2024-06-18 19:01:35 +02:00
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
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from scipy import integrate
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from scipy . signal import find_peaks , resample , detrend
import csv
When you compute the Fourier transform of a signal , you obtain a set of complex - valued coefficients corresponding to different frequency components present in the signal . These coefficients represent the amplitude and phase of sinusoidal components at specific frequencies .
The frequency range covered by the Fourier transform output is divided into discrete frequency bins , each representing a specific frequency component . The width of these bins depends on the sampling rate and the length of the input signal . In a typical implementation , the frequency bins are evenly spaced .
In practical terms , the power spectrum bins correspond to the frequency components at which the power spectral density ( PSD ) or magnitude squared of the Fourier coefficients are evaluated . These bins are used to represent the distribution of signal power across different frequency components , providing insights into the frequency content of the signal .
The bin width , also called the resolution bandwidth , is simply sampling rate / Total number of samples = ( 1 / dt ) / N
N can be re - written in terms of t , dt . Putting this in to the expression for Sxx = 2 * | fft | ^ 2 / ( Resolution Bandwidth * Noise Power Bandwidth ) We get the expression used here . Note that the fft computed above is scaled by N which results eventually in the factor dt ^ 2 / T .
The noise power bandwidth is typically 1 Hz if no windowing / tapering function is used .
Compute the broadband noise level in Vrms2 / Hz by summing all the power spectrum bins , excluding any peaks and the DC component , and dividing the sum by the equivalent noise bandwidth of the window
The equivalent noise bandwidth ( ENBW ) of a window in the context of a power spectrum refers to a measure of the effective bandwidth of the window function applied to the signal before taking the Fourier transform .
When you compute the power spectrum of a signal using a windowing function ( e . g . , Hamming window , Hann window , etc . ) , the window modifies the original signal by tapering its edges . This tapering reduces the spectral leakage and improves frequency resolution but also introduces a smoothing effect , which can affect the estimation of the signal ' s power at different frequencies.
The equivalent noise bandwidth provides a way to quantify the effective bandwidth of the window function in terms of its impact on noise power . It represents the width of a rectangular filter that would have the same noise power as the windowed signal .
In practical terms , when calculating the power spectrum of a signal using a window , the ENBW is used to adjust the power spectrum to account for the smoothing effect of the window . Dividing the sum of the power spectrum bins by the ENBW yields an estimate of the noise power per unit frequency bandwidth .
ENBW is often used in the context of noise measurements or signal processing applications where accurate estimation of noise power is important . It helps ensure that the power spectrum accurately reflects the true power distribution of the signal , accounting for the effects of windowing .
The noise floor refers to the minimum level of signal that can be reliably distinguished from the background noise . It represents the lowest amplitude of a signal that can be detected or measured with reasonable accuracy .
The noise floor is often defined as the RMS ( Root Mean Square ) value of the background noise in a given frequency band .
To compute the noise floor value from the power spectral density ( PSD ) values , you typically need to analyze the portion of the PSD that corresponds to the background noise .
def compute_autocorrelation ( data ) :
print ( " Calculating autocorrelation... " )
yunbiased = data - np . mean ( data )
ynorm = np . sum ( yunbiased * * 2 )
acor = np . correlate ( yunbiased , yunbiased , " same " ) / ynorm
return acor
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def pre_process_data ( data , re_sample = False , new_sampling_rate = 10000 ) :
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# Resample the time series
# Define the new sampling rate and calculate the new time values
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if re_sample :
n_points = int ( ( len ( data [ : , 0 ] ) * ( data [ : , 0 ] [ 1 ] - data [ : , 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ) * new_sampling_rate )
t = np . linspace ( data [ : , 0 ] [ 0 ] , data [ : , 0 ] [ - 1 ] , n_points )
x_array = resample ( data [ : , 1 ] , n_points )
x = detrend ( x_array - x_array . mean ( ) )
else :
t = data [ : , 0 ]
x_array = data [ : , 1 ]
x = detrend ( x_array - x_array . mean ( ) )
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return np . column_stack ( ( t , x ) )
def smoothen_data ( data , window_size ) :
# Smooth data by doing a moving average
return np . convolve ( data , np . ones ( window_size , dtype = int ) / window_size , mode = ' valid ' )
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def compute_psd ( data , re_sample = False , new_sampling_rate = 10000 , window_size = 21 ) :
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A power spectral density ( PSD ) takes the amplitude of the FFT , multiplies it by its complex conjugate and normalizes it to the frequency bin width .
