = %d;', BeamWaistArray(j)));
- [LoadingRateArray(i,j), StandardErrorArray(i,j), ConfidenceIntervalArray(i,j,:)] = MOT2D.runSimulation(Oven);
- end
-tEnd = toc(tStart);
-fprintf('Total Computational Time: %0.1f seconds. \n', tEnd);
-if MOT2D.DoSave
- LoadingRate = struct;
- LoadingRate.Values = LoadingRateArray;
- MOT2D.Results = LoadingRate;
- SaveFolder = [MOT2D.SaveDirectory filesep 'Results'];
- Filename = ['TwoParameterScan_' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd_HHMM')];
- eval([sprintf('%s_Object', Filename) ' = MOT2D;']);
- mkdir(SaveFolder);
- save([SaveFolder filesep Filename], sprintf('%s_Object', Filename));
-% - Plot results
-OptionsStruct = struct;
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForFirstParameter = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth)^-1;
-OptionsStruct.XLabelString = 'Sideband Beam Detuning (\Delta/\Gamma)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForSecondParameter = 1000;
-OptionsStruct.YLabelString = 'Beam Waist (mW)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForQuantityOfInterest = 1e-10;
-% OptionsStruct.ZLabelString = 'Enhancement Factor (\eta)';
-OptionsStruct.ZLabelString = 'Loading rate (x 10^{10} atoms/s)';
-OptionsStruct.TitleString = sprintf('Magnetic Gradient = %.0f (G/cm)', MOT2D.MagneticGradient * 100);
-options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
-Plotter.plotResultForTwoParameterScan(DetuningArray, BeamWaistArray, LoadingRateArray, options{:})
-MOT2D.NumberOfAtoms = 10000;
-MOT2D.TotalPower = 0.4;
-MOT2D.MagneticGradient = 0.4; 0;
-CoolingBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Blue'), Beams)};
-CoolingBeam.Power = 0.2;
-SidebandBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'BlueSideband'), Beams)};
-SidebandBeam.Power = 0.2;
-NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = 20; %iterations of the simulation
-NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = 20;
-DetuningArray = linspace(-0.5, -2.5, NumberOfPointsForFirstParam) * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-BeamWaistArray = linspace(10, 25, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam) * 1e-03;
-tStart = tic;
-LoadingRateArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam);
-StandardErrorArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam);
-ConfidenceIntervalArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam, 2);
-for i=1:NumberOfPointsForFirstParam
- eval(sprintf('CoolingBeam.Detuning = %d;', DetuningArray(i)));
- eval(sprintf('SidebandBeam.Detuning = %d;', DetuningArray(i) - (1.0 * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth)));
- for j=1:NumberOfPointsForSecondParam
- eval(sprintf('CoolingBeam.Waist = %d;', BeamWaistArray(j)));
- eval(sprintf('SidebandBeam.Waist = %d;', BeamWaistArray(j)));
- [LoadingRateArray(i,j), StandardErrorArray(i,j), ConfidenceIntervalArray(i,j,:)] = MOT2D.runSimulation(Oven);
- end
-tEnd = toc(tStart);
-fprintf('Total Computational Time: %0.1f seconds. \n', tEnd);
-if MOT2D.DoSave
- LoadingRate = struct;
- LoadingRate.Values = LoadingRateArray;
- MOT2D.Results = LoadingRate;
- SaveFolder = [MOT2D.SaveDirectory filesep 'Results'];
- Filename = ['TwoParameterScan_' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd_HHMM')];
- eval([sprintf('%s_Object', Filename) ' = MOT2D;']);
- mkdir(SaveFolder);
- save([SaveFolder filesep Filename], sprintf('%s_Object', Filename));
-% - Plot results
-OptionsStruct = struct;
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForFirstParameter = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth)^-1;
-OptionsStruct.XLabelString = 'Beam Detuning (\Delta/\Gamma)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForSecondParameter = 1000;
-OptionsStruct.YLabelString = 'Beam Waist (mW)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForQuantityOfInterest = 1e-10;
-% OptionsStruct.ZLabelString = 'Enhancement Factor (\eta)';
-OptionsStruct.ZLabelString = 'Loading rate (x 10^{10} atoms/s)';
-OptionsStruct.TitleString = sprintf('Magnetic Gradient = %.0f (G/cm)', MOT2D.MagneticGradient * 100);
-options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
-Plotter.plotResultForTwoParameterScan(DetuningArray, BeamWaistArray, LoadingRateArray, options{:})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Scripts/scanForSidebandEnhancement.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Scripts/scanForSidebandEnhancement.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b13fb7..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Scripts/scanForSidebandEnhancement.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-function [LoadingRateArray, StandardErrorArray, ConfidenceIntervalArray] = scanForSidebandEnhancement(ovenObj, MOTobj, CBBeamName, SBBeamName, SBDetuningArray, SBPowerArray)
- Beams = MOTobj.Beams;
- CoolingBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, CBBeamName), Beams)};
- SidebandBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, SBBeamName), Beams)};
- NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = length(SBDetuningArray);
- NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = length(SBPowerArray);
- LoadingRateArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam);
- StandardErrorArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam);
- ConfidenceIntervalArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam, 2);
- for i=1:NumberOfPointsForFirstParam
- eval(sprintf('SidebandBeam.%s = %d;', 'Detuning', SBDetuningArray(i)));
- for j=1:NumberOfPointsForSecondParam
- eval(sprintf('SidebandBeam.%s = %d;', 'Power', SBPowerArray(j)));
- eval(sprintf('CoolingBeam.%s = %d;', 'Power', MOTobj.TotalPower - SBPowerArray(j)));
- [LoadingRateArray(i,j), StandardErrorArray(i,j), ConfidenceIntervalArray(i,j,:)] = MOTobj.runSimulation(ovenObj);
- end
- end
- if MOTobj.DoSave
- LoadingRate = struct;
- LoadingRate.Values = LoadingRateArray;
- LoadingRate.Errors = StandardErrorArray;
- LoadingRate.CI = ConfidenceIntervalArray;
- MOTobj.Results = LoadingRate;
- SaveFolder = [MOTobj.SaveDirectory filesep 'Results'];
- Filename = ['TwoParameterScan_' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd_HHMM')];
- eval([sprintf('%s_Object', Filename) ' = MOTobj;']);
- mkdir(SaveFolder);
- save([SaveFolder filesep Filename], sprintf('%s_Object', Filename));
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/+Scan/doOneParameter.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/+Scan/doOneParameter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ac8b56..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/+Scan/doOneParameter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-function [LoadingRateArray, StandardErrorArray, ConfidenceIntervalArray] = doOneParameter(ovenObj, MOTobj, BeamName, BeamParameter, ParameterArray)
- Beams = MOTobj.Beams;
- Beam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, BeamName), Beams)};
- NumberOfPointsForParam = length(ParameterArray);
- LoadingRateArray = zeros(1,NumberOfPointsForParam);
- StandardErrorArray = zeros(1,NumberOfPointsForParam);
- ConfidenceIntervalArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForParam, 2);
- for i=1:NumberOfPointsForParam
- eval(sprintf('Beam.%s = %d;', BeamParameter, ParameterArray(i)));
- [LoadingRateArray(i), StandardErrorArray(i), ConfidenceIntervalArray(i,:)] = MOTobj.runSimulation(ovenObj);
- end
- if MOTobj.DoSave
- LoadingRate = struct;
- LoadingRate.Values = LoadingRateArray;
- LoadingRate.Errors = StandardErrorArray;
- LoadingRate.CI = ConfidenceIntervalArray;
- MOTobj.Results = LoadingRate;
- SaveFolder = [MOTobj.SaveDirectory filesep 'Results'];
- Filename = ['OneParameterScan_' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd_HHMM')];
- eval([sprintf('%s_Object', Filename) ' = MOTobj;']);
- mkdir(SaveFolder);
- save([SaveFolder filesep Filename], sprintf('%s_Object', Filename));
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/+Scan/doThreeParameters.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/+Scan/doThreeParameters.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4afdcf3..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/+Scan/doThreeParameters.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-function LoadingRateArray = doThreeParameters(ovenObj, MOTobj, BeamName, FirstBeamParameter, FirstParameterArray, ...
- SecondBeamParameter, SecondParameterArray, ThirdBeamParameter, ThirdParameterArray)
- NumberOfPointsForThirdParam = length(ThirdParameterArray);
- LoadingRateArray = {};
- for i=1:NumberOfPointsForThirdParam
- eval(sprintf('MOTobj.%s = %d;', ThirdBeamParameter, ThirdParameterArray(i)));
- LoadingRateArray{end+1} = Simulator.Scan.doTwoParameters(ovenObj, MOTobj, BeamName, FirstBeamParameter, FirstParameterArray, SecondBeamParameter, SecondParameterArray);
- end
- if MOTobj.DoSave
- LoadingRate = struct;
- LoadingRate.Values = LoadingRateArray;
- MOTobj.Results = LoadingRate;
- SaveFolder = [MOTobj.SaveDirectory filesep 'Results'];
- Filename = ['ThreeParameterScan_' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd_HHMM')];
- eval([sprintf('%s_Object', Filename) ' = MOTobj;']);
- mkdir(SaveFolder);
- save([SaveFolder filesep Filename], sprintf('%s_Object', Filename));
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/+Scan/doTwoParameters.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/+Scan/doTwoParameters.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 092ca13..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/+Scan/doTwoParameters.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-function [LoadingRateArray, StandardErrorArray, ConfidenceIntervalArray] = doTwoParameters(ovenObj, MOTobj, BeamName, FirstBeamParameter, ...
- FirstParameterArray, SecondBeamParameter, SecondParameterArray)
- Beams = MOTobj.Beams;
- Beam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, BeamName), Beams)};
- NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = length(FirstParameterArray);
- NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = length(SecondParameterArray);
- LoadingRateArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam);
- StandardErrorArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam);
- ConfidenceIntervalArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForFirstParam, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam, 2);
- for i=1:NumberOfPointsForFirstParam
- eval(sprintf('Beam.%s = %d;', FirstBeamParameter, FirstParameterArray(i)));
- for j=1:NumberOfPointsForSecondParam
- eval(sprintf('Beam.%s = %d;', SecondBeamParameter, SecondParameterArray(j)));
- [LoadingRateArray(i,j), StandardErrorArray(i,j), ConfidenceIntervalArray(i,j,:)] = MOTobj.runSimulation(ovenObj);
- end
- end
- if MOTobj.DoSave
- LoadingRate = struct;
- LoadingRate.Values = LoadingRateArray;
- LoadingRate.Errors = StandardErrorArray;
- LoadingRate.CI = ConfidenceIntervalArray;
- MOTobj.Results = LoadingRate;
- SaveFolder = [MOTobj.SaveDirectory filesep 'Results'];
- Filename = ['TwoParameterScan_' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd_HHMM')];
- eval([sprintf('%s_Object', Filename) ' = MOTobj;']);
- mkdir(SaveFolder);
- save([SaveFolder filesep Filename], sprintf('%s_Object', Filename));
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Beams/Beams.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Beams/Beams.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 7889f1d..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Beams/Beams.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-classdef Beams < handle & matlab.mixin.Copyable
- properties (Access = private)
- BlueBeamDefault = struct('Alias', 'Blue', ...
- 'Power', 400e-3, ...
- 'Detuning', -1.64*Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth, ...
- 'Radius', 17.5e-3, ...
- 'Waist', 15e-3, ...
- 'WaveNumber',2*pi/Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueWavelength, ...
- 'Linewidth', Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth, ...
- 'SaturationIntensity', 0.1 * (2 * pi^2 / 3) * ...
- ((Helper.PhysicsConstants.PlanckConstantReduced * ...
- Helper.PhysicsConstants.SpeedOfLight * ...
- Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth) / (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueWavelength)^3));
- BlueSidebandBeamDefault = struct('Alias', 'BlueSideband', ...
- 'Power', 400e-3, ...
- 'Detuning', -3*Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth, ...
- 'Radius', 17.5e-3, ...
- 'Waist', 15e-3, ...
- 'WaveNumber',2*pi/Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueWavelength, ...
- 'Linewidth', Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth, ...
- 'SaturationIntensity', 0.1 * (2 * pi^2 / 3) * ...
- ((Helper.PhysicsConstants.PlanckConstantReduced * ...
- Helper.PhysicsConstants.SpeedOfLight * ...
- Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth) / (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueWavelength)^3));
- PushBeamDefault = struct('Alias', 'Push', ...
- 'Power', 25e-3 , ...
- 'Detuning', 104.2*Helper.PhysicsConstants.RedLinewidth, ...
- 'Radius', 1.2e-03, ...
- 'Waist', 1.0e-03, ...
- 'WaveNumber',2*pi/Helper.PhysicsConstants.RedWavelength, ...
- 'Linewidth', Helper.PhysicsConstants.RedLinewidth, ...
- 'SaturationIntensity', 0.1 * (2 * pi^2 / 3) * ...
- ((Helper.PhysicsConstants.PlanckConstantReduced * ...
- Helper.PhysicsConstants.SpeedOfLight * ...
- Helper.PhysicsConstants.RedLinewidth) / (Helper.PhysicsConstants.RedWavelength)^3));
- RedBeamDefault = struct('Alias', 'Red', ...
- 'Power', 100e-3 , ...
- 'Detuning', -1*Helper.PhysicsConstants.RedLinewidth, ...
- 'Radius', 1.2e-3, ...
- 'Waist', 12e-3 , ...
- 'WaveNumber',2*pi/Helper.PhysicsConstants.RedWavelength, ...
- 'Linewidth', Helper.PhysicsConstants.RedLinewidth, ...
- 'SaturationIntensity', 0.1 * (2 * pi^2 / 3) * ...
- ((Helper.PhysicsConstants.PlanckConstantReduced * ...
- Helper.PhysicsConstants.SpeedOfLight * ...
- Helper.PhysicsConstants.RedLinewidth) / (Helper.PhysicsConstants.RedWavelength)^3));
- end
- properties
- Alias
- Power;
- Detuning;
- Radius;
- Waist;
- WaveNumber;
- SaturationIntensity;
- Linewidth;
- end
- properties (Dependent)
- SaturationParameter;
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %- Methods
- methods
- %% Class Constructor
- function this = Beams(BeamName)
- input = inputParser;
- addRequired(input,'BeamName', @ischar);
- parse(input, BeamName);
- this.Alias = input.Results.BeamName;
- switch this.Alias
- case this.BlueBeamDefault.Alias
- this.Power = this.BlueBeamDefault.Power;
- this.Detuning = this.BlueBeamDefault.Detuning;
- this.Radius = this.BlueBeamDefault.Radius;
- this.Waist = this.BlueBeamDefault.Waist;
- this.WaveNumber = this.BlueBeamDefault.WaveNumber;
- this.Linewidth = this.BlueBeamDefault.Linewidth;
- this.SaturationIntensity = this.BlueBeamDefault.SaturationIntensity;
- case this.BlueSidebandBeamDefault.Alias
- this.Power = this.BlueSidebandBeamDefault.Power;
- this.Detuning = this.BlueSidebandBeamDefault.Detuning;
- this.Radius = this.BlueSidebandBeamDefault.Radius;
- this.Waist = this.BlueSidebandBeamDefault.Waist;
- this.WaveNumber = this.BlueSidebandBeamDefault.WaveNumber;
- this.Linewidth = this.BlueSidebandBeamDefault.Linewidth;
- this.SaturationIntensity = this.BlueSidebandBeamDefault.SaturationIntensity;
- case this.PushBeamDefault.Alias
- this.Power = this.PushBeamDefault.Power;
- this.Detuning = this.PushBeamDefault.Detuning;
- this.Radius = this.PushBeamDefault.Radius;
- this.Waist = this.PushBeamDefault.Waist;
- this.WaveNumber = this.PushBeamDefault.WaveNumber;
- this.Linewidth = this.PushBeamDefault.Linewidth;
- this.SaturationIntensity = this.PushBeamDefault.SaturationIntensity;
- case this.RedBeamDefault.Alias
- this.Power = this.RedBeamDefault.Power;
- this.Detuning = this.RedBeamDefault.Detuning;
- this.Radius = this.RedBeamDefault.Radius;
- this.Waist = this.RedBeamDefault.Waist;
- this.WaveNumber = this.RedBeamDefault.WaveNumber;
- this.Linewidth = this.RedBeamDefault.Linewidth;
- this.SaturationIntensity = this.RedBeamDefault.SaturationIntensity;
- otherwise
- error('No such beam!')
- end
- end
- end % - lifecycle
- methods
- function set.Power(this,val)
- this.Power = val;
- end
- function ret = get.Power(this)
- ret = this.Power;
- end
- function set.Detuning(this, val)
- this.Detuning = val;
- end
- function ret = get.Detuning(this)
- ret = this.Detuning;
- end
- function set.Radius(this, val)
- this.Radius = val;
- end
- function ret = get.Radius(this)
- ret = this.Radius;
- end
- function set.Waist(this, val)
- this.Waist = val;
- end
- function ret = get.Waist(this)
- ret = this.Waist;
- end
- function set.WaveNumber(this, val)
- this.WaveNumber = val;
- end
- function ret = get.WaveNumber(this)
- ret = this.WaveNumber;
- end
- function set.SaturationIntensity(this, val)
- this.SaturationIntensity = val;
- end
- function ret = get.SaturationIntensity(this)
- ret = this.SaturationIntensity;
- end
- function set.Linewidth(this, val)
- this.Linewidth = val;
- end
- function ret = get.Linewidth(this)
- ret = this.Linewidth;
- end
- end % - setters and getters
- methods
- function ret = get.SaturationParameter(this)
- ret = 0.1 * (8 * this.Power) / (pi*this.Waist^2 * this.SaturationIntensity); % two beams are reflected
- end
- end % - getters for dependent properties
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %- Methods
- methods(Access = protected)
- function cp = copyElement(this)
- % Shallow copy object
- cp = copyElement@matlab.mixin.Copyable(this);
- % Forces the setter to redefine the function handles to the new copied object
- pl = properties(this);
- for k = 1:length(pl)
- sc = superclasses(this.(pl{k}));
- if any(contains(sc,{'matlab.mixin.Copyable'}))
- cp.(pl{k}) = this.(pl{k}).copy();
- end
- end
- end
- end
- methods (Static)
- % Creates an Instance of Class, ensures singleton behaviour (that there
- % can only be one Instance of this class
- function singleObj = getInstance(BeamName)
- % Creates an Instance of Class, ensures singleton behaviour
- persistent localObj;
- if isempty(localObj) || ~isvalid(localObj)
- localObj = Simulator.Beams(BeamName);
- end
- singleObj = localObj;
- end
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@MOTCaptureProcess/MOTCaptureProcess.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@MOTCaptureProcess/MOTCaptureProcess.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 911d39b..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@MOTCaptureProcess/MOTCaptureProcess.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-classdef MOTCaptureProcess < handle & matlab.mixin.Copyable
- properties (Access = public)
- SimulationMode; % MOT type
- TimeStep;
- SimulationTime;
- NumberOfAtoms;
- ErrorEstimationMethod;
- %Flags
- SpontaneousEmission;
- SidebandBeam;
- PushBeam;
- Gravity;
- BackgroundCollision;
- DebugMode;
- DoSave;
- SaveDirectory;
- end
- properties
- Beams = {}; %Contains beam objects
- end % - public
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %- Methods
- methods
- %% Class Destructor (Clears object)
- function this = MOTCaptureProcess(varargin)
- p = inputParser;
- p.KeepUnmatched = true;
- addParameter(p, 'SimulationMode', '2D',...
- @(x) any(strcmpi(x,{'2D','3D', 'Full'})));
- addParameter(p, 'ErrorEstimationMethod', 'jackknife',...
- @(x) any(strcmpi(x,{'jackknife','bootstrap'})));
- addParameter(p, 'NumberOfAtoms', 5000,...
- @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0)));
- addParameter(p, 'TimeStep', 10e-06,...
- @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0)));
- addParameter(p, 'SimulationTime', 3e-03,...
- @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0)));
- addParameter(p, 'SpontaneousEmission', false,...
- @islogical);
- addParameter(p, 'SidebandBeam', false,...
- @islogical);
- addParameter(p, 'PushBeam', false,...
- @islogical);
- addParameter(p, 'Gravity', false,...
- @islogical);
- addParameter(p, 'BackgroundCollision', false,...
- @islogical);
- addParameter(p, 'DebugMode', false,...
- @islogical);
- addParameter(p, 'SaveData', false,...
- @islogical);
- addParameter(p, 'SaveDirectory', pwd,...
- @ischar);
- p.parse(varargin{:});
- this.SimulationMode = p.Results.SimulationMode;
- this.ErrorEstimationMethod= p.Results.ErrorEstimationMethod;
- this.NumberOfAtoms = p.Results.NumberOfAtoms;
- this.TimeStep = p.Results.TimeStep;
- this.SimulationTime = p.Results.SimulationTime;
- this.SpontaneousEmission = p.Results.SpontaneousEmission;
- this.SidebandBeam = p.Results.SidebandBeam;
- this.PushBeam = p.Results.PushBeam;
- this.Gravity = p.Results.Gravity;
- this.BackgroundCollision = p.Results.BackgroundCollision;
- this.DebugMode = p.Results.DebugMode;
- this.DoSave = p.Results.SaveData;
- this.SaveDirectory = p.Results.SaveDirectory;
- switch this.SimulationMode
- case "2D"
- this.Beams{1} = Simulator.Beams('Blue');
- this.Beams{2} = Simulator.Beams('BlueSideband');
- this.Beams{3} = Simulator.Beams('Push');
- case "3D"
- this.Beams{1} = Simulator.Beams('Red');
- % Development In progress
- case "Full"
- % Development In progress
- end
- end
- end % - lifecycle
- methods
- function set.TimeStep(this, val)
- assert(val > 1e-06, 'Not time efficient to compute for time steps smaller than 1 microsecond!');
- this.TimeStep = val;
- end
- function ret = get.TimeStep(this)
- ret = this.TimeStep;
- end
- function set.SimulationTime(this, val)
-% assert(val <= 5e-03, 'Not time efficient to compute for time spans longer than 5 milliseconds!');
- this.SimulationTime = val;
- end
- function ret = get.SimulationTime(this)
- ret = this.SimulationTime;
- end
- function set.NumberOfAtoms(this, val)
- assert(val <= 50000, '!!Not time efficient to compute for atom numbers larger than 50,000!!');
- this.NumberOfAtoms = val;
- end
- function ret = get.NumberOfAtoms(this)
- ret = this.NumberOfAtoms;
- end
- function set.DebugMode(this, val)
- this.DebugMode = val;
- end
- function ret = get.DebugMode(this)
- ret = this.DebugMode;
- end
- function set.DoSave(this, val)
- this.DoSave = val;
- end
- function ret = get.DoSave(this)
- ret = this.DoSave;
- end
- function set.SaveDirectory(this, val)
- this.SaveDirectory = val;
- end
- function ret = get.SaveDirectory(this)
- ret = this.SaveDirectory;
- end
- end % - setters and getters
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %- Methods
- methods(Access = protected)
- function cp = copyElement(this)
- % Shallow copy object
- cp = copyElement@matlab.mixin.Copyable(this);
- % Forces the setter to redefine the function handles to the new copied object
- pl = properties(this);
- for k = 1:length(pl)
- sc = superclasses(this.(pl{k}));
- if any(contains(sc,{'matlab.mixin.Copyable'}))
- cp.(pl{k}) = this.(pl{k}).copy();
- end
- end
- end
- end
- methods (Static)
- % Creates an Instance of Class, ensures singleton behaviour (that there
- % can only be one Instance of this class
- function singleObj = getInstance(varargin)
- % Creates an Instance of Class, ensures singleton behaviour
- persistent localObj;
- if isempty(localObj) || ~isvalid(localObj)
- localObj = Simulator.MOTCaptureProcess(varargin{:});
- end
- singleObj = localObj;
- end
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/Oven.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/Oven.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fa54b2..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/Oven.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-classdef Oven < Simulator.MOTCaptureProcess & matlab.mixin.Copyable
- properties (Access = private)
- OvenDefaults = struct('NozzleLength', 60e-3, ...
