import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import logging as log import scipy.constants as cs from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import host_subplot import mpl_toolkits.axisartist as AA # TODO: # -Different wire winding schemes # -Plot a cut through the Coil # -Plotte den erlaubten unsicherheitsbereich in die B-Feld plots. (durchsichtige Box sollte reichen) # -Möchte ich HHCoils als klasse oder funktion? # --> Einmal B berechnen und dann funktionen druaf anwenden oder einmal objekt kreieren? # --> Mit sinnvollen funktionen eigentlich kein unterschied # -Coords in meter oder mm """ The following functions allow the calculation of the magnetic field of rectangular coils. The most important important inputs the following: -"distance" describes the distance between two coils in Helmholtz (HH) config in mm. In the case of a single coil, it is the offset of its plane from zero in mm. -"a" is the side length of the coil(s) in +/- x direction in mm, when the coil is lying in the z-plane. -"b" is the side length of the coil(s) in +/- y direction in mm, when the coil is lying in the z-plane. -"plane" describes the plane in which the coil lies. "plane = 'z'" describes a coil which extends in x and y direction with its sides and has an offset of "distance" mm in z direction. -The wire parameters layers, windings, wire_width and wire_height describe the winding of the coil. The side lengths "a" and "b" are defined with regard to the center of the coil winding. That means, a coil with side length a has wires extending from a-h to a+h, where h is the height of the accumulated winding layers. -NO REAL WINDING SCHEME IS IMPLEMENTED. Instead of crossing wires, the coil is made up of many single wire coils lying next to each other. In reality, a layer of 5 wires is followed by a layer of 4 wires, as the next layer always sits in the groves of the layer below. THIS IS NOT IMPLEMENTED. Here "layers =3, windings = 5" means that 15 wires in total sit perfectly on top of each other. They are not filling any gaps and have a height of exactly 3*(wire_height+insulation thickness). -The calculation is done once per wire, as if it where a coil without physical extend in the center of the wire. -The parameter "center_offset" allows for coils that are not centered around an axis, but have some offset. The center offset is to be given as a list of the three coords, that define the center of the coil (pair) in m(!). Note that the "distance" is calculated from this new center. For non ideal/crooked HH coils, define 2 individual coils with two individual centers. -The calculation of the field is done a whichever coordinates are given as an input to the various field calculation functions (mainly calc_B_field_coil() or HH_coil_calc_B_field). The coords have to be given in units of meters and the output will be a set of three components of the field for each coordinate in Gauss. The field can also be given in Tesla. """ class RectangularCoil: def __init__(self, distance, a, b, plane, layers, windings, wire_width, wire_height, I, mu0=cs.mu_0, center_offset=None, insulation_thickness=0., is_round=True, winding_offset=False, unit="Gauss"): # if center is None: # center = [0, 0, 0] if not is_round: log.warning("Non-round wires not implemented yet. Please choose round wires instead.") if is_round: if wire_width != wire_height: log.error('Wire is round but width != height') self.distance = distance * 1e-3 self.a = a * 1e-3 self.b = b * 1e-3 self.plane = plane self.layers = layers self.windings = windings self.wire_width = wire_width * 1e-3 self.wire_height = wire_height * 1e-3 self.I = I self.mu0 = mu0 self.insulation_thickness = insulation_thickness * 1e-3 self.is_round = is_round