2024-10-11 14:49:54 +02:00

641 lines
28 KiB

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(text "conduit_ncs" (rect 261 747 588 1504)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "frame_timer" (rect 184 763 434 1539)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
(text "export" (rect 261 787 558 1584)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "led_pio_external_connection" (rect 92 803 346 1619)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
(text "export" (rect 261 827 558 1664)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_if_ddr3_emif_0_status" (rect 85 843 320 1699)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
(text "local_init_done" (rect 261 867 612 1744)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "local_cal_success" (rect 261 883 624 1776)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "local_cal_fail" (rect 261 899 606 1808)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_resetn_in_reset" (rect 127 915 368 1843)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
(text "reset_n" (rect 261 939 564 1888)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "memory" (rect 210 955 456 1923)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
(text "mem_a" (rect 261 979 552 1968)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_ba" (rect 261 995 558 2000)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_ck" (rect 261 1011 558 2032)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_ck_n" (rect 261 1027 570 2064)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_cke" (rect 261 1043 564 2096)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_cs_n" (rect 261 1059 570 2128)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_dm" (rect 261 1075 558 2160)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_ras_n" (rect 261 1091 576 2192)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_cas_n" (rect 261 1107 576 2224)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_we_n" (rect 261 1123 570 2256)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_reset_n" (rect 261 1139 588 2288)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_dq" (rect 261 1155 558 2320)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_dqs" (rect 261 1171 564 2352)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_dqs_n" (rect 261 1187 576 2384)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "mem_odt" (rect 261 1203 564 2416)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "reset" (rect 227 1219 484 2451)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
(text "reset_n" (rect 261 1243 564 2496)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "sensor" (rect 217 1259 470 2531)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
(text "in_adc_data" (rect 261 1283 588 2576)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "in_trg" (rect 261 1299 558 2608)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "out_adc_clk" (rect 261 1315 588 2640)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "out_adc_cnv" (rect 261 1331 588 2672)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "out_sensor_clk" (rect 261 1347 606 2704)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "out_sensor_gain" (rect 261 1363 612 2736)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "out_sensor_rst" (rect 261 1379 606 2768)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "sensor_status" (rect 173 1395 424 2803)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
(text "status_out" (rect 261 1419 582 2848)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "sensor_synchro" (rect 164 1435 412 2883)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
(text "ext_input" (rect 261 1459 576 2928)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "serial_rx" (rect 261 1475 576 2960)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "serial_tx" (rect 261 1491 576 2992)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text "sys_clk" (rect 213 1507 468 3027)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
(text "clk" (rect 261 1531 540 3072)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
(text " q_sys " (rect 594 1552 1230 3114)(font "Arial" ))
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