- 'NozzleRadius', 2.60e-3, ...
- 'OvenTemperature', 1000);
- end
- properties (Access = public)
- NozzleLength;
- NozzleRadius;
- OvenTemperature;
- VelocityCutoff;
- ClausingFactor;
- ReducedClausingFactor;
- ReducedFlux;
- end
- properties (Dependent)
- ExitDivergence;
- Beta;
- OvenDistance;
- OvenTemperatureinKelvin;
- AverageVelocity;
- AtomicBeamDensity;
- MeanFreePath;
- CollisionTime;
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %- Methods
- methods
- function this = Oven(varargin)
- this@Simulator.MOTCaptureProcess('SimulationMode', '2D', varargin{:});
- this.NozzleLength = this.OvenDefaults.NozzleLength;
- this.NozzleRadius = this.OvenDefaults.NozzleRadius;
- this.OvenTemperature = this.OvenDefaults.OvenTemperature;
- this.ClausingFactor = this.calculateClausingFactor();
- [this.ReducedClausingFactor, ~] = this.calculateReducedClausingFactor();
- end
- function restoreDefaults(this)
- this.NozzleLength = this.OvenDefaults.NozzleLength;
- this.NozzleRadius = this.OvenDefaults.NozzleRadius;
- this.OvenTemperature = this.OvenDefaults.OvenTemperature;
- this.ClausingFactor = this.calculateClausingFactor();
- [this.ReducedClausingFactor, ~] = this.calculateReducedClausingFactor();
- end
- end % - lifecycle
- methods
- function set.NozzleLength(this,val)
- this.NozzleLength = val;
- end
- function ret = get.NozzleLength(this)
- ret = this.NozzleLength;
- end
- function set.NozzleRadius(this,val)
- this.NozzleRadius = val;
- end
- function ret = get.NozzleRadius(this)
- ret = this.NozzleRadius;
- end
- function set.OvenTemperature(this,val)
- this.OvenTemperature = val;
- end
- function ret = get.OvenTemperature(this)
- ret = this.OvenTemperature;
- end
- function set.VelocityCutoff(this,val)
- this.VelocityCutoff = val;
- end
- function ret = get.VelocityCutoff(this)
- ret = this.VelocityCutoff;
- end
- function set.ClausingFactor(this,val)
- this.ClausingFactor = val;
- end
- function ret = get.ClausingFactor(this)
- ret = this.ClausingFactor;
- end
- function set.ReducedClausingFactor(this,val)
- this.ReducedClausingFactor = val;
- end
- function ret = get.ReducedClausingFactor(this)
- ret = this.ReducedClausingFactor;
- end
- function set.ReducedFlux(this,val)
- this.ReducedFlux = val;
- end
- function ret = get.ReducedFlux(this)
- ret = this.ReducedFlux;
- end
- end % - setters and getters
- methods
- function ret = get.Beta(this)
- ret = 2 * (this.NozzleRadius/this.NozzleLength);
- end
- function ret = get.OvenDistance(this)
- ApertureCut = max(2.5e-3,this.NozzleRadius);
- ret = (25+12.5)*1e-3 + (this.NozzleRadius + ApertureCut) / tan(15/360 * 2 * pi);
- end
- function ret = get.ExitDivergence(this)
- Theta_Nozzle = atan((this.NozzleRadius + 0.035/sqrt(2))/this.OvenDistance); % The angle of capture region towards the oven nozzle
- Theta_Aperture = 15/360*2*pi; % The limitation angle of the second aperture in the oven
- ret = min(Theta_Nozzle,Theta_Aperture);
- end
- function ret = get.OvenTemperatureinKelvin(this)
- ret = this.OvenTemperature + Helper.PhysicsConstants.ZeroKelvin;
- end
- function ret = get.AverageVelocity(this)
- %See Background collision probability section in Barbiero
- ret = sqrt((8 * pi * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant*this.OvenTemperatureinKelvin)/ (9 * Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass));
- end
- function ret = get.AtomicBeamDensity(this)
- %See Background collision probability section in Barbiero
- ret = this.calculateFreeMolecularRegimeFlux / (this.AverageVelocity * pi * (this.NozzleRadius)^2);
- end
- function ret = get.MeanFreePath(this)
- % Cross section = pi ( 2 * Van-der-waals radius of Dy)^2;
- % Van-der-waals radius of Dy = 281e-12
- %See Expected atomic flux section and Background collision probability section in Barbiero
- ret = 1/(sqrt(2) * (pi * (2*281e-12)^2) * this.AtomicBeamDensity);
- end
- function ret = get.CollisionTime(this)
- ret = 3 * this.MeanFreePath/this.AverageVelocity; %See Background collision probability section in Barbiero
- end
- end % - getters for dependent properties
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %- Methods
- methods(Access = protected)
- function cp = copyElement(this)
- % Shallow copy object
- cp = copyElement@matlab.mixin.Copyable(this);
- % Forces the setter to redefine the function handles to the new copied object
- pl = properties(this);
- for k = 1:length(pl)
- sc = superclasses(this.(pl{k}));
- if any(contains(sc,{'matlab.mixin.Copyable'}))
- cp.(pl{k}) = this.(pl{k}).copy();
- end
- end
- end
- end
- methods (Static)
- % Creates an Instance of Class, ensures singleton behaviour (that there
- % can only be one Instance of this class
- function singleObj = getInstance(varargin)
- % Creates an Instance of Class, ensures singleton behaviour
- persistent localObj;
- if isempty(localObj) || ~isvalid(localObj)
- localObj = Simulator.Oven();
- end
- singleObj = localObj;
- end
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/angularDistributionFunction.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/angularDistributionFunction.m
deleted file mode 100644
index acd3eab..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/angularDistributionFunction.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-function ret = angularDistributionFunction(this, theta)
- %This function calculate the angle distribution of atoms coming out
- %from a single channel.
- KnudsenNumber = this.MeanFreePath/this.NozzleLength;
- alpha = 0.5 - (3*this.Beta^2)^-1 * ...
- ((1 - (2*this.Beta^3) + ((2*this.Beta^2) - 1) * sqrt(1+this.Beta^2)) / ...
- (sqrt(1+this.Beta^2) - (this.Beta^2 * asinh((this.Beta^2)^-1))));
- eta0 = alpha;
- eta1 = 1 - alpha;
- delta = (eta0./sqrt(2*KnudsenNumber*(eta1-eta0)))./sqrt(cos(theta));
- F = 2/sqrt(pi)* (1-eta1)/eta0 * delta.* exp( -(delta*eta1/eta0).^2 );
- q = this.Beta^-1 * tan(theta);
- R = acos(q) - (q .* sqrt(1-q.^2));
- if abs(q) >= 1
- t = linspace(0,1,10000);
- S = sum(sqrt(1-t.^2).* ( erf(delta.*(1 + (t.*(eta1-eta0)./(q.*eta0)) ))-erf(delta)))*(t(2)-t(1));
- if S == 0 || isnan(S)
- ret = eta0*cos(theta);
- else
- ret = eta0*cos(theta)+ 2/sqrt(pi)*eta0*cos(theta) * (exp(delta.^2)/delta) * S;
- end
- else
- t = linspace(0,q,10000);
- S = sum(sqrt(1-t.^2).* ( erf(delta.*(1 + (t.*(eta1-eta0)./(q.*eta0)) ))-erf(delta)))*(t(2)-t(1));
- if isnan(S)
- S=0;
- end
- ret = 2/sqrt(pi)*eta0*cos(theta)*(exp(delta.^2)/delta) * (R./2*(erf(delta*eta1/eta0)-erf(delta)+F)+S)+eta0*cos(theta);
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/calculateClausingFactor.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/calculateClausingFactor.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 84c7ebc..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/calculateClausingFactor.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-function ret = calculateClausingFactor(this)
- ClausingFactorApproximation = (8 * this.NozzleRadius) / (3 * this.NozzleLength);
- alpha = 0.5 - (3*this.Beta^2)^-1 * ((1 - (2*this.Beta^3) + ((2*this.Beta^2) - 1) * sqrt(1+this.Beta^2)) / (sqrt(1+this.Beta^2) - (this.Beta^2 * asinh((this.Beta^2)^-1))));
- ClausingFactorAnalytic = 1 + (2/3) * (1 - (2 * alpha)) * (this.Beta - sqrt(1 - this.Beta^2)) + (2/3) * (1 + alpha) * this.Beta^(-2) * (1 - sqrt(1 + this.Beta^2));
- ret = ClausingFactorApproximation;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/calculateFreeMolecularRegimeFlux.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/calculateFreeMolecularRegimeFlux.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 92b09dd..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/calculateFreeMolecularRegimeFlux.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-function ret = calculateFreeMolecularRegimeFlux(this)
- %This function calculate the total flux of atoms coming out from a tube
- %See Expected atomic flux section in Barbiero
- Dy164VapourPressure = 133.322*exp(11.4103-2.3785e+04./(-219.4821+this.OvenTemperatureinKelvin)).*100; % Vapor Pressure Dysprosium for the given oven temperature
- Dy164DensityinOven = Dy164VapourPressure/(Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant*this.OvenTemperatureinKelvin);
- ret = 1/4 * Dy164DensityinOven * this.AverageVelocity * pi * this.NozzleRadius.^2;
- % Removed the Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164IsotopicAbundance multiplication
- % Needs to be multiplied with the "Clausing Factor" which here would be
- % the probability not for the full solid angle but the angle subtended
- % by the aperture of the oven at its mouth.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/calculateReducedClausingFactor.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/calculateReducedClausingFactor.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 919dc91..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/calculateReducedClausingFactor.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-function [ReducedClausingFactor, NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution] = calculateReducedClausingFactor(this)
- ThetaArray = linspace(0.0001, pi/2, 1000);
- AngularDistribution = zeros(1,length(ThetaArray));
- parfor k = 1:length(ThetaArray)
- AngularDistribution(k) = this.angularDistributionFunction(ThetaArray(k));
- end
- NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution = max(2 * pi .* sin(ThetaArray) .* AngularDistribution);
- ReducedClausingFactor = 0; % We have to calculate the probability of an atom coming out of the oven subject to the physical constraint
- parfor p = 1:length(ThetaArray) % that the angle of divergence is not more than the angle subtended at the mouth of the nozzle
- if ThetaArray(p) <= this.ExitDivergence
- ReducedClausingFactor = ReducedClausingFactor + (2 * pi * sin(ThetaArray(p)) * AngularDistribution(p) * (ThetaArray(2)-ThetaArray(1)));
- end
- end
- ReducedClausingFactor = ReducedClausingFactor / pi;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/initialPositionSampling.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/initialPositionSampling.m
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index 85af394..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/initialPositionSampling.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-function ret = initialPositionSampling(this)
- n = this.NumberOfAtoms;
- phi = 2 * pi * rand(n,1);
- rho = this.Beta * 0.5 * this.NozzleLength * sqrt(rand(n,1));
- ret = [-this.OvenDistance * ones(n,1), rho.*cos(phi), rho.*sin(phi)];
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/initialVelocitySampling.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/initialVelocitySampling.m
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index b82775a..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/initialVelocitySampling.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-function ret = initialVelocitySampling(this, MOTObj)
- n = this.NumberOfAtoms;
- % Calculate Calculate Capture velocity --> Introduce velocity cutoff
- MOTObj.CaptureVelocity = MOTObj.calculateCaptureVelocity(this, [-this.OvenDistance,0,0], [1,0,0]);
- this.VelocityCutoff = 1.05 * MOTObj.CaptureVelocity(1); % Should be the magnitude of the 3-D velocity vector but since here the obtained capture
- % velocity is only along the x-axis, we take the first term which is the x-component of the velocity.
- [ReducedClausingFactor, NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution] = this.calculateReducedClausingFactor();
- this.ReducedClausingFactor = ReducedClausingFactor;
- VelocityDistribution = @(velocity) sqrt(2 / pi) * sqrt(Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass/(Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant * this.OvenTemperatureinKelvin))^3 ...
- * velocity.^3 .* exp(-velocity.^2 .* (Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass / (2 * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant ...
- * this.OvenTemperatureinKelvin)));
- c = integral(VelocityDistribution, 0, this.VelocityCutoff) / integral(VelocityDistribution, 0, inf);
- this.ReducedFlux = c * this.ReducedClausingFactor * this.calculateFreeMolecularRegimeFlux();
- ret = zeros(n,3);
- SampledVelocityMagnitude = zeros(n,1);
- SampledPolarAngle = zeros(n,1);
- SampledAzimuthalAngle = zeros(n,1);
- MostProbableVelocity = sqrt((3 * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant * this.OvenTemperature) / Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass); % For v * f(v) distribution
- if MostProbableVelocity > this.VelocityCutoff
- MaximumVelocityAllowed = this.VelocityCutoff;
- else
- MaximumVelocityAllowed = MostProbableVelocity;
- end
- NormalizationConstantForVelocityDistribution = this.velocityDistributionFunction(MaximumVelocityAllowed);
- parfor i = 1:n
- % Rejection Sampling of speed
- y = rand(1);
- x = this.VelocityCutoff * rand(1);
- while y > ((NormalizationConstantForVelocityDistribution)^-1 * this.velocityDistributionFunction(x)) %As long as this loop condition is satisfied, reject the corresponding x value
- y = rand(1);
- x = this.VelocityCutoff * rand(1);
- end
- SampledVelocityMagnitude(i) = x; % When loop condition is not satisfied, accept x value and store as sample
- % Rejection Sampling of polar angle
- w = rand(1);
- z = this.ExitDivergence * rand(1);
- while w > ((NormalizationConstantForAngularDistribution)^-1 * 2 * pi * this.angularDistributionFunction(z) * sin(z)) %As long as this loop condition is satisfied, reject the corresponding x value
- w = rand(1);
- z = this.ExitDivergence * rand(1);
- end
- SampledPolarAngle(i) = z; %When loop condition is not satisfied, accept x value and store as sample
- % Sampling of azimuthal angle
- SampledAzimuthalAngle(i)= 2 * pi * rand(1);
- ret(i,:)=[SampledVelocityMagnitude(i)*cos(SampledPolarAngle(i)), SampledVelocityMagnitude(i)*sin(SampledPolarAngle(i))*cos(SampledAzimuthalAngle(i)), ...
- SampledVelocityMagnitude(i)*sin(SampledPolarAngle(i))*sin(SampledAzimuthalAngle(i))];
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/velocityDistributionFunction.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/velocityDistributionFunction.m
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index 2f5dc98..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@Oven/velocityDistributionFunction.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-function ret = velocityDistributionFunction(this, velocity)
- ret = sqrt(2 / pi) * sqrt(Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass/(Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant * this.OvenTemperatureinKelvin))^3 ...
- * velocity^3 * exp(-velocity^2.*(Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass / (2 * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BoltzmannConstant ...
- * this.OvenTemperatureinKelvin)));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/TwoDimensionalMOT.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/TwoDimensionalMOT.m
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index bfdf096..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/TwoDimensionalMOT.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-classdef TwoDimensionalMOT < Simulator.MOTCaptureProcess & matlab.mixin.Copyable
- properties (Access = private)
- MagneticGradienDefault = 0.40; % T/m
- ExitDivergenceDefault = 15e-3;
- DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenterDefault = 0;
- PushBeamDistanceDefault = 0.32;
- end
- properties (Access = public)
- TotalPower;
- LandegFactor;
- MagneticSubLevel;
- MagneticGradient;
- CaptureVelocity;
- ExitDivergence;
- DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenter;
- PushBeamDistance;
- TimeSpentInInteractionRegion;
- ParticleDynamicalQuantities;
- InitialParameters;
- BootstrapSampleLength;
- BootstrapSampleNumber;
- Results;
- end
- methods
- function this = TwoDimensionalMOT(varargin)
- this@Simulator.MOTCaptureProcess('SimulationMode', '2D', varargin{:});
- p = inputParser;
- p.KeepUnmatched = true;
- addParameter(p, 'TotalPower', 0.8,...
- @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0)));
- addParameter(p, 'LandegFactor', 1,...
- @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0)));
- addParameter(p, 'MagneticSubLevel', 1,...
- @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x)));
- addParameter(p, 'MagneticGradient', 0.38,...
- @(x) assert(isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x)));
- p.parse(varargin{:});
- this.TotalPower = p.Results.TotalPower;
- this.LandegFactor = p.Results.LandegFactor;
- this.MagneticSubLevel = p.Results.MagneticSubLevel;
- this.MagneticGradient = p.Results.MagneticGradient;
- this.ExitDivergence = this.ExitDivergenceDefault;
- this.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenter = this.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenterDefault;
- this.PushBeamDistance = this.PushBeamDistanceDefault;
- this.InitialParameters = struct;
- this.InitialParameters.TotalPower = this.TotalPower;
- this.InitialParameters.LandegFactor = this.LandegFactor;
- this.InitialParameters.MagneticSubLevel= this.MagneticSubLevel;
- this.InitialParameters.MagneticGradient= this.MagneticGradient;
- this.BootstrapSampleLength = 0.5 * this.NumberOfAtoms;
- this.BootstrapSampleNumber = 1000;
- end
- function restoreDefaults(this)
- this.TotalPower = this.InitialParameters.TotalPower;
- this.LandegFactor = this.InitialParameters.LandegFactor;
- this.MagneticSubLevel = this.InitialParameters.MagneticSubLevel;
- this.MagneticGradient = this.InitialParameters.MagneticGradient;
- this.ExitDivergence = this.ExitDivergenceDefault;
- this.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenter = this.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenterDefault;
- this.PushBeamDistance = this.PushBeamDistanceDefault;
- end
- end % - lifecycle
- methods
- function set.TotalPower(this,val)
- this.TotalPower = val;
- end
- function ret = get.TotalPower(this)
- ret = this.TotalPower;
- end
- function set.LandegFactor(this,val)
- this.LandegFactor = val;
- end
- function ret = get.LandegFactor(this)
- ret = this.LandegFactor;
- end
- function set.MagneticSubLevel(this,val)
- this.MagneticSubLevel = val;
- end
- function ret = get.MagneticSubLevel(this)
- ret = this.MagneticSubLevel;
- end
- function set.MagneticGradient(this,val)
- this.MagneticGradient = val;
- end
- function ret = get.MagneticGradient(this)
- ret = this.MagneticGradient;
- end
- function set.CaptureVelocity(this,val)
- this.CaptureVelocity = val;
- end
- function ret = get.CaptureVelocity(this)
- ret = this.CaptureVelocity;
- end
- function set.ExitDivergence(this,val)
- this.ExitDivergence = val;
- end
- function ret = get.ExitDivergence(this)
- ret = this.ExitDivergence;
- end
- function set.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenter(this,val)
- this.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenter = val;
- end
- function ret = get.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenter(this)
- ret = this.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenter;
- end
- function set.PushBeamDistance(this,val)
- this.PushBeamDistance = val;
- end
- function ret = get.PushBeamDistance(this)
- ret = this.PushBeamDistance;
- end
- function set.TimeSpentInInteractionRegion(this,val)
- this.TimeSpentInInteractionRegion = val;
- end
- function ret = get.TimeSpentInInteractionRegion(this)
- ret = this.TimeSpentInInteractionRegion;
- end
- function set.ParticleDynamicalQuantities(this,val)
- this.ParticleDynamicalQuantities = val;
- end
- function ret = get.ParticleDynamicalQuantities(this)
- ret = this.ParticleDynamicalQuantities;
- end
- function set.InitialParameters(this,val)
- this.InitialParameters = val;
- end
- function ret = get.InitialParameters(this)
- ret = this.InitialParameters;
- end
- function set.BootstrapSampleLength(this,val)
- this.BootstrapSampleLength = val;
- end
- function ret = get.BootstrapSampleLength(this)
- ret = this.BootstrapSampleLength;
- end
- function set.BootstrapSampleNumber(this,val)
- this.BootstrapSampleNumber = val;
- end
- function ret = get.BootstrapSampleNumber(this)
- ret = this.BootstrapSampleNumber;
- end
- function set.Results(this, val)
- this.Results = val;
- end
- function ret = get.Results(this)
- ret = this.Results;
- end
- end % - setters and getters
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %- Methods
- methods(Access = protected)
- function cp = copyElement(this)
- % Shallow copy object
- cp = copyElement@matlab.mixin.Copyable(this);
- % Forces the setter to redefine the function handles to the new copied object
- pl = properties(this);
- for k = 1:length(pl)
- sc = superclasses(this.(pl{k}));
- if any(contains(sc,{'matlab.mixin.Copyable'}))
- cp.(pl{k}) = this.(pl{k}).copy();
- end
- end
- end
- end
- methods (Static)
- % Creates an Instance of Class, ensures singleton behaviour (that there
- % can only be one Instance of this class
- function singleObj = getInstance(varargin)
- % Creates an Instance of Class, ensures singleton behaviour
- persistent localObj;
- if isempty(localObj) || ~isvalid(localObj)
- localObj = Simulator.TwoDimensionalMOT(varargin{:});
- end
- singleObj = localObj;
- end
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/accelerationDueToPushBeam.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/accelerationDueToPushBeam.m
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index 44d6485..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/accelerationDueToPushBeam.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-function ret = accelerationDueToPushBeam(this, PositionVector, VelocityVector)
- % is the distance between the chamber center and the cross point of push beam and z-axis (along the gravity)
- WaveVectorEndPoint = [0, 1, this.DistanceBetweenPushBeamAnd3DMOTCenter/this.PushBeamDistance];
- WaveVectorEndPoint = WaveVectorEndPoint./norm(WaveVectorEndPoint);
- Origin=[0,0,0];
- PushBeamObj = this.Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Push'), this.Beams)};
- PushBeamDetuning = PushBeamObj.Detuning;
- PushBeamRadius = PushBeamObj.Radius;
- PushBeamWaist = PushBeamObj.Waist;
- PushBeamWaveNumber = PushBeamObj.WaveNumber;
- PushBeamLinewidth = PushBeamObj.Linewidth;
- PushBeamSaturationParameter = 0.25 * PushBeamObj.SaturationParameter;
- SaturationIntensity = this.calculateLocalSaturationIntensity(PushBeamSaturationParameter, PositionVector, Origin, WaveVectorEndPoint, PushBeamRadius, PushBeamWaist);
- DopplerShift = dot(WaveVectorEndPoint(:), VelocityVector) * PushBeamWaveNumber;
- Detuning = PushBeamDetuning - DopplerShift;
- s_push = SaturationIntensity/(1 + SaturationIntensity + (4 * (Detuning./PushBeamLinewidth).^2));
- a_sat = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.PlanckConstantReduced * PushBeamWaveNumber * WaveVectorEndPoint(:)/Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass).*(PushBeamLinewidth * 0.5);
- a_push = a_sat .* (s_push/(1+s_push));
- if this.SpontaneousEmission
- a_scatter = this.accelerationDueToSpontaneousEmissionProcess(s_push, s_push, PushBeamLinewidth, PushBeamWaveNumber);
- else
- a_scatter = [0,0,0];
- end
- a_total = a_push + a_scatter;
- ret = a_total(1:3);
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/accelerationDueToSpontaneousEmissionProcess.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/accelerationDueToSpontaneousEmissionProcess.m
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index 9cf4a31..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/accelerationDueToSpontaneousEmissionProcess.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-function ret = accelerationDueToSpontaneousEmissionProcess(this, SaturationParameter, TotalSaturationParameter, Linewidth, WaveNumber)
- Vector = [2*rand(1)-1,2*rand(1)-1,2*rand(1)-1];
- Vector = Vector./norm(Vector);
- ScatteringRate = (0.5 * Linewidth) * (SaturationParameter / (1 + TotalSaturationParameter));
- NumberOfScatteringEvents = floor(ScatteringRate * this.TimeStep);
- if NumberOfScatteringEvents > 0
- ret = Vector.*((Helper.PhysicsConstants.PlanckConstantReduced * WaveNumber) / ...
