eff plots and nn training
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
# setting LC_ALL to "C"
# --> Including file '/auto/work/cetin/LHCb/reco_tuner/moore_options/get_resolution_and_eff_data.py'
/***** User ApplicationOptions/ApplicationOptions **************************************************
|-append_decoding_keys_to_output_manifest = True (default: True)
|-auditors = [] (default: [])
|-buffer_events = 20000 (default: 20000)
|-conddb_tag = 'sim-20210617-vc-md100' (default: '')
|-conditions_version = '' (default: '')
|-control_flow_file = '' (default: '')
|-data_flow_file = '' (default: '')
|-data_type = 'Upgrade' (default: 'Upgrade')
|-dddb_tag = 'dddb-20210617' (default: '')
|-event_store = 'HiveWhiteBoard' (default: 'HiveWhiteBoard')
|-evt_max = -1 (default: -1)
|-first_evt = 0 (default: 0)
|-geometry_version = '' (default: '')
|-histo_file = '' (default: '')
|-input_files = ['/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi']
| (default: [])
|-input_manifest_file = '' (default: '')
|-input_process = '' (default: '')
|-input_raw_format = 0.5 (default: 0.5)
|-input_type = 'ROOT' (default: '')
|-lines_maker = None
|-memory_pool_size = 10485760 (default: 10485760)
|-monitoring_file = '' (default: '')
|-msg_svc_format = '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M' (default: '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M')
|-msg_svc_time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC' (default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
|-n_event_slots = 1 (default: -1)
|-n_threads = 1 (default: 1)
|-ntuple_file = 'data/resolutions_and_effs_test_only_electrons_as_seed.root'
| (default: '')
|-output_file = '' (default: '')
|-output_level = 3 (default: 3)
|-output_manifest_file = '' (default: '')
|-output_type = '' (default: '')
|-persistreco_version = 1.0 (default: 1.0)
|-phoenix_filename = '' (default: '')
|-preamble_algs = [] (default: [])
|-print_freq = 10000 (default: 10000)
|-python_logging_level = 20 (default: 20)
|-require_specific_decoding_keys = [] (default: [])
|-scheduler_legacy_mode = True (default: True)
|-simulation = True (default: None)
|-use_iosvc = False (default: False)
|-velo_motion_system_yaml = '' (default: '')
|-write_decoding_keys_to_git = True (default: True)
\----- (End of User ApplicationOptions/ApplicationOptions) -----------------------------------------
# Overrule specified for keys
# <-- End of file '/auto/work/cetin/LHCb/reco_tuner/moore_options/get_resolution_and_eff_data.py'
ApplicationMgr SUCCESS
Welcome to Moore version 55.0
running on lhcba2 on Thu Feb 8 15:54:25 2024
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
ToolSvc.GitDDDB INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/git-conddb/DDDB.git'
ToolSvc.GitDDDB INFO using commit 'upgrade/dddb-20210617' corresponding to 1871f1bb5c0d68c81dda62e84cf1eb3a45513521
ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/git-conddb/SIMCOND.git'
ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND INFO using commit 'upgrade/sim-20210617-vc-md100' corresponding to 9aa116c7143d21760d1be07ce1ef22c0f8f07bdf
DetectorPersistencySvc INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
DetectorDataSvc SUCCESS Detector description database: git:/lhcb.xml
EventClockSvc.FakeEventTime INFO Event times generated from 0 with steps of 0
EventClockSvc.FakeEventTime INFO Run numbers generated from 0 every 0 events
MagneticFieldGridReader INFO Opened magnetic field file: /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/FieldMap/v5r7/cdf//field.v5r0.c1.down.cdf
MagneticFieldGridReader INFO Opened magnetic field file: /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/FieldMap/v5r7/cdf//field.v5r0.c2.down.cdf
MagneticFieldGridReader INFO Opened magnetic field file: /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/FieldMap/v5r7/cdf//field.v5r0.c3.down.cdf
MagneticFieldGridReader INFO Opened magnetic field file: /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/FieldMap/v5r7/cdf//field.v5r0.c4.down.cdf
MagneticFieldSvc INFO Map scaled by factor 1 with polarity internally used: -1 signed relative current: -1
NTupleSvc INFO Added stream file:data/resolutions_and_effs_test_only_electrons_as_seed.root as FILE1
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Start initialization
RootHistSvc INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: data/resolutions_and_effs_test_only_electrons_as_seed.root
HistogramPersistencySvc INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
DeFTDetector INFO Current FT geometry version = 64
TrackResCheckerForward.Selector.... INFO MCParticle Momentum cut : 0 GeV/c < P < 1.79769e+305 GeV/c
TrackResCheckerForward.Selector.... INFO Beta * gamma cut : 0 < beta*gamma
TrackResCheckerForward.Selector.... INFO Eta cut : -1.79769e+308 < P < 1.79769e+308
TrackResCheckerBestLong.Selector... INFO MCParticle Momentum cut : 0 GeV/c < P < 1.79769e+305 GeV/c
TrackResCheckerBestLong.Selector... INFO Beta * gamma cut : 0 < beta*gamma
TrackResCheckerBestLong.Selector... INFO Eta cut : -1.79769e+308 < P < 1.79769e+308
TrackResCheckerBestForward.Selec... INFO MCParticle Momentum cut : 0 GeV/c < P < 1.79769e+305 GeV/c
TrackResCheckerBestForward.Selec... INFO Beta * gamma cut : 0 < beta*gamma
TrackResCheckerBestForward.Selec... INFO Eta cut : -1.79769e+308 < P < 1.79769e+308
TrackResCheckerSeed.Selector.Sel... INFO MCParticle Momentum cut : 0 GeV/c < P < 1.79769e+305 GeV/c
TrackResCheckerSeed.Selector.Sel... INFO Beta * gamma cut : 0 < beta*gamma
TrackResCheckerSeed.Selector.Sel... INFO Eta cut : -1.79769e+308 < P < 1.79769e+308
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Concurrency level information:
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO o Number of events slots: 1
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO o TBB thread pool size: 'ThreadPoolSize':1
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO ---> End of Initialization. This took 26669 ms
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Started successfully
EventPersistencySvc INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
EventSelector INFO Stream:EventSelector.DataStreamTool_1 Def:DATAFILE='/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi' SVC='Gaudi::RootEvtSelector' OPT='READ' IgnoreChecksum='YES'
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Will measure time between events 10 and 2147483647 (stop might be some events later)
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Starting loop on events
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 1. Record number within stream 1: 1
FTRawBankDecoder INFO Conditions DB is compatible with FT bank version 4, 5, 6.
FTRawBankDecoder INFO Building the readout map with version 0
TransportSvc INFO Initialize the static pointer to DetDesc::IGeometryErrorSvc
TransportSvc INFO Recovery of geometry errors is ENABLED
RFileCnv INFO opening Root file "data/resolutions_and_effs_test_only_electrons_as_seed.root" for writing
RCWNTupleCnv INFO Booked TTree with ID: MVAInputAndOutput "MVAInputAndOutput" in directory data/resolutions_and_effs_test_only_electrons_as_seed.root:/PrMatchNN_2f65aa98.PrMCDebugMatchToolNN
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Timing started at: 15:55:15
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO No more events in event selection
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO ---> Loop over 1000 Events Finished - WSS 1715.48, timed 990 Events: 276822 ms, Evts/s = 3.57631
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357.Lo... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# loaded from PYTHON" | 17 |
CloneKillerMatch_cd10262b INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "nTracksInput" | 1000 | 130654 | 130.65 |
| "nTracksSelected" | 1000 | 50895 | 50.895 |
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c.LoK... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# loaded from PYTHON" | 17 |
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Processed events" | 1000 |
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b.LoKi:... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# loaded from PYTHON" | 17 |
PrForwardTrackingVelo_9b95c79c INFO Number of counters : 10
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Accepted input tracks" | 1000 | 191500 | 191.50 |
| "Created long tracks" | 1000 | 102387 | 102.39 |
| "Input tracks" | 1000 | 200103 | 200.10 |
| "Number of candidate bins per track" | 191500 | 2663102 | 13.907 | 19.201 | 0.0000 | 160.00 |
| "Number of complete candidates/track 1st Loop" | 172456 | 114688 | 0.66503 | 0.71030 | 0.0000 | 6.0000 |
| "Number of complete candidates/track 2nd Loop" | 88273 | 8591 | 0.097323 | 0.31475 | 0.0000 | 5.0000 |
| "Number of x candidates per track 1st Loop" | 172456 | 451629 | 2.6188 | 3.1674 |
| "Number of x candidates per track 2nd Loop" | 88273 | 629410 | 7.1303 | 10.308 |
| "Percentage second loop execution" | 172456 | 88273 | 0.51186 |
| "Removed duplicates" | 1000 | 6322 | 6.3220 |
PrForwardTrackingVelo_9b95c79c.P... INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#UT hits added" | 91008 | 365755 | 4.0189 |
| "#tracks with hits added" | 91008 |
PrHybridSeeding_4d0337cc INFO Number of counters : 21
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Created T2x1 three-hit combinations in case 0" | 3315592 | 2117076 | 0.63852 | 0.64477 | 0.0000 | 7.0000 |
| "Created T2x1 three-hit combinations in case 1" | 4127099 | 2873789 | 0.69632 | 0.77797 | 0.0000 | 11.000 |
| "Created T2x1 three-hit combinations in case 2" | 6290147 | 5673243 | 0.90193 | 1.0837 | 0.0000 | 22.000 |
| "Created XZ tracks (part 0)" | 3000 | 345080 | 115.03 | 184.09 | 0.0000 | 2675.0 |
| "Created XZ tracks (part 1)" | 3000 | 364863 | 121.62 | 215.81 | 0.0000 | 3078.0 |
| "Created XZ tracks in case 0" | 2000 | 220865 | 110.43 | 135.44 | 1.0000 | 1369.0 |
| "Created XZ tracks in case 1" | 2000 | 248034 | 124.02 | 192.65 | 3.0000 | 2025.0 |
| "Created XZ tracks in case 2" | 2000 | 241044 | 120.52 | 255.28 | 0.0000 | 3078.0 |
| "Created full hit combinations in case 0" | 406146 | 406146 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 |
| "Created full hit combinations in case 1" | 306923 | 306923 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 |
| "Created full hit combinations in case 2" | 391421 | 391421 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 |
| "Created seed tracks" | 2000 | 161228 | 80.614 | 44.409 | 8.0000 | 428.00 |
| "Created seed tracks (part 0)" | 1000 | 90041 | 90.041 | 48.525 | 8.0000 | 420.00 |
| "Created seed tracks (part 1)" | 1000 | 90456 | 90.456 | 52.060 | 9.0000 | 472.00 |
| "Created seed tracks in case 0" | 2000 | 83967 | 41.983 | 23.304 | 1.0000 | 183.00 |
| "Created seed tracks in case 1" | 2000 | 151339 | 75.669 | 39.665 | 7.0000 | 348.00 |
| "Created seed tracks in case 2" | 2000 | 171819 | 85.909 | 48.570 | 8.0000 | 468.00 |
| "Created seed tracks in recovery step" | 1000 | 8678 | 8.6780 | 5.2917 | 0.0000 | 31.000 |
| "Created two-hit combinations in case 0" | 357455 |1.040026e+07 | 29.095 | 21.037 | 0.0000 | 150.00 |
| "Created two-hit combinations in case 1" | 310533 |1.188607e+07 | 38.276 | 25.047 | 0.0000 | 192.00 |
| "Created two-hit combinations in case 2" | 244896 |1.408348e+07 | 57.508 | 38.916 | 0.0000 | 263.00 |
PrKalmanFilterForward_897feb56 INFO Number of counters : 6
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Pre outlier chi2 cut" | 3622 |
| "chi2 cut" | 12936 |
| "nIterations" | 102387 | 238602 | 2.3304 |
| "nOutlierIterations" | 98765 | 72142 | 0.73044 |
| "nTracksInput" | 1000 | 102387 | 102.39 |
| "nTracksOutput" | 1000 | 85829 | 85.829 |
PrKalmanFilterMatch_3a755db2 INFO Number of counters : 6
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Pre outlier chi2 cut" | 11844 |
| "chi2 cut" | 28187 |
| "nIterations" | 50895 | 136096 | 2.6741 |
| "nOutlierIterations" | 39051 | 49990 | 1.2801 |
| "nTracksInput" | 1000 | 50895 | 50.895 |
| "nTracksOutput" | 1000 | 10864 | 10.864 |
PrKalmanFilter_98e48b7e INFO Number of counters : 6
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Pre outlier chi2 cut" | 3622 |
| "chi2 cut" | 12936 |
| "nIterations" | 102387 | 238602 | 2.3304 |
| "nOutlierIterations" | 98765 | 72142 | 0.73044 |
| "nTracksInput" | 1000 | 102387 | 102.39 |
| "nTracksOutput" | 1000 | 85829 | 85.829 |
PrLHCbID2MCParticle_4591dde6 INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#removed null MCParticles" | 8603048 | 0 | 0.0000 |
PrMatchNN_2f65aa98 INFO Number of counters : 3
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#MatchingChi2" | 1000 | 1954499 | 1954.5 |
| "#MatchingMLP" | 14699 | 10208.61 | 0.69451 |
| "#MatchingTracks" | 1000 | 14699 | 14.699 |
PrMatchNN_2f65aa98.PrAddUTHitsTool INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#UT hits added" | 13417 | 51118 | 3.8099 |
| "#tracks with hits added" | 13417 |
PrMatchNN_41c22d41 INFO Number of counters : 3
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#MatchingChi2" | 1000 | 1954499 | 1954.5 |
| "#MatchingMLP" | 130654 | 106453.6 | 0.81478 |
| "#MatchingTracks" | 1000 | 130654 | 130.65 |
PrMatchNN_41c22d41.PrAddUTHitsTool INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#UT hits added" | 107789 | 424417 | 3.9375 |
| "#tracks with hits added" | 107789 |
PrStorePrUTHits_c5eaf5a1 INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#banks" | 1000 | 216000 | 216.00 |
PrStoreSciFiHits_fb0eba02 INFO Number of counters : 25
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Average X in T1U" | 364580 |-1.20102e+07 | -32.943 | 1129.1 | -2656.4 | 2656.3 |
| "Average X in T1V" | 369309 | -8567684 | -23.199 | 1121.1 | -2656.4 | 2656.3 |
| "Average X in T1X1" | 357455 |-1.596614e+07 | -44.666 | 1148.9 | -2646.2 | 2646.1 |
| "Average X in T1X2" | 373446 | -3133895 | -8.3918 | 1112.4 | -2646.2 | 2646.1 |
| "Average X in T2U" | 357020 | -8134112 | -22.783 | 1136.4 | -2656.4 | 2656.3 |
| "Average X in T2V" | 366616 | -6638561 | -18.108 | 1127.2 | -2656.4 | 2656.3 |
| "Average X in T2X1" | 341179 | -7748097 | -22.710 | 1138.2 | -2646.1 | 2646.2 |
| "Average X in T2X2" | 377887 | -4696699 | -12.429 | 1121.9 | -2646.2 | 2646.2 |
| "Average X in T3U" | 384544 | -5254749 | -13.665 | 1329.8 | -3188.4 | 3188.4 |
| "Average X in T3V" | 397399 | -7059972 | -17.765 | 1327.8 | -3188.4 | 3188.2 |
| "Average X in T3X1" | 369714 | -4256242 | -11.512 | 1330.8 | -3176.2 | 3176.2 |
| "Average X in T3X2" | 412566 | -8799143 | -21.328 | 1318.9 | -3176.2 | 3176.2 |
| "Hits in T1U" | 4000 | 364580 | 91.145 | 37.570 | 8.0000 | 264.00 |
| "Hits in T1V" | 4000 | 369309 | 92.327 | 38.033 | 8.0000 | 268.00 |
| "Hits in T1X1" | 4000 | 357455 | 89.364 | 37.159 | 7.0000 | 253.00 |
| "Hits in T1X2" | 4000 | 373446 | 93.362 | 38.485 | 9.0000 | 264.00 |
| "Hits in T2U" | 4000 | 357020 | 89.255 | 37.428 | 7.0000 | 269.00 |
| "Hits in T2V" | 4000 | 366616 | 91.654 | 37.632 | 8.0000 | 233.00 |
| "Hits in T2X1" | 4000 | 341179 | 85.295 | 35.511 | 6.0000 | 245.00 |
| "Hits in T2X2" | 4000 | 377887 | 94.472 | 38.927 | 8.0000 | 277.00 |
| "Hits in T3U" | 4000 | 384544 | 96.136 | 39.505 | 6.0000 | 277.00 |
| "Hits in T3V" | 4000 | 397399 | 99.350 | 40.816 | 7.0000 | 389.00 |
| "Hits in T3X1" | 4000 | 369714 | 92.428 | 37.976 | 10.000 | 263.00 |
| "Hits in T3X2" | 4000 | 412566 | 103.14 | 42.241 | 8.0000 | 296.00 |
| "Total number of hits" | 1000 | 4471715 | 4471.7 | 1677.7 | 599.00 | 10275. |
PrStoreUTHit_7a6d8dc6 INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#banks" | 1000 | 216000 | 216.00 |
PrTrackAssociator_2c3ce84d INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"Efficiency" | 96433 | 82319 |( 85.36393 +- 0.1138247)% |
| "MC particles per track" | 82319 | 96327 | 1.1702 |
PrTrackAssociator_42066100 INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"Efficiency" | 102387 | 81732 |( 79.82654 +- 0.1254127)% |
| "MC particles per track" | 81732 | 95878 | 1.1731 |
PrTrackAssociator_53a48168 INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"Efficiency" | 14699 | 5992 |( 40.76468 +- 0.4053111)% |
| "MC particles per track" | 5992 | 6772 | 1.1302 |
PrTrackAssociator_8c23390c INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"Efficiency" | 161228 | 147697 |( 91.60754 +- 0.06905420)% |
| "MC particles per track" | 147697 | 147698 | 1.0000 |
PrTrackAssociator_efea2b77 INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"Efficiency" | 304992 | 298298 |( 97.80519 +- 0.02652988)% |
| "MC particles per track" | 298298 | 299770 | 1.0049 |
PrTrackAssociator_f74b0b6e INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"Efficiency" | 85829 | 77571 |( 90.37854 +- 0.1006552)% |
| "MC particles per track" | 77571 | 90293 | 1.1640 |
PrVPHitsToVPLightClusters_599554c8 INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Nb of Produced Clusters" | 1000 | 2642137 | 2642.1 |
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b.LoKi::... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# loaded from PYTHON" | 17 |
TBTCMatch_1959fd43 INFO Number of counters : 3
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"BadInput" | 10838 | 0 |( 0.000000 +- 0.000000)% |
|*"FitFailed" | 10838 | 0 |( 0.000000 +- 0.000000)% |
| "FittedBefore" | 10838 |
TBTC_Forward_8890084f INFO Number of counters : 3
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"BadInput" | 85595 | 0 |( 0.000000 +- 0.000000)% |
|*"FitFailed" | 85595 | 0 |( 0.000000 +- 0.000000)% |
| "FittedBefore" | 85595 |
Unpack__Event_MC_FT_Hits INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# UnPackedData" | 1000 | 4499156 | 4499.2 | 1909.8 | 414.00 | 11408. |
Unpack__Event_MC_UT_Hits INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# UnPackedData" | 1000 | 1582682 | 1582.7 | 659.39 | 227.00 | 3937.0 |
Unpack__Event_MC_VP_Hits INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# UnPackedData" | 1000 | 2872461 | 2872.5 | 1150.6 | 540.00 | 6622.0 |
VeloClusterTrackingSIMD_87c18651 INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Nb of Produced Clusters" | 1000 | 2642137 | 2642.1 |
| "Nb of Produced Tracks" | 1000 | 304992 | 304.99 |
fromPrForwardTracksV1Tracks_3c57... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Nb of converted Tracks" | 1000 | 102387 | 102.39 |
fromPrMatchTracksV1Tracks_ab3920ce INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Nb of converted Tracks" | 1000 | 14699 | 14.699 |
fromPrSeedingTracksV1Tracks_84cd... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Nb of converted Tracks" | 1000 | 161228 | 161.23 |
fromPrVeloTracksV1TracksMerger_f... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Nb of converted Tracks" | 1000 | 304992 | 304.99 |
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO Results
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO **** BestLong 96433 tracks including 14114 ghosts [14.64 %], Event average 13.15 % ****
