2024-10-11 14:49:54 +02:00

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// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription
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This block is responsible for communicating with the host processor/
descriptor prefetching master block. It uses FIFOs to buffer descriptors
to keep the read and write masters operating without intervention from a
host processor. This block is comprised of three main blocks:
1) Descriptor buffer
2) CSR
3) Response
The descriptor buffer recieves descriptors from a host/prefetcher and
registers the incoming byte lanes. When the descriptor 'go' bit has been
written, the descriptor is committed to the read/write descriptor buffers.
From there the descriptors are exposed to the read and write masters without
intervention from the host. The descriptor port is either 128 or 256 bits
wide depending on whether or not the enhanced features setting has been enabled.
Since the port is write only minimial logic will be created in the fabric
to adapt the byte enables for narrow masters connecting to this port. This
port contains a single address so address bits are exposed to the fabric.
The CSR (control-status register) block is used to provide information
back to the host as well as allow the SGDMA to be controlled on a
non-descriptor basis. The host driver should be written to mostly interact
with this port as interrupts and status information is accessible from this
The optional response block is used to feed information on a per descriptor
basis back to the host or prefetching descriptor master. In most cases the
port will be used for sharing infomation about ST->MM transfers.
Communication between this block and the masters is performed using pairs
of Avalon-ST port connections. When the SGDMA is setup for MM->ST then the
write master port connections are removed and visa vera for ST->MM and the
read master. For more detailed information refer to "SGDMA_dispatcher_ug.pdf"
for more details.
Author: JCJB
Date: 08/13/2010
1.0 - Initial release
1.1 - Changed the stopped and resetting logic to correctly reflect the state
of the hardware (this block and the masters).
1.2 - Added stop descriptors logic
1.3 - Fixed the busy status so that it doesn't become ready too soon.
// synthesis translate_off
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// synthesis translate_on
// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
// altera message_level Level1
// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
module dispatcher (
// 128/256 bit write only port for feeding the dispatcher descriptors, no address since it's only one word wide, blocking when too many descriptors are buffered
// st interface for feeding the dispatcher descriptors. This interface is used if dispatcher descriptor interface is set to ST Source instead of Avalon MM Slave
// control and status port, 32 bits wide with a read latency of 2 and non-blocking
csr_address, // 4 addresses when ENHANCED_FEATURES is off (zero) otherwise 8 addresses are available
csr_irq, // only available if the response port is not an ST source (in that case the SGDMA pre-fetching block will issue interrupts)
// response slave port (when "RESPONSE_PORT" is set to 0), 32 bits wide, read only, and a read latency of 3 cycles
mm_response_address, // only two addresses
mm_response_byteenable, // last byte read pops the response FIFO
// response source port (when "RESPONSE_PORT" is set to 1),
// write master source port (sends commands to write master)
// write master sink port (recieves response from write master)
// read master source port (sends commands to read master)
// read master sink port (recieves response from the read master)
// y = log2(x)
function integer log2;
input integer x;
x = x-1;
for(log2=0; x>0; log2=log2+1)
x = x>>1;
parameter MODE = 0; // 0 for MM->MM, 1 for MM->ST, 2 for ST->MM