- (Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass * this.TimeStep)).* sqrt(NumberOfScatteringEvents);
- else
- ret = zeros(1,3);
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/bootstrapErrorEstimation.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/bootstrapErrorEstimation.m
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index a06802a..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/bootstrapErrorEstimation.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-function [LoadingRate, StandardError, ConfidenceInterval] = bootstrapErrorEstimation(this, ovenObj, NumberOfLoadedAtoms)
- n = this.NumberOfAtoms;
- SampleLength = this.BootstrapSampleLength;
- NumberOfBootsrapSamples = this.BootstrapSampleNumber;
- MeanCaptureRatioInEachSample = zeros(1,NumberOfBootsrapSamples);
- for SampleNumber = 1:NumberOfBootsrapSamples
- BoostrapSample = datasample(NumberOfLoadedAtoms, SampleLength); % Sample with replacement
- MeanCaptureRatioInEachSample(SampleNumber) = mean(BoostrapSample) / n; % Empirical bootstrap distribution of sample means
- end
- LoadingRate = mean(MeanCaptureRatioInEachSample) * ovenObj.ReducedFlux;
- Variance = 0; % Bootstrap Estimate of Variance
- for SampleNumber = 1:NumberOfBootsrapSamples
- Variance = Variance + (MeanCaptureRatioInEachSample(SampleNumber) - mean(MeanCaptureRatioInEachSample))^2;
- end
- StandardError = sqrt((1 / (NumberOfBootsrapSamples-1)) * Variance) * ovenObj.ReducedFlux;
- ts = tinv([0.025 0.975],NumberOfBootsrapSamples-1); % T-Score
- ConfidenceInterval = LoadingRate + ts*StandardError; % 95% Confidence Intervals
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diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/calculateCaptureVelocity.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/calculateCaptureVelocity.m
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index 074fad7..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/calculateCaptureVelocity.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-function ret = calculateCaptureVelocity(this, ovenObj, PositionVector, VelocityVector)
- VelocityUnitVector = VelocityVector./norm(VelocityVector);
- UpperLimit = 500;
- LowerLimit = 0;
- for Index = 1:500
- InitialVelocity = (0.5 * (UpperLimit + LowerLimit)) * VelocityUnitVector;
- ParticleDynamicalQuantities = this.solver(PositionVector, InitialVelocity);
- FinalPositionVector = ParticleDynamicalQuantities(end, 1:3);
- if rssq(FinalPositionVector) <= ovenObj.OvenDistance
- LowerLimit = 0.5 * (UpperLimit + LowerLimit);
- else
- UpperLimit = 0.5 * (UpperLimit + LowerLimit);
- end
- if UpperLimit - LowerLimit < 1
- ret = (0.5 * (UpperLimit + LowerLimit)) * VelocityUnitVector;
- break;
- end
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/calculateLoadingRate.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/calculateLoadingRate.m
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index eada4cb..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/calculateLoadingRate.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-function [LoadingRate, StandardError, ConfidenceInterval] = calculateLoadingRate(this, ovenObj)
- n = this.NumberOfAtoms;
- DynamicalQuantities = this.ParticleDynamicalQuantities;
- CollisionEvents = zeros(1, n);
- NumberOfLoadedAtoms = zeros(1, n);
- % Include the stochastic process of background collisions
- for AtomIndex = 1:n
- this.TimeSpentInInteractionRegion(AtomIndex) = this.computeTimeSpentInInteractionRegion(squeeze(DynamicalQuantities(AtomIndex,:,1:3)));
- CollisionEvents(AtomIndex) = this.computeCollisionProbability(ovenObj, this.TimeSpentInInteractionRegion(AtomIndex));
- end
- % Count the number of loaded atoms subject to conditions
- switch this.ErrorEstimationMethod
- case 'bootstrap'
- NumberOfTimeSteps = int64(this.SimulationTime/this.TimeStep);
- NumberOfLoadedAtoms = zeros(1, NumberOfTimeSteps);
- LoadedAtomIndices = [];
- for TimeIndex = 1:NumberOfTimeSteps
- if TimeIndex ~= 1
- NumberOfLoadedAtoms(TimeIndex) = NumberOfLoadedAtoms(TimeIndex-1);
- end
- for AtomIndex = 1:n
- Position = squeeze(DynamicalQuantities(AtomIndex, TimeIndex, 1:3))';
- if this.exitCondition(Position, CollisionEvents(AtomIndex))
- if ~ismember(AtomIndex, LoadedAtomIndices)
- NumberOfLoadedAtoms(TimeIndex) = NumberOfLoadedAtoms(TimeIndex) + 1;
- LoadedAtomIndices(end+1) = AtomIndex;
- end
- else
- if ismember(AtomIndex, LoadedAtomIndices)
- NumberOfLoadedAtoms(TimeIndex) = NumberOfLoadedAtoms(TimeIndex) - 1;
- LoadedAtomIndices(LoadedAtomIndices==AtomIndex) = [];
- end
- end
- end
- end
- [LoadingRate, StandardError, ConfidenceInterval] = this.bootstrapErrorEstimation(ovenObj, NumberOfLoadedAtoms);
- case 'jackknife'
- for AtomIndex = 1:n
- if AtomIndex ~= 1
- NumberOfLoadedAtoms(AtomIndex) = NumberOfLoadedAtoms(AtomIndex-1);
- end
- Position = squeeze(DynamicalQuantities(AtomIndex, end, 1:3))';
- if this.exitCondition(Position, CollisionEvents(AtomIndex))
- NumberOfLoadedAtoms(AtomIndex) = NumberOfLoadedAtoms(AtomIndex) + 1;
- end
- end
- [LoadingRate, StandardError, ConfidenceInterval] = jackknifeErrorEstimation(this, ovenObj, NumberOfLoadedAtoms);
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/calculateLocalSaturationIntensity.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/calculateLocalSaturationIntensity.m
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index 5bc099a..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/calculateLocalSaturationIntensity.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-function ret = calculateLocalSaturationIntensity(~, PeakIntensity, PositionVector, WaveVectorOrigin, WaveVectorEndPoint, BeamRadius, BeamWaist)
- DistanceBetweenAtomAndLaserBeamAxis = Helper.calculateDistanceFromPointToLine(PositionVector, WaveVectorOrigin, WaveVectorEndPoint);
- if DistanceBetweenAtomAndLaserBeamAxis <= BeamRadius
- ret = PeakIntensity * exp(-2*DistanceBetweenAtomAndLaserBeamAxis^2 / BeamWaist^2);
- else
- ret = 0;
- end
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diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/calculateTotalAcceleration.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/calculateTotalAcceleration.m
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index 68513eb..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/calculateTotalAcceleration.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-function ret = calculateTotalAcceleration(this, PositionVector, VelocityVector)
- CoolingBeamObj = this.Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Blue'), this.Beams)};
- CoolingBeamDetuning = CoolingBeamObj.Detuning;
- CoolingBeamRadius = CoolingBeamObj.Radius;
- CoolingBeamWaist = CoolingBeamObj.Waist;
- CoolingBeamWaveNumber = CoolingBeamObj.WaveNumber;
- CoolingBeamLinewidth = CoolingBeamObj.Linewidth;
- CoolingBeamSaturationParameter = CoolingBeamObj.SaturationParameter;
- SidebandBeamObj = this.Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'BlueSideband'), this.Beams)};
- SidebandDetuning = SidebandBeamObj.Detuning;
- SidebandBeamRadius = SidebandBeamObj.Radius;
- SidebandBeamWaist = SidebandBeamObj.Waist;
- SidebandSaturationParameter = SidebandBeamObj.SaturationParameter;
- WaveVectorEndPoint = zeros(2,3);
- WaveVectorEndPoint(1,:) = [1,0,1];
- WaveVectorEndPoint(1,:) = WaveVectorEndPoint(1,1:3)/norm(WaveVectorEndPoint(1,:));
- WaveVectorEndPoint(2,:) = [-1,0,1];
- WaveVectorEndPoint(2,:) = WaveVectorEndPoint(2,1:3)/norm(WaveVectorEndPoint(2,:));
- Sigma = [1,-1];
- Origin = [0,0,0];
- % Calculate the Saturation Intensity at the specified point along its Gaussian Profile
- CoolingBeamLocalSaturationIntensity = [this.calculateLocalSaturationIntensity(0.25 * CoolingBeamSaturationParameter, PositionVector, Origin, WaveVectorEndPoint(1,:), CoolingBeamRadius, CoolingBeamWaist), ...
- this.calculateLocalSaturationIntensity(0.25 * CoolingBeamSaturationParameter, PositionVector, Origin, WaveVectorEndPoint(2,:), CoolingBeamRadius, CoolingBeamWaist)];
- SidebandLocalSaturationIntensity = [this.calculateLocalSaturationIntensity(0.25 * SidebandSaturationParameter, PositionVector, Origin, WaveVectorEndPoint(1,:), SidebandBeamRadius, SidebandBeamWaist), ...
- this.calculateLocalSaturationIntensity(0.25 * SidebandSaturationParameter, PositionVector, Origin, WaveVectorEndPoint(2,:), SidebandBeamRadius, SidebandBeamWaist)];
- TotalAcceleration = zeros(1,3);
- Delta_Cooling = [0,0,0,0];
- Delta_Sideband = [0,0,0,0];
- for i = 1:2
- LocalMagneticField = this.magneticFieldForMOT(PositionVector);
- B = sign(dot(LocalMagneticField(1:3), WaveVectorEndPoint(i,:))) * LocalMagneticField(4);
- ZeemanShift = this.LandegFactor * this.MagneticSubLevel * (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BohrMagneton / Helper.PhysicsConstants.PlanckConstantReduced) * B;
- DopplerShift = dot(WaveVectorEndPoint(i,:), VelocityVector) * CoolingBeamWaveNumber;
- Delta_Cooling(i*2-1) = CoolingBeamDetuning + DopplerShift + (ZeemanShift * Sigma(i));
- Delta_Cooling(i*2) = CoolingBeamDetuning - DopplerShift - (ZeemanShift * Sigma(i));
- if this.SidebandBeam
- Delta_Sideband(i*2-1) = SidebandDetuning + DopplerShift + (ZeemanShift * Sigma(i));
- Delta_Sideband(i*2) = SidebandDetuning - DopplerShift - (ZeemanShift * Sigma(i));
- end
- end
- SaturationParameter = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
- for i = 1:2
- SaturationParameter(2*i-1) = CoolingBeamLocalSaturationIntensity(i) /(1 + 4 * (Delta_Cooling(2*i-1)/CoolingBeamLinewidth)^2);
- SaturationParameter(2*i) = CoolingBeamLocalSaturationIntensity(i) /(1 + 4 * (Delta_Cooling(2*i) /CoolingBeamLinewidth)^2);
- if this.SidebandBeam
- SaturationParameter(2*i-1+4) = SidebandLocalSaturationIntensity(i) /(1 + 4 * (Delta_Sideband(2*i-1)/CoolingBeamLinewidth)^2);
- SaturationParameter(2*i+4) = SidebandLocalSaturationIntensity(i) /(1 + 4 * (Delta_Sideband(2*i)/CoolingBeamLinewidth)^2);
- end
- end
- TotalSaturationParameter = sum(SaturationParameter);
- for i = 1:2
- a_sat = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.PlanckConstantReduced * CoolingBeamWaveNumber * WaveVectorEndPoint(i,1:3)/Helper.PhysicsConstants.Dy164Mass).*(CoolingBeamLinewidth * 0.5);
- a_1 = a_sat .* (SaturationParameter(2*i-1)/(1 + TotalSaturationParameter));
- a_2 = a_sat .* (SaturationParameter(2*i) /(1 + TotalSaturationParameter));
- if this.SpontaneousEmission
- a_scattering = this.accelerationDueToSpontaneousEmissionProcess(SaturationParameter(2*i-1), TotalSaturationParameter, CoolingBeamLinewidth, CoolingBeamWaveNumber) + ...
- this.accelerationDueToSpontaneousEmissionProcess(SaturationParameter(2*i), TotalSaturationParameter, CoolingBeamLinewidth, CoolingBeamWaveNumber);
- else
- a_scattering = [0,0,0];
- end
- if this.SidebandBeam
- a_1 = a_1 + a_sat .* (SaturationParameter(2*i-1+4)/(1 + TotalSaturationParameter));
- a_2 = a_2 + a_sat .* (SaturationParameter(2*i+4) /(1 + TotalSaturationParameter));
- if this.SpontaneousEmission
- a_scattering = a_scattering + ...
- this.accelerationDueToSpontaneousEmissionProcess(SaturationParameter(2*i-1+4), TotalSaturationParameter, CoolingBeamLinewidth, CoolingBeamWaveNumber) + ...
- this.accelerationDueToSpontaneousEmissionProcess(SaturationParameter(2*i+4), TotalSaturationParameter, CoolingBeamLinewidth, CoolingBeamWaveNumber);
- else
- a_scattering = [0,0,0];
- end
- end
- TotalAcceleration = TotalAcceleration + (a_2 - a_1) + a_scattering;
- end
- if this.PushBeam
- TotalAcceleration = TotalAcceleration + this.accelerationDueToPushBeam(PositionVector, VelocityVector);
- end
- ret = TotalAcceleration(1:3);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/computeCollisionProbability.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/computeCollisionProbability.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 39b0014..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/computeCollisionProbability.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-function ret = computeCollisionProbability(this, ovenObj, tau_2D)
- collision = rand(1);
- CollisionProbability = 1 - exp(-tau_2D/ovenObj.CollisionTime);
- if this.BackgroundCollision && collision <= CollisionProbability
- ret = true;
- else
- ret = false;
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/computeTimeSpentInInteractionRegion.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/computeTimeSpentInInteractionRegion.m
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index 6e1aef0..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/computeTimeSpentInInteractionRegion.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-function T = computeTimeSpentInInteractionRegion(this, r)
-% r : N x 3 array. N is the number of time steps
-% T : gives the distribution of time spent in the interaction region
-% T = this.computeTimeSpentInInteractionRegion(r)
- T = 0;
- CoolingBeamObj = this.Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Blue'), this.Beams)};
- NumberOfTimeSteps = int64(this.SimulationTime/this.TimeStep);
- for n = 1:(NumberOfTimeSteps - 1)
- dr = Helper.calculateDistanceFromPointToLine(r(n+1, :), [0 0 0], [0 0 1]);
- if dr < CoolingBeamObj.Radius
- A = 1;
- else
- A = 0;
- end
- T = T + A * this.TimeStep;
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/exitCondition.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/exitCondition.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 33c1406..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/exitCondition.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-function ret = exitCondition(this, PositionVector, CollisionEvent)
- d = Helper.calculateDistanceFromPointToLine(PositionVector, [0 0 0], [0 1 0]);
- y = PositionVector(2);
- DivergenceAngle = atan(d/abs(y));
- if (y >= 0) && (DivergenceAngle <= this.ExitDivergence) && ~CollisionEvent
- ret = true;
- else
- ret = false;
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/jackknifeErrorEstimation.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/jackknifeErrorEstimation.m
deleted file mode 100644
index abca489..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/jackknifeErrorEstimation.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-function [LoadingRate, StandardError, ConfidenceInterval] = jackknifeErrorEstimation(this, ovenObj, NumberOfLoadedAtoms)
- n = this.NumberOfAtoms;
- Autocorrelation = zeros(1, n);
- for i = 1:n-1
- FirstTerm = 0;
- SecondTerm = 0;
- for j = 1:n-i
- FirstTerm = FirstTerm + NumberOfLoadedAtoms(j) / j;
- SecondTerm = SecondTerm + (NumberOfLoadedAtoms(i+j)) / (i+j);
- Autocorrelation(i) = Autocorrelation(i) + ((NumberOfLoadedAtoms(j) / j) .*(NumberOfLoadedAtoms(i+j) / (i+j)));
- end
- Autocorrelation(i) = (1/(n-i)) * (Autocorrelation(i) - ((1/(n-i)) * FirstTerm * SecondTerm));
- end
- if Autocorrelation(1)~=0
- Autocorrelation = Autocorrelation./Autocorrelation(1);
- x = linspace(1,n,n);
- [FitParams,~] = fit(x',Autocorrelation',"exp(-x/tau)", 'Startpoint', 100);
- CorrelationFactor = FitParams.tau;
- SampleLength = 2*CorrelationFactor+1;
- NumberOfJackknifeSamples = floor(n/SampleLength);
- CaptureRatioInEachSample = zeros(1,NumberOfJackknifeSamples);
- SampleNumberLimit = min(NumberOfJackknifeSamples-1,5);
- for i=1:NumberOfJackknifeSamples-SampleNumberLimit
- CaptureRatioInEachSample(i) = NumberOfLoadedAtoms(n-ceil((i-1)*SampleLength))/(n-ceil((i-1)*SampleLength));
- end
- MeanCaptureRatio = sum(CaptureRatioInEachSample) / (NumberOfJackknifeSamples-SampleNumberLimit);
- LoadingRate = MeanCaptureRatio * ovenObj.ReducedFlux;
- Variance=0;
- for i=1:NumberOfJackknifeSamples-SampleNumberLimit
- Variance=Variance+(CaptureRatioInEachSample(i) - MeanCaptureRatio)^2;
- end
- StandardError = sqrt(Variance/(NumberOfJackknifeSamples-SampleNumberLimit));
- ConfidenceInterval = LoadingRate + 1.96*StandardError; % 95% Confidence Intervals
- else
- LoadingRate = nan;
- StandardError = nan;
- ConfidenceInterval = [nan nan];
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/magneticFieldForMOT.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/magneticFieldForMOT.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fc4e1c..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/magneticFieldForMOT.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-function ret = magneticFieldForMOT(this, r)
- ret = zeros(1,4);
- alpha = this.MagneticGradient;
- ret(1) = r(3)*alpha;
- ret(2) = 0;
- ret(3) = r(1)*alpha;
- ret(4) = sqrt(ret(1)^2+ret(2)^2+ret(3)^2);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/runSimulation.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/runSimulation.m
deleted file mode 100644
index f26b3b1..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/runSimulation.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-function [LoadingRate, StandardError, ConfidenceInterval] = runSimulation(this, ovenObj)
- if this.NumberOfAtoms ~= ovenObj.NumberOfAtoms
- ovenObj.NumberOfAtoms = this.NumberOfAtoms;
- end
- %% - Sampling for initial positions and velocities
- % - sampling the position distribution
- Positions = ovenObj.initialPositionSampling();
- % - sampling the velocity distribution
- Velocities = ovenObj.initialVelocitySampling(this);
- %% Solve ODE
- progressbar = Helper.parforNotifications();
- progressbar.PB_start(this.NumberOfAtoms,'Message',['Simulating 2-D MOT capture process for ' num2str(this.NumberOfAtoms,'%.0f') ' atoms:']);
- % calculate the final position of the atoms
- DynamicalQuantities = zeros(this.NumberOfAtoms,int64(this.SimulationTime/this.TimeStep),6);
- parfor Index = 1:this.NumberOfAtoms
- DynamicalQuantities(Index,:, :) = this.solver(Positions(Index,:), Velocities(Index,:));
- progressbar.PB_iterate();
- end
- clear Index
- this.ParticleDynamicalQuantities = DynamicalQuantities;
- %% Calculate the Loading Rate
- [LoadingRate, StandardError, ConfidenceInterval] = this.calculateLoadingRate(ovenObj);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/solver.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/solver.m
deleted file mode 100644
index a2c3cf1..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/+Simulator/@TwoDimensionalMOT/solver.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-function ParticleDynamicalQuantities = solver(this, InitialPosition, InitialVelocity)
- if this.Gravity
- g = [0,0,-Helper.PhysicsConstants.GravitationalAcceleration];
- else
- g = 0;
- end
- ParticleDynamicalQuantities = zeros(int64(this.SimulationTime/this.TimeStep),6);
- for i=1:int64(this.SimulationTime/this.TimeStep)
- ParticleDynamicalQuantities(i,1:3) = InitialPosition;
- ParticleDynamicalQuantities(i,4:6) = InitialVelocity;
- rt = InitialPosition;
- vt = InitialVelocity;
- ga1 = this.calculateTotalAcceleration(rt,vt) + g;
- gv1 = vt .* this.TimeStep;
- rt = rt + 0.5 * gv1;
- vt = vt + 0.5 * ga1 .* this.TimeStep;
- ga2 = this.calculateTotalAcceleration(rt,vt) + g;
- gv2 = vt .* this.TimeStep;
- rt = rt + 0.5 * gv2;
- vt = vt + 0.5 * ga2 .* this.TimeStep;
- ga3 = this.calculateTotalAcceleration(rt,vt) + g;
- gv3 = vt .* this.TimeStep;
- rt = rt + 0.5 * gv3;
- vt = vt + ga3 .* this.TimeStep;
- ga4 = this.calculateTotalAcceleration(rt,vt) + g;
- gv4 = vt .* this.TimeStep;
- InitialPosition = InitialPosition + (gv1+2*(gv2+gv3)+gv4)./6;
- InitialVelocity = InitialVelocity + this.TimeStep*(ga1+2*(ga2+ga3)+ga4)./6;
- end
diff --git a/2DMOT Simulation Code/test_MOTCaptureProcessSimulation.m b/2DMOT Simulation Code/test_MOTCaptureProcessSimulation.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c027ad..0000000
--- a/2DMOT Simulation Code/test_MOTCaptureProcessSimulation.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-%% This script is testing the functionalities of the MOT Capture Process Simulation Classes
-% Important: Run only sectionwise!!
