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# (c) Copyright 2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
# #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization #
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #
# flake8: noqa
from collections import defaultdict
def getCompare():
basedict = {
"long": {},
"long_fromB": {},
"long_fromB_P>5GeV": {},
basedict["long"]["BestLong"] = "01_long"
basedict["long"]["Seed"] = "02_long"
basedict["long"]["Match"] = "01_long"
basedict["long"]["MergedMatch"] = "01_long"
basedict["long"]["DefaultMatch"] = "01_long"
basedict["long"]["Forward"] = "01_long"
basedict["long_fromB"]["BestLong"] = "05_long_fromB"
basedict["long_fromB"]["Seed"] = "04_long_fromB"
basedict["long_fromB"]["Match"] = "05_long_fromB"
basedict["long_fromB"]["MergedMatch"] = "05_long_fromB"
basedict["long_fromB"]["DefaultMatch"] = "05_long_fromB"
basedict["long_fromB"]["Forward"] = "05_long_fromB"
basedict["long_fromB_P>5GeV"]["BestLong"] = "06_long_fromB_P>5GeV"
basedict["long_fromB_P>5GeV"]["Seed"] = "05_long_fromB_P>5GeV"
basedict["long_fromB_P>5GeV"]["Match"] = "06_long_fromB_P>5GeV"
basedict["long_fromB_P>5GeV"]["MergedMatch"] = "06_long_fromB_P>5GeV"
basedict["long_fromB_P>5GeV"]["DefaultMatch"] = "06_long_fromB_P>5GeV"
basedict["long_fromB_P>5GeV"]["Forward"] = "06_long_fromB_P>5GeV"
return basedict
def getCompColors():
basedict = {
"Forward": {},
"Match": {},
"MergedMatch": {},
"DefaultMatch": {},
"Seed": {},
"BestLong": {},
basedict["Forward"] = 0
basedict["Match"] = 4
basedict["MergedMatch"] = 4
basedict["DefaultMatch"] = 4
basedict["Seed"] = 6
basedict["BestLong"] = 1
return basedict