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10 months ago
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10 months ago
10 months ago
10 months ago
10 months ago
10 months ago
10 months ago
  1. # flake8: noqa
  2. """
  3. Takes data from and calculates efficiencies
  4. python scripts/ --filename data/resolutions_and_effs_B_normal_weights.root data/resolutions_and_effs_B_electron_weights.root
  5. --outfile data_results/PrCheckerNormalElectron.root --label normal electron --trackers Match BestLong
  6. python scripts/ --filename data/resolutions_and_effs_D_electron_weights.root --outfile data_results/PrCheckerDElectron.root
  7. """
  8. import argparse
  9. from ROOT import TMultiGraph, TLatex, TCanvas, TFile, TGaxis
  10. from ROOT import (
  11. kGreen,
  12. kBlue,
  13. kBlack,
  14. kAzure,
  15. kOrange,
  16. kMagenta,
  17. kCyan,
  18. kGray,
  19. kViolet,
  20. kTeal,
  21. )
  22. from ROOT import gROOT, gStyle, gPad
  23. from ROOT import TEfficiency
  24. from array import array
  25. gROOT.SetBatch(True)
  26. from utils.components import unique_name_ext_re, findRootObjByName
  27. def getEfficiencyHistoNames():
  28. return ["p", "pt", "phi", "eta", "nPV"]
  29. def getTrackers(trackers):
  30. return trackers
  31. # data/resolutions_and_effs_Bd2KstEE_MDmaster.root:Track/...
  32. def getOriginFolders():
  33. basedict = {
  34. "Velo": {},
  35. "Upstream": {},
  36. "Forward": {},
  37. "Match": {},
  38. "BestLong": {},
  39. "Seed": {},
  40. "MergedMatch": {},
  41. "DefaultMatch": {},
  42. }
  43. # evtl anpassen wenn die folders anders heissen
  44. basedict["Velo"]["folder"] = "VeloTrackChecker/"
  45. basedict["Upstream"]["folder"] = "UpstreamTrackChecker/"
  46. basedict["Forward"]["folder"] = "ForwardTrackChecker" + unique_name_ext_re() + "/"
  47. basedict["Match"]["folder"] = "MatchTrackChecker" + unique_name_ext_re() + "/"
  48. basedict["BestLong"]["folder"] = "BestLongTrackChecker" + unique_name_ext_re() + "/"
  49. basedict["Seed"]["folder"] = "SeedTrackChecker" + unique_name_ext_re() + "/"
  50. basedict["MergedMatch"]["folder"] = (
  51. "MergedMatchTrackChecker" + unique_name_ext_re() + "/"
  52. )
  53. basedict["DefaultMatch"]["folder"] = (
  54. "DefaultMatchTrackChecker" + unique_name_ext_re() + "/"
  55. )
  56. # basedict["Forward"]["folder"] = "ForwardTrackChecker_7a0dbfa7/"
  57. # basedict["Match"]["folder"] = "MatchTrackChecker_29e3152a/"
  58. # basedict["BestLong"]["folder"] = "BestLongTrackChecker_4ddacce1/"
  59. # basedict["Seed"]["folder"] = "SeedTrackChecker_1b1d5575/"
  60. return basedict
  61. def getTrackNames():
  62. basedict = {
  63. "Velo": {},
  64. "Upstream": {},
  65. "Forward": {},
  66. "Match": {},
  67. "BestLong": {},
  68. "Seed": {},
  69. "MergedMatch": {},
  70. "DefaultMatch": {},
  71. }
  72. basedict["Velo"] = "Velo"
  73. basedict["Upstream"] = "VeloUT"
  74. basedict["Forward"] = "Forward"
  75. basedict["Match"] = "Match"
  76. basedict["BestLong"] = "BestLong"
  77. basedict["Seed"] = "Seed"
  78. basedict["MergedMatch"] = "MergedMatch"
  79. basedict["DefaultMatch"] = "DefaultMatch"
  80. return basedict
  81. def get_colors():
  82. # [kBlack, kGreen + 3, kAzure, kMagenta + 2, kOrange, kCyan + 2]
  83. return [kBlack, kAzure, kGreen + 3, kMagenta + 2, kOrange, kCyan + 2]
  84. def get_elec_colors():
  85. # [kBlack, kGreen + 3, kAzure, kMagenta + 2, kOrange, kCyan + 2]
  86. return [kGray + 2, kBlue - 7, kGreen + 1, kViolet, kOrange - 3, kTeal - 1]
  87. def get_markers():
  88. # [20, 24, 21, 22, 23, 25]
  89. return [20, 21, 24, 25, 22, 23, 26, 32]
  90. def get_fillstyles():
  91. return [1003, 3001, 3002, 3325, 3144, 3244, 3444]
  92. def getGhostHistoNames():
