444 lines
13 KiB
444 lines
13 KiB
#include "eventbuilder.h"
#include "hit_analyse_v2.h"
#include <QTime>
EventBuilder::EventBuilder( QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
connect(this, &EventBuilder::sigInit, this, &EventBuilder::onInit);
connect(this, &EventBuilder::sigDeinit, this, &EventBuilder::onDeinit);
connect(this, &EventBuilder::sigStartLogging, this, &EventBuilder::onStartLogging);
connect(this, &EventBuilder::sigStopLogging, this, &EventBuilder::onStopLogging);
connect(this, &EventBuilder::sigStartTakingHistos, this, &EventBuilder::onStartTakingHistos);
connect(this, &EventBuilder::sigStopTakingHistos, this, &EventBuilder::onStopTakingHistos);
//get the network thread
// networkThread.stopThread();
// networkThread.wait(); // Wait for the network thread to finish gracefully
void addArrays(unsigned short int* arr1, const unsigned short int* arr2, int length) {
int simdLength = length / 8; // Process 8 elements at a time (SSE2)
for (int i = 0; i < simdLength; ++i) {
__m128i xmm1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(arr1 + i * 8)); // Load 8 elements from arr1
__m128i xmm2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(arr2 + i * 8)); // Load 8 elements from arr2
__m128i xmmResult = _mm_add_epi16(xmm1, xmm2); // Add arr1 to arr2
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(arr1 + i * 8), xmmResult); // Store the result
// Process the remaining elements
for (int i = simdLength * 8; i < length; ++i) {
arr1[i] = arr1[i] + arr2[i];
void subtractArrays( unsigned short int* arr1, const unsigned short int* arr2, const int length, short int* result) {
int simdLength = length / 8; // Process 8 elements at a time (SSE2)
for (int i = 0; i < simdLength; ++i) {
__m128i xmm1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(arr1 + i * 8)); // Load 8 elements from arr1
__m128i xmm2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(arr2 + i * 8)); // Load 8 elements from arr2
__m128i xmmResult = _mm_sub_epi16(xmm1, xmm2); // Subtract arr2 from arr1
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(result + i * 8), xmmResult); // Store the result
// Process the remaining elements
for (int i = simdLength * 8; i < length; ++i) {
result[i] = (arr2[i] > arr1[i]) ? 0 : (arr1[i] - arr2[i]);
void divideArray(unsigned short int* arr, int length, const short int divisor) {
int simdLength = length / 8; // Process 8 elements at a time (SSE2)
// Load the divisor into a SIMD register
__m128i divisorVector = _mm_set1_epi16(divisor);
for (int i = 0; i < simdLength; ++i) {
// Load 8 elements from 'arr' into a SIMD register
__m128i arrVector = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(arr + i * 8));
// Multiply each element by the reciprocal of the divisor using SIMD
__m128i resultVector = _mm_mullo_epi16(arrVector, divisorVector);
// Store the result back to 'result'
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(arr + i * 8), resultVector);
// Process the remaining elements
for (int i = simdLength * 8; i < length; ++i) {
arr[i] = arr[i] / divisor;
//************************* Data processing framework ********************
//main processing slot
void EventBuilder::onNewData(DataReceiver* receiver)
short * newcopy_sensor_data = new short int[320];
while (checkBufferOccupancies())
//find lowest global sync value
int lowest_id = findLowestId();
//get and validate data from buffers
for (int dev_nr = 0; dev_nr < nrReceivers; dev_nr++)
BufferData data = receivers[dev_nr]->dataBuffer.look();
if (data.sync_frame.global_ctr == lowest_id)
receivers[dev_nr]->dataBuffer.dump(); //right data, dump it from the buffer
data.sync_frame.data_ok = 0; //wrong data, mark as bad
//store data for complete frame
currentFrame[dev_nr] = data;
//************ TODO ************
//Here we can do something more with the complete frame
// I probably want to find the position and focus with the linear regression algorithm, but first, just send data to the udpserver to test.