parameter RESPONSE_PORT = 0; // 0 for MM, 1 for ST, 2 for Disabled // normally disabled for all but ST->MM transfers
parameter DESCRIPTOR_FIFO_DEPTH = 128; // 16-1024 in powers of 2
parameter ENHANCED_FEATURES = 1; // 1 for Enabled, 0 for Disabled
parameter DESCRIPTOR_WIDTH = 256; // 256 when enhanced mode is on, 128 for off (needs to be controlled by callback since it influences data width)
parameter DESCRIPTOR_BYTEENABLE_WIDTH = 32; // 32 when enhanced mode is on, 16 for off (needs to be controlled by callback since it influences byte enable width)
parameter CSR_ADDRESS_WIDTH = 3; // always 3 bits wide
parameter DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE = 0; // 0: Avalon MM Slave, 1:Avalon ST Source
input clk;
input reset;
input [DESCRIPTOR_WIDTH-1:0] descriptor_writedata;
input [DESCRIPTOR_BYTEENABLE_WIDTH-1:0] descriptor_byteenable;
input descriptor_write;
output wire descriptor_waitrequest;
input [DESCRIPTOR_WIDTH-1:0] snk_descriptor_data;
input snk_descriptor_valid;
output wire snk_descriptor_ready;
input [31:0] csr_writedata;
input [3:0] csr_byteenable;
input csr_write;
output wire [31:0] csr_readdata;
input csr_read;
input [CSR_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] csr_address;
output wire csr_irq;
// Used by a host with a master (like Nios II)
output wire [31:0] mm_response_readdata;
input mm_response_read;
input mm_response_address;
input [3:0] mm_response_byteenable;
output wire mm_response_waitrequest;
// Used by a pre-fetching master
output wire [255:0] src_response_data; // making wide in case we need to jam more signals in here, unnecessary bits will be grounded/optimized away
output wire src_response_valid;
input src_response_ready;
output wire [255:0] src_write_master_data; // don't know how many bits the master will use, unnecessary bits will be grounded/optimized away
output wire src_write_master_valid;
input src_write_master_ready;
input [255:0] snk_write_master_data; // might need to jam more bits in......
input snk_write_master_valid;
output wire snk_write_master_ready;
output wire [255:0] src_read_master_data; // don't know how many bits the master will use, unnecessary bits will be grounded/optimized away
output wire src_read_master_valid;
input src_read_master_ready;
input [255:0] snk_read_master_data; // might need to jam more bits in......
input snk_read_master_valid;
output wire snk_read_master_ready;
/* Internal wires and registers */
// descriptor information
wire read_command_valid;
wire read_command_ready;
wire [255:0] read_command_data;
wire read_command_empty;
wire read_command_full;
wire [DESCRIPTOR_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG2:0] read_command_used; // true used signal so extra MSB is included
wire write_command_valid;
wire write_command_ready;
wire [255:0] write_command_data;
wire write_command_empty;
wire write_command_full;
wire [DESCRIPTOR_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG2:0] write_command_used; // true used signal so extra MSB is included
wire [31:0] sequence_number;
wire transfer_complete_IRQ_mask;
wire early_termination_IRQ_mask;
wire [7:0] error_IRQ_mask;
wire descriptor_buffer_empty;
wire descriptor_buffer_full;
wire [15:0] write_descriptor_watermark;
wire [15:0] read_descriptor_watermark;
wire [31:0] descriptor_watermark;
wire busy;
reg all_transfers_done;
wire done_strobe;
wire stop_issuing_commands;
wire stop;
wire sw_reset;
wire stop_on_error;
wire stop_on_early_termination;
wire stop_descriptors;
wire reset_stalled;
wire master_stop_state;
wire descriptors_stop_state;
wire stop_state;
wire stopped_on_error;
wire stopped_on_early_termination;
wire response_fifo_full;
wire response_fifo_empty;
wire [15:0] response_watermark;
wire [7:0] response_error;
wire response_early_termination;
wire [31:0] response_actual_bytes_transferred;
wire [DESCRIPTOR_WIDTH-1:0] descriptor_writedata_int;
wire [DESCRIPTOR_BYTEENABLE_WIDTH-1:0] descriptor_byteenable_int;
wire descriptor_write_int;