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processed_data = pre_process_data ( data , re_sample , new_sampling_rate )
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t , x = processed_data [ : , 0 ] , processed_data [ : , 1 ]
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N = t . shape [ 0 ] # Total number of data points
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# Calculate fft
print ( " Calculating power spectrum... " )
fft_ts = np . fft . fft ( x ) # Compute Fourier transform of x
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Sxx = ( fft_ts * fft_ts . conj ( ) ) / N * * 2 # Compute spectrum
Sxx = 2 * Sxx [ : int ( len ( x ) / 2 ) ] # Ignore negative frequencies, we have accounted for this by the scaling factor of 2
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return processed_data , smoothen_data ( Sxx . real , window_size )
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def compute_RIN ( dc_voltages , delta_f , Sxx_smooth ) :
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# Compute the average power
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average_P = np . mean ( np . square ( dc_voltages ) )
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# Calculate the RIN
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Skk = Sxx_smooth / ( average_P * delta_f )
RIN_Sxx_smooth = 10 * np . log10 ( Skk )
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return Skk , RIN_Sxx_smooth
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def find_noise_peaks ( psd , faxis , freq_range , threshold ) :
Compute the peak power in the specified frequency range .
Parameters :
psd_values : array - like
Power spectral density values .
faxis : array - like
Frequencies corresponding to the PSD values .
freq_range : tuple
Tuple containing the start and end frequencies of the range of interest .
threshold : scalar
Threshold for peak heights
Returns :
float : Peak power in the specified frequency range .
start_freq , end_freq = freq_range
idx_start = np . argmax ( faxis > = start_freq )
idx_end = np . argmax ( faxis > = end_freq )
sliced_psd = psd [ idx_start : idx_end ]
sliced_faxis = faxis [ idx_start : idx_end ]
peak_indices , _ = find_peaks ( sliced_psd , height = threshold )
peak_powers = 10 * np . log10 ( sliced_psd [ peak_indices ] )
peak_frequencies = np . around ( sliced_faxis [ peak_indices ] , 2 )
return peak_powers , peak_frequencies
def compute_noise_level ( psd , resolution_bandwidth , exclude_peaks = False , faxis = None , freq_range = None , threshold = None ) :
Compute the noise level from a power spectral density ( PSD ) .
Parameters :
psd : array - like
One - sided power spectral density .
resolution_bandwidth : float
Bin width
Returns :
float : Noise level ( Vrms ^ 2 ) .
noise_level = None
# Exclude peaks from the sum
if exclude_peaks and threshold is not None :
threshold = 10 * * ( threshold / 10 )
if freq_range is None :
peak_indices , _ = find_peaks ( psd , height = threshold )
noise_level = resolution_bandwidth * np . sum ( [ psd [ i ] for i in range ( len ( psd ) ) if i not in peak_indices ] )
else :
start_freq , end_freq = freq_range
idx_start = np . argmax ( faxis > = start_freq )
idx_end = np . argmax ( faxis > = end_freq )
sliced_psd = psd [ idx_start : idx_end ]
peak_indices , _ = find_peaks ( sliced_psd , height = threshold )
noise_level = resolution_bandwidth * np . sum ( [ sliced_psd [ i ] for i in range ( len ( sliced_psd ) ) if i not in peak_indices ] )
else :
if freq_range is None :
noise_level = resolution_bandwidth * np . sum ( [ psd [ i ] for i in range ( len ( psd ) ) ] )
else :
start_freq , end_freq = freq_range
idx_start = np . argmax ( faxis > = start_freq )
idx_end = np . argmax ( faxis > = end_freq )