//1. Background subtraction.
if (newDataSemaphore.available() == 1){
if (frame_counter<=32){
for (unsigned int dev_nr = 0; dev_nr < nrReceivers; dev_nr++){
if (frame_counter<=1) backgroundFrame[dev_nr].resize(channelCounts[dev_nr]);
// backgroundFrame[dev_nr].sensor_data = currentFrame[dev_nr].sensor_data;
addArrays(backgroundFrame[dev_nr].sensor_data, currentFrame[dev_nr].sensor_data, channelCounts[dev_nr]);
// std::cerr << " set bkg" << std::endl;
else if (frame_counter==33){
for (unsigned int dev_nr = 0; dev_nr < nrReceivers; dev_nr++){
for (int i = 0; i < channelCounts[dev_nr]; ++i) {
backgroundFrame[dev_nr].sensor_data[i] /= 32; // Right-shift by 5 positions (equivalent to dividing by 32)
else if (frame_counter>33){
HIT_ANALYSE_V2 hit_analyse_v2;//create the object
QString dataString;
for (unsigned int dev_nr = 0; dev_nr < nrReceivers; dev_nr++){
// subtractArrays(currentFrame[dev_nr].sensor_data, backgroundFrame[dev_nr].sensor_data, channelCounts[dev_nr], newcopy_sensor_data );
// std::cerr << currentFrame[dev_nr].sensor_data[0] << " " << backgroundFrame[dev_nr].sensor_data[0] << " " << channelCounts[dev_nr] << " " << newcopy_sensor_data[0] << std::endl;
// for (unsigned int dev_nrsim = 0; dev_nrsim < 3; dev_nrsim++){
//simulate 6 planes instead of just 2
// for (unsigned int dev_nr = 0; dev_nr < nrReceivers; dev_nr++){
// dataString += hit_analyse_v2.analyseBeamData(newcopy_sensor_data, dev_nr, channelCounts[dev_nr]);
// dataString += char(nrReceivers);
// if (frame_counter%1000==0) std::cerr << dataString.toStdString() << std::endl;
//histogram stuff
if (histogramSamplesToTake)
for (int dev_nr = 0; dev_nr < nrReceivers; dev_nr++)
for (int ch = 0; ch < channelCounts[dev_nr]; ch++)
histograms[baseAddresses[dev_nr] + ch].shoot(currentFrame[dev_nr].sensor_data[ch]);
if (histogramSamplesToTake != -1)
if (histogramSamplesToTake == 0)
emit sigHistoCompleted();
// }
// QTime currentTime = QTime::currentTime();
//Calculate the time since midnight in milliseconds
// int millisecondsSinceMidnight = currentTime.msecsSinceStartOfDay();
// dataString += QString::number(millisecondsSinceMidnight);
// receiveData(dataString.toUtf8());
if (newDataSemaphore.available() == 0)
lastFrame = currentFrame;
//log data
if (loggingData) logDataToFile();
//return 1 if buffer levels allow/force data processing
int EventBuilder::checkBufferOccupancies()
int result = 1;
for (int dev_nr = 0; dev_nr < nrReceivers; dev_nr++)
int nr_items = receivers[dev_nr]->dataBuffer.nrItems();
return 1; //if at least one buffer is above high threshold - return immediately
result = 0;
return result;
int EventBuilder::findLowestId()
int min1 = INT_MAX, min2 = INT_MAX;
int max1 = INT_MIN, max2 = INT_MIN;
for (int dev_nr = 0; dev_nr < nrReceivers; dev_nr++)
int value = receivers[dev_nr]->dataBuffer.look().sync_frame.global_ctr;
//for non-zero-crossing case
if (value < min1) min1 = value;
if (value > max1) max1 = value;
//for zero-crossing case
if (value > 256) value -= 512;
if (value < min2) min2 = value;
if (value > max2) max2 = value;
if ((max1-min1) < (max2-min2))
return min1;
if (min2 < 0) min2 += 512;
return min2;
void EventBuilder::logDataToFile()
* Write data in binary format:
* - number of boards: N = 1 x unsigned short
* - number of channels per each board Cn: N x unsigned short
* - N times the following sequence:
* - SyncFrame S = 1 x SyncFrame (== 16 bytes)
* - Data D = Cn x unsigned short
logFile.write((const char*)&totalBoards, sizeof(unsigned short));
logFile.write((const char*)channelCounts.constData(), totalBoards * sizeof(unsigned short));
for (int board = 0; board < totalBoards; board++)
logFile.write((const char*)&(currentFrame[board].sync_frame), sizeof(SyncFrame));
logFile.write((const char*)currentFrame[board].sensor_data, currentFrame[board].buffer_size*sizeof(unsigned short));
//write data in native binary format. All devices written as 5-sensor-wide!