  93. basedict = {
  94. "Velo": {},
  95. "Upstream": {},
  96. "Forward": {},
  97. "Match": {},
  98. "MergedMatch": {},
  99. "DefaultMatch": {},
  100. "BestLong": {},
  101. "Seed": {},
  102. }
  103. basedict["Velo"] = ["eta", "nPV"]
  104. basedict["Upstream"] = ["eta", "p", "pt", "nPV"]
  105. basedict["Forward"] = ["eta", "p", "pt", "nPV"]
  106. basedict["Match"] = ["eta", "p", "pt", "nPV"]
  107. basedict["MergedMatch"] = basedict["Match"]
  108. basedict["DefaultMatch"] = basedict["Match"]
  109. basedict["BestLong"] = ["eta", "p", "pt", "nPV"]
  110. basedict["Seed"] = ["eta", "p", "pt", "nPV"]
  111. return basedict
  112. def argument_parser():
  113. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="location of the tuple file")
  114. parser.add_argument(
  115. "--filename",
  116. type=str,
  117. default=["data/resolutions_and_effs_B.root"],
  118. nargs="+",
  119. help="input files, including path",
  120. )
  121. parser.add_argument(
  122. "--outfile",
  123. type=str,
  124. default="data_results/efficiency_plots.root",
  125. help="output file",
  126. )
  127. parser.add_argument(
  128. "--trackers",
  129. type=str,
  130. nargs="+",
  131. default=["Forward", "Match", "BestLong", "Seed"], # DefaultMatch
  132. help="Trackers to plot.",
  133. )
  134. parser.add_argument(
  135. "--label",
  136. nargs="+",
  137. default=["EffChecker"],
  138. help="label for files",
  139. )
  140. parser.add_argument(
  141. "--savepdf",
  142. action="store_true",
  143. help="save plots in pdf format",
  144. )
  145. parser.add_argument(
  146. "--plot-electrons",
  147. action="store_true",
  148. default=True,
  149. help="plot electrons",
  150. )
  151. parser.add_argument(
  152. "--plot-electrons-only",
  153. action="store_true",
  154. help="plot only electrons",
  155. )
  156. return parser
  157. def get_files(tf, filename, label):
  158. for i, f in enumerate(filename):
  159. tf[label[i]] = TFile(f, "read")
  160. return tf
  161. def get_nicer_var_string(var: str):
  162. nice_vars = dict(pt="p_{T}", eta="#eta", phi="#phi")
  163. try:
  164. return nice_vars[var]
  165. except KeyError:
  166. return var
  167. def get_eff(eff, hist, tf, histoName, label, var):
  168. eff = {}
  169. hist = {}
  170. var = get_nicer_var_string(var)
  171. for i, lab in enumerate(label):
  172. numeratorName = histoName + "_reconstructed"
  173. numerator = findRootObjByName(tf[lab], numeratorName)
  174. denominatorName = histoName + "_reconstructible"
  175. denominator = findRootObjByName(tf[lab], denominatorName)
  176. if numerator.GetEntries() == 0 or denominator.GetEntries() == 0:
  177. continue
  178. teff = TEfficiency(numerator, denominator)
  179. teff.SetStatisticOption(7)
  180. eff[lab] = teff.CreateGraph()
  181. eff[lab].SetName(lab)
  182. eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " not e^{-}")
  183. if histoName.find("strange") != -1:
  184. eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " from stranges")
  185. if histoName.find("electron") != -1:
  186. eff[lab].SetTitle(lab + " e^{-}")
  187. hist[lab] = denominator.Clone()
  188. hist[lab].SetName("h_numerator_notElectrons")
  189. hist[lab].SetTitle(var + " distribution, not e^{-}")
  190. if histoName.find("strange") != -1:
  191. hist[lab].SetTitle(var + " distribution, stranges")
  192. if histoName.find("electron") != -1:
  193. hist[lab].SetTitle(var + " distribution, e^{-}")
  194. return eff, hist
  195. def get_ghost(eff, hist, tf, histoName, label):
  196. ghost = {}
  197. for i, lab in enumerate(label):
  198. numeratorName = histoName + "_Ghosts"
  199. denominatorName = histoName + "_Total"
  200. numerator = findRootObjByName(tf[lab], numeratorName)
