from lyse import * from HelperClasses import DyTransition, Camera, AbsorptionImaging absorption_imaging_transition = DyTransition.creat_Dy421() mot_3D_camera = Camera.c11440_36u(absorption_imaging_transition['wavelength']) with AbsorptionImaging.absorption_imaging(path, 'MOT_3D_Camera', 'in_situ_absorption', absorption_imaging_transition, mot_3D_camera, 0, 0) as absorption_image: # Please selecte the effective area here # The first tuple is the center position (x,y) # The second tuple is the span in x and y direction (x_span, y_span) absorption_image.select_effective_data((900, 600), (200, 200)) absorption_image.get_atom_number() # print(absorption_image.atom_number)