//logFile.write((const char*)currentFrame.constData(), nrReceivers*sizeof(BufferData));
void EventBuilder::recalculateChannels()
totalBoards = baseAddresses.count();
if (totalBoards == 0)
for (int i = 1; i < totalBoards; i++)
baseAddresses[i] = baseAddresses[i-1] + channelCounts[i-1];
totalChannels = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < channelCounts.count(); i++)
totalChannels += channelCounts[i];
void EventBuilder::setChannelCount(int sensor_nr, int nr_channels)
channelCounts[sensor_nr] = nr_channels;
//************************* Protected slots ********************
void EventBuilder::onInit()
//Still nothing? Strange...
void EventBuilder::onDeinit()
//Still nothing? Strange...
void EventBuilder::onStartLogging()
if (loggingData)
loggingData = 1;
void EventBuilder::onStopLogging()
loggingData = 0;
void EventBuilder::onStartTakingHistos(int sample_count)
for (int ch = 0; ch < histograms.length(); ch++)
histogramSamplesToTake = sample_count;
void EventBuilder::onStopTakingHistos()
histogramSamplesToTake = 0;
emit sigHistoCompleted();
//******************** Thread-safe interface *******************
void EventBuilder::init()
emit sigInit();
initSemaphore.acquire(); //wait for initialization
void EventBuilder::deinit()
emit sigDeinit();
initSemaphore.acquire(); //wait for deinitialization
void EventBuilder::addSource(DataReceiver* source)
nrReceivers = receivers.length();
connect(source, &DataReceiver::sigDataReady, this, &EventBuilder::onNewData);
void EventBuilder::deleteSources()
for (int i = 0; i < receivers.length(); i++)
disconnect(receivers[i], &DataReceiver::sigDataReady, this, &EventBuilder::onNewData);
nrReceivers = receivers.length();
void EventBuilder::startLogging(QString filename)
logFileName = filename;
emit sigStartLogging();
void EventBuilder::stopLogging()
emit sigStopLogging();
int EventBuilder::isLogging()
return loggingData;
void EventBuilder::startTakingHistos(int sample_count)
emit sigStartTakingHistos(sample_count);
void EventBuilder::stopTakingHistos()
emit sigStopTakingHistos();
QVector<Histogram>& EventBuilder::getHistos()
return histograms;
QVector<BufferData> EventBuilder::getLastFrame()
QMutexLocker locker(&lastFrameMutex);
return lastFrame;
QVector<BufferData> EventBuilder::getNewFrame()
//wait for new data
//and return it
return getLastFrame();
void EventBuilder::receiveData(const QByteArray &data)
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
QString dataString = QString(data);
// std::cerr << dataString.toStdString() << std::endl;
QByteArray EventBuilder::getNextData()
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
if (dataQueue.isEmpty())
return QByteArray(); // Return an empty QByteArray if no data is available
return dataQueue.dequeue();