  201. denominator = findRootObjByName(tf[lab], denominatorName)
  202. print("Numerator = " + numeratorName.replace(unique_name_ext_re(), ""))
  203. print("Denominator = " + denominatorName.replace(unique_name_ext_re(), ""))
  204. teff = TEfficiency(numerator, denominator)
  205. teff.SetStatisticOption(7)
  206. ghost[lab] = teff.CreateGraph()
  207. print(lab)
  208. ghost[lab].SetName(lab)
  209. return ghost
  210. def PrCheckerEfficiency(
  211. filename,
  212. outfile,
  213. label,
  214. trackers,
  215. savepdf,
  216. plot_electrons,
  217. plot_electrons_only,
  218. ):
  219. from utils.LHCbStyle import setLHCbStyle, set_style
  220. from utils.ConfigHistos import (
  221. efficiencyHistoDict,
  222. ghostHistoDict,
  223. categoriesDict,
  224. getCuts,
  225. )
  226. from utils.Legend import place_legend
  227. # from utils.components import unique_name_ext_re, findRootObjByName
  228. setLHCbStyle()
  229. markers = get_markers()
  230. colors = get_colors()
  231. elec_colors = get_elec_colors()
  232. styles = get_fillstyles()
  233. tf = {}
  234. tf = get_files(tf, filename, label)
  235. outputfile = TFile(outfile, "recreate")
  236. latex = TLatex()
  237. latex.SetNDC()
  238. latex.SetTextSize(0.05)
  239. efficiencyHistoDict = efficiencyHistoDict()
  240. efficiencyHistos = getEfficiencyHistoNames()
  241. ghostHistos = getGhostHistoNames()
  242. ghostHistoDict = ghostHistoDict()
  243. categories = categoriesDict()
  244. cuts = getCuts()
  245. trackers = getTrackers(trackers)
  246. folders = getOriginFolders()
  247. # names = getTrackNames()
  248. for tracker in trackers:
  250. trackerDir = outputfile.mkdir(tracker)
  252. for cut in cuts[tracker]:
  253. cutDir = trackerDir.mkdir(cut)
  255. folder = folders[tracker]["folder"]
  256. print("folder: " + folder.replace(unique_name_ext_re(), ""))
  257. histoBaseName = "Track/" + folder + tracker + "/" + cut + "_"
  258. # calculate efficiency
  259. for histo in efficiencyHistos:
  260. canvastitle = (
  261. "efficiency_" + histo + ", " + categories[tracker][cut]["title"]
  262. )
  263. # get efficiency for not electrons category
  264. histoName = histoBaseName + "" + efficiencyHistoDict[histo]["variable"]
  265. print("not electrons: " + histoName.replace(unique_name_ext_re(), ""))
  266. eff = {}
  267. hist_den = {}
  268. eff, hist_den = get_eff(eff, hist_den, tf, histoName, label, histo)
  269. if categories[tracker][cut]["plotElectrons"] and plot_electrons:
  270. histoNameElec = (
  271. "Track/"
  272. + folder
  273. + tracker
  274. + "/"
  275. + categories[tracker][cut]["Electrons"]
  276. )
  277. histoName_e = (
  278. histoNameElec + "_" + efficiencyHistoDict[histo]["variable"]
  279. )
  280. print("electrons: " + histoName_e.replace(unique_name_ext_re(), ""))
  281. eff_elec = {}
  282. hist_elec = {}
  283. eff_elec, hist_elec = get_eff(
  284. eff_elec,
  285. hist_elec,
  286. tf,
  287. histoName_e,
  288. label,
  289. histo,
  290. )
  291. name = "efficiency_" + histo
  292. canvas = TCanvas(name, canvastitle)
  293. canvas.SetRightMargin(0.1)
  294. mg = TMultiGraph()
  295. for i, lab in enumerate(label):
  296. if not plot_electrons_only:
  297. mg.Add(eff[lab])
  298. set_style(eff[lab], colors[i], markers[i], styles[i])
  299. if categories[tracker][cut]["plotElectrons"] and plot_electrons:
  300. mg.Add(eff_elec[lab])
  301. set_style(eff_elec[lab], elec_colors[i], markers[i], styles[i])
  302. mg.Draw("AP")
  303. mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.05)
  304. xtitle = efficiencyHistoDict[histo]["xTitle"]
  305. unit_l = xtitle.split("[")
  306. if "]" in unit_l[-1]:
  307. unit = unit_l[-1].replace("]", "")
  308. else:
  309. unit = "a.u."