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 01_long : 71817 from 81249 [ 88.39 %] 190 clones [ 0.26 %], purity: 99.26 %, hitEff: 97.28 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 02_long_P>5GeV : 48629 from 52934 [ 91.87 %] 101 clones [ 0.21 %], purity: 99.39 %, hitEff: 97.84 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 03_long_strange : 3591 from 4397 [ 81.67 %] 9 clones [ 0.25 %], purity: 99.01 %, hitEff: 96.83 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 04_long_strange_P>5GeV : 1896 from 2170 [ 87.37 %] 3 clones [ 0.16 %], purity: 99.23 %, hitEff: 97.82 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 05_long_fromB : 3193 from 3521 [ 90.68 %] 11 clones [ 0.34 %], purity: 99.42 %, hitEff: 97.63 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 05_long_fromD : 1863 from 2078 [ 89.65 %] 9 clones [ 0.48 %], purity: 99.27 %, hitEff: 97.23 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 06_long_fromB_P>5GeV : 2464 from 2633 [ 93.58 %] 9 clones [ 0.36 %], purity: 99.54 %, hitEff: 98.00 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 06_long_fromD_P>5GeV : 1344 from 1453 [ 92.50 %] 7 clones [ 0.52 %], purity: 99.38 %, hitEff: 97.64 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 07_long_electrons : 5130 from 7671 [ 66.88 %] 14 clones [ 0.27 %], purity: 98.06 %, hitEff: 95.50 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 07_long_electrons_pairprod : 3619 from 5815 [ 62.24 %] 9 clones [ 0.25 %], purity: 97.71 %, hitEff: 94.88 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 08_long_fromB_electrons : 1398 from 1729 [ 80.86 %] 4 clones [ 0.29 %], purity: 98.85 %, hitEff: 97.13 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 09_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV : 1289 from 1539 [ 83.76 %] 4 clones [ 0.31 %], purity: 98.98 %, hitEff: 97.37 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 10_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 2167 from 2311 [ 93.77 %] 9 clones [ 0.41 %], purity: 99.62 %, hitEff: 98.09 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 10_long_fromB_electrons_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 1245 from 1461 [ 85.22 %] 4 clones [ 0.32 %], purity: 99.04 %, hitEff: 97.39 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 10_long_fromD_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 1078 from 1155 [ 93.33 %] 5 clones [ 0.46 %], purity: 99.55 %, hitEff: 97.92 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 10_long_strange_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 962 from 1092 [ 88.10 %] 3 clones [ 0.31 %], purity: 99.40 %, hitEff: 97.85 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 11_UT_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 2164 from 2306 [ 93.84 %] 9 clones [ 0.41 %], purity: 99.62 %, hitEff: 98.11 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO Results
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO **** Forward 102387 tracks including 20655 ghosts [20.17 %], Event average 16.43 % ****
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 01_long : 70925 from 81249 [ 87.29 %] 237 clones [ 0.33 %], purity: 99.05 %, hitEff: 98.07 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 02_long_P>5GeV : 49127 from 52934 [ 92.81 %] 144 clones [ 0.29 %], purity: 99.22 %, hitEff: 98.48 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 03_long_strange : 3567 from 4397 [ 81.12 %] 13 clones [ 0.36 %], purity: 98.60 %, hitEff: 97.85 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 04_long_strange_P>5GeV : 1933 from 2170 [ 89.08 %] 5 clones [ 0.26 %], purity: 98.93 %, hitEff: 98.46 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 05_long_fromB : 3167 from 3521 [ 89.95 %] 14 clones [ 0.44 %], purity: 99.28 %, hitEff: 98.56 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 05_long_fromD : 1844 from 2078 [ 88.74 %] 9 clones [ 0.49 %], purity: 99.12 %, hitEff: 98.28 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 06_long_fromB_P>5GeV : 2481 from 2633 [ 94.23 %] 12 clones [ 0.48 %], purity: 99.46 %, hitEff: 98.82 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 06_long_fromD_P>5GeV : 1363 from 1453 [ 93.81 %] 8 clones [ 0.58 %], purity: 99.27 %, hitEff: 98.65 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 07_long_electrons : 5121 from 7671 [ 66.76 %] 58 clones [ 1.12 %], purity: 97.53 %, hitEff: 97.82 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 07_long_electrons_pairprod : 3596 from 5815 [ 61.84 %] 34 clones [ 0.94 %], purity: 97.09 %, hitEff: 97.58 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 08_long_fromB_electrons : 1416 from 1729 [ 81.90 %] 24 clones [ 1.67 %], purity: 98.55 %, hitEff: 98.48 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 09_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV : 1313 from 1539 [ 85.32 %] 22 clones [ 1.65 %], purity: 98.70 %, hitEff: 98.62 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 10_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 2180 from 2311 [ 94.33 %] 12 clones [ 0.55 %], purity: 99.57 %, hitEff: 98.82 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 10_long_fromB_electrons_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 1267 from 1461 [ 86.72 %] 22 clones [ 1.71 %], purity: 98.77 %, hitEff: 98.56 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 10_long_fromD_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 1087 from 1155 [ 94.11 %] 6 clones [ 0.55 %], purity: 99.49 %, hitEff: 98.70 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 10_long_strange_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 979 from 1092 [ 89.65 %] 5 clones [ 0.51 %], purity: 99.25 %, hitEff: 98.31 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 11_UT_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 2177 from 2306 [ 94.41 %] 12 clones [ 0.55 %], purity: 99.57 %, hitEff: 98.82 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO Results
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO **** Match 14699 tracks including 8707 ghosts [59.24 %], Event average 50.21 % ****
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 01_long : 0 from 81249 [ 0.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 0.00 %, hitEff: 0.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 02_long_P>5GeV : 0 from 52934 [ 0.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 0.00 %, hitEff: 0.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 03_long_strange : 0 from 4397 [ 0.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 0.00 %, hitEff: 0.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 04_long_strange_P>5GeV : 0 from 2170 [ 0.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 0.00 %, hitEff: 0.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 05_long_fromB : 0 from 3521 [ 0.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 0.00 %, hitEff: 0.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 05_long_fromD : 0 from 2078 [ 0.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 0.00 %, hitEff: 0.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 06_long_fromB_P>5GeV : 0 from 2633 [ 0.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 0.00 %, hitEff: 0.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 06_long_fromD_P>5GeV : 0 from 1453 [ 0.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 0.00 %, hitEff: 0.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 07_long_electrons : 5690 from 7671 [ 74.18 %] 87 clones [ 1.51 %], purity: 97.30 %, hitEff: 97.68 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 07_long_electrons_pairprod : 4083 from 5815 [ 70.21 %] 58 clones [ 1.40 %], purity: 96.80 %, hitEff: 97.47 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 08_long_fromB_electrons : 1480 from 1729 [ 85.60 %] 27 clones [ 1.79 %], purity: 98.65 %, hitEff: 98.46 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 09_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV : 1364 from 1539 [ 88.63 %] 25 clones [ 1.80 %], purity: 98.80 %, hitEff: 98.67 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 10_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 0 from 2311 [ 0.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 0.00 %, hitEff: 0.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 10_long_fromB_electrons_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 1312 from 1461 [ 89.80 %] 25 clones [ 1.87 %], purity: 98.90 %, hitEff: 98.66 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 10_long_fromD_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 0 from 1155 [ 0.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 0.00 %, hitEff: 0.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 10_long_strange_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 0 from 1092 [ 0.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 0.00 %, hitEff: 0.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO 11_UT_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 0 from 2306 [ 0.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 0.00 %, hitEff: 0.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b INFO
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO Results
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO **** Seed 161228 tracks including 13531 ghosts [ 8.39 %], Event average 4.56 % ****
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 01_hasT : 105262 from 126671 [ 83.10 %] 10 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.49 %, hitEff: 97.47 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 02_long : 75841 from 81249 [ 93.34 %] 5 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.64 %, hitEff: 98.10 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 03_long_P>5GeV : 51165 from 52934 [ 96.66 %] 4 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.62 %, hitEff: 98.77 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 04_long_fromB : 3350 from 3521 [ 95.14 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.71 %, hitEff: 98.50 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 05_long_fromB_P>5GeV : 2567 from 2633 [ 97.49 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.69 %, hitEff: 99.00 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 06_UT+T_strange : 8622 from 9368 [ 92.04 %] 1 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.66 %, hitEff: 97.70 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 07_UT+T_strange_P>5GeV : 4654 from 4812 [ 96.72 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.63 %, hitEff: 98.78 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 08_noVelo+UT+T_strange : 4617 from 5026 [ 91.86 %] 1 clones [ 0.02 %], purity: 99.64 %, hitEff: 97.77 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 09_noVelo+UT+T_strange_P>5GeV : 2586 from 2676 [ 96.64 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.62 %, hitEff: 98.76 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 10_UT+T_SfromDB : 531 from 568 [ 93.49 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.69 %, hitEff: 97.69 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 11_UT+T_SfromDB_P>5GeV : 311 from 316 [ 98.42 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.62 %, hitEff: 99.05 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 12_noVelo+UT+T_SfromDB_P>5GeV : 188 from 189 [ 99.47 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.64 %, hitEff: 99.17 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 13_hasT_electrons : 21273 from 39924 [ 53.28 %] 1 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.55 %, hitEff: 96.77 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 14_long_electrons : 6660 from 7671 [ 86.82 %] 1 clones [ 0.02 %], purity: 99.68 %, hitEff: 97.42 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 15_long_fromB_electrons : 1581 from 1729 [ 91.44 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.71 %, hitEff: 98.38 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 16_long_electrons_P>5GeV : 4155 from 4569 [ 90.94 %] 1 clones [ 0.02 %], purity: 99.64 %, hitEff: 98.34 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 17_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV : 1430 from 1539 [ 92.92 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.72 %, hitEff: 98.64 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ************************************
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/x pull : mean = -0.001 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.277 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/y pull : mean = 0.005 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.278 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/tx pull : mean = 0.001 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.254 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/ty pull : mean = -0.004 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.252 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/p pull : mean = -0.045 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.327 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/probChi2 : mean = 0.348 +/- 0.001, RMS = 0.305 +/- 0.001
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/x resolution / mm: RMS = 74.628 +/- 0.354 micron
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/y resolution / mm: RMS = 74.942 +/- 0.356 micron
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/dp/p: mean = 0.0004 +/- 0.0000, RMS = 0.0059 +/- 0.0000
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ************************************
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/x pull : mean = 0.000 +/- 0.004, RMS = 1.274 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/y pull : mean = 0.006 +/- 0.004, RMS = 1.277 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/tx pull : mean = 0.001 +/- 0.004, RMS = 1.250 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/ty pull : mean = -0.005 +/- 0.004, RMS = 1.250 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/p pull : mean = -0.049 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.344 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/probChi2 : mean = 0.340 +/- 0.001, RMS = 0.304 +/- 0.001
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/x resolution / mm: RMS = 75.517 +/- 0.346 micron
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/y resolution / mm: RMS = 75.853 +/- 0.349 micron
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/dp/p: mean = 0.0004 +/- 0.0000, RMS = 0.0061 +/- 0.0000
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ************************************
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/x pull : mean = -0.005 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.359 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/y pull : mean = 0.002 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.335 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/tx pull : mean = 0.008 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.452 +/- 0.005
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/ty pull : mean = 0.001 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.406 +/- 0.005
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/p pull : mean = 0.120 +/- 0.002, RMS = 0.459 +/- 0.006
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/probChi2 : mean = 0.000 +/- 0.000, RMS = 0.000 +/- 0.000
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/x resolution / mm: RMS = 81.652 +/- 0.359 micron
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/y resolution / mm: RMS = 78.864 +/- 0.355 micron
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/dp/p: mean = 0.0061 +/- 0.0000, RMS = 0.0090 +/- 0.0000
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ************************************
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/x pull : mean = -0.014 +/- 0.001, RMS = 0.484 +/- 0.003
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/y pull : mean = 0.001 +/- 0.001, RMS = 0.353 +/- 0.003
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/tx pull : mean = 0.014 +/- 0.001, RMS = 0.557 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/ty pull : mean = -0.002 +/- 0.001, RMS = 0.464 +/- 0.003
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/p pull : mean = 0.041 +/- 0.002, RMS = 0.937 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/probChi2 : mean = 0.000 +/- 0.000, RMS = 0.000 +/- 0.000
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/x resolution / mm: RMS = 221.695 +/- 1.592 micron
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/y resolution / mm: RMS = 229.200 +/- 1.456 micron
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/dp/p: mean = -0.0062 +/- 0.0000, RMS = 0.0154 +/- 0.0000
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Memory pool: used 4.97988 +/- 0.00217715 MiB (min: 4, max: 5) in 1 +/- 0 blocks (allocated >once in 0 +/- 0% events). Allocated capacity was 10 +/- 0 MiB (min: 10, max: 10) and 443.146 +/- 0.354447 (min: 407, max: 480) requests were served
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Timing table:
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO
| Name of Algorithm | Execution Count | Total Time / s | Avg. Time / us |
| Sum of all Algorithms | 1000 | 278.370 | 278370.171 |
| "TrackResCheckerSeed" | 1000 | 101.573 | 101572.972 |
| "Fetch__Event_DAQ_RawEvent" | 1000 | 46.308 | 46307.884 |
| "TrackResCheckerForward" | 1000 | 23.578 | 23577.982 |
| "TrackResCheckerBestLong" | 1000 | 22.864 | 22863.835 |
| "TrackResCheckerBestForward" | 1000 | 21.441 | 21440.884 |
| "SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b" | 1000 | 7.598 | 7597.732 |
| "ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c" | 1000 | 7.230 | 7230.315 |
| "BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357" | 1000 | 6.264 | 6263.797 |
| "PrKalmanFilterForward_897feb56" | 1000 | 5.990 | 5990.081 |
| "PrKalmanFilter_98e48b7e" | 1000 | 5.743 | 5743.186 |
| "MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b" | 1000 | 5.389 | 5389.211 |
| "PrForwardTrackingVelo_9b95c79c" | 1000 | 4.436 | 4435.685 |
| "MCParticle2MCHitAlg_b530dcde" | 1000 | 2.924 | 2924.153 |
| "PrHybridSeeding_4d0337cc" | 1000 | 2.905 | 2905.031 |
| "PrKalmanFilterMatch_3a755db2" | 1000 | 2.809 | 2808.749 |
| "PrMatchNN_2f65aa98" | 1000 | 1.717 | 1716.725 |
| "PrLHCbID2MCParticle_4591dde6" | 1000 | 1.415 | 1414.919 |
| "Unpack__Event_MC_Vertices" | 1000 | 1.196 | 1196.453 |
| "MCParticle2MCHitAlg_b04be519" | 1000 | 1.116 | 1116.095 |
| "Unpack__Event_MC_Particles" | 1000 | 1.084 | 1084.415 |
| "MCParticle2MCHitAlg_4a41c125" | 1000 | 0.433 | 433.271 |
| "VeloClusterTrackingSIMD_87c18651" | 1000 | 0.405 | 404.548 |
| "CloneKillerMatch_cd10262b" | 1000 | 0.385 | 384.901 |
| "PrStoreUTHit_7a6d8dc6" | 1000 | 0.317 | 317.175 |
| "VPFullCluster2MCParticleLinker_17386552" | 1000 | 0.297 | 297.321 |