sliced_psd = psd [ idx_start : idx_end ]
noise_level = resolution_bandwidth * np . sum ( [ sliced_psd [ i ] for i in range ( len ( sliced_psd ) ) ] )
return noise_level
def extract_data ( filepath ) :
# Open the CSV file
with open ( filepath , newline = ' ' ) as csvfile :
# Skip the first line (header)
next ( csvfile )
# Read the CSV file using csv.reader
reader = csv . reader ( csvfile )
# Read the headers from the second line
next_header = next ( reader )
string_number = next_header [ - 1 ]
try :
time_step = int ( string_number )
except ValueError :
try :
time_step = float ( string_number )
except ValueError :
print ( " The string does not represent a valid number. " )
# Initialize lists to store the first and second values
first_column = [ ]
second_column = [ ]
# Iterate over each row in the CSV file
for row in reader :
# Extract the first and second values from the row and convert to float
first_value = float ( row [ 0 ] )
second_value = float ( row [ 1 ] )
# Append the values to their respective lists
first_column . append ( first_value )
second_column . append ( second_value )
# Convert the lists into numpy arrays
time_array = np . arange ( 0 , len ( first_column ) * time_step , time_step )
voltage_array = np . array ( second_column )
# Stack the arrays horizontally to form a single 2D array
data_array = np . column_stack ( ( time_array , voltage_array ) )
return data_array
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def closest ( list , num ) :
idx = int ( min ( range ( len ( list ) ) , key = lambda i : abs ( list [ i ] - num ) ) )
return idx
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def plot_psd ( data , Sxx , data_str , peak_find = False , peak_find_threshold = - 100 , window_size = 21 ) :
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if isinstance ( data , list ) and isinstance ( Sxx , list ) and isinstance ( data_str , list ) :
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 12 , 8 ) )
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2024-09-04 17:06:13 +02:00
for idx in range ( len ( data ) ) :
dat = data [ idx ]
psd = Sxx [ idx ]
time = dat [ : , 0 ]
dt = time [ 1 ] - time [ 0 ] # Sampling interval / time step
N = time . shape [ 0 ] # Total number of data points
f_s = 1 / dt # Sampling frequency
fNQ = f_s / 2 # Determine Nyquist frequency
faxis = smoothen_data ( np . linspace ( 0 , fNQ , N / / 2 ) , window_size ) # Construct frequency axis
""" Noise peak finder """
if peak_find :
freq_range = ( 50 , max ( faxis ) )
threshold = 10 * * ( peak_find_threshold / 10 )
peak_powers , peak_frequencies = find_noise_peaks ( psd , faxis , freq_range , threshold )
""" Noise levels in units of V/sqrt(Hz) """
idx_ini = closest ( faxis , 100 )
idx_fin = closest ( faxis , 1000 )
noiseat1hunHz = np . sqrt ( psd [ idx_ini ] )
noiseat1kHz = np . sqrt ( psd [ idx_fin ] )
cum_noise = np . sqrt ( integrate . cumtrapz ( psd [ idx_ini : idx_fin ] , initial = 0 ) )
print ( ' Noise level @ 100 Hz = {} ' . format ( noiseat1hunHz ) )
print ( ' Noise level @ 1 kHz = {} ' . format ( noiseat1kHz ) )
print ( ' Integrated Noise from 100 Hz to 1 kHz = {} ' . format ( cum_noise [ - 1 ] ) )
# Plot Power Spectrum in dB
plt . semilogx ( faxis , 10 * np . log10 ( psd ) , linewidth = 2 , label = data_str [ idx ] )
if peak_find :
plt . plot ( peak_frequencies , peak_powers , ' o ' , markerfacecolor = ' none ' , markeredgecolor = ' r ' , markersize = 10 ) # Plot power against frequency as hollow circles
for freq , power in zip ( peak_frequencies , peak_powers ) :
plt . text ( freq , power , str ( freq ) + ' Hz ' , verticalalignment = ' bottom ' , horizontalalignment = ' right ' ) # Add text next to each circle indicating the frequency
