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from __future__ import division
import ROOT
from ROOT import gStyle
# Some convenience function to easily iterate over the parts of the collections
# Needed if importing this script from another script in case TMultiGraphs are used
# ROOT.SetMemoryPolicy(ROOT.kMemoryStrict)
# Start a bit right of the Yaxis and above the Xaxis to not overlap with the ticks
start, stop = 0.28, 0.52
x_width, y_width = 0.4, 0.2
(start, stop - y_width, start + x_width, stop), # top left opt
(start, start, start + x_width, start + y_width), # bottom left opt
(stop - x_width, stop - y_width, stop, stop), # top right opt
(stop - x_width, start, stop, start + y_width), # bottom right opt
(stop - x_width, 0.5 - y_width / 2, stop, 0.5 + y_width / 2), # right
(start, 0.5 - y_width / 2, start + x_width, 0.5 + y_width / 2),
] # left
# Needed if importing this script from another script in case TMultiGraphs are used
# ROOT.SetMemoryPolicy(ROOT.kMemoryStrict)
def transform_to_user(canvas, x1, y1, x2, y2):
Transforms from Pad coordinates to User coordinates.
This can probably be replaced by using the built-in conversion commands.
xstart = canvas.GetX1()
xlength = canvas.GetX2() - xstart
xlow = xlength * x1 + xstart
xhigh = xlength * x2 + xstart
if canvas.GetLogx():
xlow = 10**xlow
xhigh = 10**xhigh
ystart = canvas.GetY1()
ylength = canvas.GetY2() - ystart
ylow = ylength * y1 + ystart
yhigh = ylength * y2 + ystart
if canvas.GetLogy():
ylow = 10**ylow
yhigh = 10**yhigh
return xlow, ylow, xhigh, yhigh
def overlap_h(hist, x1, y1, x2, y2):
xlow = hist.FindFixBin(x1)
xhigh = hist.FindFixBin(x2)
for i in range(xlow, xhigh + 1):
val = hist.GetBinContent(i)
# Values
if y1 <= val <= y2:
return True
# Errors
if val + hist.GetBinErrorUp(i) > y1 and val - hist.GetBinErrorLow(i) < y2:
return True
return False
def overlap_rect(rect1, rect2):
"""Do the two rectangles overlap?"""
if rect1[0] > rect2[2] or rect1[2] < rect2[0]:
return False
if rect1[1] > rect2[3] or rect1[3] < rect2[1]:
return False
return True
def to_list(pointer):
"""turns pointer to array into list after checking if pointer is nullptr"""
if len(pointer) == 0:
return []
return list(pointer)
def overlap_g(graph, x1, y1, x2, y2):
x_values = to_list(graph.GetX())
y_values = to_list(graph.GetY())
x_err = to_list(graph.GetEX()) or [0] * len(x_values)
y_err = to_list(graph.GetEY()) or [0] * len(y_values)
for x, ex, y, ey in zip(x_values, x_err, y_values, y_err):
# Could maybe be less conservative
if overlap_rect((x1, y1, x2, y2), (x - ex, y - ey, x + ex, y + ey)):
# print "Overlap with graph", graph.GetName(), "at point", (x, y)
return True
return False
def place_legend(
header="LHCb Simulation",
# If position is specified, use that
if all(x is not None for x in (x1, x2, y1, y2)):
return canvas.BuildLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2, header, option)
# Make sure all objects are correctly registered
# Build a list of objects to check for overlaps
objects = []
for x in canvas.GetListOfPrimitives():
if isinstance(x, ROOT.TH1) or isinstance(x, ROOT.TGraph):
elif isinstance(x, ROOT.THStack) or isinstance(x, ROOT.TMultiGraph):
for place in PLACES:
place_user = canvas.PadtoU(*place)
# Make sure there are no overlaps
if any(obj.Overlap(*place_user) for obj in objects):
return canvas.BuildLegend(
# As a fallback, use the default values, taken from TCanvas::BuildLegend
return canvas.BuildLegend(0.4, 0.37, 0.88, 0.68, header, option)
# Monkey patch ROOT objects to make it all work
ROOT.THStack.__iter__ = lambda self: iter(self.GetHists())
ROOT.TMultiGraph.__iter__ = lambda self: iter(self.GetListOfGraphs())
ROOT.TH1.Overlap = overlap_h
ROOT.TGraph.Overlap = overlap_g
ROOT.TPad.PadtoU = transform_to_user
ROOT.TPad.PlaceLegend = place_legend
def set_legend(legend, gr, title, colors, label):
for idx, lab in enumerate(label):
legend.AddEntry(gr[lab], title[lab], "lep").SetTextColor(colors[idx])
return legend