2024-10-11 14:49:54 +02:00

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This optional block is used for two purposes:
1) Relay response information back to the host typically in ST->MM mode.
This information is 'actual bytes transferred', 'error', and 'early termination'.
2) Relay response and interrupt information back to a prefetching master block
that will write the contents back to memory. Interrupt information is also passed
since the interrupt needs to occur when the prefetching master block overwrites
the descriptor in main memory and not when the event occurs. The host needs to read
the interrupt condition out of memory so it could potentially get out of sync if
the interrupt information wasn't buffered and delayed.
This block has three response port options: MM slave, ST source, and disabled.
When you don't need access to response information (MM->MM or MM->ST) or interrupts in
the case of a prefetching descriptor master then you can safely disable the port.
By disabling the port you will not consume any logic resources or on-chip memory blocks.
When the source port is enabled bit 52 of the data stream represents the "descriptor full"
condition. The descriptor prefetching master can use this signal to perform pipelined reads
without having to worry about flow control (since there is room for an entire descriptor to be
written). This is benefical as apposed to performing descriptor reads, buffering the data, then
writting it out to the descriptor buffer block.
Version 1.0
1.0 - If you attempt to use the wrong response port type you will be issued a warning
but allowed to generate. This is because in some cases you may not need the typical
behavior. For example if you perform MM->MM transfers with some streaming IP between
the read and write masters you still might need access to error bits. Likewise
if you don't enable the streaming sink port while using a descriptor pre-fetching block
you may not care if you get interrupted early and want to use the CSR block for interrupts
// synthesis translate_off
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// synthesis translate_on
// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
// altera message_level Level1
// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
module response_block (
parameter RESPONSE_PORT = 0; // when disabled all the outputs will be disconnected by the component wrapper
parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 256; // needs to be double the descriptor FIFO depth
parameter FIFO_DEPTH_LOG2 = 8;
localparam FIFO_WIDTH = (RESPONSE_PORT == 0)? 41 : 51; // when 'RESPONSE_PORT' is 1 then the response port is set to streaming and must pass the interrupt masks as well
input clk;
input reset;
output wire [31:0] mm_response_readdata;
input mm_response_read;
input mm_response_address; // only have 2 addresses
input [3:0] mm_response_byteenable;
output wire mm_response_waitrequest;
output wire [255:0] src_response_data; // not going to use all these bits, the remainder will be grounded
output wire src_response_valid;
input src_response_ready;
input sw_reset;
output wire [15:0] response_watermark;
output wire response_fifo_full;
output wire response_fifo_empty;
input done_strobe;
input [31:0] actual_bytes_transferred;
input [7:0] error;
input early_termination;
// all of these signals are only used the ST source response port since the pre-fetching master component will handle the interrupt generation as apposed to the CSR block
input transfer_complete_IRQ_mask;
input [7:0] error_IRQ_mask;
input early_termination_IRQ_mask;
input descriptor_buffer_full; // handy signal for the prefetching master to use so that it known when to blast a new descriptor into the dispatcher
/* internal signals and registers */
wire [FIFO_DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] fifo_used;
wire fifo_full;
wire fifo_empty;
wire fifo_read;
wire [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] fifo_input;
wire [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] fifo_output;
if (RESPONSE_PORT == 0) // slave port used for response data
assign fifo_input = {early_termination, error, actual_bytes_transferred};
assign fifo_read = (mm_response_read == 1) & (fifo_empty == 0) & (mm_response_address == 1) & (mm_response_byteenable[3] == 1); // reading from the upper byte (byte offset 7) pops the fifo
scfifo the_response_FIFO (
.clock (clk),
.aclr (reset),
.sclr (sw_reset),
.data (fifo_input),
.wrreq (done_strobe),
.rdreq (fifo_read),
.q (fifo_output),
.full (fifo_full),
.empty (fifo_empty),
.usedw (fifo_used)
defparam the_response_FIFO.lpm_width = FIFO_WIDTH;
defparam the_response_FIFO.lpm_numwords = FIFO_DEPTH;
defparam the_response_FIFO.lpm_widthu = FIFO_DEPTH_LOG2;
defparam the_response_FIFO.lpm_showahead = "ON";
defparam the_response_FIFO.use_eab = "ON";
defparam the_response_FIFO.overflow_checking = "OFF";
defparam the_response_FIFO.underflow_checking = "OFF";
defparam the_response_FIFO.add_ram_output_register = "ON";
defparam the_response_FIFO.lpm_type = "scfifo";
// either actual bytes transfered when address == 0 or {zero padding, early_termination, error[7:0]} when address = 1
assign mm_response_readdata = (mm_response_address == 0)? fifo_output[31:0] : {{23{1'b0}}, fifo_output[40:32]};
assign mm_response_waitrequest = fifo_empty;
assign response_watermark = {{(16-(FIFO_DEPTH_LOG2+1)){1'b0}}, fifo_full, fifo_used}; // zero padding plus the 'true used' FIFO amount
assign response_fifo_full = fifo_full;
assign response_fifo_empty = fifo_empty;
// no streaming port so ground all of its outputs
assign src_response_data = 0;
assign src_response_valid = 0;
else if (RESPONSE_PORT == 1) // streaming source port used for response data (prefetcher will catch this data)
assign fifo_input = {early_termination_IRQ_mask, error_IRQ_mask, transfer_complete_IRQ_mask, early_termination, error, actual_bytes_transferred};
assign fifo_read = (fifo_empty == 0) & (src_response_ready == 1);
scfifo the_response_FIFO (
.clock (clk),
.aclr (reset | sw_reset),
.data (fifo_input),
.wrreq (done_strobe),
.rdreq (fifo_read),
.q (fifo_output),
.full (fifo_full),
.empty (fifo_empty),
.usedw (fifo_used)
defparam the_response_FIFO.lpm_width = FIFO_WIDTH;
defparam the_response_FIFO.lpm_numwords = FIFO_DEPTH;
defparam the_response_FIFO.lpm_widthu = FIFO_DEPTH_LOG2;
defparam the_response_FIFO.lpm_showahead = "ON";
defparam the_response_FIFO.use_eab = "ON";
defparam the_response_FIFO.overflow_checking = "OFF";
defparam the_response_FIFO.underflow_checking = "OFF";
defparam the_response_FIFO.add_ram_output_register = "ON";
defparam the_response_FIFO.lpm_type = "scfifo";
assign src_response_data = {{204{1'b0}}, descriptor_buffer_full, fifo_output}; // zero padding the upper bits, also sending out the descriptor buffer full signal to simplify the throttling in the prefetching master (bit 52)
assign src_response_valid = (fifo_empty == 0);
assign response_watermark = {{(16-(FIFO_DEPTH_LOG2+1)){1'b0}}, fifo_full, fifo_used}; // zero padding plus the 'true used' FIFO amount;
assign response_fifo_full = fifo_full;
assign response_fifo_empty = fifo_empty;
// no slave port so ground all of its outputs
assign mm_response_readdata = 0;
assign mm_response_waitrequest = 0;
else // no response port so grounding all outputs
assign fifo_input = 0;
assign fifo_output = 0;
assign mm_response_readdata = 0;
assign mm_response_waitrequest = 0;
assign src_response_data = 0;
assign src_response_valid = 0;
assign response_watermark = 0;
assign response_fifo_full = 0;
assign response_fifo_empty = 0;