from lyse import * from pylab import * import numpy as np import scipy.constants as constant from HelperClasses import DyTransition, Camera import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import colors as mcolors import colorsys # Produce the jet colormap def man_cmap(cmap, value=1.): colors = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N)) hls = np.array([colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*c) for c in colors[:, :3]]) hls[:, 1] *= value rgb = np.clip(np.array([colorsys.hls_to_rgb(*c) for c in hls]), 0, 1) return mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", rgb) class absorption_imaging: image_name = { 'atoms': 'atoms', 'background': 'background', 'dark': 'dark' } class CameraError(TypeError): pass class TransitionError(TypeError): pass class IntensityError(TypeError): pass def __init__(self, data_path, camera_orientation, camera_label, transition=None, camera=None, detuning=None, intensity=None): self.path = data_path # Ideally, we should be able to access all the data by function data(path). # However it is still under development. Now we can not read a picture by using function data(path). # We have to change to use function Run(path), which creat a class with the saved hdf5 file. if data_path is not None: self.data_handle = Run(data_path) # Path of the saving images self.camera_orientation = camera_orientation self.camera_label = camera_label # Two dimensional array storing the images self.image_atoms = None self.image_background = None self.image_dark = None self.image_absorption = None # select effective region self.image_absorption_cut = None self.image_absorption_remove_background = None self.x_start = None self.y_start = None self.x_end = None self.y_end = None # import the data of transition # The transition should be an object of in module TransitionConstant # self.transition = transition self.detuning = detuning # Camera information # The Camera should be an object of Camera class in module Camera # = camera self.intensity = intensity self.beam_energy = None self.atom_number = None # For debuging self.transition = DyTransition.creat_Dy421() = Camera.c11440_36u(self.transition['wavelength']) def __enter__(self): self.get_image_absorption() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def set_image_name(self, image, name): self.image_name[image] = name def open(self): self.image_atoms = self.data_handle.get_image(self.camera_orientation, self.camera_label, self.image_name['atoms']) self.image_background = self.data_handle.get_image(self.camera_orientation, self.camera_label, self.image_name['background']) self.image_dark = self.data_handle.get_image(self.camera_orientation, self.camera_label, self.image_name['dark']) self.image_atoms = self.image_atoms.astype(float) self.image_background = self.image_background.astype(float) self.image_dark = self.image_dark.astype(float) def close(self): def save(self): if self.image_absorption is not None: self.data_handle.save_result_array('absorption_imaging', self.image_absorption, 'results/absorption_imaging/') if self.atom_number is not None: self.data_handle.save_result('atom_number', self.atom_number, 'results/absorption_imaging/') def corner_subtract(self, image, x_fraction, y_fraction): mean = 0 mean += np.average(image[0:int(image.shape[0] * y_fraction), 0:int(image.shape[1] * x_fraction)]) mean += np.average(image[0:int(image.shape[0] * y_fraction), int(image.shape[1] - image.shape[1] * x_fraction):int(image.shape[1])]) mean += np.average(image[int(image.shape[0] - image.shape[0] * y_fraction):int(image.shape[0]), 0:int(image.shape[1] * x_fraction)]) mean += np.average(image[int(image.shape[0] - image.shape[0] * y_fraction):int(image.shape[0]), int(image.shape[1] - image.shape[1] * x_fraction):int(image.shape[1])]) mean = mean / 4 return mean # select the effective data in an rectangle area defined by coordinates of two conner # The select region will be presented as a red box in the plotting def select_effective_data(self, center, span): self.x_start = int(center[0] - span[0] / 2) self.x_end = int(center[0] + span[0] / 2) self.y_end = int(center[1] + span[1] / 2) self.y_start = int(center[1] - span[1] / 2) self.image_absorption_cut = self.image_absorption[self.y_start:self.y_end, self.x_start:self.x_end] back_ground = self.corner_subtract(self.image_absorption_cut, 0.1, 0.1) self.image_absorption_cut = self.image_absorption_cut - back_ground self.image_absorption_remove_background = self.image_absorption - back_ground return self.image_absorption_cut # The function do the analyzation for absorption imaging # It will return a two-dimensional array, which stores the absorption imaging def get_image_absorption(self): # import three pictures from hfd5 data file self.image_absorption = np.ones(shape(self.image_atoms)) numerator = self.image_background - self.image_dark denominator = self.image_atoms - self.image_dark numerator[numerator <= 0] = 1 denominator[denominator <= 0] = 1 self.image_absorption = numerator / denominator self.image_absorption = np.log(self.image_absorption) # OD_means = np.log(imagine_absorption) # OD_sat = 0 # OD_mod = np.log((1 - constant.e**-OD_sat) / (constant.e**-OD_means - constant.e**-OD_sat)) # OD_act = OD_mod + (1 - constant.e**OD_mod) * self.intensity / self.transition['saturation_intensity'] # self._imagine_absorption = constant.e**OD_act return self.image_absorption def get_beam_power(self, laser_pulse_duration): if self.beam_energy is None: self.beam_energy = self.image_background - self.image_dark self.beam_energy[self.beam_energy < 0] = 0 self.beam_energy = - self.image_dark) self.beam_energy = self.beam_energy * constant.h * self.transition['frequency'] self.beam_energy = np.sum(self.beam_energy) return self.beam_energy / laser_pulse_duration def get_atom_number(self, force_to_run=False): if is None: raise self.CameraError("No camera information") if self.transition is None: raise self.TransitionError("No transition information") if self.intensity is None: raise self.IntensityError("No beam intensity information") if self.atom_number is not None and not force_to_run: return self.atom_number if self.image_absorption is None: self.image_absorption = self.get_image_absorption() if self.image_absorption_cut is None: self.select_effective_data((0, 0), np.shape(self.image_absorption)) OD_act = self.image_absorption_cut cross_section = self.transition.get_cross_section(self.detuning, self.intensity) self.atom_number = np.sum(1 / cross_section * OD_act) *['pixel_size_V'] *[ 'pixel_size_H'] return self.atom_number # Plot the result def plot_result(self, vmin=None, vmax=None): cmap ="jet") grid = plt.GridSpec(3, 3, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3) ax1 = plt.subplot(grid[0, 0]) pos = ax1.imshow(self.image_atoms, cmap=cmap) ax1.set_title('With atoms') plt.colorbar(pos, ax=ax1) ax2 = plt.subplot(grid[1, 0]) pos = ax2.imshow(self.image_background, cmap=cmap) ax2.set_title('Without atoms') plt.colorbar(pos, ax=ax2) ax3 = plt.subplot(grid[2, 0]) pos = ax3.imshow(self.image_dark, cmap=cmap) ax3.set_title('Dark') plt.colorbar(pos, ax=ax3) ax4 = plt.subplot(grid[0:2, 1:3]) pos = ax4.imshow(self.image_absorption, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax4.set_title('Absorption Imaging') plt.colorbar(pos, ax=ax4) ax4.plot([self.x_start, self.x_start], [self.y_start, self.y_end], color='black') ax4.plot([self.x_end, self.x_end], [self.y_start, self.y_end], color='black') ax4.plot([self.x_start, self.x_end], [self.y_start, self.y_start], color='black') ax4.plot([self.x_start, self.x_end], [self.y_end, self.y_end], color='black') ax5 = plt.subplot(grid[2:3, 1:3]) atom_number_str = '{:g}'.format(self.atom_number) ax5.text(0, 0.55, 'Atom Number : '+atom_number_str, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax5.transAxes, fontsize=40) plt.axis('off')