#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "dialoglogsettings.h" #include "dialoghostip.h" #include "dialogtriggersettings.h" #include "dialogdevices.h" #include "dialoglinearity.h" #include "dialogtiscan.h" #include "dialogprofiler.h" #include "dialogbeta.h" #include "helpers.h" #include #include #include MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); debugStream = new Q_DebugStream(std::cout, ui->logWindow); //Redirect Console output to QTextEdit Q_DebugStream::registerQDebugMessageHandler(); //Redirect qDebug() output to QTextEdit deviceSettings = new QSettings("./device_config.ini", QSettings::IniFormat); theHW = new HW; theDisplay = new DisplayServer; theKeithley = new keithley_thr; theStepper = new Stepper; // connect(&timer, QTimer::timeout, this, on_timer); connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::on_timer); // connect(theKeithley, keithley_thr::esig_newCurrentReadout, this, MainWindow::on_newCurrentReadout); connect(theKeithley, &keithley_thr::esig_newCurrentReadout, this, &MainWindow::on_newCurrentReadout); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; delete deviceSettings; delete theHW; delete theDisplay; delete theKeithley; } //***************** Initialization ****************** void MainWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent * event) { if (!event->spontaneous()) { status1.setReadOnly(true); statusBar()->addWidget(&status1,2); statusKeithley.setReadOnly(true); statusBar()->addWidget(&statusKeithley,1); statusKeithley.setText("Keithley disconnected"); std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl; std::cout << "Everyone likes log windows!" << std::endl; log_separator(); timer.start(100); setupDeviceList(); setupHardware(); } QMainWindow::showEvent(event); } void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent * event) { stopDisplay(); theKeithley->disconnect(); QMainWindow::closeEvent(event); } //******************** Debug window ************************* //put horizontal line void MainWindow::log_separator() { std::cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" << std::endl; } //******************** Helpers ************************* void MainWindow::setupHardware() { qInfo("Setting up hardware..."); DeviceConfig dc; unsigned char ip[4]; top(deviceSettings); deviceSettings->beginGroup("Global"); int nr_devices = deviceSettings->value("NrDevices").toInt(); ip2num(deviceSettings->value("HostIp").toString(), ip); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) dc.own_ip[i] = ip[i]; dc.eth_bunch = 1; //must be left as is for v2 dc.dma_bunch = 1; //must be left as is for v2 top(deviceSettings); deviceSettings->beginGroup("Trigger"); int period_v1 = deviceSettings->value("Period").toInt(); int tint_v1 = deviceSettings->value("Tint").toInt(); int gain_v1 = deviceSettings->value("Gain").toInt(); int period_v2 = deviceSettings->value("Period_v2").toInt(); int tint_v2 = deviceSettings->value("Tint_v2").toInt(); int gain_v2 = deviceSettings->value("Gain_v2").toInt(); // Retrieve device-specific settings from DialogDevices DialogDevices dlg; dlg.deviceSettings = deviceSettings; QVector> allCalibrationFactors = dlg.getAllCalibrationFactors(); for (int dev_nr = 0; dev_nr < nr_devices; dev_nr++) { top(deviceSettings); QString group_label = QString("Device%1").arg(dev_nr); deviceSettings->beginGroup(group_label); dc.device_id = dev_nr; dc.hardware_ver = deviceSettings->value("HardwareVer").toInt(); ip2num(deviceSettings->value("IP").toString(), ip); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)//4 bytes dc.device_ip[i] = ip[i]; dc.master = deviceSettings->value("Master").toInt(); dc.plane = deviceSettings->value("Plane").toInt(); dc.position = deviceSettings->value("Position").toInt(); dc.nr_sensors = deviceSettings->value("Sensors").toInt(); dc.master_delay = deviceSettings->value("MasterDelay").toInt(); dc.slave_delay = deviceSettings->value("SlaveDelay").toInt(); dc.threshold = deviceSettings->value("Threshold").toInt(); dc.clustersize = deviceSettings->value("ClusterSize").toInt(); /* // Get calibration factors for this device QVector calibFactors = allCalibrationFactors[dev_nr]; for (int i = 0; i < 320; i++) { if (i < calibFactors.size() && calibFactors[i] >= 0 && calibFactors[i] <= 65535) { dc.calibrationFactor[i] = calibFactors[i]; } else { dc.calibrationFactor[i] = 8192; // Default value if not set or invalid } } */ switch (dc.hardware_ver) { case 1: dc.period = period_v1; dc.tint = tint_v1; dc.gain = gain_v1; break; case 2: dc.period = period_v2; dc.tint = tint_v2; dc.gain = gain_v2; break; default: qCritical("Unsupported hardware version!"); break; } theHW->configureDevice(dev_nr, dc); //configure the device and an entry in base address table in the event builder } /* // Assume calibration factors are stored as a list or comma-separated string QString calibFactorsStr = deviceSettings->value("CalibFactors").toString(); QStringList calibFactorList = calibFactorsStr.split(',', Qt::SkipEmptyParts); // Clear any existing calibration data for (int i = 0; i < 320; i++) { dc.calibrationFactor[i] = 0; // Initialize to 0 or some default } // Load calibration factors int index = 0; for (const QString& factor : calibFactorList) { if (index >= 320) break; // Ensure we do not overflow the array bool ok; int value = factor.toInt(&ok); if (ok) { dc.calibrationFactor[index] = value; index++; } else { qWarning() << "Invalid calibration factor:" << factor; } } */ //theDisplay.setup(&theHW); } void MainWindow::setupDeviceList() { qInfo("Setting up device list..."); ui->pushRun->setEnabled(false); theHW->removeDevices(); top(deviceSettings); deviceSettings->beginGroup("Global"); theHW->addDevices(deviceSettings->value("NrDevices", (int)1).toInt()); } void MainWindow::run() { if (running) stop(); theHW->run(); ui->pushRun->setText("Stop!"); running = 1; } void MainWindow::stop() { if (!running) return; theHW->stop(); ui->pushRun->setText("Run!"); running = 0; } void MainWindow::startLogging() { if (logging) stopLogging(); QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Select file for saving data", "", tr("Binary log files (*.da2)")); if (filename.length()) { //Make copy of current settings QString ini_filename = filename/*.left(filename.lastIndexOf(QString(".")))