#!/bin/bash ############################################### # A script to run (N-1) MUSIC Hydro events # # # # argument $1 = N # # Code checks if event exists and if not # # submits a single event script to sbatch # ############################################### counter=1 requiredFile="epsilon-u-Hydro-t0.6-0.dat" ## file with Glasma initial conditions testFile="surface_eps_0.3147.dat" ## surface file - check name! (same in all events) until [ $counter -gt $1 ] ## loop pver N-1 events do #echo Count $counter checkDir=/lustre/alice/users/jcrkovsk/IPGlasmaEvents/Event$counter/Hydro06 aboveDir=/lustre/alice/users/jcrkovsk/IPGlasmaEvents/Event$counter if [[ ! -d "$checkDir" ]]; then ## check existence of HydroXX folder echo "Creating directory ${checkDir}" mkdir ${checkDir} fi if [[ -f "${aboveDir}/${requiredFile}" ]]; then ## if THERE IS init. cond. file in the workdir if [[ ! -f "${checkDir}/${testFile}" ]]; then ## if NO surface file in the workdir sbatch --job-name 06H$counter --time=8:00:00 singleEventHydro.sh $counter ## submits a job fi else echo "Counter $counter: Missing IPGlasma files!!!" ## if NO init. cond. file fi ((counter++)) done