-%% - Testing the MOTCaptureProcess-Class
-% - Create MOTCaptureProcess object with specified options
-% - Automatically creates Beams objects
-OptionsStruct = struct;
-OptionsStruct.ErrorEstimationMethod = 'bootstrap'; % 'jackknife' | 'bootstrap'
-OptionsStruct.NumberOfAtoms = 5000;
-OptionsStruct.TimeStep = 50e-06; % in s
-OptionsStruct.SimulationTime = 4e-03; % in s
-OptionsStruct.SpontaneousEmission = true;
-OptionsStruct.SidebandBeam = true;
-OptionsStruct.PushBeam = true;
-OptionsStruct.Gravity = true;
-OptionsStruct.BackgroundCollision = true;
-OptionsStruct.SaveData = true;
-% OptionsStruct.SaveDirectory = '';
-options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
-clear OptionsStruct
-Oven = Simulator.Oven(options{:});
-MOT2D = Simulator.TwoDimensionalMOT(options{:});
-Beams = MOT2D.Beams;
-%% - Run Simulation
-MOT2D.NumberOfAtoms = 10000;
-MOT2D.SidebandBeam = true;
-MOT2D.PushBeam = false;
-CoolingBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Blue'), Beams)};
-CoolingBeam.Power = 0.2;
-CoolingBeam.Waist = 20e-03;
-CoolingBeam.Detuning = -1.33*Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-SidebandBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'BlueSideband'), Beams)};
-SidebandBeam.Power = 0.2;
-SidebandBeam.Waist = 20e-03;
-SidebandBeam.Detuning = -2.66*Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-PushBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Push'), Beams)};
-PushBeam.Power = 0.025;
-PushBeam.Waist = 0.81e-03;
-PushBeam.Detuning = 0;
-[LoadingRate, ~] = MOT2D.runSimulation(Oven);
-%% - Plot initial distribution
-% - sampling the position distribution
-InitialPositions = Oven.initialPositionSampling();
-% - sampling the velocity distribution
-InitialVelocities = Oven.initialVelocitySampling(MOT2D);
-NumberOfBins = 100;
-Plotter.plotPositionAndVelocitySampling(NumberOfBins, InitialPositions, InitialVelocities);
-%% - Plot distributions of magnitude and direction of initial velocities
-NumberOfBins = 50;
-Plotter.plotInitialVeloctiySamplingVsAngle(Oven, MOT2D, NumberOfBins)
-%% - Plot Magnetic Field
-XAxisRange = [-5 5];
-YAxisRange = [-5 5];
-ZAxisRange = [-5 5];
-Plotter.visualizeMagneticField(MOT2D, XAxisRange, YAxisRange, ZAxisRange)
-%% - Plot MFP & VP for different temperatures
-TemperatureinCelsius = linspace(750,1100,2000); % Temperature in Celsius
-%% - Plot the Free Molecular Flux for different temperatures
-Temperature = [950, 1000, 1050]; % Temperature
-%% - Plot Angular Distribution for different Beta
-Beta = [0.5, 0.1 , 0.05, 0.02, 0.01]; %Beta = 2 * radius / length of the tube
-Plotter.plotAngularDistributionForDifferentBeta(Oven, Beta)
-%% - Plot Capture Velocity
-Plotter.plotCaptureVelocityVsAngle(Oven, MOT2D); % Takes a long time to plot!
-%% - Plot Phase Space with Acceleration Field
-MOT2D.SidebandBeam = false;
-MOT2D.MagneticGradient = 0.4;
-CoolingBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Blue'), Beams)};
-CoolingBeam.Power = 0.3;
-CoolingBeam.Detuning = -1.64*Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-CoolingBeam.Waist = 15e-03;
-SidebandBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'BlueSideband'), Beams)};
-SidebandBeam.Power = 0.5;
-SidebandBeam.Detuning = -4*Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-SidebandBeam.Waist = 15e-03;
-MOT2D.NumberOfAtoms = 50;
-MinimumVelocity = 0;
-MaximumVelocity = 150;
-NumberOfBins = 200; %Along each axis
-IncidentAtomDirection = 0*2*pi/360;
-IncidentAtomPosition = 0;
-Plotter.plotPhaseSpaceWithAccelerationField(Oven, MOT2D, MinimumVelocity, MaximumVelocity, NumberOfBins, IncidentAtomDirection, IncidentAtomPosition)
-%% - Plot Trajectories along the 3 directions
-MOT2D.NumberOfAtoms = 100;
-MOT2D.MagneticGradient = 0.42;
-MaximumVelocity = 150;
-IncidentAtomDirection = 0*2*pi/360;
-IncidentAtomPosition = 0;
-%% - Positions
-Plotter.plotDynamicalQuantities(Oven, MOT2D, MaximumVelocity, IncidentAtomDirection, IncidentAtomPosition, 'PlotPositions', true);
-%% - Velocities
-Plotter.plotDynamicalQuantities(Oven, MOT2D, MaximumVelocity, IncidentAtomDirection, IncidentAtomPosition, 'PlotVelocities', true);
-%% - Scan parameters: One-Parameter Scan
-MOT2D.NumberOfAtoms = 5000;
-MOT2D.TotalPower = 0.4;
-MOT2D.SidebandBeam = false;
-MOT2D.PushBeam = false;
-NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = 5; %iterations of the simulation
-ParameterArray = linspace(0.1, 1.0, NumberOfPointsForFirstParam) * MOT2D.TotalPower;
-tStart = tic;
-[LoadingRateArray, StandardErrorArray, ConfidenceIntervalArray] = Simulator.Scan.doOneParameter(Oven, MOT2D, 'Blue', 'Power', ParameterArray);
-tEnd = toc(tStart);
-fprintf('Total Computational Time: %0.1f seconds. \n', tEnd);
-% - Plot results
-OptionsStruct = struct;
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForParameter = 1000;
-OptionsStruct.XLabelString = 'Cooling Beam Power (mW)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForYQuantity = 1e-10;
-OptionsStruct.ErrorsForYQuantity = true;
-OptionsStruct.ErrorsArray = StandardErrorArray;
-OptionsStruct.CIForYQuantity = true;
-OptionsStruct.CIArray = ConfidenceIntervalArray;
-OptionsStruct.RemoveOutliers = true;
-OptionsStruct.YLabelString = 'Loading rate (x 10^{10} atoms/s)';
-OptionsStruct.TitleString = sprintf('Magnetic Gradient = %.0f (G/cm)', MOT2D.MagneticGradient * 100);
-options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
-Plotter.plotResultForOneParameterScan(ParameterArray, LoadingRateArray, options{:})
-clear OptionsStruct
-%% - Scan parameters: One-Parameter Scan
-MOT2D.NumberOfAtoms = 10000;
-CoolingBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Blue'), Beams)};
-CoolingBeam.Power = 0.4;
-MOT2D.SidebandBeam = false;
-MOT2D.PushBeam = false;
-% ParameterArray = [10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100];
-ParameterArray = [500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500];
-NumberOfPointsForParam = length(ParameterArray); %iterations of the simulation
-LoadingRateArray = zeros(1,NumberOfPointsForParam);
-StandardErrorArray = zeros(1,NumberOfPointsForParam);
-ConfidenceIntervalArray = zeros(NumberOfPointsForParam, 2);
-tStart = tic;
-for i=1:NumberOfPointsForParam
- MOT2D.BootstrapSampleLength = ParameterArray(i);
- [LoadingRateArray(i), StandardErrorArray(i), ConfidenceIntervalArray(i,:)] = MOT2D.runSimulation(Oven);
-tEnd = toc(tStart);
-fprintf('Total Computational Time: %0.1f seconds. \n', tEnd);
-% - Plot results
-OptionsStruct = struct;
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForParameter = 1;
-OptionsStruct.XLabelString = 'Bootstrap Sample Length';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForYQuantity = 1e-10;
-OptionsStruct.ErrorsForYQuantity = true;
-OptionsStruct.ErrorsArray = StandardErrorArray;
-OptionsStruct.CIForYQuantity = true;
-OptionsStruct.CIArray = ConfidenceIntervalArray;
-OptionsStruct.RemoveOutliers = false;
-OptionsStruct.YLabelString = 'Loading rate (x 10^{10} atoms/s)';
-OptionsStruct.TitleString = sprintf('Cooling Beam Power = %d (mW); Magnetic Gradient = %.0f (G/cm)', CoolingBeam.Power*1000, MOT2D.MagneticGradient * 100);
-options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
-Plotter.plotResultForOneParameterScan(ParameterArray, LoadingRateArray, options{:})
-MeanLR = mean(LoadingRateArray(:)) * 1e-10;
-yline(MeanLR, 'LineStyle', '--', 'Linewidth', 2.5)
-textstring = [sprintf('%1.2e', MeanLR * 1e+10) ' atoms'];
-% txt = text((ParameterArray(2) + 0.05*ParameterArray(2)), (max(MeanLR) + 0.05*MeanLR), textstring, 'Interpreter','latex', 'FontSize', 14);
-% xlim([0 100])
-ylim([0 3.5])
-clear OptionsStruct
-%% - Scan parameters: Two-Parameter Scan
-MOT2D.NumberOfAtoms = 5000;
-MOT2D.TotalPower = 0.6;
-NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = 10; %iterations of the simulation
-NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = 10;
-FirstParameterArray = linspace(-0.5, -2.5, NumberOfPointsForFirstParam) * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-SecondParameterArray = linspace(0.3, 1.0, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam) * MOT2D.TotalPower;
-tStart = tic;
-[LoadingRateArray, ~, ~] = Simulator.Scan.doTwoParameters(Oven, MOT2D, 'Blue', 'Detuning', FirstParameterArray, 'Power', SecondParameterArray);
-tEnd = toc(tStart);
-fprintf('Total Computational Time: %0.1f seconds. \n', tEnd);
-% - Plot results
-OptionsStruct = struct;
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForFirstParameter = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth)^-1;
-OptionsStruct.XLabelString = 'Cooling Beam Detuning (\Delta/\Gamma)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForSecondParameter = 1000;
-OptionsStruct.YLabelString = 'Cooling Beam Power (mW)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForQuantityOfInterest = 1e-9;
-OptionsStruct.ZLabelString = 'Loading rate (x 10^{9} atoms/s)';
-OptionsStruct.TitleString = sprintf('Magnetic Gradient = %.0f (G/cm)', MOT2D.MagneticGradient * 100);
-options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
-Plotter.plotResultForTwoParameterScan(FirstParameterArray, SecondParameterArray, LoadingRateArray, options{:})
-clear OptionsStruct
-MOT2D.NumberOfAtoms = 20000;
-MOT2D.MagneticGradient = 0.40;
-MOT2D.SidebandBeam = false;
-MOT2D.PushBeam = false;
-CoolingBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Blue'), Beams)};
-CoolingBeam.Power = 0.4;
-NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = 10; %iterations of the simulation
-NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = 10;
-FirstParameterArray = linspace(-0.5, -2.0, NumberOfPointsForFirstParam) * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-SecondParameterArray = linspace(10, 25, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam) * 1e-03;
-tStart = tic;
-[LoadingRateArray, ~, ~] = Simulator.Scan.doTwoParameters(Oven, MOT2D, 'Blue', 'Detuning', FirstParameterArray, 'Waist', SecondParameterArray);
-tEnd = toc(tStart);
-fprintf('Total Computational Time: %0.1f seconds. \n', tEnd);
-% - Plot results
-OptionsStruct = struct;
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForFirstParameter = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth)^-1;
-OptionsStruct.XLabelString = 'Cooling Beam Detuning (\Delta/\Gamma)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForSecondParameter = 1000;
-OptionsStruct.YLabelString = 'Cooling Beam Waist (mm)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForQuantityOfInterest = 1e-9;
-OptionsStruct.ZLabelString = 'Loading rate (x 10^{9} atoms/s)';
-OptionsStruct.TitleString = sprintf('Cooling Beam Power = %d (mW); Magnetic Gradient = %.0f (G/cm)', CoolingBeam.Power*1000, MOT2D.MagneticGradient * 100);
-options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
-Plotter.plotResultForTwoParameterScan(FirstParameterArray, SecondParameterArray, LoadingRateArray, options{:})
-clear OptionsStruct
-%% - Scan parameters: Three-Parameter Scan
-MOT2D.NumberOfAtoms = 10000;
-MOT2D.SidebandBeam = false;
-MOT2D.PushBeam = false;
-MOT2D.BackgroundCollision = false;
-CoolingBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Blue'), Beams)};
-CoolingBeam.Power = 0.4;
-NumberOfPointsForFirstParam = 10; %iterations of the simulation
-NumberOfPointsForSecondParam = 10;
-NumberOfPointsForThirdParam = 6;
-FirstParameterArray = linspace(-0.5, -2.0, NumberOfPointsForFirstParam) * Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth;
-SecondParameterArray = linspace(10, 25, NumberOfPointsForSecondParam) * 1e-03;
-ThirdParameterArray = linspace(30, 50, NumberOfPointsForThirdParam) * 1e-02;
-MOT2D.BootstrapSampleLength = 500;
-tStart = tic;
-LoadingRateArray = Simulator.Scan.doThreeParameters(Oven, MOT2D, 'Blue', 'Detuning', FirstParameterArray, ...
- 'Waist', SecondParameterArray, ...
- 'MagneticGradient', ThirdParameterArray);
-tEnd = toc(tStart);
-fprintf('Total Computational Time: %0.1f seconds. \n', tEnd);
-% - Plot results
-OptionsStruct = struct;
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForFirstParameter = (Helper.PhysicsConstants.BlueLinewidth)^-1;
-OptionsStruct.XLabelString = 'Cooling Beam Detuning (\Delta/\Gamma)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForSecondParameter = 1000;
-OptionsStruct.YLabelString = 'Cooling Beam Waist (mm)';
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForThirdParameter = 100;
-OptionsStruct.RescalingFactorForQuantityOfInterest = 1e-9;
-OptionsStruct.ZLabelString = 'Loading rate (x 10^{9} atoms/s)';
-OptionsStruct.PlotTitleString = 'Magnetic Gradient = %.0f (G/cm)';
-OptionsStruct.FigureTitleString = sprintf('Oven-2DMOT Distance = %.1f (mm); Cooling Beam Power = %d (mW)', Oven.OvenDistance * 1000, CoolingBeam.Power*1000);
-options = Helper.convertstruct2cell(OptionsStruct);
-Plotter.plotResultForThreeParameterScan(FirstParameterArray, SecondParameterArray, ThirdParameterArray, LoadingRateArray, options{:})
-clear OptionsStruct
-%% Local Saturation Intensity distribution
-WaveVectorEndPoint = zeros(2,3);
-WaveVectorEndPoint(1,:) = [1,0,1];
-WaveVectorEndPoint(1,:) = WaveVectorEndPoint(1,1:3)/norm(WaveVectorEndPoint(1,:));
-WaveVectorEndPoint(2,:) = [-1,0,1];
-WaveVectorEndPoint(2,:) = WaveVectorEndPoint(2,1:3)/norm(WaveVectorEndPoint(2,:));
-Origin = [0,0,0];
-BeamNumber = 2; %Selects one of the two wave vectors defined above
-BeamRadius = 17.5e-03;
-BeamWaist = 15e-03;
-Power = 0.4;
-CoolingBeam = Beams{cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Alias, 'Blue'), Beams)};
-SaturationIntensity = CoolingBeam.SaturationIntensity;
-SaturationParameter = 0.1 * (8 * Power) / (pi*BeamWaist^2 * SaturationIntensity); % two beams are reflected
-n = 10000;
-xmin = -BeamRadius;
-xmax = BeamRadius;
-x = xmin+rand(n,1)*(xmax-xmin);
-y = ones(n,1) * 0;
-zmin = -BeamRadius;
-zmax = BeamRadius;
-z = zmin+rand(n,1)*(zmax-zmin);
-% t = 2*pi*rand(n,1);
-% r = BeamRadius*sqrt(rand(n,1));
-% x = r.*cos(t);
-% y = ones(n,1) * 0;
-% z = r.*sin(t);
-PositionVector = horzcat(x, y, z); %scatter3(zeros(n,1), y, z)
-CoolingBeamLocalSaturationIntensity = @(x) MOT2D.calculateLocalSaturationIntensity(0.25 * SaturationParameter, x, Origin, WaveVectorEndPoint(BeamNumber,:), BeamRadius, BeamWaist);
-IntensityProfile = zeros(n,1);
-for i=1:n
- IntensityProfile(i) = CoolingBeamLocalSaturationIntensity(PositionVector(i, :));
-v = IntensityProfile; % Extract intensity value
-rows = 35;
-columns = 35;
-Image = zeros(rows, columns);
-for k = 1 : length(x)
- row = ceil((x(k) - min(x)) * columns / (max(x) - min(x)));
- column = ceil((z(k) - min(z)) * rows / (max(z) - min(z)));
- if (row == 0)
- row = 1;
- end
- if (column == 0)
- column = 1;
- end
- Image(row, column) = v(k);
-f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Intensity Profile');
-a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
-if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
-f_h.Name = 'Intensity Profile';
-f_h.Units = 'pixels';
-screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
-f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 750 600];
-imagesc(linspace(min(x),max(x),row) * 1e+03, linspace(min(z),max(z),column) * 1e+03, Image);
-hXLabel = xlabel('x-direction (distance in mm)');
-hYLabel = ylabel('z-direction (distance in mm)');
-shading flat;
-c = colorbar;
-c.Label.String= 'Local Saturation Intensity';
-c.Label.FontSize = 14;
-hTitle = sgtitle('Intensity Distribution');
-set([hXLabel, hYLabel] , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14 );
-set( hTitle , ...
- 'FontSize' , 18 );
-%% Beam Shape in Three dimensions
-f_h = Helper.getFigureByTag('Intensity Profile');
-a_h = get(f_h, 'CurrentAxes');
-if ~isempty(get(a_h, 'Children'))
- clf(f_h);
-f_h.Name = 'Intensity Profile';
-f_h.Units = 'pixels';
-screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
-f_h.Position = [[screensize(3)/3.5 screensize(4)/3.5] 750 600];
-[xq,zq] = meshgrid(linspace(-BeamRadius, BeamRadius, n), linspace(-BeamRadius, BeamRadius, n));
-vq = griddata(x,z,v,xq,zq);
-hold on
-plot3(x,z,v,'o', 'MarkerSize', 1.5)
-hXLabel = xlabel('x-direction (distance in mm)');
-hYLabel = ylabel('z-direction (distance in mm)');
-shading flat;
-c = colorbar;
-c.Label.String= 'Local Saturation Intensity';
-c.Label.FontSize = 14;
-hTitle = sgtitle('Intensity Distribution');
-set([hXLabel, hYLabel] , ...
- 'FontSize' , 14 );
-set( hTitle , ...
- 'FontSize' , 18 );
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/ImageSelection.class b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/ImageSelection.class
deleted file mode 100644
index cfac41d..0000000
Binary files a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/ImageSelection.class and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/ImageSelection.java b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/ImageSelection.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5be8fbb..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/ImageSelection.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * Based on code snippet from
- * http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/releases/data/
- *
- * Copyright © 2008, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
- */
-import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
-import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
-public class ImageSelection implements Transferable {
- private static final DataFlavor flavors[] =
- {DataFlavor.imageFlavor};
- private BufferedImage image;
- public ImageSelection(BufferedImage image) {
- this.image = image;
- }
- // Transferable
- public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor) throws UnsupportedFlavorException {
- if (flavor.equals(flavors[0]) == false) {
- throw new UnsupportedFlavorException(flavor);
- }
- return image;
- }
- public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() {
- return flavors;
- }
- public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor
- flavor) {
- return flavor.equals(flavors[0]);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/PhysicsConstants.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/PhysicsConstants.m
deleted file mode 100644
index f62dd0a..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/PhysicsConstants.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-classdef PhysicsConstants < handle
- properties (Constant)
- PlanckConstant=6.62607015E-34;
- PlanckConstantReduced=6.62607015E-34/(2*pi);
- FineStructureConstant=7.2973525698E-3;
- ElectronMass=9.10938291E-31;
- GravitationalConstant=6.67384E-11;
- ProtonMass=1.672621777E-27;
- AtomicMassUnit=1.66053878283E-27;
- BohrRadius=0.52917721092E-10;
- BohrMagneton=927.400968E-26;
- BoltzmannConstant=1.380649E-23;
- StandardGravityAcceleration=9.80665;
- SpeedOfLight=299792458;
- StefanBoltzmannConstant=5.670373E-8;
- ElectronCharge=1.602176634E-19;
- VacuumPermeability=1.25663706212E-6;
- DielectricConstant=8.8541878128E-12;
- ElectronGyromagneticFactor=-2.00231930436153;
- AvogadroConstant=6.02214076E23;
- ZeroKelvin = 273.15;
- GravitationalAcceleration = 9.80553;
- % Dy specific constants
- Dy164Mass = 163.929174751*1.66053878283E-27;
- Dy164IsotopicAbundance = 0.2826;
- BlueWavelength = 421.291e-9;
- BlueLandegFactor = 1.22;
- BlueLifetime = 4.94e-9;
- BlueLinewidth = 1/4.94e-9;
- RedWavelength = 626.086e-9;
- RedLandegFactor = 1.29;
- RedLifetime = 1.2e-6;
- RedLinewidth = 1/1.2e-6;
- PushBeamWaveLength = 626.086e-9;
- PushBeamLifetime = 1.2e-6;
- PushBeamLinewidth = 1/1.2e-6;
- end
- methods
- function pc = PhysicsConstants()
- end
- end
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/bringFiguresWithTagInForeground.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/bringFiguresWithTagInForeground.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c58a117..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/bringFiguresWithTagInForeground.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-function output = bringFiguresWithTagInForeground()
-figure_handles = findobj('type','figure');
-for idx = 1:length(figure_handles)
- if ~isempty(figure_handles(idx).Tag)
- figure(figure_handles(idx));
- end
-if nargout > 0
- output = figure_handles;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/calculateDistanceFromPointToLine.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/calculateDistanceFromPointToLine.m
deleted file mode 100644
index df5c8c6..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/calculateDistanceFromPointToLine.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-function ret = calculateDistanceFromPointToLine(p0 , p1, p2)
- p01 = p0 - p1;
- p12 = p2 - p1;
- CrossProduct = [p01(2)*p12(3) - p01(3)*p12(2), p01(3)*p12(1) - p01(1)*p12(3), p01(1)*p12(2) - p01(2)*p12(1)];
- ret = norm(CrossProduct) / norm(p12);
- %Height of parallelogram (Distance between point and line) = Area of parallelogram / Base
- %Area = One side of parallelogram X Base
- %ret = norm(cross(one side, base))./ norm(base);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/convertstruct2cell.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/convertstruct2cell.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 90fdf2c..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/convertstruct2cell.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-function CellOut = convertstruct2cell(StructIn)
- % CellOut = Convertstruct2cell(StructIn)
- % converts a struct into a cell-matrix where the first column contains
- % the fieldnames and the second the contents
- CellOut = [fieldnames(StructIn) struct2cell(StructIn)]';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/findAllZeroCrossings.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/findAllZeroCrossings.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b8d9db..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/findAllZeroCrossings.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-function ret = findAllZeroCrossings(x,y)
-% Finds all Zero-crossing of the function y = f(x)
- zci = @(v) find(v(:).*circshift(v(:), [-1 0]) <= 0); % Returns Approximate Zero-Crossing Indices Of Argument Vector
- zxidx = zci(y);
- if ~isempty(zxidx)
- for k1 = 1:numel(zxidx)
- idxrng = max([1 zxidx(k1)-1]):min([zxidx(k1)+1 numel(y)]);
- xrng = x(idxrng);
- yrng = y(idxrng);
- [yrng2, ~, jyrng] = unique(yrng); %yrng is a new array containing the unique values of yrng. jyrng contains the indices in yrng that correspond to the original vector. yrng = yrng2(jyrng)
- xrng2 = accumarray(jyrng, xrng, [], @mean); %This function creates a new array "xrng2" by applying the function "@mean" to all elements in "xrng" that have identical indices in "jyrng". Any elements with identical X values will have identical indices in jyrng. Thus, this function creates a new array by averaging values with identical X values in the original array.