| "VPClusFull_38754d8c" | 1000 | 0.285 | 284.711 |
| "PrMatchNN_41c22d41" | 1000 | 0.280 | 279.833 |
| "TBTC_Forward_8890084f" | 1000 | 0.271 | 270.868 |
| "PrTrackAssociator_42066100" | 1000 | 0.234 | 233.686 |
| "PrTrackAssociator_2c3ce84d" | 1000 | 0.209 | 208.625 |
| "Unpack__Event_MC_FT_Hits" | 1000 | 0.194 | 194.236 |
| "PrTrackAssociator_f74b0b6e" | 1000 | 0.170 | 169.555 |
| "PrStorePrUTHits_c5eaf5a1" | 1000 | 0.165 | 165.285 |
| "PrTrackAssociator_8c23390c" | 1000 | 0.155 | 154.846 |
| "PrTrackAssociator_efea2b77" | 1000 | 0.154 | 153.978 |
| "Unpack__Event_MC_VP_Hits" | 1000 | 0.128 | 128.466 |
| "PrVPHitsToVPLightClusters_599554c8" | 1000 | 0.111 | 110.733 |
| "fromPrVeloTracksV1TracksMerger_fa66a5de" | 1000 | 0.092 | 92.258 |
| "fromPrForwardTracksV1Tracks_3c57fef9" | 1000 | 0.070 | 70.254 |
| "Unpack__Event_MC_UT_Hits" | 1000 | 0.069 | 69.330 |
| "PrStoreSciFiHits_fb0eba02" | 1000 | 0.069 | 68.797 |
| "fromPrSeedingTracksV1Tracks_84cd46c2" | 1000 | 0.068 | 68.220 |
| "FTRawBankDecoder" | 1000 | 0.038 | 38.176 |
| "TrackContainersMerger_3427d321" | 1000 | 0.036 | 35.501 |
| "PrTrackAssociator_53a48168" | 1000 | 0.032 | 31.716 |
| "TBTCMatch_1959fd43" | 1000 | 0.025 | 24.795 |
| "fromPrMatchTracksV1Tracks_ab3920ce" | 1000 | 0.024 | 23.995 |
| "reserveIOV" | 1000 | 0.021 | 20.904 |
| "UnpackRawEvent_ODIN" | 1000 | 0.013 | 12.761 |
| "UniqueIDGeneratorAlg_26e527e9" | 1000 | 0.006 | 6.462 |
| "Decode_ODIN" | 1000 | 0.005 | 5.173 |
| "Fetch__Event_pSim_MCParticles" | 1000 | 0.003 | 3.378 |
| "Fetch__Event_MC_Header" | 1000 | 0.003 | 3.249 |
| "Fetch__Event_Link_Raw_UT_Clusters" | 1000 | 0.003 | 2.582 |
| "UnpackRawEvent_VP" | 1000 | 0.002 | 2.233 |
| "UnpackRawEvent_FTCluster" | 1000 | 0.002 | 2.117 |
| "Fetch__Event_Link_Raw_VP_Digits" | 1000 | 0.002 | 2.091 |
| "UnpackRawEvent_UT" | 1000 | 0.002 | 2.056 |
| "Fetch__Event_pSim_UT_Hits" | 1000 | 0.002 | 2.023 |
| "Fetch__Event_pSim_FT_Hits" | 1000 | 0.002 | 1.933 |
| "DummyEventTime" | 1000 | 0.002 | 1.835 |
| "Fetch__Event_pSim_MCVertices" | 1000 | 0.002 | 1.703 |
| "Fetch__Event_MC_TrackInfo" | 1000 | 0.002 | 1.664 |
| "Fetch__Event_Link_Raw_FT_LiteClusters" | 1000 | 0.002 | 1.531 |
| "Fetch__Event_pSim_VP_Hits" | 1000 | 0.001 | 1.292 |
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO StateTree: CFNode #executed #passed
LAZY_AND: run_tracking_debug_decision #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
NONLAZY_OR: run_tracking_debug_data #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
TrackResChecker/TrackResCheckerForward #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
TrackResChecker/TrackResCheckerBestLong #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
TrackResChecker/TrackResCheckerBestForward #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
TrackResChecker/TrackResCheckerSeed #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
PrTrackChecker/ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
PrTrackChecker/MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
PrTrackChecker/BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
PrTrackChecker/SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
TransportSvc SUCCESS GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Skip' map has the size 10
| Logical Volume | | # mean RMS min max |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftU | mm | 2 -1.6660143 1.0462736 -2.7122879 -0.619740 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftU | X0 | 2 -0.0042538548 0.0042061824 -0.0084600372 -4.7672365e- |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftX | mm | 4 -4.8283058 3.2248828 -8.6368336 -0.507079 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftX | X0 | 4 -0.015060218 0.010058898 -0.026939593 -0.00158165 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleRightX | mm | 2 -0.6505711 0.032909657 -0.68348076 -0.617661 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleRightX | X0 | 2 -0.0010896963 0.0010421838 -0.0021318801 -4.7512419e- |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Master | mm | 1399 -309.96922 171.57421 -447.39112 -1.53942 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Master | X0 | 1399 -3.8532841 2.1701999 -5.5886324 -5.3285271e- |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1SubMaster | mm | 655 -26.984335 16.310885 -87.637054 -0.00473145 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1SubMaster | X0 | 655 -0.031423911 0.043708632 -0.25419364 -1.8869109e- |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/lvVP | mm | 7 -0.016969118 0.011040278 -0.031721046 -0.00135707 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/lvVP | X0 | 7 -0.0011820332 0.00076904265 -0.0022096215 -9.453102e- |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/lvBeforeMagnetRegion | mm | 36 -463.02347 137.86187 -533.49617 -101.264 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/lvBeforeMagnetRegion | X0 | 36 -1.343012 0.39987208 -1.54742 -0.293721 |
| LHCb/lvLHCb | mm | 121 -238.07761 2.9063106 -257.90526 -235.101 |
| LHCb/lvLHCb | X0 | 121 -0.73198298 0.0089356152 -0.79294421 -0.722833 |
| agnetRegion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX85SupportsInMagnet | mm | 87 -8.5949497 1.8045514 -11.122245 -0.230460 |
| agnetRegion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX85SupportsInMagnet | X0 | 87 -0.034931653 0.024388411 -0.10825574 -0.00132975 |
| MagnetRegion/lvMagnetRegion | mm | 2 -2.9265085 0.020393466 -2.946902 -2.90611 |
| MagnetRegion/lvMagnetRegion | X0 | 2 -0.0089977149 6.2700856e-05 -0.0090604157 -0.0089350 |
TransportSvc SUCCESS GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Recover' map has the size 49
| Logical Volume | | # mean RMS min max |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftU | mm | 4 12.677502 7.1312934 2.9284865 19.8111 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftU | X0 | 4 0.038567859 0.021695024 0.0089091253 0.0602700 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftX | mm | 13 9.2255103 5.4259841 0.88626473 20.1374 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftX | X0 | 13 0.02806611 0.016507083 0.0026962198 0.0612626 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleRightU | mm | 8 4.5944826 5.364365 2.5415391e-13 16.6676 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleRightU | X0 | 8 0.013977466 0.016319624 7.7319428e-16 0.0507067 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleRightX | mm | 17 7.5487323 5.2658331 0.059494292 19.7815 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleRightX | X0 | 17 0.022964969 0.016019868 0.00018099523 0.0601801 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/lvFT | mm | 2 9.023886 1.7032797 7.3206064 10.7271 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/lvFT | X0 | 2 0.016981829 0.016442687 0.00053914286 0.0334245 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/lvT | mm | 2 9.023886 6.7642914 2.2595946 15.7881 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/lvT | X0 | 2 8.3206516e-05 8.3206516e-05 0 0.000166413 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/lvAfterMagnetRegion | mm | 2 9.023886 1.1297973 7.8940887 10.1536 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/lvAfterMagnetRegion | X0 | 2 0.0122985 0.0122985 0 0.0245 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Master | mm | 4979 234.42718 331.8039 0.013262574 959.334 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Master | X0 | 4979 2.8517248 4.1539274 0 11.9504 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Mirror1Master | mm | 428 2.9051412 1.8952118 0.038336124 8.22005 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Mirror1Master | X0 | 428 0.00019234302 0.00032480021 0 0.000913915 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1SubMaster | mm | 8415 31.197281 47.561401 0.0047314519 315.124 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1SubMaster | X0 | 8415 0.083098633 0.13458365 0 0.903120 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/UT/Staves/lvCableL | mm | 1 0.1644085 0 0.1644085 0.16440 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/UT/Staves/lvCableL | X0 | 1 0.00060297764 0 0.00060297764 0.000602977 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/UT/Staves/lvCableM | mm | 5 0.16820375 0.0020160356 0.1644085 0.170202 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/UT/Staves/lvCableM | X0 | 5 0.00061689695 7.3939266e-06 0.00060297764 0.000624226 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/UT/Staves/lvCableS | mm | 4 0.16915256 0.00076109605 0.16810389 0.170202 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/UT/Staves/lvCableS | X0 | 4 0.00062037677 2.7913636e-06 0.00061653071 0.000624226 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/PipeSections/lvVeloDownStreamPipe | mm | 11 2.8444002e-14 1.3537876e-17 2.8419136e-14 2.8461834e- |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/PipeSections/lvVeloDownStreamPipe | X0 | 11 3.2076796e-16 1.5266899e-19 3.2048755e-16 3.2096907e- |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFBox/lvRFBoxLeft | mm | 3 0.32586085 0.11780659 0.21892144 0.489967 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFBox/lvRFBoxLeft | X0 | 3 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFBox/lvRFBoxRight | mm | 2 0.15085881 0.12347991 0.027378903 0.274338 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFBox/lvRFBoxRight | X0 | 2 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilCompTnTUnit | mm | 159139 0.016498828 0.076838018 2.8360433e-12 5.01899 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilCompTnTUnit | X0 | 159139 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter10 | mm | 5 0.21122656 0.17081403 0.0056336125 0.463984 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter10 | X0 | 5 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter11 | mm | 9 0.1001495 0.086589553 0.0019266982 0.307267 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter11 | X0 | 9 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter12 | mm | 8 0.30293054 0.24253458 0.10200147 0.841065 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter12 | X0 | 8 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter13 | mm | 2 0.09214028 0.079916384 0.012223897 0.172056 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter13 | X0 | 2 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter14 | mm | 3 0.18906997 0.14638422 0.026554645 0.381386 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter14 | X0 | 3 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter15 | mm | 5 0.22660815 0.37999577 0.0085205339 0.983873 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter15 | X0 | 5 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter16 | mm | 7 0.15474718 0.14976951 0.0082417427 0.487042 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter16 | X0 | 7 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter17 | mm | 8 0.44648423 0.41667018 0.020624393 0.981426 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter17 | X0 | 8 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter18 | mm | 81 0.52639419 1.2088849 0.00039525605 8.09355 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter18 | X0 | 81 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter19 | mm | 115 0.98482921 4.6368153 0.0027035923 48.6950 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter19 | X0 | 115 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter20 | mm | 152 0.53245073 1.4981394 0.0017885947 17.4925 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter20 | X0 | 152 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter21 | mm | 138 0.63336007 1.6980752 0.0018317505 12.414 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter21 | X0 | 138 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter22 | mm | 35 0.48678426 1.0315306 0.011496849 6.18681 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter22 | X0 | 35 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter23 | mm | 29 1.7319459 4.4790288 0.007213252 21.3729 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter23 | X0 | 29 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter24 | mm | 36 1.5002235 3.4391463 0.015278869 13.5462 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter24 | X0 | 36 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter4 | mm | 27 0.22919749 0.29286153 0.0030701032 1.20379 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter4 | X0 | 27 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter5 | mm | 6 0.11932775 0.1059857 0.025989929 0.336303 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter5 | X0 | 6 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter6 | mm | 5 0.29805966 0.35953681 0.003643166 0.981476 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter6 | X0 | 5 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter7 | mm | 5 0.11501325 0.080140444 0.017205054 0.250057 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter7 | X0 | 5 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter8 | mm | 5 0.16902668 0.15216162 0.036100087 0.467289 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter8 | X0 | 5 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter9 | mm | 10 0.17565979 0.2088246 0.0083343605 0.71242 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter9 | X0 | 10 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/Supports/lvSupport | mm | 149 0.18742223 0.074955013 0.0069416634 0.398177 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/Supports/lvSupport | X0 | 149 0.0003220446 0.00028385796 4.9704852e-05 0.00285109 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/lvVP | mm | 220 0.47866637 4.1477057 3.2693405e-05 57.2945 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/lvVP | X0 | 220 0.0060574599 0.0040874628 0 0.0150783 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/lvBeforeMagnetRegion | mm | 113118 3.3182177 23.424076 0.052581414 479.667 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/lvBeforeMagnetRegion | X0 | 113118 0.013619924 0.18790529 0 5.99023 |
| LHCb/lvLHCb | mm | 244 236.60205 232.90547 2.4301568 498.966 |
| LHCb/lvLHCb | X0 | 244 0.72590203 0.71607904 0 1.53246 |
| MagnetRegion/PipeInMagnet/lvUX85InMagnet | mm | 3 8.8879666e-15 5.6216888e-18 8.8815131e-15 8.8952144e- |
| MagnetRegion/PipeInMagnet/lvUX85InMagnet | X0 | 3 0 0 0 |
| egion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852CollarForkAttachProng | mm | 91 0.19213898 0.53435776 0.016061744 5.25624 |
| egion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852CollarForkAttachProng | X0 | 91 0 0 0 |
| MagnetRegion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852FixCollar | mm | 1 6.8456761e-14 5.5095025e-22 6.8456761e-14 6.8456761e- |
| MagnetRegion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852FixCollar | X0 | 1 0 0 0 |
| Region/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852FutureFibreCableHead | mm | 2 2.6553484 2.4634054 0.19194298 5.11875 |
| Region/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852FutureFibreCableHead | X0 | 2 0.00012879365 0.00012879365 0 0.00025758 |
| eSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852FutureFibreCableHeadWithoutPin | mm | 3 0.094374603 0.010302706 0.084509056 0.108592 |
| eSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852FutureFibreCableHeadWithoutPin | X0 | 3 0.00012665063 1.3826222e-05 0.00011341108 0.000145731 |
| agnetRegion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX85SupportsInMagnet | mm | 4986 6.53814 9.7770059 7.3984438e-05 35.8498 |
| agnetRegion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX85SupportsInMagnet | X0 | 4986 0.0018883424 0.014976954 0 0.311275 |
| MagnetRegion/lvMagnetRegion | mm | 5368 0.2380221 0.95623191 0.012437276 9.65246 |
| MagnetRegion/lvMagnetRegion | X0 | 5368 4.6527607e-05 0.00022086856 0 0.0023077 |
TransportSvc SUCCESS GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Codes' map has the size 0
TransportSvc INFO Reset the static pointer to DetDesc::IGeometyrErrorSvc
ToolSvc INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
TrackResCheckerSeed.ALL SUCCESS Booked 23 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=4
TrackResCheckerBestForward.ALL SUCCESS Booked 23 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=4
TrackResCheckerBestLong.ALL SUCCESS Booked 23 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=4
TrackResCheckerForward.ALL SUCCESS Booked 23 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=4
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b.PrChec... SUCCESS Booked 857 Histogram(s) : 1D=648 2D=209
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357.Pr... SUCCESS Booked 857 Histogram(s) : 1D=648 2D=209
MatchTrackChecker_c6cdef5b.PrChe... SUCCESS Booked 545 Histogram(s) : 1D=408 2D=137
PrMatchNN_2f65aa98.PrMCDebugMatc... SUCCESS Booked 1 N-Tuples and 0 Event Tag Collections
PrMatchNN_2f65aa98.PrMCDebugMatc... SUCCESS List of booked N-Tuples in directory "FILE1/PrMatchNN_2f65aa98.PrMCDebugMatchToolNN"
PrMatchNN_2f65aa98.PrMCDebugMatc... SUCCESS ID=MVAInputAndOutputTitle="MVAInputAndOutput" #items=15 {chi2,teta2,distX,distY,dSlope,dSlopeY,quality,mlp,qop,redChi2,tx,ty,tx_scifi,ty_s}
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c.PrC... SUCCESS Booked 857 Histogram(s) : 1D=648 2D=209
RootCnvSvc INFO Disconnected data IO:38264BD6-5B59-11EC-B4D7-0800383D3666 [/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi]
RFileCnv INFO dumping contents of /NTUPLES/FILE1
TFile: name=data/resolutions_and_effs_test_only_electrons_as_seed.root, title=Gaudi Trees, option=CREATE
*Tree :MVAInputAndOutput: MVAInputAndOutput *
*Entries : 337900 : Total = 20349641 bytes File Size = 13608705 *
* : : Tree compression factor = 1.49 *
*Br 0 :chi2 : chi2/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356549 bytes File Size = 1244977 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.09 *
*Br 1 :teta2 : teta2/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356596 bytes File Size = 610368 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 2.22 *
*Br 2 :distX : distX/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356596 bytes File Size = 1217234 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.11 *
*Br 3 :distY : distY/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356596 bytes File Size = 1184892 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.14 *
*Br 4 :dSlope : dSlope/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356643 bytes File Size = 1224444 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.11 *
*Br 5 :dSlopeY : dSlopeY/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356690 bytes File Size = 1213435 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.12 *