plt . grid ( True , which = " both " , linestyle = ' - ' , linewidth = 0.5 , color = ' gray ' ) # Thin lines for non-decade grid
plt . grid ( True , which = " both " , linestyle = ' : ' , linewidth = 1 , color = ' gray ' , axis = ' x ' ) # Thick lines for decade grid
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2024-09-04 17:06:13 +02:00
# Calculate the x-axis values for multiples of 10
x_multiples_of_10 = [ 10 * * i for i in range ( int ( np . log10 ( min ( faxis [ faxis > 0 ] ) ) ) , int ( np . log10 ( max ( faxis [ faxis > 0 ] ) ) ) + 1 ) ]
# Add thick lines for multiples of 10
for val in x_multiples_of_10 :
plt . axvline ( x = val , color = ' black ' , linestyle = ' - ' , linewidth = 2 ) # Thick lines for multiples of 10
2024-06-18 19:01:35 +02:00
2024-09-04 17:06:13 +02:00
plt . xlim ( [ min ( faxis ) , max ( faxis ) ] )
# plt.ylim([-150, -80])
plt . legend ( loc = 3 , fontsize = 12 )
plt . xlabel ( ' Frequency [Hz] ' , fontsize = 14 )
plt . ylabel ( ' PSD [dB/Hz] ' , fontsize = 14 )
# plt.title('SNR= %.2f dB' % (SNR_f), fontsize=14)
# Adjust layout
plt . tight_layout ( )
else :
time = data [ : , 0 ]
dt = time [ 1 ] - time [ 0 ] # Sampling interval / time step
N = time . shape [ 0 ] # Total number of data points
f_s = 1 / dt # Sampling frequency
fNQ = f_s / 2 # Determine Nyquist frequency
faxis = smoothen_data ( np . linspace ( 0 , fNQ , N / / 2 ) , window_size ) # Construct frequency axis
""" Noise peak finder """
if peak_find :
freq_range = ( 50 , max ( faxis ) )
threshold = 10 * * ( peak_find_threshold / 10 )
peak_powers , peak_frequencies = find_noise_peaks ( Sxx , faxis , freq_range , threshold )
""" Noise levels in units of V/sqrt(Hz) """
idx_ini = closest ( faxis , 100 )
idx_fin = closest ( faxis , 1000 )
noiseat1hunHz = np . sqrt ( Sxx [ idx_ini ] )
noiseat1kHz = np . sqrt ( Sxx [ idx_fin ] )
cum_noise = np . sqrt ( integrate . cumtrapz ( Sxx [ idx_ini : idx_fin ] , initial = 0 ) )
print ( ' Noise level @ 100 Hz = {} ' . format ( noiseat1hunHz ) )
print ( ' Noise level @ 1 kHz = {} ' . format ( noiseat1kHz ) )
print ( ' Integrated Noise from 100 Hz to 1 kHz = {} ' . format ( cum_noise [ - 1 ] ) )
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 12 , 8 ) )
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# Plot Power Spectrum in dB
plt . semilogx ( faxis , 10 * np . log10 ( Sxx ) , color = ' green ' , linewidth = 2 , label = data_str )
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if peak_find :
plt . plot ( peak_frequencies , peak_powers , ' o ' , markerfacecolor = ' none ' , markeredgecolor = ' r ' , markersize = 10 ) # Plot power against frequency as hollow circles
for freq , power in zip ( peak_frequencies , peak_powers ) :
plt . text ( freq , power , str ( freq ) + ' Hz ' , verticalalignment = ' bottom ' , horizontalalignment = ' right ' ) # Add text next to each circle indicating the frequency
2024-06-18 19:01:35 +02:00
plt . grid ( True , which = " both " , linestyle = ' - ' , linewidth = 0.5 , color = ' gray ' ) # Thin lines for non-decade grid
plt . grid ( True , which = " both " , linestyle = ' : ' , linewidth = 1 , color = ' gray ' , axis = ' x ' ) # Thick lines for decade grid
# Calculate the x-axis values for multiples of 10
x_multiples_of_10 = [ 10 * * i for i in range ( int ( np . log10 ( min ( faxis [ faxis > 0 ] ) ) ) , int ( np . log10 ( max ( faxis [ faxis > 0 ] ) ) ) + 1 ) ]
# Add thick lines for multiples of 10
for val in x_multiples_of_10 :
plt . axvline ( x = val , color = ' black ' , linestyle = ' - ' , linewidth = 2 ) # Thick lines for multiples of 10
plt . xlim ( [ min ( faxis ) , max ( faxis ) ] )
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# plt.ylim([-50, 0])
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plt . legend ( loc = 3 , fontsize = 12 )