- ret(k1) = interp1( yrng2(:), xrng2(:), 0, 'linear', 'extrap' );
- end
- else
- warning('No zero crossings found!')
- ret = nan;
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/getFigureByTag.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/getFigureByTag.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fc6bf9..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/getFigureByTag.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-function figure_handle = getFigureByTag(tag_name, varargin)
- % figure_handle = getFigureByTag(tag_name, varargin)
- %
- % Example code:
- % f_h = getFigureByTag('survivalMeasurement','Name','Survival')
- %
- % clf(f_h);
- % a_h = gca(f_h);
- % xlim(a_h,[10,100]);
- % % custom position
- % f_h.Position = [4052.3 719.67 560 420];
- assert(nargin>=1 && ischar(tag_name),'You must specify ``tag_name'' as a string.');
- f_h = findobj('type','figure','tag',tag_name);
- if isempty(f_h)
- f_h = figure('Tag',tag_name,varargin{:});
- defaultNewFigProperties = {'Color','w','NumberTitle','off','Name',sprintf('Fig. %d',f_h.Number)};
- varargin = [defaultNewFigProperties,varargin];
- else
- f_h = f_h(1);
- end
- if ~isempty(varargin)
- set(f_h,varargin{:});
- end
- addCopyButton(f_h);
- if nargout > 0
- figure_handle = f_h;
- else
- set(groot,'CurrentFigure',f_h);
- end
-function addCopyButton(f_h)
- if(strcmp(f_h.ToolBar,'none'))
- return
- end
- tb = findall(f_h,'Type','uitoolbar');
- pt = findall(tb, 'tag', 'Custom.CopyPlot' );
- if isempty(pt)
- pt = uipushtool(tb);
- else
- pt = pt(1);
- end
- cdata = zeros(16,16,3);
- % Evernote Logo
-% cdata(:,:,1) =[255 NaN NaN NaN NaN 99 11 27 175 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 255
-% NaN NaN NaN 251 93 14 0 0 0 66 70 106 210 NaN NaN NaN
-% NaN NaN NaN 42 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 185 NaN NaN
-% NaN 243 56 0 42 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 NaN NaN
-% NaN 156 44 64 113 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 NaN NaN
-% 136 9 26 28 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 188 NaN
-% 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 175 16 0 133 NaN
-% NaN 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 152 238 50 0 124 NaN
-% NaN 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 71 NaN
-% NaN 175 0 0 0 0 0 61 15 0 0 0 0 0 100 NaN
-% NaN NaN 143 12 0 0 0 210 195 87 17 0 0 0 126 NaN
-% NaN NaN NaN 183 118 50 150 NaN NaN 110 219 78 0 0 160 NaN
-% NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 191 0 35 NaN 150 0 23 NaN NaN
-% NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 124 0 172 NaN 81 0 93 NaN NaN
-% 255 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 183 0 0 0 0 51 228 NaN 245
-% 253 254 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 156 63 45 100 NaN NaN 255 255]/255.;
-% cdata(:,:,2) = [255 255 255 255 255 216 166 171 225 229 218 229 247 255 255 255
-% 255 255 255 255 201 166 159 157 167 188 189 200 243 255 255 255
-% 237 238 255 181 159 183 164 170 163 158 160 157 169 233 248 250
-% 224 235 188 140 182 195 161 168 168 168 168 169 147 186 244 240
-% 255 226 175 185 207 189 161 168 168 168 168 168 159 179 249 249
-% 227 172 172 179 172 163 169 168 168 170 163 155 160 173 231 237
-% 215 161 163 165 166 168 168 168 168 162 215 228 172 163 209 219
-% 248 178 159 168 168 168 168 168 168 159 220 249 185 158 208 222
-% 249 192 151 169 168 168 169 160 163 172 163 159 166 167 194 204
-% 246 229 155 157 168 169 159 188 174 154 162 167 166 166 202 214
-% 212 231 218 168 157 153 165 255 242 190 171 159 167 166 207 220
-% 218 203 251 243 206 181 230 210 208 207 242 196 154 168 223 232
-% 255 224 232 250 237 214 244 194 152 178 255 223 145 175 250 252
-% 255 255 244 239 222 213 240 214 149 228 254 199 136 203 244 232
-% 255 255 255 246 231 246 246 232 165 159 167 147 184 253 254 242
-% 253 254 255 255 254 255 255 255 231 183 178 199 249 255 255 255]/255.;
-% cdata(:,:,3) = [255 255 255 255 255 117 38 50 187 211 170 190 234 255 255 255
-% 255 254 255 255 120 51 27 20 39 97 98 122 220 255 255 255
-% 238 252 246 73 22 71 37 49 35 20 24 18 49 196 231 231
-% 232 242 86 0 78 108 29 45 45 45 45 46 0 82 214 201
-% 255 175 63 85 139 98 27 45 45 45 45 45 23 72 233 231
-% 167 51 57 72 55 32 47 45 45 50 34 14 27 57 201 218
-% 154 30 33 38 39 45 45 45 45 31 157 188 53 34 153 180
-% 234 67 24 45 45 45 45 44 45 24 169 241 83 20 146 182
-% 241 99 4 48 45 45 47 28 35 53 32 26 39 44 104 127
-% 238 192 14 20 45 47 27 97 56 10 29 44 41 40 127 158
-% 214 253 169 37 20 16 34 218 207 105 55 23 42 40 147 182
-% 218 214 241 201 138 71 177 225 181 130 224 107 12 45 175 197
-% 255 233 202 218 212 132 230 196 27 61 255 172 0 64 240 242
-% 255 255 219 197 176 160 237 143 0 195 245 110 0 123 230 230
-% 255 255 255 227 197 241 244 202 36 24 39 0 81 228 242 245
-% 253 254 255 255 254 255 255 255 191 78 71 121 221 255 255 255]/255.;
- %OneNote logo
- cdata(:,:,1) =[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 245 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 184 184 215 255
- 255 255 255 255 241 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 184 184 208 255
- 255 233 204 204 194 176 176 185 213 213 213 213 184 184 208 255
- 255 154 101 101 101 101 101 103 213 213 213 206 162 162 193 255
- 255 152 101 183 116 152 115 101 213 213 213 206 162 162 193 255
- 255 152 101 207 189 178 122 101 213 213 213 206 162 162 193 255
- 255 152 101 199 152 224 122 101 213 213 213 195 128 128 170 255
- 255 152 101 166 101 183 115 101 213 213 213 195 128 128 170 255
- 255 154 101 101 101 101 101 103 213 213 213 195 128 128 170 255
- 255 233 204 204 194 176 176 185 213 213 213 183 95 95 148 255
- 255 255 255 255 241 213 213 213 213 213 213 183 94 94 148 255
- 255 255 255 255 245 213 213 213 213 213 213 183 94 94 163 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]/255.;
- cdata(:,:,2) =[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 219 112 110 110 110 110 110 134 84 84 158 255
- 255 255 255 255 207 110 110 110 110 110 110 134 84 84 141 255
- 255 222 178 178 146 81 81 88 110 110 110 134 84 84 141 255
- 255 102 23 23 23 23 23 24 110 110 110 125 58 58 123 255
- 255 100 23 147 46 100 44 23 110 110 110 125 58 58 123 255
- 255 100 23 183 156 139 55 23 110 110 110 125 58 58 123 255
- 255 100 23 170 99 208 55 23 110 110 110 119 38 38 109 255
- 255 100 23 121 23 146 44 23 110 110 110 119 38 38 109 255
- 255 102 23 23 23 23 23 24 110 110 110 119 38 38 109 255
- 255 222 178 178 146 81 81 88 110 110 110 118 37 37 109 255
- 255 255 255 255 207 110 110 110 110 110 110 118 37 37 110 255
- 255 255 255 255 219 112 110 110 110 110 110 118 37 37 131 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]/255.;
- cdata(:,:,3) =[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 246 229 229 240 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 246 229 229 238 255
- 255 242 224 224 224 224 224 232 255 255 255 246 229 229 238 255
- 255 194 163 163 163 163 163 164 255 255 255 244 223 223 234 255
- 255 194 163 212 172 194 171 163 255 255 255 244 223 223 234 255
- 255 194 163 226 216 209 176 163 255 255 255 244 223 223 234 255
- 255 194 163 221 193 236 176 163 255 255 255 240 209 209 224 255
- 255 194 163 202 163 212 171 163 255 255 255 240 209 209 224 255
- 255 194 163 163 163 163 163 164 255 255 255 240 209 209 224 255
- 255 242 224 224 224 224 224 232 255 255 255 223 161 161 192 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 223 160 160 192 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 223 160 160 201 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
- 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]/255.;
- pt.Tag = 'Custom.CopyPlot';
- pt.CData = cdata;
- pt.Separator = true;
- pt.ClickedCallback = @copyToClipboard;
-function copyToClipboard(~,~)
- fig_h = get(get(gcbo,'Parent'),'Parent');
- if strcmp(fig_h.WindowStyle,'docked')
- if ismac || ispc
- matlab.graphics.internal.copyFigureHelper(fig_h);
- else
- %warning('Copy function to the clipboard only works if the figure is undocked.');
- Helper.screencapture(fig_h,[],'clipboard');
- end
- else
- pos = fig_h.Position;
- Helper.screencapture(fig_h,[],'clipboard','position',[7,7,pos(3)-2,pos(4)]);
- end
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/ode5.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/ode5.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 3eb003f..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/ode5.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-function Y = ode5(odefun,tspan,y0,varargin)
-%ODE5 Solve differential equations with a non-adaptive method of order 5.
-% Y = ODE5(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0) with TSPAN = [T1, T2, T3, ... TN] integrates
-% the system of differential equations y' = f(t,y) by stepping from T0 to
-% T1 to TN. Function ODEFUN(T,Y) must return f(t,y) in a column vector.
-% The vector Y0 is the initial conditions at T0. Each row in the solution
-% array Y corresponds to a time specified in TSPAN.
-% Y = ODE5(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0,P1,P2...) passes the additional parameters
-% P1,P2... to the derivative function as ODEFUN(T,Y,P1,P2...).
-% This is a non-adaptive solver. The step sequence is determined by TSPAN
-% but the derivative function ODEFUN is evaluated multiple times per step.
-% The solver implements the Dormand-Prince method of order 5 in a general
-% framework of explicit Runge-Kutta methods.
-% Example
-% tspan = 0:0.1:20;
-% y = ode5(@vdp1,tspan,[2 0]);
-% plot(tspan,y(:,1));
-% solves the system y' = vdp1(t,y) with a constant step size of 0.1,
-% and plots the first component of the solution.
-if ~isnumeric(tspan)
- error('TSPAN should be a vector of integration steps.');
-if ~isnumeric(y0)
- error('Y0 should be a vector of initial conditions.');
-h = diff(tspan);
-if any(sign(h(1))*h <= 0)
- error('Entries of TSPAN are not in order.')
- f0 = feval(odefun,tspan(1),y0,varargin{:});
- msg = ['Unable to evaluate the ODEFUN at t0,y0. ',lasterr];
- error(msg);
-y0 = y0(:); % Make a column vector.
-if ~isequal(size(y0),size(f0))
- error('Inconsistent sizes of Y0 and f(t0,y0).');
-neq = length(y0);
-N = length(tspan);
-Y = zeros(neq,N);
-% Method coefficients -- Butcher's tableau
-% C | A
-% --+---
-% | B
-C = [1/5; 3/10; 4/5; 8/9; 1];
-A = [ 1/5, 0, 0, 0, 0
- 3/40, 9/40, 0, 0, 0
- 44/45 -56/15, 32/9, 0, 0
- 19372/6561, -25360/2187, 64448/6561, -212/729, 0
- 9017/3168, -355/33, 46732/5247, 49/176, -5103/18656];
-B = [35/384, 0, 500/1113, 125/192, -2187/6784, 11/84];
-% More convenient storage
-A = A.';
-B = B(:);
-nstages = length(B);
-F = zeros(neq,nstages);
-Y(:,1) = y0;
-for i = 2:N
- ti = tspan(i-1);
- hi = h(i-1);
- yi = Y(:,i-1);
- % General explicit Runge-Kutta framework
- F(:,1) = feval(odefun,ti,yi,varargin{:});
- for stage = 2:nstages
- tstage = ti + C(stage-1)*hi;
- ystage = yi + F(:,1:stage-1)*(hi*A(1:stage-1,stage-1));
- F(:,stage) = feval(odefun,tstage,ystage,varargin{:});
- end
- Y(:,i) = yi + F*(hi*B);
-Y = Y.';
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/onenoteccdata.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/onenoteccdata.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f3c177..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/onenoteccdata.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-cmap = zeros(16,16,3);
-cmap(:,:,1) = [0.0000 0.0118 0.4510 0.0039 0.2078 0.1569 0.4078 0.4431 0.4510 0.1922 0.4235 0.4196 0.2235 0.4235 0.4039 0.4392
- 0.4471 0.1647 0.4157 0.0000 0.0235 0.4353 0.0314 0.4314 0.0196 0.2392 0.0667 0.0392 0.4431 0.3804 0.2941 0.4275
- 0.3686 0.3608 0.2000 0.2824 0.3059 0.0549 0.1804 0.1882 0.4392 0.4314 0.3255 0.0078 0.0902 0.1961 0.4353 0.1412
- 0.2314 0.3647 0.0353 0.3804 0.1647 0.2431 0.1686 0.2745 0.2980 0.4235 0.3922 0.4157 0.2784 0.3333 0.2510 0.0588
- 0.1020 0.0745 0.2549 0.0471 0.1216 0.4000 0.3961 0.2627 0.1098 0.1725 0.3098 0.4314 0.3529 0.3412 0.0784 0.0824
- 0.4471 0.1490 0.1804 0.3529 0.2196 0.3137 0.3255 0.0941 0.0078 0.3294 0.3765 0.2706 0.0510 0.0157 0.4275 0.1176
- 0.1294 0.1333 0.1725 0.3451 0.2118 0.3843 0.1255 0.1569 0.2118 0.1608 0.0353 0.2039 0.1608 0.4510 1.0000 0.8000
- 0.9882 0.6510 0.9961 0.4549 0.4549 0.6824 0.7882 0.5686 0.5373 0.5490 0.7765 0.7137 0.8510 0.7176 0.5020 0.4902
- 0.8941 0.9020 0.4745 0.8980 0.9098 0.4824 0.6471 0.6353 0.9922 0.9647 0.6353 0.4588 0.9647 0.9020 0.4980 0.8118
- 0.5059 0.4941 0.9686 0.4863 0.5451 0.9725 0.8980 0.5451 0.5333 0.6824 0.4588 0.8196 0.8314 0.8980 0.8941 0.9961
- 0.5255 0.8392 0.9804 0.5216 0.8588 0.8078 0.5176 0.7647 0.5608 0.9725 0.9059 0.4627 0.9882 0.8275 0.7725 0.8745
- 0.8235 0.8431 0.7373 1.0000 0.5137 0.4706 0.4784 0.7412 0.8863 0.9373 0.5529 0.5804 0.4510 0.9255 0.8235 0.8667
- 0.7569 0.8824 0.5294 0.5176 0.5373 0.9569 0.5294 0.4824 0.5098 0.5137 0.5569 0.8471 0.5098 0.9490 0.8706 0.9412
- 0.4902 0.6000 0.6980 0.7882 0.5490 0.7216 0.6431 0.4824 0.5569 0.4667 0.6627 0.9922 0.7804 0.8039 0.6275 0.7333
- 0.5725 0.5647 0.8549 0.7529 0.6235 0.8784 0.5922 0.7294 0.6118 0.7922 0.7843 0.6667 0.9294 0.6902 0.6784 0.9176
- 0.6706 0.7490 0.7961 0.5882 0.8627 0.4627 0.6196 0.7059 0.6078 0.9765 0.6549 0.6863 0.5373 0.7098 0.7176 0.7765];
-cmap(:,:,2) = [0.0000 0.0078 0.2157 0.0000 0.0980 0.0745 0.1922 0.2157 0.2157 0.0902 0.2000 0.1961 0.1059 0.2039 0.1882 0.2078
- 0.2078 0.0784 0.2000 0.0000 0.0118 0.2118 0.0157 0.2039 0.0078 0.1137 0.0314 0.0196 0.2118 0.1804 0.1373 0.2078
- 0.1765 0.1725 0.0941 0.1333 0.1451 0.0275 0.0863 0.0902 0.2078 0.2078 0.1529 0.0039 0.0431 0.0941 0.2039 0.0667
- 0.1098 0.1725 0.0157 0.1804 0.0784 0.1137 0.0824 0.1333 0.1412 0.2000 0.1882 0.2000 0.1333 0.1569 0.1176 0.0275
- 0.0471 0.0353 0.1216 0.0196 0.0588 0.1922 0.1882 0.1255 0.0510 0.0824 0.1451 0.2039 0.1686 0.1647 0.0392 0.0392
- 0.2157 0.0706 0.0863 0.1686 0.1020 0.1490 0.1529 0.0431 0.0039 0.1569 0.1804 0.1255 0.0235 0.0078 0.2000 0.0549
- 0.0627 0.0627 0.0824 0.1647 0.1020 0.1843 0.0588 0.0745 0.1020 0.0784 0.0157 0.0980 0.0784 0.2157 1.0000 0.7137
- 0.9843 0.4980 0.9961 0.2235 0.2196 0.5412 0.6980 0.3843 0.3373 0.3569 0.6824 0.5922 0.7843 0.6000 0.2902 0.2706
- 0.8510 0.8588 0.2471 0.8549 0.8667 0.2627 0.4980 0.4784 0.9843 0.9490 0.4745 0.2235 0.9451 0.8627 0.2824 0.7333
- 0.2941 0.2784 0.9529 0.2667 0.3490 0.9569 0.8510 0.3490 0.3333 0.5451 0.2275 0.7412 0.7608 0.8549 0.8471 0.9922
- 0.3255 0.7686 0.9725 0.3176 0.8000 0.7255 0.3098 0.6627 0.3725 0.9647 0.8627 0.2314 0.9804 0.7529 0.6745 0.8235
- 0.7451 0.7765 0.6235 0.9961 0.3020 0.2431 0.2510 0.6314 0.8392 0.9098 0.3608 0.4000 0.2196 0.8902 0.7490 0.8078
- 0.6549 0.8353 0.3294 0.3137 0.3412 0.9373 0.3255 0.2588 0.2980 0.3059 0.3686 0.7843 0.3020 0.9255 0.8157 0.9176
- 0.2745 0.4275 0.5686 0.6980 0.3569 0.6039 0.4863 0.2627 0.3647 0.2392 0.5137 0.9922 0.6863 0.7216 0.4706 0.6196
- 0.3882 0.3765 0.7882 0.6471 0.4588 0.8275 0.4157 0.6118 0.4431 0.7059 0.6902 0.5255 0.8980 0.5569 0.5412 0.8824
- 0.5333 0.6392 0.7098 0.4078 0.8039 0.2314 0.4549 0.5804 0.4392 0.9647 0.5059 0.5529 0.3373 0.5882 0.5961 0.6784];
-cmap(:,:,3) = [0.0000 0.0157 0.4980 0.0039 0.2314 0.1725 0.4627 0.5020 0.5020 0.2196 0.4745 0.4706 0.2510 0.4784 0.4510 0.4980
- 0.4941 0.1882 0.4667 0.0000 0.0275 0.4941 0.0353 0.4902 0.0196 0.2667 0.0745 0.0471 0.4902 0.4314 0.3294 0.4784
- 0.4196 0.4000 0.2235 0.3216 0.3412 0.0627 0.2039 0.2118 0.4863 0.4863 0.3608 0.0078 0.1020 0.2196 0.4824 0.1569
- 0.2588 0.4118 0.0392 0.4235 0.1843 0.2745 0.1882 0.3059 0.3373 0.4784 0.4392 0.4627 0.3137 0.3765 0.2824 0.0667
- 0.1137 0.0824 0.2863 0.0510 0.1373 0.4510 0.4471 0.2941 0.1216 0.1961 0.3490 0.4824 0.3961 0.3804 0.0902 0.0941
- 0.4980 0.1647 0.2000 0.4000 0.2431 0.3529 0.3647 0.1059 0.0118 0.3686 0.4196 0.3020 0.0549 0.0196 0.4824 0.1294
- 0.1451 0.1529 0.1922 0.3882 0.2392 0.4353 0.1412 0.1765 0.2353 0.1804 0.0353 0.2275 0.1843 0.5059 1.0000 0.8196
- 0.9882 0.6863 0.9961 0.5098 0.5098 0.7137 0.8118 0.6118 0.5843 0.5922 0.8000 0.7412 0.8627 0.7451 0.5529 0.5412
- 0.9059 0.9137 0.5255 0.9098 0.9176 0.5333 0.6824 0.6706 0.9922 0.9686 0.6706 0.5098 0.9647 0.9137 0.5490 0.8314
- 0.5569 0.5451 0.9725 0.5373 0.5922 0.9725 0.9059 0.5882 0.5804 0.7137 0.5137 0.8353 0.8510 0.9059 0.9020 0.9961
- 0.5725 0.8549 0.9843 0.5725 0.8745 0.8275 0.5647 0.7882 0.6039 0.9765 0.9137 0.5176 0.9882 0.8431 0.7961 0.8863
- 0.8392 0.8588 0.7647 1.0000 0.5608 0.5216 0.5294 0.7686 0.8980 0.9412 0.6000 0.6235 0.5059 0.9333 0.8431 0.8784
- 0.7804 0.8941 0.5765 0.5686 0.5843 0.9608 0.5765 0.5333 0.5569 0.5647 0.6039 0.8627 0.5608 0.9569 0.8863 0.9490
- 0.5412 0.6392 0.7294 0.8078 0.5961 0.7490 0.6784 0.5373 0.6000 0.5216 0.6941 0.9922 0.8039 0.8235 0.6667 0.7608
- 0.6157 0.6078 0.8667 0.7765 0.6588 0.8902 0.6314 0.7569 0.6510 0.8157 0.8039 0.7020 0.9373 0.7216 0.7098 0.9255
- 0.7059 0.7725 0.8196 0.6314 0.8784 0.5137 0.6549 0.7373 0.6471 0.9804 0.6902 0.7176 0.5804 0.7412 0.7451 0.8000];
-[cdata, cmap] = imread('onenote.png');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/parforNotifications.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/parforNotifications.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ad3af4..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/parforNotifications.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-% Copyright (c) 2019 Andrea Alberti
-% All rights reserved.
