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cetin 11 months ago
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{ {
"python.envFile": "/auto/work/cetin/LHCb/reco_tuner/env/tuner_env/envs/",
// "python.envFile": "/auto/work/cetin/LHCb/reco_tuner/env/tuner_env/envs/",
"python.analysis.completeFunctionParens": true,
"python.analysis.enablePytestExtra": false,
"python.analysis.extraCommitChars": true,
} }

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
View File

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
View File


@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
{ {
"folders": [ "folders": [
{ {
"path": "./",
"path": "./"
], ],
"settings": { "settings": {
"python.analysis.completeFunctionParens": true
"python.analysis.completeFunctionParens": true,
"python.analysis.enablePytestExtra": false,
"python.languageServer": "Pylance",
} }
} }


Binary file not shown.


@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
# coding: utf-8
# flake8: noqa
# # `adashof`: Functions used in the notebooks of the blog
# [Blog](
# [Repo](
# - circle : Create circle on figure with axes of different sizes.
# - move_sn_y : Move scientific notation exponent from top to the side.
# - fillgrid : Fill rectangular grid with colours or a colour and transparency.
# - checksize : Check size of pdf figure, and adjust if required.
# - cm2in : Convert centimetres to inches
# In[1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# In[2]:
def circle(xy, radius, kwargs=None):
"""Create circle on figure with axes of different sizes.
Plots a circle on the current axes using `plt.Circle`, taking into account
the figure size and the axes units.
It is done by plotting in the figure coordinate system, taking the aspect
ratio into account. In this way, the data dimensions do not matter.
However, if you adjust `xlim` or `ylim` after plotting `circle`, it will
screw them up; set `plt.axis` before calling `circle`.
xy, radius, kwars :
As required for `plt.Circle`.
# Get current figure and axis
fig = mpl.pyplot.gcf()
ax = fig.gca()
# Calculate figure dimension ratio width/height
pr = fig.get_figwidth()/fig.get_figheight()
# Get the transScale (important if one of the axis is in log-scale)
tscale = ax.transScale + (ax.transLimits + ax.transAxes)
ctscale = tscale.transform_point(xy)
cfig = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform(ctscale)
# Create circle
if kwargs == None:
circ = mpl.patches.Ellipse(cfig, radius, radius*pr,
circ = mpl.patches.Ellipse(cfig, radius, radius*pr,
transform=fig.transFigure, **kwargs)
# Draw circle
# In[3]:
def move_sn_y(offs=0, dig=0, side='left', omit_last=False):
"""Move scientific notation exponent from top to the side.
Additionally, one can set the number of digits after the comma
for the y-ticks, hence if it should state 1, 1.0, 1.00 and so forth.
offs : float, optional; <0>
Horizontal movement additional to default.
dig : int, optional; <0>
Number of decimals after the comma.
side : string, optional; {<'left'>, 'right'}
To choose the side of the y-axis notation.
omit_last : bool, optional; <False>
If True, the top y-axis-label is omitted.
locs : list
List of y-tick locations.
This is kind of a non-satisfying hack, which should be handled more
properly. But it works. Functions to look at for a better implementation:
# Get the ticks
locs, _ = mpl.pyplot.yticks()
# Put the last entry into a string, ensuring it is in scientific notation
# E.g: 123456789 => '1.235e+08'
llocs = '%.3e' % locs[-1]
# Get the magnitude, hence the number after the 'e'
# E.g: '1.235e+08' => 8
yoff = int(str(llocs).split('e')[1])
# If omit_last, remove last entry
if omit_last:
slocs = locs[:-1]
slocs = locs
# Set ticks to the requested precision
form = r'$%.'+str(dig)+'f$'
mpl.pyplot.yticks(locs, list(map(lambda x: form % x, slocs/(10**yoff))))
# Define offset depending on the side
if side == 'left':
offs = -.18 - offs # Default left: -0.18
elif side == 'right':
offs = 1 + offs # Default right: 1.0
# Plot the exponent
mpl.pyplot.text(offs, .98, r'$\times10^{%i}$' % yoff, transform =
mpl.pyplot.gca().transAxes, verticalalignment='top')
# Return the locs
return locs
# In[4]:
def fillgrid(xval, yval, values, style='colour', cmap=cm.Spectral,
unicol='#000000', lc='k', lw=0.5):
"""Fill rectangular grid with colours or a colour and transparency.
xval, yval : array
Grid-points in x- and in y-direction.
values : array, dimension: (x-1)-by-(y-1)
Values between 0 and 1
style : string, optional; {<'colour'>, 'alpha'}
Defines if values represent colour or alpha.
cmap :, optional
`Colormap` colours are chosen from; only used if style='colour'
unicol : HEX-colour
Colour used with transparency; only used if style='alpha'
lc, lw : optional