self.winding_offset = winding_offset self.unit = unit if center_offset is None: self.center_offset = [0,0,0] else: self.center_offset = center_offset def get_N(self): """ Calculates number of windings """ return self.layers * self.windings def wires(self): """ According to the wire geometry the winding is done and layers of wires are stacked. Each loop of wire can then be treated as a coil each. """ width = self.wire_width + 2 * self.insulation_thickness coil_width = self.windings * width coil_height = self.layers * width Coilwires = np.zeros( (self.get_N(), 3) ) # Each wire of the coil will be stored in Coilwires with Params = (distance, a, b) """ This winding scheme just lays wires next to each other and on top of each other, but only their radius etc is used. The geometry is not yet accounted for. """ # Fill in different Wirewinding schemes later """ The Coil is centered around the parameters d,a,b """ for L in range(self.layers): layer_offset = -coil_height / 2 + (2 * L + 1) * width / 2 a_layer = self.a - layer_offset b_layer = self.b - layer_offset for W in range(self.windings): d_offset = -coil_width / 2 + (2 * W + 1) * width / 2 distance_wire = self.distance - d_offset Coilwires[L * self.windings + W] = np.array([distance_wire, a_layer, b_layer]) return Coilwires def calc_B_field_z_wire(self, coords, wire): x = coords[0] y = coords[1] z = coords[2] a_wire = wire[1] / 2 # The input is the side-length, but the calculation uses half-lengths of each side b_wire = wire[2] / 2 c1 = a_wire + x c2 = a_wire - x c3 = -c2 c4 = -c1 d1 = y + b_wire d2 = d1 d3 = y - b_wire d4 = d3 r1 = np.sqrt((a_wire + x) ** 2 + (y + b_wire) ** 2 + z ** 2) r2 = np.sqrt((a_wire - x) ** 2 + (y + b_wire) ** 2 + z ** 2) r3 = np.sqrt((a_wire - x) ** 2 + (y - b_wire) ** 2 + z ** 2) r4 = np.sqrt((a_wire + x) ** 2 + (y - b_wire) ** 2 + z ** 2) const = self.mu0 * self.I / (4 * cs.pi) Bx = const * (z / (r1 * (r1 + d1)) - z / (r2 * (r2 + d2)) + z / (r3 * (r3 + d3)) - z / (r4 * (r4 + d4))) By = const * (z / (r1 * (r1 + c1)) - z / (r2 * (r2 - c2)) + z / (r3 * (r3 + c3)) - z / (r4 * (r4 - c4))) Bz = const * (-1 * d1 / (r1 * (r1 + c1)) - c1 / (r1 * (r1 + d1)) + d2 / (r2 * (r2 - c2)) - c2 / ( r2 * (r2 + d2)) - d3 / (r3 * (r3 + c3)) - c3 / (r3 * (r3 + d3)) + d4 / (r4 * (r4 - c4)) - c4 / ( r4 * (r4 + d4))) return Bx, By, Bz def calc_B_field_any_wire(self, coords, wire): x_coords = coords[0] y_coords = coords[1] z_coords = coords[2] distance_wire = wire[0] x_center = self.center_offset[0] y_center = self.center_offset[1] z_center = self.center_offset[2] """ The input coords are the actual physical coordinates, at which the BField is to be calculated. The calculation is only done for Coils that lie in the z-plane. Therefore the input has to be rotated, and shifted in z-direction (depending on the winding) and the resulting fields are then rotated back. Therefore the parameter "plane" has to be given to determine in which plane the coil lies. """ if self.plane == "x": x_center, y_center, z_center = -z_center, y_center, x_center x_coords, y_coords, z_coords = -z_coords, y_coords, x_coords elif self.plane == "y": x_center, y_center, z_center = x_center, -z_center, y_center x_coords, y_coords, z_coords = x_coords, -z_coords, y_coords elif self.plane == "z": pass else: log.error("Unexpected plane. Please choose 'x', 'y' or 'z'.") """ The rotated coil now lies in the z-plane. By subtracting the distance_wire from the coords, the distnace of the wire to the z-plane is accounted for. Then, the accordingly rotated coordinates of the center of the coils can be subtracted likewise from the coords, where B is calculated. Therefore not the coil in the coordsys is shifted by +offset, but the coordsystem is shifted by -offset, which