-classdef parforNotifications < handle
- properties
- N; % number of iterations
- text = 'Please wait ...'; % text to show
- width = 50;
- showWarning = true;
- end
- properties (GetAccess = public, SetAccess = private)
- n;
- end
- properties (Access = private)
- inProgress = false;
- percent;
- DataQueue;
- usePercent;
- Nstr;
- NstrL;
- lastComment;
- end
- methods
- function this = parforNotifications()
- this.DataQueue = parallel.pool.DataQueue;
- afterEach(this.DataQueue, @this.updateStatus);
- end
- % Start progress bar
- function PB_start(this,N,varargin)
- assert(isscalar(N) && isnumeric(N) && N == floor(N) && N>0, 'Error: ''N'' must be a scalar positive integer.');
- this.N = N;
- p = inputParser;
- addParameter(p,'message','Please wait: ');
- addParameter(p,'usePercentage',true);
- parse(p,varargin{:});
- this.text = p.Results.message;
- assert(ischar(this.text), 'Error: ''Message'' must be a string.');
- this.usePercent = p.Results.usePercentage;
- assert(isscalar(this.usePercent) && islogical(this.usePercent), 'Error: ''usePercentage'' must be a logical scalar.');
- this.percent = 0;
- this.n = 0;
- this.lastComment = '';
- if this.usePercent
- fprintf('%s [%s]: %3d%%\n',this.text, char(32*ones(1,this.width)),0);
- else
- this.Nstr = sprintf('%d',this.N);
- this.NstrL = numel(this.Nstr);
- fprintf('%s [%s]: %s/%s\n',this.text, char(32*ones(1,this.width)),[char(32*ones(1,this.NstrL-1)),'0'],this.Nstr);
- end
- this.inProgress = true;
- end
- % Iterate progress bar
- function PB_iterate(this,str)
- if nargin == 1
- send(this.DataQueue,'');
- else
- send(this.DataQueue,str);
- end
- end
- function warning(this,warn_id,msg)
- if this.showWarning
- msg = struct('Action','Warning','Id',warn_id,'Message',msg);
- send(this.DataQueue,msg);
- end
- end
- function PB_reprint(this)
- p = round(100*this.n/this.N);
- this.percent = p;
- cursor_pos=1+round((this.width-1)*p/100);
- if p < 100
- sep_char = '|';
- else
- sep_char = '.';
- end
- if this.usePercent
- fprintf('%s [%s%s%s]: %3d%%\n', this.text, char(46*ones(1,cursor_pos-1)), sep_char, char(32*ones(1,this.width-cursor_pos)),p);
- else
- nstr=sprintf('%d',this.n);
- fprintf('%s [%s%s%s]: %s/%s\n', this.text, char(46*ones(1,cursor_pos-1)), sep_char, char(32*ones(1,this.width-cursor_pos)),[char(32*ones(1,this.NstrL-numel(nstr))),nstr],this.Nstr);
- end
- end
- function updateStatus(this,data)
- if ischar(data)
- this.n = this.n + 1;
- p = round(100*this.n/this.N);
- if p >= this.percent+1 || this.n == this.N
- this.percent = p;
- cursor_pos=1+round((this.width-1)*p/100);
- if p < 100
- sep_char = '|';
- else
- sep_char = '.';
- end
- if ~isempty(data)
- comment = [' (',data,')'];
- else
- comment = '';
- end
- if this.usePercent
- fprintf('%s%s%s%s]: %3d%%%s\n',char(8*ones(1,58+numel(this.lastComment))), char(46*ones(1,cursor_pos-1)), sep_char, char(32*ones(1,this.width-cursor_pos)),p,comment);
- else
- nstr=sprintf('%d',this.n);
- fprintf('%s%s%s%s]: %s/%s%s\n',char(8*ones(1,55+2*numel(this.Nstr)+numel(this.lastComment))), char(46*ones(1,cursor_pos-1)), sep_char, char(32*ones(1,this.width-cursor_pos)),[char(32*ones(1,this.NstrL-numel(nstr))),nstr],this.Nstr,comment)
- end
- this.lastComment = comment;
- if p == 100
- this.inProgress = false;
- end
- end
- else
- switch data.Action
- case 'Warning'
- warning(data.Id,[data.Message,newline]);
- if this.inProgress
- this.PB_reprint();
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/screencapture.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/screencapture.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 206312e..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Helper/screencapture.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,820 +0,0 @@
-function imageData = screencapture(varargin)
-% screencapture - get a screen-capture of a figure frame, component handle, or screen area rectangle
-% ScreenCapture gets a screen-capture of any Matlab GUI handle (including desktop,
-% figure, axes, image or uicontrol), or a specified area rectangle located relative to
-% the specified handle. Screen area capture is possible by specifying the root (desktop)
-% handle (=0). The output can be either to an image file or to a Matlab matrix (useful
-% for displaying via imshow() or for further processing) or to the system clipboard.
-% This utility also enables adding a toolbar button for easy interactive screen-capture.
-% Syntax:
-% imageData = screencapture(handle, position, target, 'PropName',PropValue, ...)
-% Input Parameters:
-% handle - optional handle to be used for screen-capture origin.
-% If empty/unsupplied then current figure (gcf) will be used.
-% position - optional position array in pixels: [x,y,width,height].
-% If empty/unsupplied then the handle's position vector will be used.
-% If both handle and position are empty/unsupplied then the position
-% will be retrieved via interactive mouse-selection.
-% If handle is an image, then position is in data (not pixel) units, so the
-% captured region remains the same after figure/axes resize (like imcrop)
-% target - optional filename for storing the screen-capture, or the
-% 'clipboard'/'printer' strings.
-% If empty/unsupplied then no output to file will be done.
-% The file format will be determined from the extension (JPG/PNG/...).
-% Supported formats are those supported by the imwrite function.
-% 'PropName',PropValue -
-% optional list of property pairs (e.g., 'target','myImage.png','pos',[10,20,30,40],'handle',gca)
-% PropNames may be abbreviated and are case-insensitive.
-% PropNames may also be given in whichever order.
-% Supported PropNames are:
-% - 'handle' (default: gcf handle)
-% - 'position' (default: gcf position array)
-% - 'target' (default: '')
-% - 'toolbar' (figure handle; default: gcf)
-% this adds a screen-capture button to the figure's toolbar
-% If this parameter is specified, then no screen-capture
-% will take place and the returned imageData will be [].
-% Output parameters:
-% imageData - image data in a format acceptable by the imshow function
-% If neither target nor imageData were specified, the user will be
-% asked to interactively specify the output file.
-% Examples:
-% imageData = screencapture; % interactively select screen-capture rectangle
-% imageData = screencapture(hListbox); % capture image of a uicontrol
-% imageData = screencapture(0, [20,30,40,50]); % capture a small desktop region
-% imageData = screencapture(gcf,[20,30,40,50]); % capture a small figure region
-% imageData = screencapture(gca,[10,20,30,40]); % capture a small axes region
-% imshow(imageData); % display the captured image in a matlab figure
-% imwrite(imageData,'myImage.png'); % save the captured image to file
-% img = imread('cameraman.tif');
-% hImg = imshow(img);
-% screencapture(hImg,[60,35,140,80]); % capture a region of an image
-% screencapture(gcf,[],'myFigure.jpg'); % capture the entire figure into file
-% screencapture(gcf,[],'clipboard'); % capture the entire figure into clipboard
-% screencapture(gcf,[],'printer'); % print the entire figure
-% screencapture('handle',gcf,'target','myFigure.jpg'); % same as previous, save to file
-% screencapture('handle',gcf,'target','clipboard'); % same as previous, copy to clipboard
-% screencapture('handle',gcf,'target','printer'); % same as previous, send to printer
-% screencapture('toolbar',gcf); % adds a screen-capture button to gcf's toolbar
-% screencapture('toolbar',[],'target','sc.bmp'); % same with default output filename
-% Technical description:
-% http://UndocumentedMatlab.com/blog/screencapture-utility/
-% Bugs and suggestions:
-% Please send to Yair Altman (altmany at gmail dot com)
-% See also:
-% imshow, imwrite, print
-% Release history:
-% 1.17 2016-05-16: Fix annoying warning about JavaFrame property becoming obsolete someday (yes, we know...)
-% 1.16 2016-04-19: Fix for deployed application suggested by Dwight Bartholomew
-% 1.10 2014-11-25: Added the 'print' target
-% 1.9 2014-11-25: Fix for saving GIF files
-% 1.8 2014-11-16: Fixes for R2014b
-% 1.7 2014-04-28: Fixed bug when capturing interactive selection
-% 1.6 2014-04-22: Only enable image formats when saving to an unspecified file via uiputfile
-% 1.5 2013-04-18: Fixed bug in capture of non-square image; fixes for Win64
-% 1.4 2013-01-27: Fixed capture of Desktop (root); enabled rbbox anywhere on desktop (not necesarily in a Matlab figure); enabled output to clipboard (based on Jiro Doke's imclipboard utility); edge-case fixes; added Java compatibility check
-% 1.3 2012-07-23: Capture current object (uicontrol/axes/figure) if w=h=0 (e.g., by clicking a single point); extra input args sanity checks; fix for docked windows and image axes; include axes labels & ticks by default when capturing axes; use data-units position vector when capturing images; many edge-case fixes
-% 1.2 2011-01-16: another performance boost (thanks to Jan Simon); some compatibility fixes for Matlab 6.5 (untested)
-% 1.1 2009-06-03: Handle missing output format; performance boost (thanks to Urs); fix minor root-handle bug; added toolbar button option
-% 1.0 2009-06-02: First version posted on MathWorks File Exchange
-% License to use and modify this code is granted freely to all interested, as long as the original author is
-% referenced and attributed as such. The original author maintains the right to be solely associated with this work.
-% Programmed and Copyright by Yair M. Altman: altmany(at)gmail.com
-% $Revision: 1.17 $ $Date: 2016/05/16 17:59:36 $
- % Ensure that java awt is enabled...
- if ~usejava('awt')
- error('YMA:screencapture:NeedAwt','ScreenCapture requires Java to run.');
- end
- % Ensure that our Java version supports the Robot class (requires JVM 1.3+)
- try
- robot = java.awt.Robot; %#ok
- catch
- uiwait(msgbox({['Your Matlab installation is so old that its Java engine (' version('-java') ...
- ') does not have a java.awt.Robot class. '], ' ', ...
- 'Without this class, taking a screen-capture is impossible.', ' ', ...
- 'So, either install JVM 1.3 or higher, or use a newer Matlab release.'}, ...
- 'ScreenCapture', 'warn'));
- if nargout, imageData = []; end
- return;
- end
- % Process optional arguments
- paramsStruct = processArgs(varargin{:});
- % If toolbar button requested, add it and exit
- if ~isempty(paramsStruct.toolbar)
- % Add the toolbar button
- addToolbarButton(paramsStruct);
- % Return the figure to its pre-undocked state (when relevant)
- redockFigureIfRelevant(paramsStruct);
- % Exit immediately (do NOT take a screen-capture)
- if nargout, imageData = []; end
- return;
- end
- % Convert position from handle-relative to desktop Java-based pixels
- [paramsStruct, msgStr] = convertPos(paramsStruct);
- % Capture the requested screen rectangle using java.awt.Robot
- imgData = getScreenCaptureImageData(paramsStruct.position);
- % Return the figure to its pre-undocked state (when relevant)
- redockFigureIfRelevant(paramsStruct);
- % Save image data in file or clipboard, if specified
- if ~isempty(paramsStruct.target)
- if strcmpi(paramsStruct.target,'clipboard')
- if ~isempty(imgData)
- imclipboard(imgData);
- else
- msgbox('No image area selected - not copying image to clipboard','ScreenCapture','warn');
- end
- elseif strncmpi(paramsStruct.target,'print',5) % 'print' or 'printer'
- if ~isempty(imgData)
- hNewFig = figure('visible','off');
- imshow(imgData);
- print(hNewFig);
- delete(hNewFig);
- else
- msgbox('No image area selected - not printing screenshot','ScreenCapture','warn');
- end
- else % real filename
- if ~isempty(imgData)
- imwrite(imgData,paramsStruct.target);
- else
- msgbox(['No image area selected - not saving image file ' paramsStruct.target],'ScreenCapture','warn');
- end
- end
- end
- % Return image raster data to user, if requested
- if nargout
- imageData = imgData;
- % If neither output formats was specified (neither target nor output data)
- elseif isempty(paramsStruct.target) & ~isempty(imgData) %#ok ML6
- % Ask the user to specify a file
- %error('YMA:screencapture:noOutput','No output specified for ScreenCapture: specify the output filename and/or output data');
- %format = '*.*';
- formats = imformats;
- for idx = 1 : numel(formats)
- ext = sprintf('*.%s;',formats(idx).ext{:});
- format(idx,1:2) = {ext(1:end-1), formats(idx).description}; %#ok
- end
- [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(format,'Save screen capture as');
- if ~isequal(filename,0) & ~isequal(pathname,0) %#ok Matlab6 compatibility
- try
- filename = fullfile(pathname,filename);
- imwrite(imgData,filename);
- catch % possibly a GIF file that requires indexed colors
- [imgData,map] = rgb2ind(imgData,256);
- imwrite(imgData,map,filename);
- end
- else
- % TODO - copy to clipboard
- end
- end
- % Display msgStr, if relevant
- if ~isempty(msgStr)
- uiwait(msgbox(msgStr,'ScreenCapture'));
- drawnow; pause(0.05); % time for the msgbox to disappear
- end
- return; % debug breakpoint
-%% Process optional arguments
-function paramsStruct = processArgs(varargin)
- % Get the properties in either direct or P-V format
- [regParams, pvPairs] = parseparams(varargin);
- % Now process the optional P-V params
- try
- % Initialize
- paramName = [];
- paramsStruct = [];
- paramsStruct.handle = [];
- paramsStruct.position = [];
- paramsStruct.target = '';
- paramsStruct.toolbar = [];
- paramsStruct.wasDocked = 0; % no false available in ML6
- paramsStruct.wasInteractive = 0; % no false available in ML6
- % Parse the regular (non-named) params in recption order
- if ~isempty(regParams) & (isempty(regParams{1}) | ishandle(regParams{1}(1))) %#ok ML6
- paramsStruct.handle = regParams{1};
- regParams(1) = [];
- end
- if ~isempty(regParams) & isnumeric(regParams{1}) & (length(regParams{1}) == 4) %#ok ML6
- paramsStruct.position = regParams{1};
- regParams(1) = [];
- end
- if ~isempty(regParams) & ischar(regParams{1}) %#ok ML6
- paramsStruct.target = regParams{1};
- end
- % Parse the optional param PV pairs
- supportedArgs = {'handle','position','target','toolbar'};
- while ~isempty(pvPairs)
- % Disregard empty propNames (may be due to users mis-interpretting the syntax help)
- while ~isempty(pvPairs) & isempty(pvPairs{1}) %#ok ML6
- pvPairs(1) = [];
- end
- if isempty(pvPairs)
- break;
- end
- % Ensure basic format is valid
- paramName = '';
- if ~ischar(pvPairs{1})
- error('YMA:screencapture:invalidProperty','Invalid property passed to ScreenCapture');
- elseif length(pvPairs) == 1
- if isempty(paramsStruct.target)
- paramsStruct.target = pvPairs{1};
- break;
- else
- error('YMA:screencapture:noPropertyValue',['No value specified for property ''' pvPairs{1} '''']);
- end
- end
- % Process parameter values
- paramName = pvPairs{1};
- if strcmpi(paramName,'filename') % backward compatibility
- paramName = 'target';
- end
- paramValue = pvPairs{2};
- pvPairs(1:2) = [];
- idx = find(strncmpi(paramName,supportedArgs,length(paramName)));
- if ~isempty(idx)
- %paramsStruct.(lower(supportedArgs{idx(1)})) = paramValue; % incompatible with ML6
- paramsStruct = setfield(paramsStruct, lower(supportedArgs{idx(1)}), paramValue); %#ok ML6
- % If 'toolbar' param specified, then it cannot be left empty - use gcf
- if strncmpi(paramName,'toolbar',length(paramName)) & isempty(paramsStruct.toolbar) %#ok ML6
- paramsStruct.toolbar = getCurrentFig;
- end
- elseif isempty(paramsStruct.target)
- paramsStruct.target = paramName;
- pvPairs = {paramValue, pvPairs{:}}; %#ok (more readable this way, although a bit less efficient...)
- else
- supportedArgsStr = sprintf('''%s'',',supportedArgs{:});
- error('YMA:screencapture:invalidProperty','%s \n%s', ...
- 'Invalid property passed to ScreenCapture', ...
- ['Supported property names are: ' supportedArgsStr(1:end-1)]);
- end
- end % loop pvPairs
- catch
- if ~isempty(paramName), paramName = [' ''' paramName '''']; end
- error('YMA:screencapture:invalidProperty','Error setting ScreenCapture property %s:\n%s',paramName,lasterr); %#ok
- end
-%end % processArgs
-%% Convert position from handle-relative to desktop Java-based pixels
-function [paramsStruct, msgStr] = convertPos(paramsStruct)
- msgStr = '';
- try
- % Get the screen-size for later use
- screenSize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- % Get the containing figure's handle
- hParent = paramsStruct.handle;
- if isempty(paramsStruct.handle)
- paramsStruct.hFigure = getCurrentFig;
- hParent = paramsStruct.hFigure;
- else
- paramsStruct.hFigure = ancestor(paramsStruct.handle,'figure');
- end
- % To get the acurate pixel position, the figure window must be undocked
- try
- if strcmpi(get(paramsStruct.hFigure,'WindowStyle'),'docked')
- set(paramsStruct.hFigure,'WindowStyle','normal');
- drawnow; pause(0.25);
- paramsStruct.wasDocked = 1; % no true available in ML6
- end
- catch
- % never mind - ignore...
- end
- % The figure (if specified) must be in focus
- if ~isempty(paramsStruct.hFigure) & ishandle(paramsStruct.hFigure) %#ok ML6
- isFigureValid = 1; % no true available in ML6
- figure(paramsStruct.hFigure);
- else
- isFigureValid = 0; % no false available in ML6
- end
- % Flush all graphic events to ensure correct rendering
- drawnow; pause(0.01);
- % No handle specified
- wasPositionGiven = 1; % no true available in ML6
- if isempty(paramsStruct.handle)
- % Set default handle, if not supplied
- paramsStruct.handle = paramsStruct.hFigure;
- % If position was not specified, get it interactively using RBBOX
- if isempty(paramsStruct.position)
- [paramsStruct.position, jFrameUsed, msgStr] = getInteractivePosition(paramsStruct.hFigure); %#ok jFrameUsed is unused
- paramsStruct.wasInteractive = 1; % no true available in ML6
- wasPositionGiven = 0; % no false available in ML6
- end
- elseif ~ishandle(paramsStruct.handle)
- % Handle was supplied - ensure it is a valid handle
- error('YMA:screencapture:invalidHandle','Invalid handle passed to ScreenCapture');
- elseif isempty(paramsStruct.position)
- % Handle was supplied but position was not, so use the handle's position
- paramsStruct.position = getPixelPos(paramsStruct.handle);
- paramsStruct.position(1:2) = 0;
- wasPositionGiven = 0; % no false available in ML6
- elseif ~isnumeric(paramsStruct.position) | (length(paramsStruct.position) ~= 4) %#ok ML6
- % Both handle & position were supplied - ensure a valid pixel position vector
- error('YMA:screencapture:invalidPosition','Invalid position vector passed to ScreenCapture: \nMust be a [x,y,w,h] numeric pixel array');
- end
- % Capture current object (uicontrol/axes/figure) if w=h=0 (single-click in interactive mode)
- if paramsStruct.position(3)<=0 | paramsStruct.position(4)<=0 %#ok ML6
- %TODO - find a way to single-click another Matlab figure (the following does not work)
- %paramsStruct.position = getPixelPos(ancestor(hittest,'figure'));
- paramsStruct.position = getPixelPos(paramsStruct.handle);
- paramsStruct.position(1:2) = 0;
- paramsStruct.wasInteractive = 0; % no false available in ML6
- wasPositionGiven = 0; % no false available in ML6
- end
- % First get the parent handle's desktop-based Matlab pixel position
- parentPos = [0,0,0,0];
- dX = 0;
- dY = 0;
- dW = 0;
- dH = 0;
- if ~isFigure(hParent)
- % Get the reguested component's pixel position
- parentPos = getPixelPos(hParent, 1); % no true available in ML6
- % Axes position inaccuracy estimation
- deltaX = 3;
- deltaY = -1;
- % Fix for images
- if isImage(hParent) % | (isAxes(hParent) & strcmpi(get(hParent,'YDir'),'reverse')) %#ok ML6
- % Compensate for resized image axes
- hAxes = get(hParent,'Parent');
- if all(get(hAxes,'DataAspectRatio')==1) % sanity check: this is the normal behavior
- % Note 18/4/2013: the following fails for non-square images
- %actualImgSize = min(parentPos(3:4));
- %dX = (parentPos(3) - actualImgSize) / 2;
- %dY = (parentPos(4) - actualImgSize) / 2;
- %parentPos(3:4) = actualImgSize;
- % The following should work for all types of images
- actualImgSize = size(get(hParent,'CData'));
- dX = (parentPos(3) - min(parentPos(3),actualImgSize(2))) / 2;
- dY = (parentPos(4) - min(parentPos(4),actualImgSize(1))) / 2;
- parentPos(3:4) = actualImgSize([2,1]);
- %parentPos(3) = max(parentPos(3),actualImgSize(2));
- %parentPos(4) = max(parentPos(4),actualImgSize(1));
- end
- % Fix user-specified img positions (but not auto-inferred ones)
- if wasPositionGiven
- % In images, use data units rather than pixel units
- % Reverse the YDir
- ymax = max(get(hParent,'YData'));
- paramsStruct.position(2) = ymax - paramsStruct.position(2) - paramsStruct.position(4);
- % Note: it would be best to use hgconvertunits, but:
- % ^^^^ (1) it fails on Matlab 6, and (2) it doesn't accept Data units
- %paramsStruct.position = hgconvertunits(hFig, paramsStruct.position, 'Data', 'pixel', hParent); % fails!
- xLims = get(hParent,'XData');
- yLims = get(hParent,'YData');
- xPixelsPerData = parentPos(3) / (diff(xLims) + 1);
- yPixelsPerData = parentPos(4) / (diff(yLims) + 1);
- paramsStruct.position(1) = round((paramsStruct.position(1)-xLims(1)) * xPixelsPerData);
- paramsStruct.position(2) = round((paramsStruct.position(2)-yLims(1)) * yPixelsPerData + 2*dY);
- paramsStruct.position(3) = round( paramsStruct.position(3) * xPixelsPerData);
- paramsStruct.position(4) = round( paramsStruct.position(4) * yPixelsPerData);
- % Axes position inaccuracy estimation
- if strcmpi(computer('arch'),'win64')
- deltaX = 7;
- deltaY = -7;
- else
- deltaX = 3;
- deltaY = -3;
- end
- else % axes/image position was auto-infered (entire image)
- % Axes position inaccuracy estimation
- if strcmpi(computer('arch'),'win64')
- deltaX = 6;
- deltaY = -6;
- else
- deltaX = 2;
- deltaY = -2;
- end
- dW = -2*dX;
- dH = -2*dY;
- end
- end
- %hFig = ancestor(hParent,'figure');
- hParent = paramsStruct.hFigure;
- elseif paramsStruct.wasInteractive % interactive figure rectangle
- % Compensate for 1px rbbox inaccuracies
- deltaX = 2;
- deltaY = -2;
- else % non-interactive figure
- % Compensate 4px figure boundaries = difference betweeen OuterPosition and Position
- deltaX = -1;
- deltaY = 1;
- end
- %disp(paramsStruct.position) % for debugging
- % Now get the pixel position relative to the monitor
- figurePos = getPixelPos(hParent);
- desktopPos = figurePos + parentPos;
- % Now convert to Java-based pixels based on screen size
- % Note: multiple monitors are automatically handled correctly, since all
- % ^^^^ Java positions are relative to the main monitor's top-left corner
- javaX = desktopPos(1) + paramsStruct.position(1) + deltaX + dX;
- javaY = screenSize(4) - desktopPos(2) - paramsStruct.position(2) - paramsStruct.position(4) + deltaY + dY;
- width = paramsStruct.position(3) + dW;
- height = paramsStruct.position(4) + dH;
- paramsStruct.position = round([javaX, javaY, width, height]);
- %paramsStruct.position
- % Ensure the figure is at the front so it can be screen-captured
- if isFigureValid
- figure(hParent);
- drawnow;
- pause(0.02);
- end
- catch
- % Maybe root/desktop handle (root does not have a 'Position' prop so getPixelPos croaks
- if isequal(double(hParent),0) % =root/desktop handle; handles case of hParent=[]
- javaX = paramsStruct.position(1) - 1;
- javaY = screenSize(4) - paramsStruct.position(2) - paramsStruct.position(4) - 1;
- paramsStruct.position = [javaX, javaY, paramsStruct.position(3:4)];
- end
- end
-%end % convertPos
-%% Interactively get the requested capture rectangle
-function [positionRect, jFrameUsed, msgStr] = getInteractivePosition(hFig)
- msgStr = '';
- try
- % First try the invisible-figure approach, in order to
- % enable rbbox outside any existing figure boundaries
- f = figure('units','pixel','pos',[-100,-100,10,10],'HitTest','off');
- drawnow; pause(0.01);
- oldWarn = warning('off','MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame');
- jf = get(handle(f),'JavaFrame');
- warning(oldWarn);
- try
- jWindow = jf.fFigureClient.getWindow;
- catch
- try
- jWindow = jf.fHG1Client.getWindow;
- catch
- jWindow = jf.getFigurePanelContainer.getParent.getTopLevelAncestor;
- end
- end
- com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities.setWindowOpacity(jWindow,0.05); %=nearly transparent (not fully so that mouse clicks are captured)
- jWindow.setMaximized(1); % no true available in ML6
- jFrameUsed = 1; % no true available in ML6
- msg = {'Mouse-click and drag a bounding rectangle for screen-capture ' ...