*Br 6 :quality : quality/I *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356690 bytes File Size = 136945 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 9.90 *
*Br 7 :mlp : mlp/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356502 bytes File Size = 1224107 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.11 *
*Br 8 :qop : qop/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356502 bytes File Size = 1253619 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.08 *
*Br 9 :redChi2 : redChi2/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356690 bytes File Size = 753610 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.80 *
*Br 10 :tx : tx/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356455 bytes File Size = 619123 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 2.19 *
*Br 11 :ty : ty/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356455 bytes File Size = 618230 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 2.19 *
*Br 12 :tx_scifi : tx_scifi/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356737 bytes File Size = 767301 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.77 *
*Br 13 :ty_scifi : ty_scifi/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356737 bytes File Size = 768974 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.76 *
*Br 14 :qop_seed : qop_seed/F *
*Entries : 337900 : Total Size= 1356737 bytes File Size = 765209 *
*Baskets : 43 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.77 *
NTupleSvc INFO NTuples saved successfully
ChronoStatSvc.finalize() INFO Service finalized successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
# setting LC_ALL to "C"
# --> Including file '/auto/work/cetin/LHCb/reco_tuner/moore_options/Myget_resolution_and_eff_data.py'
/***** User ApplicationOptions/ApplicationOptions **************************************************
|-append_decoding_keys_to_output_manifest = True (default: True)
|-auditors = [] (default: [])
|-buffer_events = 20000 (default: 20000)
|-conddb_tag = 'sim-20210617-vc-md100' (default: '')
|-conditions_version = '' (default: '')
|-control_flow_file = '' (default: '')
|-data_flow_file = '' (default: '')
|-data_type = 'Upgrade' (default: 'Upgrade')
|-dddb_tag = 'dddb-20210617' (default: '')
|-event_store = 'HiveWhiteBoard' (default: 'HiveWhiteBoard')
|-evt_max = -1 (default: -1)
|-first_evt = 0 (default: 0)
|-geometry_version = '' (default: '')
|-histo_file = '' (default: '')
|-input_files = ['/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi']
| (default: [])
|-input_manifest_file = '' (default: '')
|-input_process = '' (default: '')
|-input_raw_format = 0.5 (default: 0.5)
|-input_type = 'ROOT' (default: '')
|-lines_maker = None
|-memory_pool_size = 10485760 (default: 10485760)
|-monitoring_file = '' (default: '')
|-msg_svc_format = '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M' (default: '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M')
|-msg_svc_time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC' (default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
|-n_event_slots = 1 (default: -1)
|-n_threads = 1 (default: 1)
|-ntuple_file = 'data/resolutions_and_effs_test_thesis.root' (default: '')
|-output_file = '' (default: '')
|-output_level = 3 (default: 3)
|-output_manifest_file = '' (default: '')
|-output_type = '' (default: '')
|-persistreco_version = 1.0 (default: 1.0)
|-phoenix_filename = '' (default: '')
|-preamble_algs = [] (default: [])
|-print_freq = 10000 (default: 10000)
|-python_logging_level = 20 (default: 20)
|-require_specific_decoding_keys = [] (default: [])
|-scheduler_legacy_mode = True (default: True)
|-simulation = True (default: None)
|-use_iosvc = False (default: False)
|-velo_motion_system_yaml = '' (default: '')
|-write_decoding_keys_to_git = True (default: True)
\----- (End of User ApplicationOptions/ApplicationOptions) -----------------------------------------
# Overrule specified for keys
# <-- End of file '/auto/work/cetin/LHCb/reco_tuner/moore_options/Myget_resolution_and_eff_data.py'
ApplicationMgr SUCCESS
Welcome to Moore version 55.0
running on lhcba2 on Thu Feb 8 14:20:55 2024
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
ToolSvc.GitDDDB INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/git-conddb/DDDB.git'
ToolSvc.GitDDDB INFO using commit 'upgrade/dddb-20210617' corresponding to 1871f1bb5c0d68c81dda62e84cf1eb3a45513521
ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/git-conddb/SIMCOND.git'
ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND INFO using commit 'upgrade/sim-20210617-vc-md100' corresponding to 9aa116c7143d21760d1be07ce1ef22c0f8f07bdf
DetectorPersistencySvc INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
DetectorDataSvc SUCCESS Detector description database: git:/lhcb.xml
EventClockSvc.FakeEventTime INFO Event times generated from 0 with steps of 0
EventClockSvc.FakeEventTime INFO Run numbers generated from 0 every 0 events
MagneticFieldGridReader INFO Opened magnetic field file: /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/FieldMap/v5r7/cdf//field.v5r0.c1.down.cdf
MagneticFieldGridReader INFO Opened magnetic field file: /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/FieldMap/v5r7/cdf//field.v5r0.c2.down.cdf
MagneticFieldGridReader INFO Opened magnetic field file: /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/FieldMap/v5r7/cdf//field.v5r0.c3.down.cdf
MagneticFieldGridReader INFO Opened magnetic field file: /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/FieldMap/v5r7/cdf//field.v5r0.c4.down.cdf
MagneticFieldSvc INFO Map scaled by factor 1 with polarity internally used: -1 signed relative current: -1
NTupleSvc INFO Added stream file:data/resolutions_and_effs_test_thesis.root as FILE1
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Start initialization
RootHistSvc INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: data/resolutions_and_effs_test_thesis.root
HistogramPersistencySvc INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
DeFTDetector INFO Current FT geometry version = 64
TrackResCheckerForward.Selector.... INFO MCParticle Momentum cut : 0 GeV/c < P < 1.79769e+305 GeV/c
TrackResCheckerForward.Selector.... INFO Beta * gamma cut : 0 < beta*gamma
TrackResCheckerForward.Selector.... INFO Eta cut : -1.79769e+308 < P < 1.79769e+308
TrackResCheckerBestLong.Selector... INFO MCParticle Momentum cut : 0 GeV/c < P < 1.79769e+305 GeV/c
TrackResCheckerBestLong.Selector... INFO Beta * gamma cut : 0 < beta*gamma
TrackResCheckerBestLong.Selector... INFO Eta cut : -1.79769e+308 < P < 1.79769e+308
TrackResCheckerBestForward.Selec... INFO MCParticle Momentum cut : 0 GeV/c < P < 1.79769e+305 GeV/c
TrackResCheckerBestForward.Selec... INFO Beta * gamma cut : 0 < beta*gamma
TrackResCheckerBestForward.Selec... INFO Eta cut : -1.79769e+308 < P < 1.79769e+308
TrackResCheckerSeed.Selector.Sel... INFO MCParticle Momentum cut : 0 GeV/c < P < 1.79769e+305 GeV/c
TrackResCheckerSeed.Selector.Sel... INFO Beta * gamma cut : 0 < beta*gamma
TrackResCheckerSeed.Selector.Sel... INFO Eta cut : -1.79769e+308 < P < 1.79769e+308
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Concurrency level information:
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO o Number of events slots: 1
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO o TBB thread pool size: 'ThreadPoolSize':1
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO ---> End of Initialization. This took 21251 ms
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Started successfully
EventPersistencySvc INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
EventSelector INFO Stream:EventSelector.DataStreamTool_1 Def:DATAFILE='/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi' SVC='Gaudi::RootEvtSelector' OPT='READ' IgnoreChecksum='YES'
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Will measure time between events 10 and 2147483647 (stop might be some events later)
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Starting loop on events
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 1. Record number within stream 1: 1
FTRawBankDecoder INFO Conditions DB is compatible with FT bank version 4, 5, 6.
FTRawBankDecoder INFO Building the readout map with version 0
TransportSvc INFO Initialize the static pointer to DetDesc::IGeometryErrorSvc
TransportSvc INFO Recovery of geometry errors is ENABLED
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Timing started at: 14:21:37
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO No more events in event selection
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO ---> Loop over 1000 Events Finished - WSS 1318.68, timed 990 Events: 274459 ms, Evts/s = 3.6071
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357.Lo... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# loaded from PYTHON" | 17 |
CloneKillerMatch_cd10262b INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "nTracksInput" | 1000 | 102375 | 102.38 |
| "nTracksSelected" | 1000 | 24186 | 24.186 |
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c.LoK... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# loaded from PYTHON" | 17 |
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Processed events" | 1000 |
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f.LoKi:... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# loaded from PYTHON" | 17 |
PrForwardTrackingVelo_9b95c79c INFO Number of counters : 10
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Accepted input tracks" | 1000 | 191500 | 191.50 |
| "Created long tracks" | 1000 | 102387 | 102.39 |
| "Input tracks" | 1000 | 200103 | 200.10 |
| "Number of candidate bins per track" | 191500 | 2663102 | 13.907 | 19.201 | 0.0000 | 160.00 |
| "Number of complete candidates/track 1st Loop" | 172456 | 114688 | 0.66503 | 0.71030 | 0.0000 | 6.0000 |
| "Number of complete candidates/track 2nd Loop" | 88273 | 8591 | 0.097323 | 0.31475 | 0.0000 | 5.0000 |
| "Number of x candidates per track 1st Loop" | 172456 | 451629 | 2.6188 | 3.1674 |
| "Number of x candidates per track 2nd Loop" | 88273 | 629410 | 7.1303 | 10.308 |
| "Percentage second loop execution" | 172456 | 88273 | 0.51186 |
| "Removed duplicates" | 1000 | 6322 | 6.3220 |
PrForwardTrackingVelo_9b95c79c.P... INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#UT hits added" | 91008 | 365755 | 4.0189 |
| "#tracks with hits added" | 91008 |
PrHybridSeeding_4d0337cc INFO Number of counters : 21
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Created T2x1 three-hit combinations in case 0" | 3315592 | 2117076 | 0.63852 | 0.64477 | 0.0000 | 7.0000 |
| "Created T2x1 three-hit combinations in case 1" | 4127099 | 2873789 | 0.69632 | 0.77797 | 0.0000 | 11.000 |
| "Created T2x1 three-hit combinations in case 2" | 6290147 | 5673243 | 0.90193 | 1.0837 | 0.0000 | 22.000 |
| "Created XZ tracks (part 0)" | 3000 | 345080 | 115.03 | 184.09 | 0.0000 | 2675.0 |
| "Created XZ tracks (part 1)" | 3000 | 364863 | 121.62 | 215.81 | 0.0000 | 3078.0 |
| "Created XZ tracks in case 0" | 2000 | 220865 | 110.43 | 135.44 | 1.0000 | 1369.0 |
| "Created XZ tracks in case 1" | 2000 | 248034 | 124.02 | 192.65 | 3.0000 | 2025.0 |
| "Created XZ tracks in case 2" | 2000 | 241044 | 120.52 | 255.28 | 0.0000 | 3078.0 |
| "Created full hit combinations in case 0" | 406146 | 406146 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 |
| "Created full hit combinations in case 1" | 306923 | 306923 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 |
| "Created full hit combinations in case 2" | 391421 | 391421 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 |
| "Created seed tracks" | 2000 | 161228 | 80.614 | 44.409 | 8.0000 | 428.00 |
| "Created seed tracks (part 0)" | 1000 | 90041 | 90.041 | 48.525 | 8.0000 | 420.00 |
| "Created seed tracks (part 1)" | 1000 | 90456 | 90.456 | 52.060 | 9.0000 | 472.00 |
| "Created seed tracks in case 0" | 2000 | 83967 | 41.983 | 23.304 | 1.0000 | 183.00 |
| "Created seed tracks in case 1" | 2000 | 151339 | 75.669 | 39.665 | 7.0000 | 348.00 |
| "Created seed tracks in case 2" | 2000 | 171819 | 85.909 | 48.570 | 8.0000 | 468.00 |
| "Created seed tracks in recovery step" | 1000 | 8678 | 8.6780 | 5.2917 | 0.0000 | 31.000 |
| "Created two-hit combinations in case 0" | 357455 |1.040026e+07 | 29.095 | 21.037 | 0.0000 | 150.00 |
| "Created two-hit combinations in case 1" | 310533 |1.188607e+07 | 38.276 | 25.047 | 0.0000 | 192.00 |
| "Created two-hit combinations in case 2" | 244896 |1.408348e+07 | 57.508 | 38.916 | 0.0000 | 263.00 |
PrKalmanFilterForward_897feb56 INFO Number of counters : 6
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Pre outlier chi2 cut" | 3622 |
| "chi2 cut" | 12936 |
| "nIterations" | 102387 | 238602 | 2.3304 |
| "nOutlierIterations" | 98765 | 72142 | 0.73044 |
| "nTracksInput" | 1000 | 102387 | 102.39 |
| "nTracksOutput" | 1000 | 85829 | 85.829 |
PrKalmanFilterMatch_3a755db2 INFO Number of counters : 6
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Pre outlier chi2 cut" | 2829 |
| "chi2 cut" | 13967 |
| "nIterations" | 24186 | 62206 | 2.5720 |
| "nOutlierIterations" | 21357 | 26241 | 1.2287 |
| "nTracksInput" | 1000 | 24186 | 24.186 |
| "nTracksOutput" | 1000 | 7390 | 7.3900 |
PrKalmanFilter_98e48b7e INFO Number of counters : 6
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Pre outlier chi2 cut" | 3622 |
| "chi2 cut" | 12936 |
| "nIterations" | 102387 | 238602 | 2.3304 |
| "nOutlierIterations" | 98765 | 72142 | 0.73044 |
| "nTracksInput" | 1000 | 102387 | 102.39 |
| "nTracksOutput" | 1000 | 85829 | 85.829 |
PrLHCbID2MCParticle_4591dde6 INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#removed null MCParticles" | 8603048 | 0 | 0.0000 |
PrMatchNN_41c22d41 INFO Number of counters : 3
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#MatchingChi2" | 1000 | 1954499 | 1954.5 |
| "#MatchingMLP" | 102375 | 85502.12 | 0.83519 |
| "#MatchingTracks" | 1000 | 102375 | 102.38 |
PrMatchNN_41c22d41.PrAddUTHitsTool INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#UT hits added" | 89888 | 361000 | 4.0161 |
| "#tracks with hits added" | 89888 |
PrStorePrUTHits_c5eaf5a1 INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#banks" | 1000 | 216000 | 216.00 |
PrStoreSciFiHits_fb0eba02 INFO Number of counters : 25
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Average X in T1U" | 364580 |-1.20102e+07 | -32.943 | 1129.1 | -2656.4 | 2656.3 |
| "Average X in T1V" | 369309 | -8567684 | -23.199 | 1121.1 | -2656.4 | 2656.3 |
| "Average X in T1X1" | 357455 |-1.596614e+07 | -44.666 | 1148.9 | -2646.2 | 2646.1 |
| "Average X in T1X2" | 373446 | -3133895 | -8.3918 | 1112.4 | -2646.2 | 2646.1 |
| "Average X in T2U" | 357020 | -8134112 | -22.783 | 1136.4 | -2656.4 | 2656.3 |
| "Average X in T2V" | 366616 | -6638561 | -18.108 | 1127.2 | -2656.4 | 2656.3 |
| "Average X in T2X1" | 341179 | -7748097 | -22.710 | 1138.2 | -2646.1 | 2646.2 |
| "Average X in T2X2" | 377887 | -4696699 | -12.429 | 1121.9 | -2646.2 | 2646.2 |
| "Average X in T3U" | 384544 | -5254749 | -13.665 | 1329.8 | -3188.4 | 3188.4 |
| "Average X in T3V" | 397399 | -7059972 | -17.765 | 1327.8 | -3188.4 | 3188.2 |
| "Average X in T3X1" | 369714 | -4256242 | -11.512 | 1330.8 | -3176.2 | 3176.2 |
| "Average X in T3X2" | 412566 | -8799143 | -21.328 | 1318.9 | -3176.2 | 3176.2 |
| "Hits in T1U" | 4000 | 364580 | 91.145 | 37.570 | 8.0000 | 264.00 |
| "Hits in T1V" | 4000 | 369309 | 92.327 | 38.033 | 8.0000 | 268.00 |
| "Hits in T1X1" | 4000 | 357455 | 89.364 | 37.159 | 7.0000 | 253.00 |
| "Hits in T1X2" | 4000 | 373446 | 93.362 | 38.485 | 9.0000 | 264.00 |
| "Hits in T2U" | 4000 | 357020 | 89.255 | 37.428 | 7.0000 | 269.00 |
| "Hits in T2V" | 4000 | 366616 | 91.654 | 37.632 | 8.0000 | 233.00 |
| "Hits in T2X1" | 4000 | 341179 | 85.295 | 35.511 | 6.0000 | 245.00 |
| "Hits in T2X2" | 4000 | 377887 | 94.472 | 38.927 | 8.0000 | 277.00 |
| "Hits in T3U" | 4000 | 384544 | 96.136 | 39.505 | 6.0000 | 277.00 |
| "Hits in T3V" | 4000 | 397399 | 99.350 | 40.816 | 7.0000 | 389.00 |
| "Hits in T3X1" | 4000 | 369714 | 92.428 | 37.976 | 10.000 | 263.00 |
| "Hits in T3X2" | 4000 | 412566 | 103.14 | 42.241 | 8.0000 | 296.00 |
| "Total number of hits" | 1000 | 4471715 | 4471.7 | 1677.7 | 599.00 | 10275. |
PrStoreUTHit_7a6d8dc6 INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#banks" | 1000 | 216000 | 216.00 |
PrTrackAssociator_2c3ce84d INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"Efficiency" | 92970 | 81709 |( 87.88749 +- 0.1070063)% |
| "MC particles per track" | 81709 | 95563 | 1.1696 |
PrTrackAssociator_42066100 INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"Efficiency" | 102387 | 81732 |( 79.82654 +- 0.1254127)% |
| "MC particles per track" | 81732 | 95878 | 1.1731 |
PrTrackAssociator_8c23390c INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"Efficiency" | 161228 | 147697 |( 91.60754 +- 0.06905420)% |
| "MC particles per track" | 147697 | 147698 | 1.0000 |
PrTrackAssociator_99c0cc76 INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"Efficiency" | 102375 | 80472 |( 78.60513 +- 0.1281691)% |
| "MC particles per track" | 80472 | 94391 | 1.1730 |
PrTrackAssociator_f74b0b6e INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"Efficiency" | 85829 | 77571 |( 90.37854 +- 0.1006552)% |
| "MC particles per track" | 77571 | 90293 | 1.1640 |
PrVPHitsToVPLightClusters_599554c8 INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Nb of Produced Clusters" | 1000 | 2642137 | 2642.1 |
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b.LoKi::... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# loaded from PYTHON" | 17 |
TBTCMatch_1959fd43 INFO Number of counters : 3
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"BadInput" | 7375 | 0 |( 0.000000 +- 0.000000)% |
|*"FitFailed" | 7375 | 0 |( 0.000000 +- 0.000000)% |
| "FittedBefore" | 7375 |
TBTC_Forward_8890084f INFO Number of counters : 3
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"BadInput" | 85595 | 0 |( 0.000000 +- 0.000000)% |
|*"FitFailed" | 85595 | 0 |( 0.000000 +- 0.000000)% |
| "FittedBefore" | 85595 |
Unpack__Event_MC_FT_Hits INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# UnPackedData" | 1000 | 4499156 | 4499.2 | 1909.8 | 414.00 | 11408. |
Unpack__Event_MC_UT_Hits INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# UnPackedData" | 1000 | 1582682 | 1582.7 | 659.39 | 227.00 | 3937.0 |
Unpack__Event_MC_VP_Hits INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# UnPackedData" | 1000 | 2872461 | 2872.5 | 1150.6 | 540.00 | 6622.0 |
VeloClusterTrackingSIMD_87c18651 INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Nb of Produced Clusters" | 1000 | 2642137 | 2642.1 |
| "Nb of Produced Tracks" | 1000 | 304992 | 304.99 |
fromPrForwardTracksV1Tracks_3c57... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Nb of converted Tracks" | 1000 | 102387 | 102.39 |
fromPrMatchTracksV1Tracks_af178645 INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Nb of converted Tracks" | 1000 | 102375 | 102.38 |