plt . xlabel ( ' Frequency [Hz] ' , fontsize = 14 )
2024-09-04 17:06:13 +02:00
plt . ylabel ( ' PSD [dB/Hz] ' , fontsize = 14 )
2024-06-18 19:01:35 +02:00
# plt.title('SNR= %.2f dB' % (SNR_f), fontsize=14)
# Adjust layout
plt . tight_layout ( )
# Show plot
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plt . show ( )
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def plot_rin ( data , rin , data_str , peak_find = False , peak_find_threshold = - 100 , window_size = 21 ) :
if isinstance ( data , list ) and isinstance ( rin , list ) and isinstance ( data_str , list ) :
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plt . figure ( figsize = ( 12 , 8 ) )
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for idx in range ( len ( data ) ) :
dat = data [ idx ]
rn = rin [ idx ]
time = dat [ : , 0 ]
dt = time [ 1 ] - time [ 0 ] # Sampling interval / time step
N = time . shape [ 0 ] # Total number of data points
f_s = 1 / dt # Sampling frequency
fNQ = f_s / 2 # Determine Nyquist frequency
faxis = smoothen_data ( np . linspace ( 0 , fNQ , N / / 2 ) , window_size ) # Construct frequency axis
""" Noise peak finder """
if peak_find :
freq_range = ( 50 , max ( faxis ) )
threshold = 10 * * ( peak_find_threshold / 10 )
peak_powers , peak_frequencies = find_noise_peaks ( rn , faxis , freq_range , threshold )
# Plot RIN
plt . semilogx ( faxis , rn , linewidth = 2 , label = data_str [ idx ] )
if peak_find :
plt . plot ( peak_frequencies , peak_powers , ' o ' , markerfacecolor = ' none ' , markeredgecolor = ' r ' , markersize = 10 ) # Plot power against frequency as hollow circles
for freq , power in zip ( peak_frequencies , peak_powers ) :
plt . text ( freq , power , str ( freq ) + ' Hz ' , verticalalignment = ' bottom ' , horizontalalignment = ' right ' ) # Add text next to each circle indicating the frequency
plt . grid ( True , which = " both " , linestyle = ' - ' , linewidth = 0.5 , color = ' gray ' ) # Thin lines for non-decade grid
plt . grid ( True , which = " both " , linestyle = ' : ' , linewidth = 1 , color = ' gray ' , axis = ' x ' ) # Thick lines for decade grid
# Calculate the x-axis values for multiples of 10
x_multiples_of_10 = [ 10 * * i for i in range ( int ( np . log10 ( min ( faxis [ faxis > 0 ] ) ) ) , int ( np . log10 ( max ( faxis [ faxis > 0 ] ) ) ) + 1 ) ]
# Add thick lines for multiples of 10
for val in x_multiples_of_10 :
plt . axvline ( x = val , color = ' black ' , linestyle = ' - ' , linewidth = 2 ) # Thick lines for multiples of 10
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2024-09-04 17:06:13 +02:00
plt . xlim ( [ min ( faxis ) , max ( faxis ) ] )
# plt.ylim([-150, -80])
plt . legend ( loc = 3 , fontsize = 12 )
plt . xlabel ( ' Frequency [Hz] ' , fontsize = 14 )
plt . ylabel ( ' RIN [dB/Hz] ' , fontsize = 14 )
# plt.title('SNR= %.2f dB' % (SNR_f), fontsize=14)
# Adjust layout
plt . tight_layout ( )
else :
time = data [ : , 0 ]
dt = time [ 1 ] - time [ 0 ] # Sampling interval / time step
N = time . shape [ 0 ] # Total number of data points
f_s = 1 / dt # Sampling frequency
fNQ = f_s / 2 # Determine Nyquist frequency
faxis = smoothen_data ( np . linspace ( 0 , fNQ , N / / 2 ) , window_size ) # Construct frequency axis
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2024-09-04 17:06:13 +02:00
""" Noise peak finder """
if peak_find :
freq_range = ( 50 , max ( faxis ) )
threshold = 10 * * ( peak_find_threshold / 10 )
peak_powers , peak_frequencies = find_noise_peaks ( rin , faxis , freq_range , threshold )
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2024-09-04 17:06:13 +02:00
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 12 , 8 ) )
# Plot Power Spectrum in dB
plt . semilogx ( faxis , rin , color = ' green ' , linewidth = 2 , label = data_str )