- ... %'or single-click any Matlab figure to capture the entire figure.' ...
- };
- catch
- % Something failed, so revert to a simple rbbox on a visible figure
- try delete(f); drawnow; catch, end %Cleanup...
- jFrameUsed = 0; % no false available in ML6
- msg = {'Mouse-click within any Matlab figure and then', ...
- 'drag a bounding rectangle for screen-capture,', ...
- 'or single-click to capture the entire figure'};
- end
- uiwait(msgbox(msg,'ScreenCapture'));
- k = waitforbuttonpress; %#ok k is unused
- %hFig = getCurrentFig;
- %p1 = get(hFig,'CurrentPoint');
- positionRect = rbbox;
- %p2 = get(hFig,'CurrentPoint');
- if jFrameUsed
- jFrameOrigin = getPixelPos(f);
- delete(f); drawnow;
- try
- figOrigin = getPixelPos(hFig);
- catch % empty/invalid hFig handle
- figOrigin = [0,0,0,0];
- end
- else
- if isempty(hFig)
- jFrameOrigin = getPixelPos(gcf);
- else
- jFrameOrigin = [0,0,0,0];
- end
- figOrigin = [0,0,0,0];
- end
- positionRect(1:2) = positionRect(1:2) + jFrameOrigin(1:2) - figOrigin(1:2);
- if prod(positionRect(3:4)) > 0
- msgStr = sprintf('%dx%d area captured',positionRect(3),positionRect(4));
- end
-%end % getInteractivePosition
-%% Get current figure (even if its handle is hidden)
-function hFig = getCurrentFig
- oldState = get(0,'showHiddenHandles');
- set(0,'showHiddenHandles','on');
- hFig = get(0,'CurrentFigure');
- set(0,'showHiddenHandles',oldState);
-%end % getCurrentFig
-%% Get ancestor figure - used for old Matlab versions that don't have a built-in ancestor()
-function hObj = ancestor(hObj,type)
- if ~isempty(hObj) & ishandle(hObj) %#ok for Matlab 6 compatibility
- try
- hObj = get(hObj,'Ancestor');
- catch
- % never mind...
- end
- try
- %if ~isa(handle(hObj),type) % this is best but always returns 0 in Matlab 6!
- %if ~isprop(hObj,'type') | ~strcmpi(get(hObj,'type'),type) % no isprop() in ML6!
- try
- objType = get(hObj,'type');
- catch
- objType = '';
- end
- if ~strcmpi(objType,type)
- try
- parent = get(handle(hObj),'parent');
- catch
- parent = hObj.getParent; % some objs have no 'Parent' prop, just this method...
- end
- if ~isempty(parent) % empty parent means root ancestor, so exit
- hObj = ancestor(parent,type);
- end
- end
- catch
- % never mind...
- end
- end
-%end % ancestor
-%% Get position of an HG object in specified units
-function pos = getPos(hObj,field,units)
- % Matlab 6 did not have hgconvertunits so use the old way...
- oldUnits = get(hObj,'units');
- if strcmpi(oldUnits,units) % don't modify units unless we must!
- pos = get(hObj,field);
- else
- set(hObj,'units',units);
- pos = get(hObj,field);
- set(hObj,'units',oldUnits);
- end
-%end % getPos
-%% Get pixel position of an HG object - for Matlab 6 compatibility
-function pos = getPixelPos(hObj,varargin)
- persistent originalObj
- try
- stk = dbstack;
- if ~strcmp(stk(2).name,'getPixelPos')
- originalObj = hObj;
- end
- if isFigure(hObj) %| isAxes(hObj)
- %try
- pos = getPos(hObj,'OuterPosition','pixels');
- else %catch
- % getpixelposition is unvectorized unfortunately!
- pos = getpixelposition(hObj,varargin{:});
- % add the axes labels/ticks if relevant (plus a tiny margin to fix 2px label/title inconsistencies)
- if isAxes(hObj) & ~isImage(originalObj) %#ok ML6
- tightInsets = getPos(hObj,'TightInset','pixel');
- pos = pos + tightInsets.*[-1,-1,1,1] + [-1,1,1+tightInsets(1:2)];
- end
- end
- catch
- try
- % Matlab 6 did not have getpixelposition nor hgconvertunits so use the old way...
- pos = getPos(hObj,'Position','pixels');
- catch
- % Maybe the handle does not have a 'Position' prop (e.g., text/line/plot) - use its parent
- pos = getPixelPos(get(hObj,'parent'),varargin{:});
- end
- end
- % Handle the case of missing/invalid/empty HG handle
- if isempty(pos)
- pos = [0,0,0,0];
- end
-%end % getPixelPos
-%% Adds a ScreenCapture toolbar button
-function addToolbarButton(paramsStruct)
- % Ensure we have a valid toolbar handle
- hFig = ancestor(paramsStruct.toolbar,'figure');
- if isempty(hFig)
- error('YMA:screencapture:badToolbar','the ''Toolbar'' parameter must contain a valid GUI handle');
- end
- set(hFig,'ToolBar','figure');
- hToolbar = findall(hFig,'type','uitoolbar');
- if isempty(hToolbar)
- error('YMA:screencapture:noToolbar','the ''Toolbar'' parameter must contain a figure handle possessing a valid toolbar');
- end
- hToolbar = hToolbar(1); % just in case there are several toolbars... - use only the first
- % Prepare the camera icon
- icon = ['3333333333333333'; ...
- '3333333333333333'; ...
- '3333300000333333'; ...
- '3333065556033333'; ...
- '3000000000000033'; ...
- '3022222222222033'; ...
- '3022220002222033'; ...
- '3022203110222033'; ...
- '3022201110222033'; ...
- '3022204440222033'; ...
- '3022220002222033'; ...
- '3022222222222033'; ...
- '3000000000000033'; ...
- '3333333333333333'; ...
- '3333333333333333'; ...
- '3333333333333333'];
- cm = [ 0 0 0; ... % black
- 0 0.60 1; ... % light blue
- 0.53 0.53 0.53; ... % light gray
- NaN NaN NaN; ... % transparent
- 0 0.73 0; ... % light green
- 0.27 0.27 0.27; ... % gray
- 0.13 0.13 0.13]; % dark gray
- cdata = ind2rgb(uint8(icon-'0'),cm);
- % If the button does not already exit
- hButton = findall(hToolbar,'Tag','ScreenCaptureButton');
- tooltip = 'Screen capture';
- if ~isempty(paramsStruct.target)
- tooltip = [tooltip ' to ' paramsStruct.target];
- end
- if isempty(hButton)
- % Add the button with the icon to the figure's toolbar
- hButton = uipushtool(hToolbar, 'CData',cdata, 'Tag','ScreenCaptureButton', 'TooltipString',tooltip, 'ClickedCallback',['screencapture(''' paramsStruct.target ''')']); %#ok unused
- else
- % Otherwise, simply update the existing button
- set(hButton, 'CData',cdata, 'Tag','ScreenCaptureButton', 'TooltipString',tooltip, 'ClickedCallback',['screencapture(''' paramsStruct.target ''')']);
- end
-%end % addToolbarButton
-%% Java-get the actual screen-capture image data
-function imgData = getScreenCaptureImageData(positionRect)
- if isempty(positionRect) | all(positionRect==0) | positionRect(3)<=0 | positionRect(4)<=0 %#ok ML6
- imgData = [];
- else
- % Use java.awt.Robot to take a screen-capture of the specified screen area
- rect = java.awt.Rectangle(positionRect(1), positionRect(2), positionRect(3), positionRect(4));
- robot = java.awt.Robot;
- jImage = robot.createScreenCapture(rect);
- % Convert the resulting Java image to a Matlab image
- % Adapted for a much-improved performance from:
- % http://www.mathworks.com/support/solutions/data/1-2WPAYR.html
- h = jImage.getHeight;
- w = jImage.getWidth;
- %imgData = zeros([h,w,3],'uint8');
- %pixelsData = uint8(jImage.getData.getPixels(0,0,w,h,[]));
- %for i = 1 : h
- % base = (i-1)*w*3+1;
- % imgData(i,1:w,:) = deal(reshape(pixelsData(base:(base+3*w-1)),3,w)');
- %end
- % Performance further improved based on feedback from Urs Schwartz:
- %pixelsData = reshape(typecast(jImage.getData.getDataStorage,'uint32'),w,h).';
- %imgData(:,:,3) = bitshift(bitand(pixelsData,256^1-1),-8*0);
- %imgData(:,:,2) = bitshift(bitand(pixelsData,256^2-1),-8*1);
- %imgData(:,:,1) = bitshift(bitand(pixelsData,256^3-1),-8*2);
- % Performance even further improved based on feedback from Jan Simon:
- pixelsData = reshape(typecast(jImage.getData.getDataStorage, 'uint8'), 4, w, h);
- imgData = cat(3, ...
- transpose(reshape(pixelsData(3, :, :), w, h)), ...
- transpose(reshape(pixelsData(2, :, :), w, h)), ...
- transpose(reshape(pixelsData(1, :, :), w, h)));
- end
-%end % getInteractivePosition
-%% Return the figure to its pre-undocked state (when relevant)
-function redockFigureIfRelevant(paramsStruct)
- if paramsStruct.wasDocked
- try
- set(paramsStruct.hFigure,'WindowStyle','docked');
- %drawnow;
- catch
- % never mind - ignore...
- end
- end
-%end % redockFigureIfRelevant
-%% Copy screen-capture to the system clipboard
-% Adapted from http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/28708-imclipboard/content/imclipboard.m
-function imclipboard(imgData)
- % Import necessary Java classes
- import java.awt.Toolkit.*
- import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
- import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
- % Add the necessary Java class (ImageSelection) to the Java classpath
- if ~exist('ImageSelection', 'class')
- % Obtain the directory of the executable (or of the M-file if not deployed)
- %javaaddpath(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '-end');
- if isdeployed % Stand-alone mode.
- [status, result] = system('path'); %#ok
- MatLabFilePath = char(regexpi(result, 'Path=(.*?);', 'tokens', 'once'));
- else % MATLAB mode.
- MatLabFilePath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
- end
- javaaddpath(MatLabFilePath, '-end');
- end
- % Get System Clipboard object (java.awt.Toolkit)
- cb = getDefaultToolkit.getSystemClipboard; % can't use () in ML6!
- % Get image size
- ht = size(imgData, 1);
- wd = size(imgData, 2);
- % Convert to Blue-Green-Red format
- imgData = imgData(:, :, [3 2 1]);
- % Convert to 3xWxH format
- imgData = permute(imgData, [3, 2, 1]);
- % Append Alpha data (not used)
- imgData = cat(1, imgData, 255*ones(1, wd, ht, 'uint8'));
- % Create image buffer
- imBuffer = BufferedImage(wd, ht, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
- imBuffer.setRGB(0, 0, wd, ht, typecast(imgData(:), 'int32'), 0, wd);
- % Create ImageSelection object
- % % custom java class
- imSelection = ImageSelection(imBuffer);
- % Set clipboard content to the image
- cb.setContents(imSelection, []);
-%end %imclipboard
-%% Is the provided handle a figure?
-function flag = isFigure(hObj)
- flag = isa(handle(hObj),'figure') | isa(hObj,'matlab.ui.Figure');
-%end %isFigure
-%% Is the provided handle an axes?
-function flag = isAxes(hObj)
- flag = isa(handle(hObj),'axes') | isa(hObj,'matlab.graphics.axis.Axes');
-%end %isFigure
-%% Is the provided handle an image?
-function flag = isImage(hObj)
- flag = isa(handle(hObj),'image') | isa(hObj,'matlab.graphics.primitive.Image');
-%end %isFigure
-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TODO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% find a way in interactive-mode to single-click another Matlab figure for screen-capture
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Plotter/LivePlot.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Plotter/LivePlot.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e3abb3..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Plotter/LivePlot.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-function LPlot = LivePlot(psi,Params,Transf,Observ)
- set(0,'defaulttextInterpreter','latex')
- set(groot, 'defaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter','latex'); set(groot, 'defaultLegendInterpreter','latex');
- format long
- x = Transf.x*Params.l0*1e6;
- y = Transf.y*Params.l0*1e6;
- z = Transf.z*Params.l0*1e6;
- %percentcomplete = linspace(0,1,Params.cut_off/200);
- dx = x(2)-x(1); dy = y(2)-y(1); dz = z(2)-z(1);
- %Plotting
- subplot(2,3,1)
- n = abs(psi).^2;
- nxz = squeeze(trapz(n*dy,2));
- nyz = squeeze(trapz(n*dx,1));
- nxy = squeeze(trapz(n*dz,3));
- plotxz = pcolor(x,z,nxz');
- set(plotxz, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
- xlabel('$x$ [$\mu$m]'); ylabel('$z$ [$\mu$m]');
- subplot(2,3,2)
- plotyz = pcolor(y,z,nyz');
- set(plotyz, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
- xlabel('$y$ [$\mu$m]'); ylabel('$z$ [$\mu$m]');
- subplot(2,3,3)
- plotxy = pcolor(x,y,nxy');
- set(plotxy, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
- xlabel('$x$ [$\mu$m]'); ylabel('$y$ [$\mu$m]');
- subplot(2,3,4)
- plot(-log10(Observ.residual),'-b')
- ylabel('$-\mathrm{log}_{10}(r)$'); xlabel('steps');
- subplot(2,3,5)
- plot(Observ.EVec,'-b')
- ylabel('$E$'); xlabel('steps');
- subplot(2,3,6)
- plot(Observ.mucVec,'-b')
- ylabel('$\mu$'); xlabel('steps');
-% xlim([0,1]); ylim([0,8]);
-% xlim([0,1]); ylim([0,8]);
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Plotter/MakeMovie.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Plotter/MakeMovie.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 8842cbd..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Plotter/MakeMovie.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-set(groot, 'defaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter','latex'); set(groot, 'defaultLegendInterpreter','latex');
-RunIdx = 1;
-FileDir = dir(sprintf('./Data/Run_%03i/TimeEvolution/*.mat',RunIdx));
-NumFiles = numel(FileDir);
-QuenchSettings = load(sprintf('./Data/Run_%03i/QuenchSettings',RunIdx),'Quench','Params','Transf','VDk','V');
-Transf = QuenchSettings.Transf; Params = QuenchSettings.Params;
-x = Transf.x; y = Transf.y; z = Transf.z;
-dx = x(2)-x(1); dy = y(2)-y(1); dz = z(2)-z(1);
-outputVideo = VideoWriter(fullfile('./Data/Movie.avi'));
-outputVideo.FrameRate = 10;
-x0 = 800;
-y0 = 200;
-width = 800;
-height = 600;
-EVecTemp = [];
-for ii = 2:(NumFiles-1)
- load(sprintf('./Data/Run_%03i/TimeEvolution/psi_%i.mat',RunIdx,ii),'psi','muchem','T','Observ','t_idx');
- %Plotting
- subplot(2,3,1)
- n = abs(psi).^2;
- nxz = squeeze(trapz(n*dy,2));
- nyz = squeeze(trapz(n*dx,1));
- nxy = squeeze(trapz(n*dz,3));
- plotxz = pcolor(x,z,nxz'); shading interp
- set(plotxz, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
- xlabel('$x$ [$\mu$m]'); ylabel('$z$ [$\mu$m]');
- subplot(2,3,2)
- plotyz = pcolor(y,z,nyz'); shading interp
- set(plotyz, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
- xlabel('$y$ [$\mu$m]'); ylabel('$z$ [$\mu$m]');
- subplot(2,3,3)
- plotxy = pcolor(x,y,nxy'); shading interp
- set(plotxy, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
- xlabel('$x$ [$\mu$m]'); ylabel('$y$ [$\mu$m]');
- subplot(2,3,4)
- plot(Observ.tVecPlot*1000/Params.w0,Observ.NormVec,'-b')
- ylabel('Normalization'); xlabel('$t$ [$m$s]');
- subplot(2,3,5)
- plot(Observ.tVecPlot*1000/Params.w0,1-2*Observ.PCVec/pi,'-b')
- ylabel('Coherence'); xlabel('$t$ [$m$s]');
- ylim([0,1])
- subplot(2,3,6)
- plot(Observ.tVecPlot*1000/Params.w0,Observ.EVec,'-b')
- ylabel('E'); xlabel('$t$ [$m$s]');
- tVal = Observ.tVecPlot(end)*1000/Params.w0;
- sgtitle(sprintf('$\\mu =%.3f \\hbar\\omega_0$, $T=%.1f$nK, $t=%.1f$ms',muchem,T,tVal))
- drawnow
- saveas(gcf,sprintf('./Data/Run_%03i/Figures/Image_%i.jpg',RunIdx,ii))
- img = imread(sprintf('./Data/Run_%03i/Figures/Image_%i.jpg',RunIdx,ii));
- writeVideo(outputVideo,img)
-% hold off;
- clf
-delete(sprintf('./Data/Run_%03i/Figures/*.jpg',RunIdx)) % deleting images after movie is made
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Scripts/Analyze.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Scripts/Analyze.m
deleted file mode 100644
index df85ab4..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Scripts/Analyze.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- set(0,'defaulttextInterpreter','latex')
- set(groot, 'defaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter','latex'); set(groot, 'defaultLegendInterpreter','latex');
- format long
- runIdx = 6;
- load(sprintf('./Data/Run_%03i/psi_gs.mat',runIdx),'psi','muchem','Observ','t_idx','Transf','Params','VDk','V');
- x = Transf.x*Params.l0*1e6;
- y = Transf.y*Params.l0*1e6;
- z = Transf.z*Params.l0*1e6;
- %percentcomplete = linspace(0,1,Params.cut_off/200);
- dx = x(2)-x(1); dy = y(2)-y(1); dz = z(2)-z(1);
- %Plotting
- subplot(2,3,1)
- n = abs(psi).^2;
- nxz = squeeze(trapz(n*dy,2));
- nyz = squeeze(trapz(n*dx,1));
- nxy = squeeze(trapz(n*dz,3));
- plotxz = pcolor(x,z,nxz');
- set(plotxz, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
- xlabel('$x$ [$\mu$m]'); ylabel('$z$ [$\mu$m]');
- subplot(2,3,2)
- plotyz = pcolor(y,z,nyz');
- set(plotyz, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
- xlabel('$y$ [$\mu$m]'); ylabel('$z$ [$\mu$m]');
- subplot(2,3,3)
- plotxy = pcolor(x,y,nxy');
- set(plotxy, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
- xlabel('$x$ [$\mu$m]'); ylabel('$y$ [$\mu$m]');
- subplot(2,3,4)
- plot(-log10(Observ.residual),'-b')
- ylabel('$-\mathrm{log}_{10}(r)$'); xlabel('steps');
- subplot(2,3,5)
- plot(Observ.EVec,'-b')
- ylabel('$E$'); xlabel('steps');
- subplot(2,3,6)
- plot(Observ.mucVec,'-b')
- ylabel('$\mu$'); xlabel('steps');
-% xlim([0,1]); ylim([0,8]);
-% xlim([0,1]); ylim([0,8]);
- Ecomp = energy_components(psi,Params,Transf,VDk,V);
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Calculator/ChemicalPotential.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Calculator/ChemicalPotential.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 697ab38..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Calculator/ChemicalPotential.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-function muchem = ChemicalPotential(psi,Params,Transf,VDk,V)
-normfac = Params.Lx*Params.Ly*Params.Lz/numel(psi);
-KEop= 0.5*(Transf.KX.^2+Transf.KY.^2+Transf.KZ.^2);
-% DDIs
-Eddi = (Params.gdd*Phi.*abs(psi).^2);
-%Kinetic energy
-Ekin = KEop.*abs(fftn(psi)*normfac).^2;
-Ekin = trapz(Ekin(:))*Transf.dkx*Transf.dky*Transf.dkz/(2*pi)^3;
-%Potential energy
-Epot = V.*abs(psi).^2;
-%Contact interactions
-Eint = Params.gs*abs(psi).^4;
-%Quantum fluctuations
-Eqf = Params.gammaQF*abs(psi).^5;
-%Total energy
-muchem = Ekin + trapz(Epot(:) + Eint(:) + Eddi(:) + Eqf(:))*Transf.dx*Transf.dy*Transf.dz; %
-muchem = muchem / Params.N;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Calculator/EnergyComponents.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Calculator/EnergyComponents.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 49159ed..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Calculator/EnergyComponents.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-function E = EnergyComponents(psi,Params,Transf,VDk,V)
-KEop= 0.5*(Transf.KX.^2+Transf.KY.^2+Transf.KZ.^2);
-normfac = Params.Lx*Params.Ly*Params.Lz/numel(psi);
-% DDIs
-frho = fftn(abs(psi).^2);
-Phi = real(ifftn(frho.*VDk));
-Eddi = 0.5*Params.gdd*Phi.*abs(psi).^2;
-E.Eddi = trapz(Eddi(:))*Transf.dx*Transf.dy*Transf.dz;
-% EddiTot = trapz(Eddi(:))*Transf.dx*Transf.dy*Transf.dz;
-%Kinetic energy
-% psik = ifftshift(fftn(fftshift(psi)))*normfac;
-Ekin = KEop.*abs(fftn(psi)*normfac).^2;
-E.Ekin = trapz(Ekin(:))*Transf.dkx*Transf.dky*Transf.dkz/(2*pi)^3;
-% Potential energy
-Epot = V.*abs(psi).^2;
-E.Epot = trapz(Epot(:))*Transf.dx*Transf.dy*Transf.dz;
-%Contact interactions
-Eint = 0.5*Params.gs*abs(psi).^4;
-E.Eint = trapz(Eint(:))*Transf.dx*Transf.dy*Transf.dz;
-%Quantum fluctuations
-Eqf = 0.4*Params.gammaQF*abs(psi).^5;
-E.Eqf = trapz(Eqf(:))*Transf.dx*Transf.dy*Transf.dz;
-% plot(Transf.x,abs(psi(:,end/2,end/2+1)).^2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Calculator/NormalizedResiduals.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Calculator/NormalizedResiduals.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 66e5316..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Calculator/NormalizedResiduals.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-function res = NormalizedResiduals(psi,Params,Transf,VDk,V,muchem)
-KEop= 0.5*(Transf.KX.^2+Transf.KY.^2+Transf.KZ.^2);
-% DDIs
-Eddi = Params.gdd*Phi.*psi;
-%Kinetic energy
-Ekin = ifftn(KEop.*fftn(psi));
-%Potential energy
-Epot = V.*psi;
-%Contact interactions
-Eint = Params.gs*abs(psi).^2.*psi;
-%Quantum fluctuations
-Eqf = Params.gammaQF*abs(psi).^3.*psi;
-%Total energy
-res = trapz(abs(Ekin(:) + Epot(:) + Eint(:) + Eddi(:) + Eqf(:) - muchem*psi(:))*Transf.dx*Transf.dy*Transf.dz)/trapz(abs(muchem*psi(:))*Transf.dx*Transf.dy*Transf.dz);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Calculator/OrderParameter.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Calculator/OrderParameter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 08b0fa4..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Calculator/OrderParameter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-function [m_Order] = OrderParameter(psi,Transf,Params,VDk,V,T,muchem)
- NumRealiz = 100;
- Mx = numel(Transf.x);
- My = numel(Transf.y);
- Mz = numel(Transf.z);
- r = normrnd(0,1,size(psi));
- theta = rand(size(psi));
- noise = r.*exp(2*pi*1i*theta);
- KEop= 0.5*(Transf.KX.^2+Transf.KY.^2+Transf.KZ.^2);
- Gamma = 1-1i*Params.gamma_S;
- dt = Params.dt;
- avgpsi = 0;
- avgpsi2 = 0;
- for jj = 1:NumRealiz
- %generate initial state
- xi = sqrt(2*Params.gamma_S*Params.kbol*T*10^(-9)*dt/(Params.hbar*Params.w0*Transf.dx*Transf.dy*Transf.dz));
- swapx = randi(length(Transf.x),1,length(Transf.x));
- swapy = randi(length(Transf.y),1,length(Transf.y));
- swapz = randi(length(Transf.z),1,length(Transf.z));
- psi_j = psi + xi * noise(swapx,swapy,swapz);
- % --- % propagate forward in time 1 time step:
- %kin
- psi_j = fftn(psi_j);
- psi_j = psi_j.*exp(-0.5*1i*Gamma*dt*KEop);
- psi_j = ifftn(psi_j);
- %DDI
- frho = fftn(abs(psi_j).^2);
- Phi = real(ifftn(frho.*VDk));
- %Real-space
- psi_j = psi_j.*exp(-1i*Gamma*dt*(V + Params.gs*abs(psi_j).^2 + Params.gammaQF*abs(psi_j).^3 + Params.gdd*Phi - muchem));
- %kin
- psi_j = fftn(psi_j);
- psi_j = psi_j.*exp(-0.5*1i*Gamma*dt*KEop);
- psi_j = ifftn(psi_j);
- %Projection
- kcut = sqrt(2*Params.e_cut);
- K = (Transf.KX.^2+Transf.KY.^2+Transf.KZ.^2) 4 && abs(dt) > Params.mindt
- dt = dt / 2;
- fprintf('Time step changed to '); disp(dt);
- AdaptIdx = 0;
- elseif AdaptIdx > 4 && abs(dt) < Params.mindt
- break
- else
- AdaptIdx = AdaptIdx + 1;
- end
- else
- AdaptIdx = 0;
- end
- end
- if any(isnan(psi(:)))
- disp('NaNs encountered!')