fromPrSeedingTracksV1Tracks_84cd... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Nb of converted Tracks" | 1000 | 161228 | 161.23 |
fromPrVeloTracksV1TracksMerger_f... INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Nb of converted Tracks" | 1000 | 304992 | 304.99 |
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO Results
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO **** BestLong 92970 tracks including 11261 ghosts [12.11 %], Event average 10.76 % ****
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 01_long : 71544 from 81249 [ 88.06 %] 178 clones [ 0.25 %], purity: 99.27 %, hitEff: 97.31 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 02_long_P>5GeV : 48598 from 52934 [ 91.81 %] 101 clones [ 0.21 %], purity: 99.39 %, hitEff: 97.84 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 03_long_strange : 3571 from 4397 [ 81.21 %] 9 clones [ 0.25 %], purity: 99.03 %, hitEff: 96.87 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 04_long_strange_P>5GeV : 1897 from 2170 [ 87.42 %] 3 clones [ 0.16 %], purity: 99.23 %, hitEff: 97.81 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 05_long_fromB : 3185 from 3521 [ 90.46 %] 11 clones [ 0.34 %], purity: 99.43 %, hitEff: 97.65 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 05_long_fromD : 1858 from 2078 [ 89.41 %] 9 clones [ 0.48 %], purity: 99.27 %, hitEff: 97.24 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 06_long_fromB_P>5GeV : 2465 from 2633 [ 93.62 %] 9 clones [ 0.36 %], purity: 99.54 %, hitEff: 98.00 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 06_long_fromD_P>5GeV : 1346 from 1453 [ 92.64 %] 7 clones [ 0.52 %], purity: 99.39 %, hitEff: 97.64 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 07_long_electrons : 4917 from 7671 [ 64.10 %] 10 clones [ 0.20 %], purity: 98.17 %, hitEff: 95.74 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 07_long_electrons_pairprod : 3425 from 5815 [ 58.90 %] 5 clones [ 0.15 %], purity: 97.83 %, hitEff: 95.16 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 08_long_fromB_electrons : 1386 from 1729 [ 80.16 %] 4 clones [ 0.29 %], purity: 98.87 %, hitEff: 97.17 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 09_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV : 1281 from 1539 [ 83.24 %] 4 clones [ 0.31 %], purity: 99.00 %, hitEff: 97.40 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 10_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 2168 from 2311 [ 93.81 %] 9 clones [ 0.41 %], purity: 99.62 %, hitEff: 98.09 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 10_long_fromB_electrons_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 1238 from 1461 [ 84.74 %] 4 clones [ 0.32 %], purity: 99.06 %, hitEff: 97.42 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 10_long_fromD_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 1080 from 1155 [ 93.51 %] 5 clones [ 0.46 %], purity: 99.55 %, hitEff: 97.91 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 10_long_strange_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 962 from 1092 [ 88.10 %] 3 clones [ 0.31 %], purity: 99.40 %, hitEff: 97.85 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO 11_UT_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 2165 from 2306 [ 93.89 %] 9 clones [ 0.41 %], purity: 99.61 %, hitEff: 98.10 %
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 INFO
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO Results
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO **** Forward 102387 tracks including 20655 ghosts [20.17 %], Event average 16.43 % ****
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 01_long : 70925 from 81249 [ 87.29 %] 237 clones [ 0.33 %], purity: 99.05 %, hitEff: 98.07 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 02_long_P>5GeV : 49127 from 52934 [ 92.81 %] 144 clones [ 0.29 %], purity: 99.22 %, hitEff: 98.48 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 03_long_strange : 3567 from 4397 [ 81.12 %] 13 clones [ 0.36 %], purity: 98.60 %, hitEff: 97.85 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 04_long_strange_P>5GeV : 1933 from 2170 [ 89.08 %] 5 clones [ 0.26 %], purity: 98.93 %, hitEff: 98.46 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 05_long_fromB : 3167 from 3521 [ 89.95 %] 14 clones [ 0.44 %], purity: 99.28 %, hitEff: 98.56 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 05_long_fromD : 1844 from 2078 [ 88.74 %] 9 clones [ 0.49 %], purity: 99.12 %, hitEff: 98.28 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 06_long_fromB_P>5GeV : 2481 from 2633 [ 94.23 %] 12 clones [ 0.48 %], purity: 99.46 %, hitEff: 98.82 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 06_long_fromD_P>5GeV : 1363 from 1453 [ 93.81 %] 8 clones [ 0.58 %], purity: 99.27 %, hitEff: 98.65 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 07_long_electrons : 5121 from 7671 [ 66.76 %] 58 clones [ 1.12 %], purity: 97.53 %, hitEff: 97.82 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 07_long_electrons_pairprod : 3596 from 5815 [ 61.84 %] 34 clones [ 0.94 %], purity: 97.09 %, hitEff: 97.58 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 08_long_fromB_electrons : 1416 from 1729 [ 81.90 %] 24 clones [ 1.67 %], purity: 98.55 %, hitEff: 98.48 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 09_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV : 1313 from 1539 [ 85.32 %] 22 clones [ 1.65 %], purity: 98.70 %, hitEff: 98.62 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 10_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 2180 from 2311 [ 94.33 %] 12 clones [ 0.55 %], purity: 99.57 %, hitEff: 98.82 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 10_long_fromB_electrons_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 1267 from 1461 [ 86.72 %] 22 clones [ 1.71 %], purity: 98.77 %, hitEff: 98.56 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 10_long_fromD_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 1087 from 1155 [ 94.11 %] 6 clones [ 0.55 %], purity: 99.49 %, hitEff: 98.70 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 10_long_strange_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 979 from 1092 [ 89.65 %] 5 clones [ 0.51 %], purity: 99.25 %, hitEff: 98.31 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO 11_UT_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 2177 from 2306 [ 94.41 %] 12 clones [ 0.55 %], purity: 99.57 %, hitEff: 98.82 %
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c INFO
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO Results
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO **** Match 102375 tracks including 21903 ghosts [21.39 %], Event average 18.66 % ****
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 01_long : 70163 from 81249 [ 86.36 %] 336 clones [ 0.48 %], purity: 99.24 %, hitEff: 98.26 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 02_long_P>5GeV : 48628 from 52934 [ 91.87 %] 210 clones [ 0.43 %], purity: 99.35 %, hitEff: 98.84 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 03_long_strange : 3497 from 4397 [ 79.53 %] 14 clones [ 0.40 %], purity: 98.86 %, hitEff: 97.89 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 04_long_strange_P>5GeV : 1916 from 2170 [ 88.29 %] 6 clones [ 0.31 %], purity: 99.10 %, hitEff: 98.91 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 05_long_fromB : 3154 from 3521 [ 89.58 %] 22 clones [ 0.69 %], purity: 99.41 %, hitEff: 98.61 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 05_long_fromD : 1826 from 2078 [ 87.87 %] 13 clones [ 0.71 %], purity: 99.25 %, hitEff: 98.37 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 06_long_fromB_P>5GeV : 2476 from 2633 [ 94.04 %] 17 clones [ 0.68 %], purity: 99.55 %, hitEff: 99.00 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 06_long_fromD_P>5GeV : 1351 from 1453 [ 92.98 %] 10 clones [ 0.73 %], purity: 99.36 %, hitEff: 98.92 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 07_long_electrons : 4728 from 7671 [ 61.63 %] 70 clones [ 1.46 %], purity: 97.88 %, hitEff: 98.17 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 07_long_electrons_pairprod : 3218 from 5815 [ 55.34 %] 43 clones [ 1.32 %], purity: 97.46 %, hitEff: 98.05 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 08_long_fromB_electrons : 1403 from 1729 [ 81.15 %] 25 clones [ 1.75 %], purity: 98.79 %, hitEff: 98.61 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 09_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV : 1305 from 1539 [ 84.80 %] 23 clones [ 1.73 %], purity: 98.92 %, hitEff: 98.79 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 10_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 2168 from 2311 [ 93.81 %] 16 clones [ 0.73 %], purity: 99.69 %, hitEff: 98.88 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 10_long_fromB_electrons_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 1267 from 1461 [ 86.72 %] 23 clones [ 1.78 %], purity: 98.98 %, hitEff: 98.71 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 10_long_fromD_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 1072 from 1155 [ 92.81 %] 7 clones [ 0.65 %], purity: 99.56 %, hitEff: 98.78 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 10_long_strange_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 962 from 1092 [ 88.10 %] 5 clones [ 0.52 %], purity: 99.44 %, hitEff: 98.57 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO 11_UT_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 2166 from 2306 [ 93.93 %] 16 clones [ 0.73 %], purity: 99.69 %, hitEff: 98.87 %
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f INFO
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO Results
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO **** Seed 161228 tracks including 13531 ghosts [ 8.39 %], Event average 4.56 % ****
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 01_hasT : 105262 from 126671 [ 83.10 %] 10 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.49 %, hitEff: 97.47 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 02_long : 75841 from 81249 [ 93.34 %] 5 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.64 %, hitEff: 98.10 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 03_long_P>5GeV : 51165 from 52934 [ 96.66 %] 4 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.62 %, hitEff: 98.77 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 04_long_fromB : 3350 from 3521 [ 95.14 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.71 %, hitEff: 98.50 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 05_long_fromB_P>5GeV : 2567 from 2633 [ 97.49 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.69 %, hitEff: 99.00 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 06_UT+T_strange : 8622 from 9368 [ 92.04 %] 1 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.66 %, hitEff: 97.70 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 07_UT+T_strange_P>5GeV : 4654 from 4812 [ 96.72 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.63 %, hitEff: 98.78 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 08_noVelo+UT+T_strange : 4617 from 5026 [ 91.86 %] 1 clones [ 0.02 %], purity: 99.64 %, hitEff: 97.77 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 09_noVelo+UT+T_strange_P>5GeV : 2586 from 2676 [ 96.64 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.62 %, hitEff: 98.76 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 10_UT+T_SfromDB : 531 from 568 [ 93.49 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.69 %, hitEff: 97.69 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 11_UT+T_SfromDB_P>5GeV : 311 from 316 [ 98.42 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.62 %, hitEff: 99.05 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 12_noVelo+UT+T_SfromDB_P>5GeV : 188 from 189 [ 99.47 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.64 %, hitEff: 99.17 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 13_hasT_electrons : 21273 from 39924 [ 53.28 %] 1 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.55 %, hitEff: 96.77 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 14_long_electrons : 6660 from 7671 [ 86.82 %] 1 clones [ 0.02 %], purity: 99.68 %, hitEff: 97.42 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 15_long_fromB_electrons : 1581 from 1729 [ 91.44 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.71 %, hitEff: 98.38 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 16_long_electrons_P>5GeV : 4155 from 4569 [ 90.94 %] 1 clones [ 0.02 %], purity: 99.64 %, hitEff: 98.34 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO 17_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV : 1430 from 1539 [ 92.92 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.72 %, hitEff: 98.64 %
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b INFO
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ************************************
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/x pull : mean = -0.001 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.277 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/y pull : mean = 0.005 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.278 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/tx pull : mean = 0.001 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.254 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/ty pull : mean = -0.004 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.252 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/p pull : mean = -0.045 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.327 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/probChi2 : mean = 0.348 +/- 0.001, RMS = 0.305 +/- 0.001
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/x resolution / mm: RMS = 74.628 +/- 0.354 micron
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/y resolution / mm: RMS = 74.942 +/- 0.356 micron
TrackResCheckerBestForward INFO ALL/dp/p: mean = 0.0004 +/- 0.0000, RMS = 0.0059 +/- 0.0000
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ************************************
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/x pull : mean = 0.000 +/- 0.004, RMS = 1.274 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/y pull : mean = 0.006 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.277 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/tx pull : mean = 0.001 +/- 0.004, RMS = 1.250 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/ty pull : mean = -0.005 +/- 0.004, RMS = 1.250 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/p pull : mean = -0.050 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.341 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/probChi2 : mean = 0.342 +/- 0.001, RMS = 0.304 +/- 0.001
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/x resolution / mm: RMS = 75.163 +/- 0.346 micron
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/y resolution / mm: RMS = 75.427 +/- 0.349 micron
TrackResCheckerBestLong INFO ALL/dp/p: mean = 0.0004 +/- 0.0000, RMS = 0.0060 +/- 0.0000
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ************************************
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/x pull : mean = -0.005 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.359 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/y pull : mean = 0.002 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.335 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/tx pull : mean = 0.008 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.452 +/- 0.005
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/ty pull : mean = 0.001 +/- 0.005, RMS = 1.406 +/- 0.005
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/p pull : mean = 0.120 +/- 0.002, RMS = 0.459 +/- 0.006
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/probChi2 : mean = 0.000 +/- 0.000, RMS = 0.000 +/- 0.000
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/x resolution / mm: RMS = 81.652 +/- 0.359 micron
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/y resolution / mm: RMS = 78.864 +/- 0.355 micron
TrackResCheckerForward INFO ALL/dp/p: mean = 0.0061 +/- 0.0000, RMS = 0.0090 +/- 0.0000
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ************************************
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/x pull : mean = -0.014 +/- 0.001, RMS = 0.484 +/- 0.003
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/y pull : mean = 0.001 +/- 0.001, RMS = 0.353 +/- 0.003
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/tx pull : mean = 0.014 +/- 0.001, RMS = 0.557 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/ty pull : mean = -0.002 +/- 0.001, RMS = 0.464 +/- 0.003
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/p pull : mean = 0.041 +/- 0.002, RMS = 0.937 +/- 0.004
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/probChi2 : mean = 0.000 +/- 0.000, RMS = 0.000 +/- 0.000
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/x resolution / mm: RMS = 221.695 +/- 1.592 micron
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/y resolution / mm: RMS = 229.200 +/- 1.456 micron
TrackResCheckerSeed INFO ALL/dp/p: mean = -0.0062 +/- 0.0000, RMS = 0.0154 +/- 0.0000
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Memory pool: used 4.97981 +/- 0.00217715 MiB (min: 4, max: 5) in 1 +/- 0 blocks (allocated >once in 0 +/- 0% events). Allocated capacity was 10 +/- 0 MiB (min: 10, max: 10) and 443.146 +/- 0.354447 (min: 407, max: 480) requests were served
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Timing table:
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO
| Name of Algorithm | Execution Count | Total Time / s | Avg. Time / us |
| Sum of all Algorithms | 1000 | 276.104 | 276103.512 |
| "TrackResCheckerSeed" | 1000 | 101.584 | 101584.269 |
| "Fetch__Event_pSim_MCVertices" | 1000 | 47.513 | 47513.267 |
| "TrackResCheckerForward" | 1000 | 23.230 | 23229.589 |
| "TrackResCheckerBestLong" | 1000 | 22.306 | 22306.433 |
| "TrackResCheckerBestForward" | 1000 | 21.129 | 21129.197 |
| "SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b" | 1000 | 7.590 | 7590.459 |
| "ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c" | 1000 | 7.338 | 7338.047 |
| "MatchTrackChecker_8319528f" | 1000 | 6.325 | 6324.709 |
| "BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357" | 1000 | 6.288 | 6288.450 |
| "PrKalmanFilterForward_897feb56" | 1000 | 5.915 | 5914.977 |
| "PrKalmanFilter_98e48b7e" | 1000 | 5.743 | 5742.748 |
| "PrForwardTrackingVelo_9b95c79c" | 1000 | 4.475 | 4475.459 |
| "MCParticle2MCHitAlg_b530dcde" | 1000 | 2.912 | 2912.245 |
| "PrHybridSeeding_4d0337cc" | 1000 | 2.882 | 2881.644 |
| "PrLHCbID2MCParticle_4591dde6" | 1000 | 1.430 | 1429.758 |
| "PrKalmanFilterMatch_3a755db2" | 1000 | 1.386 | 1386.255 |