results in the same offset. """ offset_coords = np.array([x_coords - x_center, y_coords - y_center, (z_coords - distance_wire - z_center)]) x_field, y_field, z_field = self.calc_B_field_z_wire(offset_coords, wire) if self.plane == "x": x_field, y_field, z_field = z_field, y_field, -x_field elif self.plane == "y": x_field, y_field, z_field = x_field, z_field, -y_field elif self.plane == "z": pass else: log.error("Unexpected plane. Please choose 'x', 'y' or 'z'.") field = np.array([x_field, y_field, z_field]) return field def calc_B_field_coil(self, coords): # B Field of one Coil. No HH config B_coil = np.zeros(np.shape(coords)) Coil_Wires = self.wires() """ To calculate B-Field of whole coil, calculate B-field once per wire """ for l in range(self.layers): for w in range(self.windings): B_coil += self.calc_B_field_any_wire(coords, Coil_Wires[l * self.windings + w]) if self.unit.lower() == "gauss": B_coil = B_coil * 1e4 elif self.unit.lower() == "tesla": pass else: log.warning(f"{self.unit} Not recognized. Please choose unit 'gauss' or 'tesla'.") return B_coil def cooling(self, I_current, T): """ Print current density and power Parameters ---------- I_current : current in A T : temperature in degree Celsius Returns ------- None. """ j_dens = I_current / self.get_wire_area() * 1e-6 Power = self.power(I_current, T) Voltage = self.resistance(T) * I_current print("") print("Cooling:") print(f" current density = {j_dens} A/mm^2") print(f" Power = {Power} W") print(f" U = {Voltage} V") def power(self, I_current, T): P = self.resistance(T) * I_current ** 2 return P def resistance(self, T): """ Calculates resistance of one coil of configuration Parameters ---------- T : double temperature in degree Celsius Returns ------- double resistance in Ohm """ return RectangularCoil.resistivity_copper(T) * self.get_wire_length() / self.get_wire_area() def get_wire_length(self): """ :return: Approximate length of wire per coil (m) """ return self.get_N() * 2 * (self.a + self.b) def get_wire_area(self): """ calculates wire area in m^2 :return: float """ if self.is_round: return np.pi * (self.wire_width / 2) ** 2 return self.wire_width * self.wire_height @staticmethod def resistivity_copper(T): R_ref = 1.68e-8 # Resistance at T=20 T_ref = 20 # degree celsius alpha = 0.00393 R = R_ref * (1 + alpha * (T - T_ref)) return R @staticmethod def HHCoil_calc_B_field(Coords, d, a, b, plane, layers, windings, wire_width, wire_height, I, mu0=4e-7 * np.pi, center_offset=None, insulation_thickness=0., is_round=True, winding_offset=False, unit="Gauss"): Coil1 = RectangularCoil(distance=d / 2, a=a, b=b, plane=plane, layers=layers, windings=windings, wire_width=wire_width, wire_height=wire_height, I=I, mu0=mu0, center_offset=center_offset, insulation_thickness=insulation_thickness, is_round=is_round, winding_offset=winding_offset, unit=unit) Coil2 = RectangularCoil(distance=-d / 2, a=a, b=b, plane=plane, layers=layers, windings=windings, wire_width=wire_width, wire_height=wire_height, I=I, mu0=mu0, center_offset=center_offset, insulation_thickness=insulation_thickness, is_round=is_round, winding_offset=winding_offset, unit=unit) B = Coil1.calc_B_field_coil(Coords) B += Coil2.calc_B_field_coil(Coords) return B @staticmethod def HHCoil_calc_total_B_field(Coords, d, a, b, plane, layers, windings, wire_width, wire_height, I, mu0=4e-7 * np.pi, center_offset=None, insulation_thickness=0., is_round=True, winding_offset=False, unit="Gauss"): Coil1 = RectangularCoil(distance=d / 2, a=a, b=b, plane=plane, layers=layers, windings=windings, wire_width=wire_width, wire_height=wire_height, I=I, mu0=mu0, center_offset=center_offset, insulation_thickness=insulation_thickness, is_round=is_round, winding_offset=winding_offset, unit=unit) Coil2 = RectangularCoil(distance=-d / 2, a=a, b=b, plane=plane, layers=layers, windings=windings, wire_width=wire_width, wire_height=wire_height, I=I, mu0=mu0, center_offset=center_offset, insulation_thickness=insulation_thickness, is_round=is_round, winding_offset=winding_offset, unit=unit) B = Coil1.calc_B_field_coil(Coords) B += Coil2.calc_B_field_coil(Coords) B = np.sqrt(B[0] ** 2 + B[1] ** 2 + B[2] ** 2) return B @staticmethod def grad(B_f, z): return np.gradient(B_f, z) # *1e3) @staticmethod def curv(B_f, z): return np.gradient(np.gradient(B_f, z)) # *1e3), z*1e3) @staticmethod def calc_B_i_grad(Field_i, Coords_i): """ The '_i' is supposed to indicate, that this function only takes scalar inputs. Total field is possible as well. """ Grad_Field = RectangularCoil.grad(Field_i, Coords_i) return Grad_Field @staticmethod def calc_B_i_curv(Field_i, Coords_i): Curv_Field = RectangularCoil.curv(Field_i, Coords_i) return Curv_Field @staticmethod def plot_B_i(Field_i, Coords_i, show=False): plt.plot(Coords_i, Field_i, ls="-", label=r"$B_{tot}$") plt.ylabel("Total Magnetic Field along axis") plt.xlabel("axis [m]") plt.ylabel("Magnetic field strength [G]") plt.grid() if show: @staticmethod def plot_B_grad_i(Field_i, Coords_i, show=False): Grad_Field_i = RectangularCoil.calc_B_i_grad(Field_i, Coords_i) plt.plot(Coords_i, Grad_Field_i, ls="-.", label=r"$grad(B_{tot})$") plt.ylabel("Total Magnetic Field Gradient along axis") plt.xlabel("axis [m]") plt.ylabel("Magnetic field Gradient [G/m]") plt.grid() if show: @staticmethod def plot_B_curv_i(Field_i, Coords_i, show=False): Curv_Field_i = RectangularCoil.calc_B_i_curv(Field_i, Coords_i) plt.plot(Coords_i, Curv_Field_i, ls="-.", label=r"$curv(B_{tot})$") plt.ylabel("Total Magnetic Field Curvature along axis") plt.xlabel("axis [m]") plt.ylabel("Magnetic field Curvature [G/m^2]") plt.grid() if show: @staticmethod def plot_B_everything_fancy(Field_i, Coords_i, f=0, show=True): Grad_Field_i = RectangularCoil.grad(Field_i, Coords_i) Curv_Field_i = RectangularCoil.curv(Field_i, Coords_i) xmin, xmax = np.min(Coords_i) * (1 - f), np.max(Coords_i) * (1 + f) y0min, y0max = np.min(Field_i) * (1 - f), np.max(Field_i) * (1 + f) y1min, y1max = np.min(Grad_Field_i) * (1 - f), np.max(Grad_Field_i) * (1 + f) y2min, y2max = np.min(Curv_Field_i[2:-2:]) * (1 - f), np.max(Curv_Field_i[2:-2:]) * (1 + f) host = host_subplot(111, axes_class=AA.Axes) plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.75) par1 = host.twinx() par2 = host.twinx() new_fixed_axis = par2.get_grid_helper().new_fixed_axis par1.axis["right"] = new_fixed_axis(loc="right", axes=par1, offset=(0, 0)) par1.axis["right"].toggle(all=True) par2.axis["right"] = new_fixed_axis(loc="right", axes=par2, offset=(60, 0)) par2.axis["right"].toggle(all=True) host.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) host.set_ylim(y0min, y0max) host.set_xlabel("axis [m]") host.set_ylabel("Field strength [G]") par1.set_ylabel("Field Gradient [G/m]") par2.set_ylabel("Field Curvature [G/m^2]") p1, = host.plot(Coords_i, Field_i, label="Srength") p2, = par1.plot(Coords_i, Grad_Field_i, label="Gradient") p3, = par2.plot(Coords_i, Curv_Field_i, label="Curvature") par1.set_ylim(y1min, y1max) par2.set_ylim(y2min, y2max) host.legend() host.axis["left"].label.set_color(p1.get_color()) par1.axis["right"].label.set_color(p2.get_color()) par2.axis["right"].label.set_color(p3.get_color()) host.grid() par1.grid(alpha=0.3) par2.grid(alpha=0.3) plt.draw() if show: @staticmethod def plot_B_everything_simple(Field_i, Coords_i, f=1.1): RectangularCoil.plot_B_i(Field_i, Coords_i) RectangularCoil.plot_B_grad_i(Field_i, Coords_i) RectangularCoil.plot_B_curv_i(Field_i, Coords_i) plt.legend() @staticmethod def