wire descriptor_waitrequest_int;
/************************************************ REGISTERS *******************************************************/
always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset)
all_transfers_done <= 1;
else if (((done_strobe == 1) & (read_command_empty == 1) & (write_command_empty == 1)) | (sw_reset == 1))
all_transfers_done <= 1; // no more descriptors are buffered and the last transfer completed
else if ((read_command_empty == 0) | (write_command_empty == 0))
all_transfers_done <= 0; // at least one descriptor has been buffered, this will deassert two clock cycles after the first descriptor is written into the descriptor FIFO
/********************************************** END REGISTERS *****************************************************/
/******************************************* MODULE DECLERATIONS **************************************************/
// the descriptor buffers block instantiates the descriptor FIFOs and handshaking logic with the master command ports
descriptor_buffers the_descriptor_buffers (
.clk (clk),
.reset (reset),
.writedata (descriptor_writedata_int),
.write (descriptor_write_int),
.byteenable (descriptor_byteenable_int),
.waitrequest (descriptor_waitrequest_int),
.read_command_valid (read_command_valid),
.read_command_ready (read_command_ready),
.read_command_data (read_command_data),
.read_command_empty (read_command_empty),
.read_command_full (read_command_full),
.read_command_used (read_command_used),
.write_command_valid (write_command_valid),
.write_command_ready (write_command_ready),
.write_command_data (write_command_data),
.write_command_empty (write_command_empty),
.write_command_full (write_command_full),
.write_command_used (write_command_used),
.stop_issuing_commands (stop_issuing_commands),
.stop (stop),
.sw_reset (sw_reset),
.sequence_number (sequence_number),
.transfer_complete_IRQ_mask (transfer_complete_IRQ_mask),
.early_termination_IRQ_mask (early_termination_IRQ_mask),
.error_IRQ_mask (error_IRQ_mask)
defparam the_descriptor_buffers.MODE = MODE;
defparam the_descriptor_buffers.DATA_WIDTH = DESCRIPTOR_WIDTH;
defparam the_descriptor_buffers.BYTE_ENABLE_WIDTH = DESCRIPTOR_WIDTH/8;
defparam the_descriptor_buffers.FIFO_DEPTH = DESCRIPTOR_FIFO_DEPTH;
defparam the_descriptor_buffers.FIFO_DEPTH_LOG2 = DESCRIPTOR_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG2;
// Control and status registers (and interrupts when a host connects directly to this block)
csr_block the_csr_block (
.clk (clk),
.reset (reset),
.csr_writedata (csr_writedata),
.csr_write (csr_write),
.csr_byteenable (csr_byteenable),
.csr_readdata (csr_readdata),
.csr_read (csr_read),
.csr_address (csr_address),
.csr_irq (csr_irq),
.done_strobe (done_strobe),
.busy (busy),
.descriptor_buffer_empty (descriptor_buffer_empty),
.descriptor_buffer_full (descriptor_buffer_full),
.stop_state (stop_state),
.stopped_on_error (stopped_on_error),
.stopped_on_early_termination (stopped_on_early_termination),
.stop_descriptors (stop_descriptors),
.reset_stalled (reset_stalled), // from the master(s) to tell the CSR block that it's still resetting
.stop (stop),
.sw_reset (sw_reset),
.stop_on_error (stop_on_error),
.stop_on_early_termination (stop_on_early_termination),
.sequence_number (sequence_number),
.descriptor_watermark (descriptor_watermark),
.response_watermark (response_watermark),
.response_buffer_empty (response_fifo_empty),
.response_buffer_full (response_fifo_full),
.transfer_complete_IRQ_mask (transfer_complete_IRQ_mask),
.error_IRQ_mask (error_IRQ_mask),
.early_termination_IRQ_mask (early_termination_IRQ_mask),
.error (response_error),
.early_termination (response_early_termination)
defparam the_csr_block.ADDRESS_WIDTH = CSR_ADDRESS_WIDTH;
// Optional response port. When using a directly connected host it'll be a slave port and using a pre-fetching descriptor master it will be a streaming source port.
