2025-02-23 01:43:21 +01:00
%% Physical constants
2025-02-23 20:22:11 +01:00
PlanckConstant = 6.62607015E-34;
PlanckConstantReduced = 6.62607015E-34/(2*pi);
FineStructureConstant = 7.2973525698E-3;
ElectronMass = 9.10938291E-31;
GravitationalConstant = 6.67384E-11;
ProtonMass = 1.672621777E-27;
AtomicMassUnit = 1.660539066E-27;
BohrRadius = 5.2917721067E-11;
BohrMagneton = 9.274009994E-24;
BoltzmannConstant = 1.38064852E-23;
StandardGravityAcceleration = 9.80665;
SpeedOfLight = 299792458;
StefanBoltzmannConstant = 5.670373E-8;
ElectronCharge = 1.602176634E-19;
VacuumPermeability = 1.25663706212E-6;
DielectricConstant = 8.8541878128E-12;
ElectronGyromagneticFactor = -2.00231930436153;
AvogadroConstant = 6.02214076E23;
ZeroKelvin = 273.15;
GravitationalAcceleration = 9.80553;
VacuumPermittivity = 1 / (SpeedOfLight^2 * VacuumPermeability);
HartreeEnergy = ElectronCharge^2 / (4 * pi * VacuumPermittivity * BohrRadius);
AtomicUnitOfPolarizability = (ElectronCharge^2 * BohrRadius^2) / HartreeEnergy; % Or simply 4*pi*VacuumPermittivity*BohrRadius^3
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% Dy specific constants
2025-02-23 20:22:11 +01:00
Dy164Mass = 163.929174751*AtomicMassUnit;
Dy164IsotopicAbundance = 0.2826;
DyMagneticMoment = 9.93*BohrMagneton;
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2025-02-23 20:22:11 +01:00
%% Parameters
2025-02-23 01:43:21 +01:00
options = struct;
options.Axis = 3; % axis referenced to the beam along which you want the dipole trap potential
options.Extent = 1E2; % range of spatial coordinates in one direction to calculate trap potential over
options.Crossed = false; % angle between arms in degrees
options.Delta = 70;
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options.Modulation = false; % required aspect ratio of modulated arm
2025-02-23 01:43:21 +01:00
options.ModulationFunction = 'arccos';
options.ModulationAmplitude = 2.16;
options.AspectRatio = 4;
options.Gravity = false;
options.TiltGravity = false;
options.Theta = 0.75; % gravity tilt angle in degrees
options.TiltAxis = [1, 0, 0]; % lab space coordinates are rotated about x-axis in reference frame of beam
options.Astigmatism = false;
options.DisplacementFoci = 2.5 * 1e-3; % difference in position of the foci along the propagation direction in meters
options.ExtractTrapFrequencies = false;
options.Mass = Dy164Mass;
options.MagneticMoment = DyMagneticMoment;
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options.Power = 40;
options.w_x = 30 * 1e-6; % Beam waist in X direction in meters
options.w_z = 30 * 1e-6; % Beam waist in Z direction in meters
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options.Polarizability = 180;
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options.Wavelength = 1064E-9;
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% Initialize variables
ComputedPotentials = {};
Params = {};
% Call the function to compute trap potential
2025-02-23 20:22:11 +01:00
[Positions, IdealTrappingPotential, ...
TrappingPotential, TrapDepthsInKelvin, ...
ExtractedTrapFrequencies] = Calculator.computeTrapPotential(options);
2025-02-23 01:43:21 +01:00
% Store computed potentials and parameters
2025-02-23 20:22:11 +01:00
ComputedPotentials{end+1} = IdealTrappingPotential;
ComputedPotentials{end+1} = TrappingPotential;
Params{end+1} = {TrapDepthsInKelvin, ExtractedTrapFrequencies};
2025-02-23 01:43:21 +01:00
% Call plot function to visualize the potentials
Plotter.plotPotential(Positions, ComputedPotentials, options, Params, [], false);