if peak_find :
plt . plot ( peak_frequencies , peak_powers , ' o ' , markerfacecolor = ' none ' , markeredgecolor = ' r ' , markersize = 10 ) # Plot power against frequency as hollow circles
for freq , power in zip ( peak_frequencies , peak_powers ) :
plt . text ( freq , power , str ( freq ) + ' Hz ' , verticalalignment = ' bottom ' , horizontalalignment = ' right ' ) # Add text next to each circle indicating the frequency
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2024-09-04 17:06:13 +02:00
plt . grid ( True , which = " both " , linestyle = ' - ' , linewidth = 0.5 , color = ' gray ' ) # Thin lines for non-decade grid
plt . grid ( True , which = " both " , linestyle = ' : ' , linewidth = 1 , color = ' gray ' , axis = ' x ' ) # Thick lines for decade grid
2024-06-18 19:01:35 +02:00
# Calculate the x-axis values for multiples of 10
x_multiples_of_10 = [ 10 * * i for i in range ( int ( np . log10 ( min ( faxis [ faxis > 0 ] ) ) ) , int ( np . log10 ( max ( faxis [ faxis > 0 ] ) ) ) + 1 ) ]
# Add thick lines for multiples of 10
for val in x_multiples_of_10 :
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plt . axvline ( x = val , color = ' black ' , linestyle = ' - ' , linewidth = 2 ) # Thick lines for multiples of 10
2024-06-18 19:01:35 +02:00
2024-09-04 17:06:13 +02:00
plt . xlim ( [ min ( faxis ) , max ( faxis ) ] )
# plt.ylim([-50, 0])
plt . legend ( loc = 3 , fontsize = 12 )
plt . xlabel ( ' Frequency [Hz] ' , fontsize = 14 )
plt . ylabel ( ' RIN [dB/Hz] ' , fontsize = 14 )
# plt.title('SNR= %.2f dB' % (SNR_f), fontsize=14)
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# Adjust layout
plt . tight_layout ( )
# Show plot
plt . show ( )
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def plot_e_folding_time ( data , Skk , fstart , fend , data_str , window_size = 21 ) :
time , voltages = data [ : , 0 ] , data [ : , 1 ]
dt = time [ 1 ] - time [ 0 ] # Define the sampling interval
N = voltages . shape [ 0 ] # Define the total number of data points
T = N * dt # Define the total duration of the data
df = 1 / T . max ( )
fNQ = 1 / dt / 2 # Determine Nyquist frequency
faxis = smoothen_data ( np . linspace ( 0 , fNQ , N / / 2 ) , window_size ) # Construct frequency axis
idx_ini = closest ( faxis , 2 * fstart )
idx_fin = closest ( faxis , 2 * fend )
Skk = Skk [ idx_ini : idx_fin ]
freqs = np . linspace ( fstart , fend , len ( Skk ) )
e_folding_time = [ 1 / ( np . pi * * 2 * freqs [ idx ] * * 2 * Skk [ idx ] ) for idx in range ( len ( freqs ) ) ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 12 , 8 ) )
# Plot Power Spectrum in dB
plt . semilogx ( freqs , e_folding_time , color = ' red ' , linewidth = 2 , alpha = 0.75 , label = data_str )
plt . grid ( True , which = " both " , linestyle = ' - ' , linewidth = 0.5 , color = ' gray ' ) # Thin lines for non-decade grid
plt . grid ( True , which = " both " , linestyle = ' : ' , linewidth = 1 , color = ' gray ' , axis = ' x ' ) # Thick lines for decade grid
# Calculate the x-axis values for multiples of 10
x_multiples_of_10 = [ 10 * * i for i in range ( int ( np . log10 ( min ( freqs [ freqs > 0 ] ) ) ) , int ( np . log10 ( max ( freqs [ freqs > 0 ] ) ) ) + 1 ) ]
# Add thick lines for multiples of 10
for val in x_multiples_of_10 :
plt . axvline ( x = val , color = ' black ' , linestyle = ' - ' , linewidth = 2 ) # Thick lines for multiples of 10
# plt.xlim([min(freqs), max(freqs)])
# plt.ylim([-50, 0])
plt . legend ( loc = 3 , fontsize = 12 )
plt . xlabel ( ' Frequency [Hz] ' , fontsize = 14 )
plt . ylabel ( ' $T_e$ [s] ' , fontsize = 14 )
plt . title ( ' Lower Bound= %.5f s ' % ( min ( e_folding_time ) ) , fontsize = 14 )
# Adjust layout
plt . tight_layout ( )
# Show plot
plt . show ( )