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67 lines
1013 B

mode 1
minimumQs2ST 0
readMultFromFile 0
size 700
L 28
Nc 3
m 0.2
rmax 10.
UVdamp 0.
Jacobianm 0.35
g 1.
BG 4.
BGq 0.3
useSmoothNucleus 0
shiftConstituentQuarkProtonOrigin 1
useConstituentQuarkProton 3
runningCoupling 0
muZero 0.3
c 0.2
g2mu 0.1
useFatTails 0
tDistNu 3
smearQs 1
smearingWidth 0.6
protonAnisotropy 0
roots 5020
usePseudoRapidity 0
Rapidity 0.
useFluctuatingx 1
xFromThisFactorTimesQs 1
useNucleus 1
useGaussian 0
beta2 0.28
nucleonPositionsFromFile 0
QsmuRatio 0.8
samplebFromLinearDistribution 1
runWith0Min1Avg2MaxQs 2
runWithThisFactorTimesQs 0.5
runWithLocalQs 0
runWithkt 0
Ny 50
useSeedList 0
seed 1
useTimeForSeed 1
Projectile Pb
Target Pb
bmin 0
bmax 18
lightNucleusOption 1
useFixedNpart 0
averageOverThisManyNuclei 1
SigmaNN 70.
gaussianWounding 1
inverseQsForMaxTime 0
maxtime 0.6
dtau 0.1
LOutput 34.
sizeOutput 512
etaSizeOutput 1
detaOutput 0
writeOutputs 5
writeEvolution 0
writeInitialWilsonLines 0
writeOutputsToHDF5 0