homogenity_1D(Field_i, Coords_i, Range, perc=False): """ first check whether 0 is in the list of coords or not if not, calc B(0). """ clipped_coords = Coords_i[(-Range <= Coords_i)] clipped_coords = clipped_coords[(clipped_coords <= Range)] near0 = np.min(np.abs(Coords_i)) index = np.where(np.abs(Coords_i) == near0) if near0 != 0: print( f"Point (0,0,0) not part of given coordinate list. Closest point is {near0} and will be used for calculation.") else: pass index1 = int(np.where(clipped_coords[0] == Coords_i)[0]) index2 = int(np.where(clipped_coords[-1] == Coords_i)[0]) homogenity = np.abs((Field_i - Field_i[index]) / Field_i[index]) if perc: homogenity = homogenity[index1:index2 + 1:] * 100 print(f"The max. inhomogenity in the range of +/- {Range}m was {np.max(np.abs(homogenity)) * 100} %") else: homogenity = homogenity[index1:index2 + 1:] print(f"The max. inhomogenity in the range of +/- {Range}m was {np.max(np.abs(homogenity)) }") return clipped_coords, homogenity def Mutual_Inductance_Rover(self): """ Mutual inductance of two equal parallel rectangles according to Rosa & Grover p1,p2,p3 only introduced for readability """ a = self.a * 100 # Converion to [cm] b = self.b * 100 d = self.distance * 100 p1 = (a + np.sqrt(a ** 2 + d ** 2)) * np.sqrt(b ** 2 + d ** 2) / ((a + np.sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2 + d ** 2)) * d) p2 = (b + np.sqrt(b ** 2 + d ** 2)) * np.sqrt(a ** 2 + d ** 2) / ((b + np.sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2 + d ** 2)) * d) p3 = np.sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2 + d ** 2) - np.sqrt(a ** 2 + d ** 2) - np.sqrt(b ** 2 + d ** 2) + d M = 4 * (a * np.log(p1) + b * np.log(p2)) + 8 * p3 M *= self.get_N()**2 * 1e-9 #Conversion to SI and accounting for N wires return M def Self_Inductance_Rover(self): a = self.a * 100 #Converion to [cm] b = self.b * 100 r = self.wire_width/2 *100 diag = np.sqrt(a**2 + b**2) L = 4 * ( (a+b) * np.log(2*a*b / r) - a * np.log(a+diag) - b * np.log(b+diag) - 7/4 * (a+b) + 2 * (diag + r) ) L *= self.get_N()**2 * 1e-9 #Conversion to SI and accounting for N wires return L @staticmethod def Self_Inductance_Abbot(alpha, beta, gamma, N): """ Formula for self inductance of SQUARE coil by J.J.Abbott """ L = (1e-5 * alpha**2 * N**2) / (3*alpha + 9*beta + 10*gamma) return L def Total_Inductance_Abbot(self): """ Above Formula for self inductance used, but with modified alpha to roughly represent rect. coils. Total inductance then according to Grover """ alpha = (self.a + self.b) / 2 width = self.wire_width + 2 * self.insulation_thickness hight = self.wire_height + 2 * self.insulation_thickness beta = self.windings * width gamma = self.layers * hight N = self.get_N() dist = self.distance L_tot = RectangularCoil.Self_Inductance_Abbot(alpha, dist + gamma, gamma, N) + RectangularCoil.Self_Inductance_Abbot(alpha, dist - gamma, gamma, N) - 2 * RectangularCoil.Self_Inductance_Abbot(alpha, dist, gamma, N) + 2 * RectangularCoil.Self_Inductance_Abbot(alpha, beta, gamma, N) return L_tot def Total_Inductance_Rover(self): L = self.Self_Inductance_Rover() M = self.Mutual_Inductance_Rover() L_tot = 2 * (L+M) return L_tot @staticmethod def I_time_response(U, R, L, t): I = np.abs(U) / R * (1 - np.exp(-R * t*1e-3 / L)) return I def main(): """ Up to 1e5 steps for up to 100 wires take a reasonable amount of time """ x0 = np.linspace(-0.001, 0.001, 1000) y0 = np.ones(np.shape(x0)) * 0 / 2 z0 = np.ones(np.shape(y0)) * 0 / 2 Coordsx = np.array([x0, y0, z0]) #Coordsx2 = np.array([x0-0.01, y0, z0]) y1 = np.linspace(-0.001, 0.001, 1000) x1 = np.ones(np.shape(y1)) * 0 / 2 z1 = np.ones(np.shape(y1)) * 0 / 2 Coordsy = np.array([x1, y1, z1]) z2 = np.linspace(-0.001, 0.001, 1000) y2 = np.ones(np.shape(z2)) * 0 / 2 x2 = np.ones(np.shape(y2)) * 0 / 2 Coordsz = np.array([x2, y2, z2]) Rec_off = RectangularCoil( 78.4 / 2, 129.4, 206.4, "z", 10, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 1, center_offset=[0, 0.000, 0]) Rec_off_2 = RectangularCoil(-78.4 / 2, 129.4, 206.4, "z", 10, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 1, center_offset=[0, -0.000, 0]) BLA = Rec_off.calc_B_field_coil(Coordsz) BLA2 = Rec_off_2.calc_B_field_coil(Coordsz) FIELD_off = BLA + BLA2 Rec = RectangularCoil( 86 / 2, 142.2, 206.4, "z", 10, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 1) Rec2 = RectangularCoil(-86 / 2, 142.2, 206.4, "z", 10, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 1) BLA3 = Rec.calc_B_field_coil(Coordsx) BLA4 = Rec2.calc_B_field_coil(Coordsx) FIELD = BLA3 + BLA4 homx = RectangularCoil.homogenity_1D(FIELD[0], Coordsy[1], 0.001) homy = RectangularCoil.homogenity_1D(FIELD[1], Coordsy[1], 0.001) homz = RectangularCoil.homogenity_1D(FIELD[2], Coordsy[1], 0.001) #plt.plot(Coordsx[0], FIELD[0], label=r"$\Delta$B_x") #plt.plot(Coordsx[0], FIELD[1], label=r"$\Delta$B_y") #plt.plot(Coordsx[0], FIELD[2], label=r"$\Delta$B_z") plt.plot(Coordsx[0], FIELD[0], label="x_off", alpha=0.6) plt.plot(Coordsx[0], FIELD[1], label="y_off", alpha=0.6) plt.plot(Coordsx[0], FIELD[2], label="z_off", alpha=0.6) plt.legend() """ Field = RectangularCoil.HHCoil_calc_B_field(Coordsx, 78.4, 129.4, 206.4, "z", 10, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 1) plt.plot(Coordsx[0], Field[0], label="x2") plt.plot(Coordsx[0], Field[1], label="2y") plt.plot(Coordsx[0], Field[2], label="z2") Rec.cooling(1,20) t = np.linspace(0, 12, 1000) L = Rec.Total_Inductance_Abbot() L2 = Rec.Total_Inductance_Rover() R = RectangularCoil.resistance(Rec, T=20) I = RectangularCoil.I_time_response(U=4.82, R=R, L=L, t=t) I2 = RectangularCoil.I_time_response(U=4.82, R=R, L=L2, t=t) print("Inductance Abbott: ",L,"\n inductance rosa: ",L2,R) print("Resistance: ",R) tau = L/R tau2 = L2/R plt.figure(1,figsize=[8,6]) #plt.title("Time Response for a=145, b=207, d=87.3 with 10x10 windings and 6 Volts") plt.plot(t, I, label=r"Abbott")#: time constant $ \tau $"+f" = {tau:.2e} s") plt.plot(t, I2, label=r"Rover")#: time constant $ \tau $"+f" = {tau:.2e} s") plt.hlines(1/np.sqrt(2), t[0],t[-1], color="tab:green") plt.legend(fontsize=12) plt.ylabel("Current I [A]",fontsize=12) plt.xlabel("Time t [ms]",fontsize=12) plt.xlim(t[0],t[-1]) plt.ylim(0,1.1) plt.grid()""" """ axis = np.linspace(-0.001, 0.001, 1000) zeros = np.ones(np.shape(axis)) * 0 Coordsx = np.array([axis, zeros, zeros]) Coordsy = np.array([zeros, axis, zeros]) Coordsz = np.array([zeros, zeros, axis]) Bxaxis = RectangularCoil.HHCoil_calc_B_field(Coordsx, 86, 142.2, 206.4, "z", 10, 10, 0.546, 0.546, 1) Byaxis = RectangularCoil.HHCoil_calc_B_field(Coordsy, 86, 142.2, 206.4, "z", 10, 10, 0.546, 0.546, 1) Bzaxis = RectangularCoil.HHCoil_calc_B_field(Coordsz, 86, 142.2, 206.4, "z", 10, 10, 0.546, 0.546, 1) #BDiagaxis = RectangularCoil.HHCoil_calc_B_field(CoordsDiag, 78.4, 129.4, 206.4, "z", 10, 10, 0.546, 0.546, 1) Btot = RectangularCoil.HHCoil_calc_total_B_field(Coordsz, 78.4, 129.4, 206.4, "z", 10, 10, 0.546, 0.546, 1) #hxaxis = RectangularCoil.homogenity_1D(Bxaxis[0], Coordsx[0], 0.001, perc=False) #hyaxis = RectangularCoil.homogenity_1D(Byaxis[2], Coordsy[1], 0.001, perc=False) #hzaxis = RectangularCoil.homogenity_1D(Bzaxis[2], Coordsz[2], 0.001, perc=False) #H = np.array([hxaxis,hyaxis,hzaxis]) plt.plot(axis, Bxaxis[2], label="B_z along x-axis") plt.plot(axis, Byaxis[2], label="B_z along y-axis") plt.plot(axis, Bzaxis[2], label="B_z along z-axis") plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.ylabel(r"$B(\vec{r})$ [G]") plt.xlabel("Position [m]")""" main()