153 lines
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153 lines
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* Copyright *
* Scintillating Fibre Beam Profile Monitor Software by Michal Dziewiecki, *
* Blake Leverington and Liqing Qin is licensed under CC BY 4.0 *
* https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ *
* funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft *
* (DFG, German Research Foundation) Projektnummer 419255448 *
* Project Leader: B.Leverington *
* Create Date - Oct 15th. 2024 *
* Author: L.Qin *
* Module - sensor_algo.v *
/*Created by Lq.Qin on Oct 15th. 2024*/
//module sensor_algo
//combine sensor_interface bkg_subtraction, cluster_locate, and calibration, and rms
module sensor_algo(
input wire clk_clk, // clk.clk
input wire rst_reset, // rst.reset
//Avalon MM slave
input wire [1:0] csr_address, // avalon_slave.address
input wire csr_read, // .read
output wire [31:0] csr_readdata, // .readdata
input wire csr_write, // .write
input wire [31:0] csr_writedata, // .writedata
input wire [3:0] csr_byteenable, // .byteenable
//Avalon ST transmitter
output wire [31:0] data_out_data, // avalon_streaming_source.data
output wire data_out_endofpacket, // .endofpacket
output wire data_out_startofpacket, // .startofpacket
input wire data_out_ready, // .ready
output wire data_out_valid, // .valid
output wire [1:0] data_out_empty, // .empty
//Sensor interface
input wire in_trg, // sensor.in_trg // This is the frame timer
output wire out_adc_clk, // .out_dac_clk
output wire out_adc_cnv, // .out_dac_cnv
input wire [4:0] in_adc_data, // .in_dac_data
output wire out_sensor_rst, // .out_sensor_rst
output wire out_sensor_clk, // .out_sensor_clk
output wire out_sensor_gain, // .out_sensor_gain
//Serial synchro interface
input wire serial_rx, //receive data
output wire serial_tx, //send data
input wire [7:0] ext_input, //SMA etc.
//Debug information
output wire [7:0] status_out, //status bits - same as in reg0_read[15:8]
//the interface with cali_ram (storing cali factor) Avalon-MM: read califac from this ram; output is not registered
output wire [8:0] address,
output wire clken,
input wire [15:0] cali_fac,
input wire waitrequest
wire [31:0] data_out_data1; // Output data
wire data_out_endofpacket1; // Output end-of-packet signal
wire data_out_startofpacket1; // Output start-of-packet signal
wire data_out_ready1; // Output ready signal
wire data_out_valid1; // Output valid signal
wire [1:0] data_out_empty1; // Output empty signal
wire int_rst;
wire [7:0] cluster_threshold;
wire [7:0] cluster_size;
wire [7:0] in_algo_threshold;
sensor_interface the_sensor_interface (
.clk_clk (clk_clk), // clk.clk
.rst_reset (rst_reset), // rst.reset
.csr_address (csr_address), // csr.address
.csr_write (csr_write), // .write
.csr_writedata (csr_writedata), // .writedata
.csr_byteenable (csr_byteenable), // .byteenable
.csr_read (csr_read), // .read
.csr_readdata (csr_readdata), // .readdata
.data_out_data (data_out_data1), // data_out.data
.data_out_empty (data_out_empty1), // .empty
.data_out_endofpacket (data_out_endofpacket1), // .endofpacket
.data_out_startofpacket (data_out_startofpacket1),// .startofpacket
.data_out_ready (data_out_ready1), // .ready
.data_out_valid (data_out_valid1), // .valid
.in_trg (in_trg), // sensor.in_trg
.out_adc_clk (out_adc_clk), // .out_dac_clk
.out_adc_cnv (out_adc_cnv), // .out_dac_cnv
.in_adc_data (in_adc_data), // .in_dac_data
.out_sensor_rst (out_sensor_rst), // .out_sensor_rst
.out_sensor_clk (out_sensor_clk), // .out_sensor_clk
.out_sensor_gain (out_sensor_gain), // .out_sensor_gain
.serial_rx (serial_rx), //receive data
.serial_tx (serial_tx), //send data
.ext_input (ext_input), //SMA etc.
.int_rst (int_rst),
.cluster_threshold (cluster_threshold),
.cluster_size (cluster_size),
.in_algo_threshold (in_algo_threshold)
algo_top_cl_cali_rms recon(
.clk (clk_clk),
.rst (int_rst),
.data_in_data (data_out_data1),
.data_in_ready (data_out_ready1),
.data_in_valid (data_out_valid1),
.data_in_empty (data_out_empty1),
.data_in_startofpacket (data_out_startofpacket1),
.data_in_endofpacket (data_out_endofpacket1),
.CL_THRESHOLD (cluster_threshold),
.CL_SIZE (cluster_size),
.IN_ALGO_THRESHOLD (in_algo_threshold),
.address (address),
.clken (clken),
.cali_fac (cali_fac),
.to_udp_data (data_out_data),
.to_udp_valid (data_out_valid),
.to_udp_empty (data_out_empty),
.to_udp_endofpacket (data_out_endofpacket),
.to_udp_startofpacket (data_out_startofpacket)