response_block the_response_block (
.clk (clk),
.reset (reset),
.mm_response_readdata (mm_response_readdata),
.mm_response_read (mm_response_read),
.mm_response_address (mm_response_address),
.mm_response_byteenable (mm_response_byteenable),
.mm_response_waitrequest (mm_response_waitrequest),
.src_response_data (src_response_data),
.src_response_valid (src_response_valid),
.src_response_ready (src_response_ready),
.sw_reset (sw_reset),
.response_watermark (response_watermark),
.response_fifo_full (response_fifo_full),
.response_fifo_empty (response_fifo_empty),
.done_strobe (done_strobe),
.actual_bytes_transferred (response_actual_bytes_transferred),
.error (response_error),
.early_termination (response_early_termination),
.transfer_complete_IRQ_mask (transfer_complete_IRQ_mask),
.error_IRQ_mask (error_IRQ_mask),
.early_termination_IRQ_mask (early_termination_IRQ_mask),
.descriptor_buffer_full (descriptor_buffer_full)
defparam the_response_block.RESPONSE_PORT = RESPONSE_PORT;
defparam the_response_block.FIFO_DEPTH = RESPONSE_FIFO_DEPTH;
defparam the_response_block.FIFO_DEPTH_LOG2 = RESPONSE_FIFO_DEPTH_LOG2;
/***************************************** END MODULE DECLERATIONS ************************************************/
/****************************************** COMBINATIONAL SIGNALS *************************************************/
// this block issues the commands so it's always ready for a response. The response FIFO fill level will be used to
// make sure additional ST-->MM commands are not issued if there is no room to catch the response.
assign snk_write_master_ready = 1'b1;
assign snk_read_master_ready = 1'b1;
// since the snk_read/write_master_valid is always high a completed response from the master should always be accepted in one clock cycle and so we generate the strobe based on that condition
assign done_strobe = (MODE == 1)? (snk_read_master_ready & snk_read_master_valid) : (snk_write_master_ready & snk_write_master_valid);
assign stop_issuing_commands = (response_fifo_full == 1) | (stop_descriptors == 1);
assign src_write_master_valid = write_command_valid;
assign write_command_ready = src_write_master_ready;
assign src_write_master_data = write_command_data;
assign src_read_master_valid = read_command_valid;
assign read_command_ready = src_read_master_ready;
assign src_read_master_data = read_command_data;
assign busy = (all_transfers_done == 0); // transfers are still occuring
assign descriptor_buffer_empty = (read_command_empty == 1) & (write_command_empty == 1);
assign descriptor_buffer_full = (read_command_full == 1) | (write_command_full == 1);
assign write_descriptor_watermark = 16'h0000 | write_command_used; // zero padding the upper unused bits
assign read_descriptor_watermark = 16'h0000 | read_command_used; // zero padding the upper unused bits
assign descriptor_watermark = {write_descriptor_watermark, read_descriptor_watermark};
assign reset_stalled = snk_read_master_data[0] | snk_write_master_data[32];
assign master_stop_state = ((MODE == 0)? (snk_read_master_data[1] & snk_write_master_data[33]) :
(MODE == 1)? snk_read_master_data[1] : snk_write_master_data[33]);
assign descriptors_stop_state = (stop_descriptors == 1) & ((MODE == 0)? ((src_read_master_ready == 1) & (src_write_master_ready == 1)) :
(MODE == 1)? (src_read_master_ready == 1) : (src_write_master_ready == 1));
assign stop_state = (master_stop_state == 1) | (descriptors_stop_state == 1);
assign response_actual_bytes_transferred = snk_write_master_data[31:0];
assign response_error = snk_write_master_data[41:34];
assign response_early_termination = snk_write_master_data[42];
// descriptor interface muxes
assign descriptor_writedata_int = (DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE == 0) ? descriptor_writedata : snk_descriptor_data;
assign descriptor_byteenable_int = (DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE == 0) ? descriptor_byteenable : {DESCRIPTOR_BYTEENABLE_WIDTH{1'b1}};
assign descriptor_write_int = (DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE == 0) ? descriptor_write : snk_descriptor_valid;
assign descriptor_waitrequest = (DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE == 0) ? descriptor_waitrequest_int : 1'b1;
assign snk_descriptor_ready = (DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE == 0) ? 1'b0 : ~descriptor_waitrequest_int;
/**************************************** END COMBINATIONAL SIGNALS ***********************************************/