| "Unpack__Event_MC_Vertices" | 1000 | 1.193 | 1193.194 |
| "MCParticle2MCHitAlg_b04be519" | 1000 | 1.108 | 1108.109 |
| "Unpack__Event_MC_Particles" | 1000 | 1.076 | 1075.939 |
| "MCParticle2MCHitAlg_4a41c125" | 1000 | 0.431 | 431.102 |
| "VeloClusterTrackingSIMD_87c18651" | 1000 | 0.400 | 399.792 |
| "PrStorePrUTHits_c5eaf5a1" | 1000 | 0.313 | 313.143 |
| "VPFullCluster2MCParticleLinker_17386552" | 1000 | 0.307 | 306.550 |
| "CloneKillerMatch_cd10262b" | 1000 | 0.277 | 277.301 |
| "VPClusFull_38754d8c" | 1000 | 0.275 | 275.243 |
| "TBTC_Forward_8890084f" | 1000 | 0.266 | 266.112 |
| "PrTrackAssociator_42066100" | 1000 | 0.231 | 231.047 |
| "PrMatchNN_41c22d41" | 1000 | 0.219 | 219.378 |
| "PrTrackAssociator_99c0cc76" | 1000 | 0.195 | 195.326 |
| "Unpack__Event_MC_FT_Hits" | 1000 | 0.191 | 191.042 |
| "PrTrackAssociator_2c3ce84d" | 1000 | 0.190 | 190.455 |
| "PrStoreUTHit_7a6d8dc6" | 1000 | 0.190 | 189.701 |
| "PrTrackAssociator_f74b0b6e" | 1000 | 0.164 | 164.237 |
| "PrTrackAssociator_8c23390c" | 1000 | 0.154 | 154.175 |
| "Unpack__Event_MC_VP_Hits" | 1000 | 0.125 | 125.090 |
| "PrVPHitsToVPLightClusters_599554c8" | 1000 | 0.112 | 112.087 |
| "fromPrMatchTracksV1Tracks_af178645" | 1000 | 0.105 | 104.516 |
| "fromPrVeloTracksV1TracksMerger_fa66a5de" | 1000 | 0.098 | 98.076 |
| "fromPrForwardTracksV1Tracks_3c57fef9" | 1000 | 0.071 | 70.642 |
| "PrStoreSciFiHits_fb0eba02" | 1000 | 0.069 | 69.482 |
| "Unpack__Event_MC_UT_Hits" | 1000 | 0.069 | 68.549 |
| "fromPrSeedingTracksV1Tracks_84cd46c2" | 1000 | 0.068 | 67.570 |
| "TrackContainersMerger_3427d321" | 1000 | 0.034 | 34.478 |
| "FTRawBankDecoder" | 1000 | 0.033 | 33.115 |
| "reserveIOV" | 1000 | 0.020 | 20.337 |
| "TBTCMatch_1959fd43" | 1000 | 0.019 | 18.924 |
| "UnpackRawEvent_VP" | 1000 | 0.011 | 10.637 |
| "UniqueIDGeneratorAlg_26e527e9" | 1000 | 0.006 | 5.508 |
| "Decode_ODIN" | 1000 | 0.004 | 4.221 |
| "Fetch__Event_pSim_MCParticles" | 1000 | 0.003 | 3.311 |
| "Fetch__Event_Link_Raw_VP_Digits" | 1000 | 0.003 | 2.992 |
| "Fetch__Event_DAQ_RawEvent" | 1000 | 0.003 | 2.663 |
| "DummyEventTime" | 1000 | 0.003 | 2.631 |
| "Fetch__Event_Link_Raw_UT_Clusters" | 1000 | 0.002 | 2.427 |
| "Fetch__Event_MC_Header" | 1000 | 0.002 | 2.423 |
| "UnpackRawEvent_UT" | 1000 | 0.002 | 2.258 |
| "Fetch__Event_pSim_UT_Hits" | 1000 | 0.002 | 1.974 |
| "UnpackRawEvent_ODIN" | 1000 | 0.002 | 1.922 |
| "UnpackRawEvent_FTCluster" | 1000 | 0.002 | 1.831 |
| "Fetch__Event_pSim_FT_Hits" | 1000 | 0.002 | 1.826 |
| "Fetch__Event_MC_TrackInfo" | 1000 | 0.002 | 1.749 |
| "Fetch__Event_Link_Raw_FT_LiteClusters" | 1000 | 0.002 | 1.573 |
| "Fetch__Event_pSim_VP_Hits" | 1000 | 0.001 | 1.348 |
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO StateTree: CFNode #executed #passed
LAZY_AND: run_tracking_debug_decision #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
NONLAZY_OR: run_tracking_debug_data #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
TrackResChecker/TrackResCheckerForward #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
TrackResChecker/TrackResCheckerBestLong #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
TrackResChecker/TrackResCheckerBestForward #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
TrackResChecker/TrackResCheckerSeed #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
PrTrackChecker/ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
PrTrackChecker/MatchTrackChecker_8319528f #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
PrTrackChecker/BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357 #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
PrTrackChecker/SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b #=1000 Sum=1000 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
TransportSvc SUCCESS GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Skip' map has the size 10
| Logical Volume | | # mean RMS min max |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftU | mm | 2 -1.6660143 1.0462736 -2.7122879 -0.619740 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftU | X0 | 2 -0.0042538548 0.0042061824 -0.0084600372 -4.7672365e- |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftX | mm | 4 -4.8283058 3.2248828 -8.6368336 -0.507079 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftX | X0 | 4 -0.015060218 0.010058898 -0.026939593 -0.00158165 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleRightX | mm | 2 -0.6505711 0.032909657 -0.68348076 -0.617661 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleRightX | X0 | 2 -0.0010896963 0.0010421838 -0.0021318801 -4.7512419e- |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Master | mm | 1399 -309.96922 171.57421 -447.39112 -1.53942 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Master | X0 | 1399 -3.8532841 2.1701999 -5.5886324 -5.3285271e- |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1SubMaster | mm | 655 -26.984335 16.310885 -87.637054 -0.00473145 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1SubMaster | X0 | 655 -0.031423911 0.043708632 -0.25419364 -1.8869109e- |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/lvVP | mm | 7 -0.016969118 0.011040278 -0.031721046 -0.00135707 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/lvVP | X0 | 7 -0.0011820332 0.00076904265 -0.0022096215 -9.453102e- |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/lvBeforeMagnetRegion | mm | 36 -463.02347 137.86187 -533.49617 -101.264 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/lvBeforeMagnetRegion | X0 | 36 -1.343012 0.39987208 -1.54742 -0.293721 |
| LHCb/lvLHCb | mm | 121 -238.07761 2.9063106 -257.90526 -235.101 |
| LHCb/lvLHCb | X0 | 121 -0.73198298 0.0089356152 -0.79294421 -0.722833 |
| agnetRegion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX85SupportsInMagnet | mm | 87 -8.5949497 1.8045514 -11.122245 -0.230460 |
| agnetRegion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX85SupportsInMagnet | X0 | 87 -0.034931653 0.024388411 -0.10825574 -0.00132975 |
| MagnetRegion/lvMagnetRegion | mm | 2 -2.9265085 0.020393466 -2.946902 -2.90611 |
| MagnetRegion/lvMagnetRegion | X0 | 2 -0.0089977149 6.2700856e-05 -0.0090604157 -0.0089350 |
TransportSvc SUCCESS GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Recover' map has the size 49
| Logical Volume | | # mean RMS min max |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftU | mm | 4 12.677502 7.1312934 2.9284865 19.8111 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftU | X0 | 4 0.038567859 0.021695024 0.0089091253 0.0602700 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftX | mm | 13 9.2255103 5.4259841 0.88626473 20.1374 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleLeftX | X0 | 13 0.02806611 0.016507083 0.0026962198 0.0612626 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleRightU | mm | 8 4.5944826 5.364365 2.5415391e-13 16.6676 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleRightU | X0 | 8 0.013977466 0.016319624 7.7319428e-16 0.0507067 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleRightX | mm | 17 7.5487323 5.2658331 0.059494292 19.7815 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/Modules/lvFTModuleHoleRightX | X0 | 17 0.022964969 0.016019868 0.00018099523 0.0601801 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/lvFT | mm | 2 9.023886 1.7032797 7.3206064 10.7271 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT/lvFT | X0 | 2 0.016981829 0.016442687 0.00053914286 0.0334245 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/lvT | mm | 2 9.023886 6.7642914 2.2595946 15.7881 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/T/lvT | X0 | 2 8.3206516e-05 8.3206516e-05 0 0.000166413 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/lvAfterMagnetRegion | mm | 2 9.023886 1.1297973 7.8940887 10.1536 |
| AfterMagnetRegion/lvAfterMagnetRegion | X0 | 2 0.0122985 0.0122985 0 0.0245 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Master | mm | 4979 234.42718 331.8039 0.013262574 959.334 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Master | X0 | 4979 2.8517248 4.1539274 0 11.9504 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Mirror1Master | mm | 428 2.9051412 1.8952118 0.038336124 8.22005 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Mirror1Master | X0 | 428 0.00019234302 0.00032480021 0 0.000913915 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1SubMaster | mm | 8415 31.197281 47.561401 0.0047314519 315.124 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1SubMaster | X0 | 8415 0.083098633 0.13458365 0 0.903120 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/UT/Staves/lvCableL | mm | 1 0.1644085 0 0.1644085 0.16440 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/UT/Staves/lvCableL | X0 | 1 0.00060297764 0 0.00060297764 0.000602977 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/UT/Staves/lvCableM | mm | 5 0.16820375 0.0020160356 0.1644085 0.170202 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/UT/Staves/lvCableM | X0 | 5 0.00061689695 7.3939266e-06 0.00060297764 0.000624226 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/UT/Staves/lvCableS | mm | 4 0.16915256 0.00076109605 0.16810389 0.170202 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/UT/Staves/lvCableS | X0 | 4 0.00062037677 2.7913636e-06 0.00061653071 0.000624226 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/PipeSections/lvVeloDownStreamPipe | mm | 11 2.8444002e-14 1.3537876e-17 2.8419136e-14 2.8461834e- |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/PipeSections/lvVeloDownStreamPipe | X0 | 11 3.2076796e-16 1.5266899e-19 3.2048755e-16 3.2096907e- |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFBox/lvRFBoxLeft | mm | 3 0.32586085 0.11780659 0.21892144 0.489967 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFBox/lvRFBoxLeft | X0 | 3 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFBox/lvRFBoxRight | mm | 2 0.15085881 0.12347991 0.027378903 0.274338 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFBox/lvRFBoxRight | X0 | 2 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilCompTnTUnit | mm | 159075 0.016502689 0.076851072 2.8360433e-12 5.01899 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilCompTnTUnit | X0 | 159075 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter10 | mm | 5 0.21122656 0.17081403 0.0056336125 0.463984 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter10 | X0 | 5 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter11 | mm | 9 0.1001495 0.086589553 0.0019266982 0.307267 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter11 | X0 | 9 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter12 | mm | 8 0.30293054 0.24253458 0.10200147 0.841065 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter12 | X0 | 8 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter13 | mm | 2 0.09214028 0.079916384 0.012223897 0.172056 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter13 | X0 | 2 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter14 | mm | 3 0.18906997 0.14638422 0.026554645 0.381386 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter14 | X0 | 3 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter15 | mm | 5 0.22660815 0.37999577 0.0085205339 0.983873 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter15 | X0 | 5 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter16 | mm | 7 0.15474718 0.14976951 0.0082417427 0.487042 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter16 | X0 | 7 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter17 | mm | 8 0.44648423 0.41667018 0.020624393 0.981426 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter17 | X0 | 8 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter18 | mm | 81 0.52639419 1.2088849 0.00039525605 8.09355 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter18 | X0 | 81 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter19 | mm | 115 0.98482921 4.6368153 0.0027035923 48.6950 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter19 | X0 | 115 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter20 | mm | 151 0.52905418 1.5025086 0.0017885947 17.4925 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter20 | X0 | 151 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter21 | mm | 138 0.63336007 1.6980752 0.0018317505 12.414 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter21 | X0 | 138 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter22 | mm | 35 0.48678426 1.0315306 0.011496849 6.18681 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter22 | X0 | 35 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter23 | mm | 29 1.7319459 4.4790288 0.007213252 21.3729 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter23 | X0 | 29 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter24 | mm | 36 1.5002235 3.4391463 0.015278869 13.5462 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter24 | X0 | 36 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter4 | mm | 27 0.22919749 0.29286153 0.0030701032 1.20379 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter4 | X0 | 27 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter5 | mm | 6 0.11932775 0.1059857 0.025989929 0.336303 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter5 | X0 | 6 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter6 | mm | 5 0.29805966 0.35953681 0.003643166 0.981476 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter6 | X0 | 5 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter7 | mm | 5 0.11501325 0.080140444 0.017205054 0.250057 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter7 | X0 | 5 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter8 | mm | 5 0.16902668 0.15216162 0.036100087 0.467289 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter8 | X0 | 5 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter9 | mm | 10 0.17565979 0.2088246 0.0083343605 0.71242 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/RFFoil/lvRFFoilInter9 | X0 | 10 0 0 0 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/Supports/lvSupport | mm | 149 0.18742223 0.074955013 0.0069416634 0.398177 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/Supports/lvSupport | X0 | 149 0.0003220446 0.00028385796 4.9704852e-05 0.00285109 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/lvVP | mm | 220 0.47866637 4.1477057 3.2693405e-05 57.2945 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/VP/lvVP | X0 | 220 0.0060574599 0.0040874628 0 0.0150783 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/lvBeforeMagnetRegion | mm | 113117 3.318238 23.424179 0.052581414 479.667 |
| BeforeMagnetRegion/lvBeforeMagnetRegion | X0 | 113117 0.01362004 0.18790612 0 5.99023 |
| LHCb/lvLHCb | mm | 244 236.60205 232.90547 2.4301568 498.966 |
| LHCb/lvLHCb | X0 | 244 0.72590203 0.71607904 0 1.53246 |
| MagnetRegion/PipeInMagnet/lvUX85InMagnet | mm | 3 8.8879666e-15 5.6216888e-18 8.8815131e-15 8.8952144e- |
| MagnetRegion/PipeInMagnet/lvUX85InMagnet | X0 | 3 0 0 0 |
| egion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852CollarForkAttachProng | mm | 91 0.19213898 0.53435776 0.016061744 5.25624 |
| egion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852CollarForkAttachProng | X0 | 91 0 0 0 |
| MagnetRegion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852FixCollar | mm | 1 6.8456761e-14 5.5095025e-22 6.8456761e-14 6.8456761e- |
| MagnetRegion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852FixCollar | X0 | 1 0 0 0 |
| Region/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852FutureFibreCableHead | mm | 2 2.6553484 2.4634054 0.19194298 5.11875 |
| Region/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852FutureFibreCableHead | X0 | 2 0.00012879365 0.00012879365 0 0.00025758 |
| eSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852FutureFibreCableHeadWithoutPin | mm | 3 0.094374603 0.010302706 0.084509056 0.108592 |
| eSupportsInMagnet/lvUX852FutureFibreCableHeadWithoutPin | X0 | 3 0.00012665063 1.3826222e-05 0.00011341108 0.000145731 |
| agnetRegion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX85SupportsInMagnet | mm | 4986 6.53814 9.7770059 7.3984438e-05 35.8498 |
| agnetRegion/PipeSupportsInMagnet/lvUX85SupportsInMagnet | X0 | 4986 0.0018883424 0.014976954 0 0.311275 |
| MagnetRegion/lvMagnetRegion | mm | 5368 0.2380221 0.95623191 0.012437276 9.65246 |
| MagnetRegion/lvMagnetRegion | X0 | 5368 4.6527607e-05 0.00022086856 0 0.0023077 |
TransportSvc SUCCESS GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Codes' map has the size 0
TransportSvc INFO Reset the static pointer to DetDesc::IGeometyrErrorSvc
ToolSvc INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
TrackResCheckerSeed.ALL SUCCESS Booked 23 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=4
TrackResCheckerBestForward.ALL SUCCESS Booked 23 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=4
TrackResCheckerBestLong.ALL SUCCESS Booked 23 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=4
TrackResCheckerForward.ALL SUCCESS Booked 23 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=4
SeedTrackChecker_e067be5b.PrChec... SUCCESS Booked 857 Histogram(s) : 1D=648 2D=209
BestLongTrackChecker_3a419357.Pr... SUCCESS Booked 857 Histogram(s) : 1D=648 2D=209
MatchTrackChecker_8319528f.PrChe... SUCCESS Booked 857 Histogram(s) : 1D=648 2D=209
ForwardTrackChecker_22e49d0c.PrC... SUCCESS Booked 857 Histogram(s) : 1D=648 2D=209
RootCnvSvc INFO Disconnected data IO:38264BD6-5B59-11EC-B4D7-0800383D3666 [/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi]
ChronoStatSvc.finalize() INFO Service finalized successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ if args.matching_weights and args.residuals:
tree_name="PrMatchNN_3e224c41.PrMCDebugMatchToolNN/MVAInputAndOutput", # e6feac0d, B: 3e224c41, B res: 1e13cc7e, D: 8cb154ca
tree_name="PrMatchNN_b60a058d.PrMCDebugMatchToolNN/MVAInputAndOutput", # e6feac0d, B: 3e224c41, B res: 1e13cc7e, D: 8cb154ca
@ -169,19 +169,29 @@ if args.matching_weights and args.residuals:
file_name = "seed"
input_files = {}
input_files["seed"] = "data/ghost_data_B_default_only_e_as_seed.root"
input_files["def"] = "data/ghost_data_B_default_thesis.root"
tree_names = {}
tree_names["seed"] = "PrMatchNN_b60a058d.PrMCDebugMatchToolNN/MVAInputAndOutput"
tree_names["def"] = "PrMatchNN.PrMCDebugMatchToolNN/MVAInputAndOutput"
if args.matching_weights and not args.residuals:
if args.matching_weights and not args.residuals:
tree_name="PrMatchNN_3e224c41.PrMCDebugMatchToolNN/MVAInputAndOutput", # e6feac0d, B: 3e224c41, B res: 1e13cc7e, D: 8cb154ca
tree_name=tree_names[file_name], # B: 3e224c41
# this ensures that the directory is correct
# this ensures that the directory is correct
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
# flake8: noqa
This set of options is used for reconstruction development purposes,
and assumes that the input contains MCHits (i.e. is of `Exended`
DST/digi type).