- break
- end
- t_idx=t_idx+1;
-%Change in Energy
-E = Simulator.TotalEnergy(psi,Params,Transf,VDk,V);
-E = E/Norm;
-Observ.EVec = [Observ.EVec E];
-% Phase coherence
-[PhaseC] = Simulator.PhaseCoherence(psi,Transf,Params);
-Observ.PCVec = [Observ.PCVec PhaseC];
-Observ.res_idx = Observ.res_idx + 1;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/Initialize.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/Initialize.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d425e7..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/Initialize.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-function [psi,V,VDk] = Initialize(Params,Transf)
-format long
-X = Transf.X; Y = Transf.Y; Z = Transf.Z;
-Zcutoff = Params.Lz/2;
-% == Potential == %
-V = 0.5*(Params.gx.*X.^2+Params.gy.*Y.^2+Params.gz*Z.^2);
-% == Calculating the DDIs == %
-% For a cylindrical cutoff, we first construct a kr grid based on the 3D parameters using Bessel quadrature
-loadDDI = 1;
-if loadDDI == 1
- VDk = load(sprintf('./Data/VDk_M.mat'));
- VDk = VDk.VDk;
- Params.Lr = 0.5*min(Params.Lx,Params.Ly);
- Params.Nr = max(Params.Nx,Params.Ny);
- [TransfRad] = Simulator.SetupSpaceRadial(Params); %morder really doesn't matter
- VDk = Simulator.VDcutoff(TransfRad.kr,TransfRad.kz,TransfRad.Rmax,Zcutoff);
- disp('Calculated radial grid and cutoff')
- % VDk = interp2(DDI.kz,DDI.kr,DDI.VDk,Transf.kz,Transf.kr,'spline');
- fullkr = [-flip(TransfRad.kr)',TransfRad.kr'];
- [KR,KZ] = ndgrid(fullkr,TransfRad.kz);
- [KX3D,KY3D,KZ3D] = ndgrid(ifftshift(Transf.kx),ifftshift(Transf.ky),ifftshift(Transf.kz));
- KR3D = sqrt(KX3D.^2 + KY3D.^2);
- fullVDK = [flip(VDk',2),VDk']';
- VDk = interpn(KR,KZ,fullVDK,KR3D,KZ3D,'spline',-1/3); %Interpolating the radial VDk onto a new grid
- VDk = fftshift(VDk);
- save(sprintf('./Data/VDk_M.mat'),'VDk');
-disp('Finished DDI')
-% == Setting up the initial wavefunction == %
-ellx = sqrt(Params.hbar/(Params.m*Params.wx))/Params.l0;
-elly = sqrt(Params.hbar/(Params.m*Params.wy))/Params.l0;
-ellz = sqrt(Params.hbar/(Params.m*Params.wz))/Params.l0;
-Rx = 4*sqrt(2)*ellx;
-Ry = 4*sqrt(2)*elly;
-Rz = sqrt(2)*ellz;
-X0 = 0.0*Transf.Xmax;
-Y0 = 0.0*Transf.Ymax;
-Z0 = 0*Transf.Zmax;
-psiz = exp(-(Z-Z0).^2/Rz^2)/sqrt(ellz*sqrt(pi));
-psi2d = load(sprintf('./Data/Seed/psi_2d_SS.mat'),'psiseed_2d'); psi2d = psi2d.psiseed_2d;
-psi = psiz.*repmat(psi2d,[1 1 length(Transf.z)]);
-% Add some noise
-r = normrnd(0,1,size(X));
-theta = rand(size(X));
-noise = r.*exp(2*pi*1i*theta);
-psi = psi + 0.00*noise;
-Norm = trapz(abs(psi(:)).^2)*Transf.dx*Transf.dy*Transf.dz;
-psi = sqrt(Params.N)*psi/sqrt(Norm);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/Run.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/Run.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 65308c1..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/Run.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-%-% Run Simulation %-%
-% --- Obtain simulation parameters ---
-[Params] = SetupParameters();
-% --- Set up spatial grids and transforms ---
-[Transf] = SetupSpace(Params);
-% --- Initialize ---
-[psi,V,VDk] = Initialize(Params,Transf);
-Observ.EVec = []; Observ.NormVec = []; Observ.PCVec = []; Observ.tVecPlot = []; Observ.mucVec = [];
-t_idx = 1; %Start at t = 0;
-Observ.res_idx = 1;
-% --- Job Settings ---
-njob = 6;
-% --- Run Simulation ---
-% Imaginary Time Evolution
-[psi] = SplitStepFourierImaginaryTime(psi,Params,Transf,VDk,V,njob,t_idx,Observ);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/SetupParameters.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/SetupParameters.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b40c4d..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/SetupParameters.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-function [Params] = SetupParameters()
-%%--%% Parameters %%--%%
-%========= Simulation =========%
-pert = 0; % 0 = no perturbation during real-time, 1=perturbation
-%method=1; % 0 = normal dipolar potential, 1=spherical cut-off, 2=cylindrical cut-off
-% Tolerances
-Params.Etol = 5e-10;
-Params.rtol = 1e-5;
-Params.cut_off = 2e6; % sometimes the imaginary time gets a little stuck
- % even though the solution is good, this just stops it going on forever
-%========= Constants =========%
-hbar = 1.0545718e-34; % Planck constant [J.s]
-kbol = 1.38064852e-23; % Boltzmann Constant [J/K]
-mu0 = 1.25663706212e-6; % Vacuum Permeability [N/A^2] --
-muB = 9.274009994e-24; % Bohr Magneton [J/T]
-a0 = 5.2917721067e-11; % Bohr radius [m]
-m0 = 1.660539066e-27; % Atomic mass [kg]
-w0 = 2*pi*100; % Angular frequency unit [s^-1]
-mu0factor = 0.3049584233607396; % =(m0/me)*pi*alpha^2 -- me=mass of electron, alpha=fine struct. const.
- % mu0=mu0factor *hbar^2*a0/(m0*muB^2)
-% Number of points in each direction
-Params.Nx = 128;
-Params.Ny = 128;
-Params.Nz = 96;
-% Dimensions (in units of l0)
-Params.Lx = 40;
-Params.Ly = 40;
-Params.Lz = 20;
-% Masses
-Params.m = 162*m0;
-l0 = sqrt(hbar/(Params.m*w0)); % Defining a harmonic oscillator length
-% Atom numbers
-% Params.ppum = 2500; % particles per micron
-% Params.N = Params.Lz*Params.ppum*l0*1e6;
-Params.N = 10^6;
-% Dipole angle
-Params.theta = pi/2; % pi/2 dipoles along x, theta=0 dipoles along z
-% Dipole lengths (units of muB)
-Params.mu = 9.93*muB;
-% Scattering lengths
-Params.as = 86*a0;
-% Trapping frequencies
-Params.wx = 2*pi*125;
-Params.wy = 2*pi*125;
-Params.wz = 2*pi*250;
-% Time step
-Params.dt = 0.0005;
-Params.mindt = 1e-6; %Minimum size for a time step using adaptive dt
-% Stochastic GPE
-Params.gamma_S = 7.5*10^(-3); % gamma for the stochastic GPE
-Params.muchem = 12.64*Params.wz/w0; % fixing the chemical potential for the stochastic GPE
-% ================ Parameters defined by those above ================ %
-% == Calculating quantum fluctuations == %
-eps_dd = Params.add/Params.as;
-if eps_dd == 0
- Q5 = 1;
-elseif eps_dd == 1
- Q5 = 3*sqrt(3)/2;
- yeps = (1-eps_dd)/(3*eps_dd);
- Q5 = (3*eps_dd)^(5/2)*( (8+26*yeps+33*yeps^2)*sqrt(1+yeps) + 15*yeps^3*log((1+sqrt(1+yeps))/sqrt(yeps)) )/48;
- Q5 = real(Q5);
-Params.gammaQF = 128/3*sqrt(pi*(Params.as/l0)^5)*Q5;
-% Contact interaction strength (units of l0/m)
-Params.gs = 4*pi*Params.as/l0;
-% Dipole lengths
-Params.add = mu0*Params.mu^2*Params.m/(12*pi*hbar^2);
-% DDI strength
-Params.gdd = 12*pi*Params.add/l0; %sometimes the 12 is a 4? --> depends on how Vdk (DDI) is defined
-% Trap gamma
-% Loading the rest into Params
-Params.hbar = hbar; Params.kbol = kbol; Params.mu0 = mu0; Params.muB = muB; Params.a0 = a0;
-Params.w0 = w0; Params.l0 = l0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/SetupSpace.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/SetupSpace.m
deleted file mode 100644
index d970966..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/SetupSpace.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-function [Transf] = SetupSpace(Params)
-Transf.Xmax = 0.5*Params.Lx;
-Transf.Ymax = 0.5*Params.Ly;
-Transf.Zmax = 0.5*Params.Lz;
-Nz = Params.Nz; Nx = Params.Nx; Ny = Params.Ny;
-% Fourier grids
-x = linspace(-0.5*Params.Lx,0.5*Params.Lx-Params.Lx/Params.Nx,Params.Nx);
-Kmax = pi*Params.Nx/Params.Lx;
-kx = linspace(-Kmax,Kmax,Nx+1);
-kx = kx(1:end-1); dkx = kx(2)-kx(1);
-kx = fftshift(kx);
-y = linspace(-0.5*Params.Ly,0.5*Params.Ly-Params.Ly/Params.Ny,Params.Ny);
-Kmax = pi*Params.Ny/Params.Ly;
-ky = linspace(-Kmax,Kmax,Ny+1);
-ky = ky(1:end-1); dky = ky(2)-ky(1);
-ky = fftshift(ky);
-z = linspace(-0.5*Params.Lz,0.5*Params.Lz-Params.Lz/Params.Nz,Params.Nz);
-Kmax = pi*Params.Nz/Params.Lz;
-kz = linspace(-Kmax,Kmax,Nz+1);
-kz = kz(1:end-1); dkz = kz(2)-kz(1);
-kz = fftshift(kz);
-Transf.x = x; Transf.y = y; Transf.z = z;
-Transf.kx = kx; Transf.ky = ky; Transf.kz = kz;
-Transf.dx = x(2)-x(1); Transf.dy = y(2)-y(1); Transf.dz = z(2)-z(1);
-Transf.dkx = dkx; Transf.dky = dky; Transf.dkz = dkz;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/SetupSpaceRadial.m b/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/SetupSpaceRadial.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f8d74f..0000000
--- a/DipolarGasSimulator/+Simulator/@Solver/SetupSpaceRadial.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-function [Transf] = SetupSpaceRadial(Params,morder)
-Zmax = 0.5*Params.Lz;
-Rmax = Params.Lr;
-Nz = Params.Nz;
-Nr = Params.Nr;
- morder=0; %only do Bessel J0
-% Fourier grids
-% Hankel grids and transform
-H = hankelmatrix(morder,Rmax,Nr);
-T = diag(H.J/H.kmax)*H.T*diag(Rmax./H.J)*dz*(2*pi);
-Tinv = diag(H.J./Rmax)*H.T'*diag(H.kmax./H.J)/dz/(2*pi);
-% H.T'*diag(H.J/H.vmax)*H.T*diag(Rmax./H.J)
-function s_HT = hankelmatrix(order, rmax, Nr, eps_roots)
-%HANKEL_MATRIX: Generates data to use for Hankel Transforms
-% s_HT = hankel_matrix(order, rmax, Nr, eps_roots)
-% s_HT = Structure containing data to use for the pQDHT
-% order = Transform order
-% rmax = Radial extent of transform
-% Nr = Number of sample points
-% eps_roots = Error in estimation of roots of Bessel function (optional)
-% s_HT:
-% order, rmax, Nr = As above
-% J_roots = Roots of the pth order Bessel fn.
-% J_roots_N1 = (N+1)th root
-% r = Radial co-ordinate vector
-% v = frequency co-ordinate vector
-% kr = Radial wave number co-ordinate vector
-% vmax = Limiting frequency
-% = roots_N1 / (2*pi*rmax)
-% S = rmax * 2*pi*vmax (S product)
-% T = Transform matrix
-% J = Scaling vector
-% = J_(order+1){roots}
-% The algorithm used is that from:
-% "Computation of quasi-discrete Hankel transforms of the integer
-% order for propagating optical wave fields"
-% Manuel Guizar-Sicairos and Julio C. Guitierrez-Vega
-% J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 21(1) 53-58 (2004)
-% The algorithm also calls the function:
-% zn = bessel_zeros(1, p, Nr+1, 1e-6),
-% where p and N are defined above, to calculate the roots of the bessel
-% function. This algorithm is taken from:
-% "An Algorithm with ALGOL 60 Program for the Computation of the
-% zeros of the Ordinary Bessel Functions and those of their
-% Derivatives".
-% N. M. Temme
-% Journal of Computational Physics, 32, 270-279 (1979)
-% Example: Propagation of radial field
-% % Note the use of matrix and element products / divisions
-% H = hankel_matrix(0, 1e-3, 512);
-% DR0 = 50e-6;
-% Ur0 = exp(-(H.r/DR0).^2);
-% Ukr0 = H.T * (Ur0./H.J);
-% k0 = 2*pi/800e-9;
-% kz = realsqrt((k0^2 - H.kr.^2).*(k0>H.kr));
-% z = (-5e-3:1e-5:5e-3);
-% Ukrz = (Ukr0*ones(1,length(z))).*exp(i*kz*z);
-% Urz = (H.T * Ukrz) .* (H.J * ones(1,length(z)));
-% See also bessel_zeros, besselj
-if (~exist('eps_roots', 'var')||isemtpy(eps_roots))
- s_HT.eps_roots = 1e-6;
- s_HT.eps_roots = eps_roots;
-s_HT.order = order;
-s_HT.rmax = rmax;
-s_HT.Nr = Nr;
-% Calculate N+1 roots:
-J_roots = bessel_zeros(1, s_HT.order, s_HT.Nr+1, s_HT.eps_roots);
-s_HT.J_roots = J_roots(1:end-1);
-s_HT.J_roots_N1 = J_roots(end);
-% Calculate co-ordinate vectors
-s_HT.r = s_HT.J_roots * s_HT.rmax / s_HT.J_roots_N1;
-s_HT.v = s_HT.J_roots / (2*pi * s_HT.rmax);
-s_HT.kr = 2*pi * s_HT.v;
-s_HT.kmax = s_HT.J_roots_N1 / (s_HT.rmax);
-s_HT.vmax = s_HT.J_roots_N1 / (2*pi * s_HT.rmax);
-s_HT.S = s_HT.J_roots_N1;
-% Calculate hankel matrix and vectors
-% I use (p=order) and (p1=order+1)
-Jp = besselj(s_HT.order, (s_HT.J_roots) * (s_HT.J_roots.') / s_HT.S);
-Jp1 = abs(besselj(s_HT.order+1, s_HT.J_roots));
-s_HT.T = 2*Jp./(Jp1 * (Jp1.') * s_HT.S);
-s_HT.J = Jp1;
-function z = bessel_zeros(d, a, n, e)
-%BESSEL_ZEROS: Finds the first n zeros of a bessel function
-% z = bessel_zeros(d, a, n, e)
-% z = zeros of the bessel function
-% d = Bessel function type:
-% 1: Ja
-% 2: Ya
-% 3: Ja'
-% 4: Ya'
-% a = Bessel order (a>=0)
-% n = Number of zeros to find
-% e = Relative error in root
-% This function uses the routine described in:
-% "An Algorithm with ALGOL 60 Program for the Computation of the
-% zeros of the Ordinary Bessel Functions and those of their
-% Derivatives".
-% N. M. Temme
-% Journal of Computational Physics, 32, 270-279 (1979)
-z = zeros(n, 1);
-aa = a^2;
-mu = 4*aa;
-mu2 = mu^2;
-mu3 = mu^3;
-mu4 = mu^4;
-if (d<3)
- p = 7*mu - 31;
- p0 = mu - 1;
- if ((1+p)==p)
- p1 = 0;
- q1 = 0;
- else
- p1 = 4*(253*mu2 - 3722*mu+17869)*p0/(15*p);
- q1 = 1.6*(83*mu2 - 982*mu + 3779)/p;
- end
- p = 7*mu2 + 82*mu - 9;
- p0 = mu + 3;
- if ((p+1)==1)
- p1 = 0;
- q1 = 0;
- else
- p1 = (4048*mu4 + 131264*mu3 - 221984*mu2 - 417600*mu + 1012176)/(60*p);
- q1 = 1.6*(83*mu3 + 2075*mu2 - 3039*mu + 3537)/p;
- end
-if (d==1)|(d==4)
- t = .25;
- t = .75;
-tt = 4*t;
-if (d<3)
- pp1 = 5/48;
- qq1 = -5/36;
- pp1 = -7/48;
- qq1 = 35/288;
-y = .375*pi;
-if (a>=3)
- bb = a^(-2/3);
- bb = 1;
-a1 = 3*a - 8;
-% psi = (.5*a + .25)*pi;
-for s=1:n
- if ((a==0)&(s==1)&(d==3))
- x = 0;
- j = 0;
- else
- if (s>=a1)
- b = (s + .5*a - t)*pi;
- c = .015625/(b^2);
- x = b - .125*(p0 - p1*c)/(b*(1 - q1*c));
- else
- if (s==1)
- switch (d)
- case (1)
- x = -2.33811;
- case (2)
- x = -1.17371;
- case (3)
- x = -1.01879;
- otherwise
- x = -2.29444;
- end
- else
- x = y*(4*s - tt);
- v = x^(-2);
- x = -x^(2/3) * (1 + v*(pp1 + qq1*v));
- end
- u = x*bb;
- v = fi(2/3 * (-u)^1.5);
- w = 1/cos(v);
- xx = 1 - w^2;
- c = sqrt(u/xx);
- if (d<3)
- x = w*(a + c*(-5/u - c*(6 - 10/xx))/(48*a*u));
- else
- x = w*(a + c*(7/u + c*(18 - 14/xx))/(48*a*u));
- end
- end
- j = 0;
-while ((j==0)|((j<5)&(abs(w/x)>e)))
- xx = x^2;
- x4 = x^4;
- a2 = aa - xx;
- r0 = bessr(d, a, x);
- j = j+1;
- if (d<3)
- u = r0;
- w = 6*x*(2*a + 1);
- p = (1 - 4*a2)/w;
- q = (4*(xx-mu) - 2 - 12*a)/w;
- else
- u = -xx*r0/a2;
- v = 2*x*a2/(3*(aa+xx));
- w = 64*a2^3;
- q = 2*v*(1 + mu2 + 32*mu*xx + 48*x4)/w;
- p = v*(1 + (40*mu*xx + 48*x4 - mu2)/w);
- end
- w = u*(1 + p*r0)/(1 + q*r0);
- x = x+w;
- end
- z(s) = x;
- end
-function FI = fi(y)
- c1 = 1.570796;
- if (~y)
- FI = 0;
- elseif (y>1e5)
- FI = c1;
- else
- if (y<1)
- p = (3*y)^(1/3);
- pp = p^2;
- p = p*(1 + pp*(pp*(27 - 2*pp) - 210)/1575);
- else
- p = 1/(y + c1);
- pp = p^2;
- p = c1 - p*(1 + pp*(2310 + pp*(3003 + pp*(4818 + pp*(8591 + pp*16328))))/3465);
- end
- pp = (y+p)^2;
- r = (p - atan(p+y))/pp;
- FI = p - (1+pp)*r*(1 + r/(p+y));
- end
-function Jr = bessr(d, a, x)
- switch (d)
- case (1)
- Jr = besselj(a, x)./besselj(a+1, x);
- case (2)
- Jr = bessely(a, x)./bessely(a+1, x);
- case (3)
- Jr = a./x - besselj(a+1, x)./besselj(a, x);
- otherwise
- Jr = a./x - bessely(a+1, x)./bessely(a, x);
- end
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