Line colour and width, as in standard plots.
rct : list
List of plotted polygon patches.
# Ravel values, and set NaN's to zero
rval = values.ravel()
rvalnan = np.isnan(rval)
rval[rvalnan] = 0
# Define colour depending on style
if style == 'alpha':
# Create RGB from HEX
unicol = mpl.colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(unicol)
# Repeat colour for all values,
# filling the value into the transparency column
colour = np.vstack((np.repeat(unicol, len(rval)).reshape(3, -1),
# Split cmap into 101 points from 0 to 1
cmcol = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, 101))
# Map the values onto these
colour = cmcol[list(map(int, 100*rval))]
# Set transparency to 0 for NaN's
colour[rvalnan, -1] = 0
# Draw all rectangles at once
xxval = np.array([xval[:-1], xval[:-1], xval[1:], xval[1:]]).repeat(
len(yval)-1, axis=1).reshape(4, -1)
yyval = np.array([yval[:-1], yval[1:], yval[1:], yval[:-1]]).repeat(
len(xval)-1, axis=0).reshape(4, -1)
rct = mpl.pyplot.gca().fill(xxval, yyval, lw=lw, ec=lc)
# Map the colour onto a list
cls = list(map(mpl.colors.rgb2hex, colour))
# Adjust colour and transparency for all cells
for ind in range(len(rct)):
rct[ind].set_alpha(colour[ind, -1])
return rct
# In[5]:
def checksize(fhndl, name, dsize, precision=0.01, extent=0.05, kwargs={}, _cf=False):
"""Print figure with 'name.pdf', check size, compare with dsize, and adjust if required
fhndl : figure-handle
Figure handle of the figure to be saved.
name : string
Figure name.
dsize : list of two floats
Desired size of pdf in cm.
precision : float, optional; <0.01>
Desired precision in cm of the dimension, defaults to 1 mm.
extent : float or list of floats, optional; <0.01>
- If float, then bbox_inches is set to tight, and pad_inches=extent.
- If it is an array of two numbers it sets the percentaged extent-width,
- If it is an array of four numbers it sets [x0, y0, x1, y1] of Bbox.
kwargs : dict
Other input arguments that will be passed on to `plt.savefig`; e.g. dpi or facecolor.
_cf : Internal parameter for recursion and adjustment.
# Import PyPDF2
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader
# Check `extent` input and set bbox_inches and pad_inches accordingly
if np.size(extent) == 1:
bbox_inches = 'tight'
pad_inches = extent
fext = fhndl.gca().get_window_extent().transformed(
if np.size(extent) == 2:
bbox_inches = fext.expanded(extent[0], extent[1])
elif np.size(extent) == 4:
fext.x0, fext.y0, fext.x1, fext.y1 = extent
extent = [1, 1] # set extent to [1, 1] for recursion
bbox_inches = fext
# Save the figure
fhndl.savefig(name+'.pdf', bbox_inches=bbox_inches, pad_inches=pad_inches, **kwargs)
# Get pdf-dimensions in cm
pdffile = PdfFileReader(open(name+'.pdf', mode='rb'))
pdfsize = np.array([float(pdffile.getPage(0).mediaBox[2]),
pdfdim = pdfsize*2.54/72. # points to cm
# Define `print`-precision on desired precision
pprec = abs(int(('%.1e' % precision).split('e')[1]))+1
# Get difference btw desired and actual size
diff = dsize-pdfdim
# If diff>precision, adjust, else finish
if np.any(abs(diff) > precision):
if not _cf:
_cf = [1, 1]
# Be verbose
print(' resize...')
# Adjust width
if (abs(diff[0]) > precision):
print(' X-diff:', np.round(diff[0], pprec), 'cm')
# Set new factor to old factor times (desired size)/(actual size)
_cf[0] = _cf[0]*dsize[0]/pdfdim[0]
# Set new figure width
fhndl.set_figwidth(_cf[0]*dsize[0]/2.54) # cm2in
# Adjust height
if (abs(diff[1]) > precision):
print(' Y-diff:', np.round(diff[1], pprec), 'cm')
# Set new factor to old factor times (desired size)/(actual size)
_cf[1] = _cf[1]*dsize[1]/pdfdim[1]
# Set new figure height
fhndl.set_figheight(_cf[1]*dsize[1]/2.54) #cm2in
# Call the function again, with new factor _cf
figsize = checksize(fhndl, name, dsize, precision, extent, kwargs, _cf)
return figsize
else: # Print some info if the desired dimensions are reached
# Print figure name and pdf dimensions
print('Figure saved to '+name +'.pdf;',
np.round(pdfdim[0], pprec), 'x',
np.round(pdfdim[1], pprec), 'cm.')
# Print the new figsize if it had to be adjusted
if _cf:
print(' => NEW FIG-SIZE: figsize=('+
str(np.round(fhndl.get_size_inches()[0], 2*pprec))+', '+
str(np.round(fhndl.get_size_inches()[1], 2*pprec))+')')
# Return figsize
return fhndl.get_size_inches()
# In[6]:
def cm2in(length, decimals=2):
"""Convert cm to inch.
length : scalar or vector
Numbers to be converted.
decimals : int, optional; <2>
As in np.round, used to round the result.
cm2in : scalar or vector
Converted numbers.
>>> from adashof import cm2in
>>> cm2in(5)
# Test input
length = np.array(length, dtype='float')
decimals = int(decimals)
except ValueError:
print("{length} must be a number, {decimals} an integer")
return np.round(length/2.54, decimals)