author: Furkan Cetin
date: 10/2023
Moore/run gaudirun.py /work/cetin/LHCb/reco_tuner/moore_options/get_resolution_and_eff_data.py
from Moore import options, run_reconstruction
from Moore.config import Reconstruction
from PyConf.Algorithms import PrKalmanFilter
from PyConf.Tools import TrackMasterExtrapolator
import glob
from RecoConf.mc_checking import (
from RecoConf.core_algorithms import make_unique_id_generator
from RecoConf.hlt2_tracking import make_hlt2_tracks
from RecoConf.hlt1_tracking import (
decay = "test"
options.evt_max = -1
options.ntuple_file = f"data/resolutions_and_effs_{decay}_thesis.root"
options.input_type = "ROOT"
if decay == "B":
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/*.xdigi")
elif decay == "BJpsi":
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Bd_JpsiKst_ee/*.xdigi")
elif decay == "D":
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Dst_D0ee/*.xdigi")
elif decay == "test2":
options.input_files = [
elif decay == "test":
options.input_files = ["/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi"]
options.dddb_tag = "dddb-20210617"
options.conddb_tag = "sim-20210617-vc-md100"
options.simulation = True
options.output_level = 3
def run_tracking_resolution():
tracks = make_hlt2_tracks(light_reco=True, fast_reco=False, use_pr_kf=True)
fitted_forward_tracks = PrKalmanFilter(
links_to_lhcbids = make_links_lhcbids_mcparticles_tracking_system()
links_to_forward = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
links_to_match = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
links_to_best = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
links_to_seed = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
res_checker_forward = check_track_resolution(tracks["Forward"], suffix="Forward")
res_checker_best_long = check_track_resolution(
res_checker_best_forward = check_track_resolution(
res_checker_seed = check_track_resolution(
eff_checker_forward = check_tracking_efficiency(
eff_checker_match = check_tracking_efficiency(
eff_checker_best_long = check_tracking_efficiency(
eff_checker_seed = check_tracking_efficiency(
data = [
return Reconstruction("run_tracking_debug", data)
run_reconstruction(options, run_tracking_resolution)
@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ elif decay == "BJpsi":
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Bd_JpsiKst_ee/*.xdigi")
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Bd_JpsiKst_ee/*.xdigi")
elif decay == "D":
elif decay == "D":
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Dst_D0ee/*.xdigi")
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Dst_D0ee/*.xdigi")
elif decay == "test2":
options.input_files = [
elif decay == "test":
elif decay == "test":
options.input_files = ["/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi"]
options.input_files = ["/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi"]
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ import glob
options.evt_max = -1
options.evt_max = -1
decay = "BJpsi" # D, B
decay = "B" # D, B
options.ntuple_file = f"data/ghost_data_{decay}_default_phi_eta.root"
options.ntuple_file = f"data/ghost_data_{decay}_default_thesis.root"
options.input_type = "ROOT"
options.input_type = "ROOT"
if decay == "B":
if decay == "B":
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ from PyConf.application import make_data_with_FetchDataFromFile
import glob
import glob
decay = "test"
decay = "B"
options.evt_max = -1
options.evt_max = -1
options.ntuple_file = f"data/param_data_{decay}_default.root"
options.ntuple_file = f"data/param_data_{decay}_default_thesis.root"
if decay == "B":
if decay == "B":
@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ elif decay == "BJpsi":
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Bd_JpsiKst_ee/*.xdigi")
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Bd_JpsiKst_ee/*.xdigi")
elif decay == "D":
elif decay == "D":
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Dst_D0ee/*.xdigi")
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Dst_D0ee/*.xdigi")
elif decay == "test2":
options.input_files = [
elif decay == "test":
elif decay == "test":
options.input_files = ["/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi"]
options.input_files = ["/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi"]
@ -1,6 +1,34 @@
# flake8: noqa
# flake8: noqa
from Moore import options, run_reconstruction
from Moore.config import Reconstruction
from PyConf.Algorithms import PrKalmanFilter, PrMatchNN, fromPrMatchTracksV1Tracks
from PyConf.Tools import TrackMasterExtrapolator, PrMCDebugMatchToolNN
from PyConf.application import make_data_with_FetchDataFromFile
from RecoConf.data_from_file import mc_unpackers
import glob
from RecoConf.mc_checking import (
from RecoConf.core_algorithms import make_unique_id_generator
from RecoConf.hlt2_tracking import make_hlt2_tracks, get_global_ut_hits_tool
from RecoConf.hlt1_tracking import (
This set of options is used for reconstruction development purposes,
This set of options is used for reconstruction development purposes,
and assumes that the input contains MCHits (i.e. is of `Exended`
and assumes that the input contains MCHits (i.e. is of `Exended`
@ -12,35 +40,12 @@ date: 10/2023
Moore/run gaudirun.py /work/cetin/LHCb/reco_tuner/moore_options/get_resolution_and_eff_data.py
Moore/run gaudirun.py /work/cetin/LHCb/reco_tuner/moore_options/get_resolution_and_eff_data.py
from Moore import options, run_reconstruction
from Moore.config import Reconstruction
decay = "test"
from PyConf.Algorithms import PrKalmanFilter
from PyConf.Tools import TrackMasterExtrapolator
import glob
from RecoConf.mc_checking import (
from RecoConf.core_algorithms import make_unique_id_generator
from RecoConf.hlt2_tracking import make_hlt2_tracks
from RecoConf.hlt1_tracking import (
decay = "B"
options.evt_max = -1
options.evt_max = -1
options.ntuple_file = f"data/resolutions_and_effs_{decay}_endVelo_endUT.root"
options.ntuple_file = f"data/resolutions_and_effs_{decay}_only_electrons_as_seed.root"
options.input_type = "ROOT"
options.input_type = "ROOT"
@ -50,6 +55,10 @@ elif decay == "BJpsi":
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Bd_JpsiKst_ee/*.xdigi")
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Bd_JpsiKst_ee/*.xdigi")
elif decay == "D":
elif decay == "D":
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Dst_D0ee/*.xdigi")
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Dst_D0ee/*.xdigi")
elif decay == "test2":
options.input_files = [
elif decay == "test":
elif decay == "test":
options.input_files = ["/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi"]
options.input_files = ["/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi"]
@ -61,6 +70,7 @@ options.output_level = 3
def run_tracking_resolution():
def run_tracking_resolution():
tracks = make_hlt2_tracks(light_reco=True, fast_reco=False, use_pr_kf=True)
tracks = make_hlt2_tracks(light_reco=True, fast_reco=False, use_pr_kf=True)
fitted_forward_tracks = PrKalmanFilter(
fitted_forward_tracks = PrKalmanFilter(
@ -75,24 +85,60 @@ def run_tracking_resolution():
links_to_lhcbids = make_links_lhcbids_mcparticles_tracking_system()
links_to_lhcbids = make_links_lhcbids_mcparticles_tracking_system()
links_to_forward = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
links_to_match = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
links_to_best = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
links_to_best = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
links_to_forward = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
links_to_velo = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
links_to_seed = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
links_to_seed = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
res_checker_forward = check_track_resolution(tracks["Forward"], suffix="Forward")
match_debug = PrMatchNN(
"/Event/MC/TrackInfo", "LHCb::MCProperty"
match_tracks = {}
match_tracks["Pr"] = match_debug
match_tracks["v1"] = fromPrMatchTracksV1Tracks(
links_to_match = make_links_tracks_mcparticles(
res_checker_forward = check_track_resolution(
res_checker_best_long = check_track_resolution(
res_checker_best_long = check_track_resolution(
@ -116,7 +162,7 @@ def run_tracking_resolution():
eff_checker_match = check_tracking_efficiency(
eff_checker_match = check_tracking_efficiency(
@ -49,18 +49,19 @@ elif decay == "BJpsi":
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Bd_JpsiKst_ee/*.xdigi")
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Bd_JpsiKst_ee/*.xdigi")
elif decay == "D":
elif decay == "D":
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Dst_D0ee/*.xdigi")
options.input_files = glob.glob("/auto/data/guenther/Dst_D0ee/*.xdigi")
elif decay == "test2":
options.input_files = [
elif decay == "test":
elif decay == "test":
options.input_files = ["/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi"]
options.input_files = ["/auto/data/guenther/Bd_Kstee/00151673_00000002_1.xdigi"]
options.conddb_tag = "sim-20210617-vc-md100"
options.conddb_tag = "sim-20210617-vc-md100"
options.dddb_tag = "dddb-20210617"
options.dddb_tag = "dddb-20210617"
options.simulation = True
options.simulation = True
options.input_type = "ROOT"
options.input_type = "ROOT"
options.ntuple_file = (
options.ntuple_file = f"data/tracking_losses_ntuple_{decay}_thesis.root"
def run_tracking_losses():
def run_tracking_losses():
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ def run_tracking_losses():
"LHCb::MCProperty", # force_type="LHCb::MCProperty" for lb-stack only
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def train_matching_ghost_mlp(
tree_name: str = "PrMatchNN.PrMCDebugMatchToolNN/MVAInputAndOutput",
tree_name: str = "PrMatchNN.PrMCDebugMatchToolNN/MVAInputAndOutput",
exclude_electrons: bool = False,
exclude_electrons: bool = False,
only_electrons: bool = True,
only_electrons: bool = True,
n_train_signal: int = 20e3, # 50e3
n_train_signal: int = 50e3, # 50e3
n_train_bkg: int = 50e3, # 500e3
n_train_bkg: int = 50e3, # 500e3
n_test_signal: int = 10e3,
n_test_signal: int = 10e3,
n_test_bkg: int = 20e3,
n_test_bkg: int = 20e3,
@ -36,26 +36,26 @@ def train_matching_ghost_mlp(
rdf = ROOT.RDataFrame(tree_name, input_file)
rdf = ROOT.RDataFrame(tree_name, input_file)
if exclude_electrons:
if exclude_electrons:
rdf_signal = rdf.Filter(
rdf_signal = rdf.Filter(
"mc_quality == 1", # -1 elec, 0 ghost, 1 all part wo elec
"quality == 1", # -1 elec, 0 ghost, 1 all part wo elec
"Signal is defined as one label (excluding electrons)",
"Signal is defined as one label (excluding electrons)",
rdf_bkg = rdf.Filter(
rdf_bkg = rdf.Filter(
"mc_quality == 0",
"quality == 0",
"Ghosts are defined as zero label",
"Ghosts are defined as zero label",
if only_electrons:
if only_electrons:
rdf_signal = rdf.Filter(
rdf_signal = rdf.Filter(
"mc_quality == -1", # electron that is true match but mlp said no match
"quality == -1", # electron that is true match
"Signal is defined as negative one label (only electrons)",
"Signal is defined as negative one label (only electrons)",
rdf_signal = rdf.Filter(
rdf_signal = rdf.Filter(
"abs(mc_quality) > 0",
"abs(quality) > 0",
"Signal is defined as non-zero label",
"Signal is defined as non-zero label",
rdf_bkg = rdf.Filter(
rdf_bkg = rdf.Filter(
"mc_quality == 0",
"quality == 0",
"Ghosts are defined as zero label",
"Ghosts are defined as zero label",
@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ def train_matching_ghost_mlp(
dataloader = TMVA.DataLoader("MatchNNDataSet")
dataloader = TMVA.DataLoader("MatchNNDataSet")
dataloader.AddVariable("mc_chi2", "F")
dataloader.AddVariable("chi2", "F")
dataloader.AddVariable("mc_teta2", "F")
dataloader.AddVariable("teta2", "F")
dataloader.AddVariable("mc_distX", "F")
dataloader.AddVariable("distX", "F")
dataloader.AddVariable("mc_distY", "F")
dataloader.AddVariable("distY", "F")
dataloader.AddVariable("mc_dSlope", "F")
dataloader.AddVariable("dSlope", "F")
dataloader.AddVariable("mc_dSlopeY", "F")
dataloader.AddVariable("dSlopeY", "F")
dataloader.AddVariable("mc_zMag", "F")
# dataloader.AddVariable("zMag", "F")
dataloader.AddSignalTree(signal_tree, 1.0)
dataloader.AddSignalTree(signal_tree, 1.0)
dataloader.AddBackgroundTree(bkg_tree, 1.0)
dataloader.AddBackgroundTree(bkg_tree, 1.0)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
# flake8: noqa
Takes data from Recent_get_resolution_and_eff_data.py and calculates efficiencies
python scripts/MyPrCheckerEfficiency.py --filename data/resolutions_and_effs_B_normal_weights.root data/resolutions_and_effs_B_electron_weights.root
--outfile data_results/PrCheckerNormalElectron.root --label normal electron --trackers Match BestLong
python scripts/MyPrCheckerEfficiency.py --filename data/resolutions_and_effs_D_electron_weights.root --outfile data_results/PrCheckerDElectron.root
import argparse
from ROOT import TMultiGraph, TLatex, TCanvas, TFile, TGaxis
from ROOT import (
from ROOT import gROOT, gStyle, gPad
from ROOT import TEfficiency
from array import array
from utils.components import unique_name_ext_re, findRootObjByName
def getEfficiencyHistoNames():
return ["p", "pt", "phi", "eta", "nPV"]
def getTrackers(trackers):
