A repository for MicroPython code that communicates with and relays information from the Texas Instruments TMP117/119 temperature sensor.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

59 lines
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import ntptime
import asyncio
from lib.mqtt_as import MQTTClient
from lib.topic_message import TopicMessage, TMQueue
async def mqtt_up(
mqtt_client: MQTTClient,
Perform asynchronous "todo" when MQTT client is connected.
while True:
await mqtt_client.up.wait() # type: ignore
await mqtt_client.subscribe(inbound_topic)
await todo()
async def mqtt_down(
mqtt_client: MQTTClient,
Perform asynchronous "todo" when MQTT client is disconnected.
while True:
await mqtt_client.down.wait() # type: ignore
await todo()
async def wireless_sync_clock(
mqtt_client: MQTTClient,
"""Sync clock via NTP server"""
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(interval_s)
async def mqtt_publish_tmsgs(
mqtt_client: MQTTClient,
outbound_queue: TMQueue,
post_interval: float | int):
"""Publishes all TopicMessage items in queue over MQTT"""
while True:
while not outbound_queue.is_empty():
item = outbound_queue.get()
await mqtt_client.publish(item.topic, item.message, qos=1)
await asyncio.sleep(post_interval)
async def mqtt_message_parser(
mqtt_client: MQTTClient,
inbound_queue: TMQueue):
"""Parse messages recieved by MQTT client and add them to the inbound queue"""
async for topic, message, retained in mqtt_client.queue: # type: ignore
topic = topic.decode()
message = message.decode()
inbound_queue.add(TopicMessage(topic, message))