  310. print(unit)
  311. mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle)
  312. mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06)
  313. mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle(
  314. "Efficiency of Long Tracks",
  315. ) # (" + str(round(hist_den[label[0]].GetBinWidth(1), 2)) + f"{unit})"+"^{-1}")
  316. mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06)
  317. mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1)
  318. mg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(*efficiencyHistoDict[histo]["range"])
  319. mg.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(10, 5, 0)
  320. mygray = 18
  321. myblue = kBlue - 9
  322. for i, lab in enumerate(label):
  323. rightmax = 1.05 * hist_den[lab].GetMaximum()
  324. scale = gPad.GetUymax() / rightmax
  325. hist_den[lab].Scale(scale)
  326. if categories[tracker][cut]["plotElectrons"] and plot_electrons:
  327. rightmax = 1.05 * hist_elec[lab].GetMaximum()
  328. scale = gPad.GetUymax() / rightmax
  329. hist_elec[lab].Scale(scale)
  330. if i == 0:
  331. if not plot_electrons_only:
  332. set_style(hist_den[lab], mygray, markers[i], styles[i])
  333. gStyle.SetPalette(2, array("i", [mygray - 1, myblue + 1]))
  334. hist_den[lab].Draw("HIST PLC SAME")
  335. if categories[tracker][cut]["plotElectrons"] and plot_electrons:
  336. set_style(hist_elec[lab], myblue, markers[i], styles[i])
  337. hist_elec[lab].SetFillColorAlpha(myblue, 0.35)
  338. hist_elec[lab].Draw("HIST PLC SAME")
  339. # else:
  340. # print(
  341. # "No distribution plotted for other labels.",
  342. # "Can be added by uncommenting the code below this print statement.",
  343. # )
  344. # set_style(hist_den[lab], mygray, markers[i], styles[i])
  345. # gStyle.SetPalette(2, array("i", [mygray - 1, myblue + 1]))
  346. # hist_den[lab].Draw("HIST PLC SAME")
  347. if histo == "p":
  348. pos = [0.5, 0.3, 1.0, 0.5] # [0.53, 0.4, 1.01, 0.71]
  349. elif histo == "pt":
  350. pos = [0.5, 0.3, 0.99, 0.5] # [0.5, 0.4, 0.98, 0.71]
  351. elif histo == "phi":
  352. pos = [0.4, 0.3, 0.9, 0.5]
  353. elif histo == "eta":
  354. pos = [0.5, 0.25, 1.0, 0.45]
  355. else:
  356. pos = [0.35, 0.25, 0.85, 0.45]
  357. legend = place_legend(
  358. canvas, *pos, header="LHCb Simulation", option="LPE"
  359. )
  360. for le in legend.GetListOfPrimitives():
  361. if "distribution" in le.GetLabel():
  362. le.SetOption("LF")
  363. legend.SetTextFont(132)
  364. legend.SetTextSize(0.04)
  365. legend.Draw()
  366. for lab in label:
  367. if not plot_electrons_only:
  368. eff[lab].Draw("P SAME")
  369. if categories[tracker][cut]["plotElectrons"] and plot_electrons:
  370. eff_elec[lab].Draw("P SAME")
  371. cutName = categories[tracker][cut]["title"]
  372. latex.DrawLatex(legend.GetX1() + 0.01, legend.GetY1() - 0.05, cutName)
  373. low = 0
  374. high = 1.05
  375. gPad.Update()
  376. axis = TGaxis(
  377. gPad.GetUxmax(),
  378. gPad.GetUymin(),
  379. gPad.GetUxmax(),
  380. gPad.GetUymax(),
  381. low,
  382. high,
  383. 510,
  384. "+U",
  385. )
  386. axis.SetTitleFont(132)
  387. axis.SetTitleSize(0.06)
  388. axis.SetTitleOffset(0.55)
  389. axis.SetTitle(