return trackers
# data/resolutions_and_effs_Bd2KstEE_MDmaster.root:Track/...
def getOriginFolders():
basedict = {
"Velo": {},
"Upstream": {},
"Forward": {},
"Match": {},
"BestLong": {},
"Seed": {},
"MergedMatch": {},
"DefaultMatch": {},
# evtl anpassen wenn die folders anders heissen
basedict["Velo"]["folder"] = "VeloTrackChecker/"
basedict["Upstream"]["folder"] = "UpstreamTrackChecker/"
basedict["Forward"]["folder"] = "ForwardTrackChecker" + unique_name_ext_re() + "/"
basedict["Match"]["folder"] = "MatchTrackChecker" + unique_name_ext_re() + "/"
basedict["BestLong"]["folder"] = "BestLongTrackChecker" + unique_name_ext_re() + "/"
basedict["Seed"]["folder"] = "SeedTrackChecker" + unique_name_ext_re() + "/"
basedict["MergedMatch"]["folder"] = (
"MergedMatchTrackChecker" + unique_name_ext_re() + "/"
basedict["DefaultMatch"]["folder"] = (
"DefaultMatchTrackChecker" + unique_name_ext_re() + "/"
# basedict["Forward"]["folder"] = "ForwardTrackChecker_7a0dbfa7/"
# basedict["Match"]["folder"] = "MatchTrackChecker_29e3152a/"
# basedict["BestLong"]["folder"] = "BestLongTrackChecker_4ddacce1/"
# basedict["Seed"]["folder"] = "SeedTrackChecker_1b1d5575/"
return basedict
def getTrackNames():
basedict = {
"Velo": {},
"Upstream": {},
"Forward": {},
"Match": {},
"BestLong": {},
"Seed": {},
"MergedMatch": {},
"DefaultMatch": {},
basedict["Velo"] = "Velo"
basedict["Upstream"] = "VeloUT"
basedict["Forward"] = "Forward"
basedict["Match"] = "Match"
basedict["BestLong"] = "BestLong"
basedict["Seed"] = "Seed"
basedict["MergedMatch"] = "MergedMatch"
basedict["DefaultMatch"] = "DefaultMatch"
return basedict
def get_colors():
# [kBlack, kGreen + 3, kAzure, kMagenta + 2, kOrange, kCyan + 2]
return [kBlack, kAzure, kGreen + 3, kMagenta + 2, kOrange, kCyan + 2]
def get_elec_colors():
# [kBlack, kGreen + 3, kAzure, kMagenta + 2, kOrange, kCyan + 2]
return [kBlue - 7, kGray + 2, kGreen + 1, kViolet, kOrange - 3, kTeal - 1]
def get_markers():
# [20, 24, 21, 22, 23, 25]
return [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32]
def get_elec_markers():
# [20, 24, 21, 22, 23, 25]
return [24, 25, 26, 32, 22, 23, 26, 32]
def get_fillstyles():
return [1003, 3001, 3002, 3325, 3144, 3244, 3444]
def getGhostHistoNames():
basedict = {
"Velo": {},
"Upstream": {},
"Forward": {},
"Match": {},
"MergedMatch": {},
"DefaultMatch": {},
"BestLong": {},
"Seed": {},
basedict["Velo"] = ["eta", "nPV"]
basedict["Upstream"] = ["eta", "p", "pt", "nPV"]
basedict["Forward"] = ["eta", "p", "pt", "nPV"]
basedict["Match"] = ["eta", "p", "pt", "nPV"]
basedict["MergedMatch"] = basedict["Match"]
basedict["DefaultMatch"] = basedict["Match"]
basedict["BestLong"] = ["eta", "p", "pt", "nPV"]
basedict["Seed"] = ["eta", "p", "pt", "nPV"]
return basedict
def argument_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="location of the tuple file")
help="input files, including path",
help="output file",
default=["Forward", "Match", "BestLong", "Seed"], # DefaultMatch
help="Trackers to plot.",
help="label for files",
help="save plots in pdf format",
help="plot electrons",
help="plot only electrons",
help="plot using momentum at EndVelo",
help="plot using only momentum at EndVelo",
return parser
def get_files(tf, filename, label):
for i, f in enumerate(filename):
tf[label[i]] = TFile(f, "read")
return tf
def get_nicer_var_string(var: str):
nice_vars = dict(pt="p_{T}", eta="#eta", phi="#phi")
return nice_vars[var]
except KeyError:
return var
def get_eff(eff, hist, tf, histoName, label, var):
eff = {}
hist = {}
var = get_nicer_var_string(var)
for i, lab in enumerate(label):
numeratorName = histoName + "_reconstructed"
numerator = findRootObjByName(tf[lab], numeratorName)
denominatorName = histoName + "_reconstructible"
denominator = findRootObjByName(tf[lab], denominatorName)
if numerator.GetEntries() == 0 or denominator.GetEntries() == 0:
teff = TEfficiency(numerator, denominator)
eff[lab] = teff.CreateGraph()
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " not e^{-}")
if histoName.find("Forward") != -1:
if histoName.find("electron") != -1:
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " Forward, e^{-}")
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " Forward, not e^{-}")
if histoName.find("Merged") != -1:
if histoName.find("electron") != -1:
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " MergedMatch, e^{-}")
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " MergedMatch, not e^{-}")
if histoName.find("DefaultMatch") != -1:
if histoName.find("electron") != -1:
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " DefaultMatch, e^{-}")
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " DefaultMatch, not e^{-}")
if histoName.find("Match") != -1:
if histoName.find("electron") != -1:
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " Match, e^{-}")
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " Match, not e^{-}")
if histoName.find("Seed") != -1:
if histoName.find("electron") != -1:
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " Seed, e^{-}")
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " Seed, not e^{-}")
if histoName.find("BestLong") != -1:
if histoName.find("electron") != -1:
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " BestLong, e^{-}")
eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " BestLong, not e^{-}")
if histoName.find("EndVelo") != -1:
eff[lab].SetTitle(eff[lab].GetTitle() + " EndVelo")
# if histoName.find("EndUT") != -1:
# eff[lab].SetTitle(eff[lab].GetTitle() + " EndUT")
hist[lab] = denominator.Clone()
hist[lab].SetTitle(var + " distribution, not e^{-}")
if histoName.find("strange") != -1:
hist[lab].SetTitle(var + " distribution, stranges")
if histoName.find("electron") != -1:
hist[lab].SetTitle(var + " distribution, e^{-}")
if histoName.find("EndVelo") != -1:
hist[lab].SetTitle(hist[lab].GetTitle() + ", EndVelo")
# if histoName.find("EndUT") != -1:
# hist[lab].SetTitle(hist[lab].GetTitle() + ", EndUT")
return eff, hist
def get_ghost(eff, hist, tf, histoName, label):
ghost = {}
for i, lab in enumerate(label):
numeratorName = histoName + "_Ghosts"
denominatorName = histoName + "_Total"
numerator = findRootObjByName(tf[lab], numeratorName)
denominator = findRootObjByName(tf[lab], denominatorName)
print("Numerator = " + numeratorName.replace(unique_name_ext_re(), ""))
print("Denominator = " + denominatorName.replace(unique_name_ext_re(), ""))
teff = TEfficiency(numerator, denominator)
ghost[lab] = teff.CreateGraph()
return ghost
def PrCheckerEfficiency(
from utils.LHCbStyle import setLHCbStyle, set_style
from utils.ConfigHistos import (
from utils.Legend import place_legend
# from utils.components import unique_name_ext_re, findRootObjByName
markers = get_markers()
elec_markers = get_elec_markers()
colors = get_colors()
elec_colors = get_elec_colors()
styles = get_fillstyles()
tf = {}
tf = get_files(tf, filename, label)
outputfile = TFile(outfile, "recreate")
latex = TLatex()
efficiencyHistoDict = efficiencyHistoDict()
efficiencyHistos = getEfficiencyHistoNames()
ghostHistos = getGhostHistoNames()
ghostHistoDict = ghostHistoDict()
categories = categoriesDict()
cuts = getCuts()
trackers = getTrackers(trackers)
folders = getOriginFolders()
# names = getTrackNames()
for tracker in trackers:
trackerDir = outputfile.mkdir(tracker)
for cut in cuts[tracker]:
cutDir = trackerDir.mkdir(cut)
folder = folders[tracker]["folder"]
print("folder: " + folder.replace(unique_name_ext_re(), ""))
histoBaseName = "Track/" + folder + tracker + "/" + cut + "_"
# calculate efficiency
for histo in efficiencyHistos:
canvastitle = (
"efficiency_" + histo + ", " + categories[tracker][cut]["title"]
# get efficiency for not electrons category
histoName = histoBaseName + "" + efficiencyHistoDict[histo]["variable"]
print("not electrons: " + histoName.replace(unique_name_ext_re(), ""))
eff = {}
hist_den = {}
eff, hist_den = get_eff(eff, hist_den, tf, histoName, label, histo)
if categories[tracker][cut]["plotElectrons"] and plot_electrons:
histoNameElec = (
+ folder
+ tracker
+ "/"
+ categories[tracker][cut]["Electrons"]
histoName_e = (
histoNameElec + "_" + efficiencyHistoDict[histo]["variable"]
print("electrons: " + histoName_e.replace(unique_name_ext_re(), ""))
eff_elec = {}
hist_elec = {}
eff_elec, hist_elec = get_eff(
if (
and plot_velo
and (histo == "p" or histo == "pt")
histoNameEndVelo = (
+ folder
+ tracker
+ "/"
+ categories[tracker][cut]["EndVelo"]
histoName_v = (
+ "_"
+ efficiencyHistoDict[histo]["variable"]
"EndVelo: " + histoName_v.replace(unique_name_ext_re(), "")
eff_velo = {}
hist_velo = {}
eff_velo, hist_velo = get_eff(
name = "efficiency_" + histo
canvas = TCanvas(name, canvastitle)
mg = TMultiGraph()
for i, lab in enumerate(label):
if not plot_electrons_only: # and not plot_velo_only:
set_style(eff[lab], colors[i], markers[i], styles[i])
if categories[tracker][cut]["plotElectrons"] and plot_electrons:
if (not plot_velo_only) or (
histo == "phi" or histo == "eta" or histo == "nPV"
if (
and plot_velo
and (histo == "p" or histo == "pt")
elec_colors[i], # elec_colors[i + 1],
mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.05)
xtitle = efficiencyHistoDict[histo]["xTitle"]
unit_l = xtitle.split("[")
if "]" in unit_l[-1]:
unit = unit_l[-1].replace("]", "")
unit = "a.u."
"Efficiency of Long Tracks",
) # (" + str(round(hist_den[label[0]].GetBinWidth(1), 2)) + f"{unit})"+"^{-1}")
mg.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(10, 5, 0)
mygray = kGray
myblue = kBlue - 10
mypurple = kMagenta - 10
for i, lab in enumerate(label):
rightmax = 1.05 * hist_den[lab].GetMaximum()
scale = gPad.GetUymax() / rightmax
if categories[tracker][cut]["plotElectrons"] and plot_electrons:
rightmax = 1.05 * hist_elec[lab].GetMaximum()
scale = gPad.GetUymax() / rightmax
if (
and plot_velo
and (histo == "p" or histo == "pt")
rightmax = 1.05 * hist_velo[lab].GetMaximum()
scale = gPad.GetUymax() / rightmax
if i == 0:
if not plot_electrons_only: # and not plot_velo_only:
set_style(hist_den[lab], mygray, markers[i], styles[i])
gStyle.SetPalette(2, array("i", [mygray - 1, myblue + 1]))
hist_den[lab].Draw("HIST PLC SAME")
if categories[tracker][cut]["plotElectrons"] and plot_electrons:
if not plot_velo_only or (
histo == "phi" or histo == "eta" or histo == "nPV"
# hist_elec[lab].SetLineColor(kBlue - 5)
hist_elec[lab].SetFillColorAlpha(myblue, 0.5)
hist_elec[lab].Draw("HIST PLC SAME")
if (
and plot_velo
and (histo == "p" or histo == "pt")
# gStyle.SetPalette(
# 2, array("i", [mygray - 1, myblue + 1])
# )
hist_velo[lab].SetFillColorAlpha(myblue, 0.5)
hist_velo[lab].Draw("HIST PLC SAME")
# else:
# print(
# "No distribution plotted for other labels.",
# "Can be added by uncommenting the code below this print statement.",
# )
# set_style(hist_den[lab], mygray, markers[i], styles[i])
# gStyle.SetPalette(2, array("i", [mygray - 1, myblue + 1]))
# hist_den[lab].Draw("HIST PLC SAME")
if histo == "p":
pos = [0.5, 0.35, 1.0, 0.7] # [0.53, 0.4, 1.01, 0.71]
elif histo == "pt":
pos = [0.5, 0.3, 0.99, 0.5] # [0.5, 0.4, 0.98, 0.71]
elif histo == "phi":
pos = [0.4, 0.3, 0.9, 0.5]
elif histo == "eta":
pos = [0.5, 0.25, 1.0, 0.45]
pos = [0.35, 0.25, 0.85, 0.45]
if histo == "p":
legend = place_legend(
canvas, *pos, header="LHCb Simulation", option="LPE"
for le in legend.GetListOfPrimitives():
if "distribution" in le.GetLabel():
for lab in label:
if not plot_electrons_only: # and not plot_velo_only:
eff[lab].Draw("P SAME")
if categories[tracker][cut]["plotElectrons"] and plot_electrons:
if not plot_velo_only or (
histo == "phi" or histo == "eta" or histo == "nPV"
eff_elec[lab].Draw("P SAME")
if (
and plot_velo
and (histo == "p" or histo == "pt")
eff_velo[lab].Draw("P SAME")
cutName = categories[tracker][cut]["title"]
latex.DrawLatex(legend.GetX1() + 0.01, legend.GetY1() - 0.05, cutName)
low = 0
high = 1.05
axis = TGaxis(
"# Tracks " + get_nicer_var_string(histo) + " distribution [a.u.]",
if savepdf:
filestypes = ["pdf"] # , "png", "eps", "C", "ps", "tex"]
for ftype in filestypes:
if not plot_electrons_only:
canvasName = tracker + "_" + cut + "_" + histo + "." + ftype
canvasName = (
tracker + "Electrons_" + cut + "_" + histo + "." + ftype
canvas.SaveAs("checks/" + canvasName)
# canvas.SetRightMargin(0.05)
# calculate ghost rate
print("\ncalculate ghost rate: ")
histoBaseName = "Track/" + folder + tracker + "/"
for histo in ghostHistos[tracker]:
title = "ghost_rate_vs_" + histo
histoName = histoBaseName + ghostHistoDict[histo]["variable"]
ghost = {}
hist_den = {}
ghost = get_ghost(ghost, hist_den, tf, histoName, label)
canvas = TCanvas(title, title)
mg = TMultiGraph()
for i, lab in enumerate(label):
set_style(ghost[lab], colors[i], markers[2 * i], styles[i])
xtitle = ghostHistoDict[histo]["xTitle"]
mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Fraction of fake tracks")
mg.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(10, 5, 0)
# for lab in label:
# ghost[lab].Draw("P SAME")
if histo == "p":
pos = [0.53, 0.4, 1.00, 0.71]
elif histo == "pt":
pos = [0.5, 0.4, 0.98, 0.71]
elif histo == "eta":
pos = [0.35, 0.6, 0.85, 0.9]
elif histo == "phi":
pos = [0.3, 0.3, 0.9, 0.6]
pos = [0.4, 0.37, 0.80, 0.68]
legend = place_legend(canvas, *pos, header="LHCb Simulation", option="LPE")
# if histo != "nPV":
# latex.DrawLatex(0.7, 0.85, "LHCb simulation")
# else:
# latex.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.85, "LHCb simulation")
# mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 0.4)
if histo == "eta":
mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 0.4)
# track_name = names[tracker] + " tracks"
# latex.DrawLatex(0.7, 0.75, track_name)
# canvas.PlaceLegend()
if savepdf:
filestypes = ["pdf"] # , "png", "eps", "C", "ps", "tex"]
for ftype in filestypes:
"checks/" + tracker + "ghost_rate_" + histo + "." + ftype,
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argument_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
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