  390. "# Tracks " + get_nicer_var_string(histo) + " distribution [a.u.]",
  391. )
  392. axis.SetLabelSize(0)
  393. axis.Draw()
  394. canvas.RedrawAxis()
  395. if savepdf:
  396. filestypes = ["pdf"] # , "png", "eps", "C", "ps", "tex"]
  397. for ftype in filestypes:
  398. if not plot_electrons_only:
  399. canvasName = tracker + "_" + cut + "_" + histo + "." + ftype
  400. else:
  401. canvasName = (
  402. tracker + "Electrons_" + cut + "_" + histo + "." + ftype
  403. )
  404. canvas.SaveAs("checks/" + canvasName)
  405. # canvas.SetRightMargin(0.05)
  406. canvas.Write()
  407. # calculate ghost rate
  408. print("\ncalculate ghost rate: ")
  409. histoBaseName = "Track/" + folder + tracker + "/"
  410. for histo in ghostHistos[tracker]:
  412. title = "ghost_rate_vs_" + histo
  413. gPad.SetTicks()
  414. histoName = histoBaseName + ghostHistoDict[histo]["variable"]
  415. ghost = {}
  416. hist_den = {}
  417. ghost = get_ghost(ghost, hist_den, tf, histoName, label)
  418. canvas = TCanvas(title, title)
  419. mg = TMultiGraph()
  420. for i, lab in enumerate(label):
  421. mg.Add(ghost[lab])
  422. set_style(ghost[lab], colors[i], markers[2 * i], styles[i])
  423. xtitle = ghostHistoDict[histo]["xTitle"]
  424. mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle)
  425. mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Fraction of fake tracks")
  426. mg.Draw("ap")
  427. mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06)
  428. mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06)
  429. mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1)
  430. mg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(*efficiencyHistoDict[histo]["range"])
  431. mg.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(10, 5, 0)
  432. # for lab in label:
  433. # ghost[lab].Draw("P SAME")
  434. if histo == "p":
  435. pos = [0.53, 0.4, 1.00, 0.71]
  436. elif histo == "pt":
  437. pos = [0.5, 0.4, 0.98, 0.71]
  438. elif histo == "eta":
  439. pos = [0.35, 0.6, 0.85, 0.9]
  440. elif histo == "phi":
  441. pos = [0.3, 0.3, 0.9, 0.6]
  442. else:
  443. pos = [0.4, 0.37, 0.80, 0.68]
  444. legend = place_legend(canvas, *pos, header="LHCb Simulation", option="LPE")
  445. legend.SetTextFont(132)
  446. legend.SetTextSize(0.04)
  447. legend.Draw()
  448. # if histo != "nPV":
  449. # latex.DrawLatex(0.7, 0.85, "LHCb simulation")
  450. # else:
  451. # latex.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.85, "LHCb simulation")
  452. # mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 0.4)
  453. if histo == "eta":
  454. mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 0.4)
  455. # track_name = names[tracker] + " tracks"
  456. # latex.DrawLatex(0.7, 0.75, track_name)
  457. # canvas.PlaceLegend()
  458. if savepdf:
  459. filestypes = ["pdf"] # , "png", "eps", "C", "ps", "tex"]
  460. for ftype in filestypes:
  461. canvas.SaveAs(
  462. "checks/" + tracker + "ghost_rate_" + histo + "." + ftype,
  463. )
  464. canvas.Write()
  465. outputfile.Write()
  466. outputfile.Close()
  467. if __name__ == "__main__":
  468. parser = argument_parser()
  469. args = parser.parse_args()
  470. PrCheckerEfficiency(**vars(args))