*/ + QString(".ini"); QSettings* settings_copy = new QSettings(ini_filename,QSettings::IniFormat); copyQSettings (deviceSettings, settings_copy); settings_copy->sync(); delete settings_copy; //Start logging theHW->eventBuilder.startLogging(filename); logging = 1; ui->pushLogging->setText("Stop logging!"); } } void MainWindow::startAnalysing(){ if (analysing) stopAnalysing(); analysing = 1; } void MainWindow::stopAnalysing() { analysing = 0; } void MainWindow::stopLogging() { theHW->eventBuilder.stopLogging(); logging = 0; ui->pushLogging->setText("Start logging!"); } void MainWindow::startDisplay() { ui->pushDisplay->setText("Hide display!"); theDisplay->setup(theHW); theDisplay->show(); } void MainWindow::stopDisplay() { ui->pushDisplay->setText("Show display!"); theDisplay->hide(); } //******************** Slots ************************* void MainWindow::on_timer() { status1.setText(theHW->report()); if (theDisplay->isActive()) theDisplay->plot(); } void MainWindow::on_pushLogSettings_pressed() { DialogLogSettings dlg; dlg.displayMask = debugStream->displayMask; dlg.detailsMask = debugStream->detailsMask; if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { debugStream->displayMask = dlg.displayMask; debugStream->detailsMask = dlg.detailsMask; std::cout << "(logger settings changed)" << std::endl; } } void MainWindow::on_actionConnect_triggered() { stop(); theHW->connectDevices(); ui->pushRun->setEnabled(true); } void MainWindow::on_actionDisconnect_triggered() { stop(); theHW->disconnectDevices(); ui->pushRun->setEnabled(false); } void MainWindow::on_actionHost_IP_triggered() { DialogHostIp dlg; dlg.deviceSettings = deviceSettings; if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { stop(); setupHardware(); } } void MainWindow::on_actionTrigger_config_triggered() { DialogTriggerSettings dlg; dlg.deviceSettings = deviceSettings; if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { stop(); setupHardware(); } } void MainWindow::on_actionDevices_triggered() { DialogDevices dlg; dlg.deviceSettings = deviceSettings; if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { stop(); if (theDisplay->isActive()) stopDisplay(); setupDeviceList(); setupHardware(); } } void MainWindow::on_pushRun_pressed() { if (!running) run(); else stop(); } void MainWindow::on_pushLogging_pressed() { if (!logging) startLogging(); else stopLogging(); } void MainWindow::on_pushAnalysing_pressed() { if (!analysing) startAnalysing(); else stopAnalysing(); } void MainWindow::on_pushDisplay_pressed() { if (theDisplay->isActive()) stopDisplay(); else startDisplay(); } void MainWindow::on_actionLinearity_test_triggered() { if (!theKeithley->isOpen) { qWarning("Keithley not connected! Aborting linearity test!"); return; } if (!running) { qWarning("Run is stopped! Aborting linearity test!"); return; } DialogLinearity dlg; dlg.theHW = theHW; dlg.theKeithley = theKeithley; dlg.exec(); } void MainWindow::on_actionIntegration_time_scan_triggered() { /*if (!theKeithley->isOpen) { qWarning("Keithley not connected! Aborting integration time scan!"); return; }*/ if (!ui->pushRun->isEnabled()) { qWarning("Run cannot be started! Aborting integration time scan!"); return; } int was_running = running; stop(); DialogTiScan dlg; dlg.theHW = theHW; dlg.theKeithley = theKeithley; dlg.exec(); //recover previous state setupHardware(); if (was_running) run(); } void MainWindow::on_actionProfile_viewer_triggered() { if (!running) { qWarning("Run is stopped! Aborting profile viewer run!"); return; } DialogProfiler dlg; dlg.theHW = theHW; dlg.theKeithley = theKeithley; dlg.exec(); } void MainWindow::on_actionBeta_Scanner_triggered() { if (!running) { qWarning("Run is stopped! Aborting beta scanner run!"); return; } if (!theStepper->isOpen) { qWarning("Stepper controller not connected! Aborting beta scanner run!"); return; } if (theHW->eventBuilder.isLogging()) { qWarning("Data logging active! No raw data logging for the scan will be possible!"); } DialogBeta dlg; dlg.theHW = theHW; dlg.theStepper = theStepper; dlg.deviceSettings = deviceSettings; dlg.exec(); } //************** Keithley support ******************* //Qt5 /*void MainWindow::on_newCurrentReadout(const double currentReadout) { QString text; text.sprintf("I=%1.8f nA", 1e+9*currentReadout); statusKeithley.setText(text); }*/ //Qt6 void MainWindow::on_newCurrentReadout(const double currentReadout) { QString text = QString("I=%1 nA").arg(1e+9 * currentReadout, 0, 'f', 8); statusKeithley.setText(text); } void MainWindow::on_actionConnect_Keithley_triggered() { if (theKeithley->connect()) { qInfo(qPrintable(QString("Keithley connected at port %1").arg(theKeithley->portName))); } else { qInfo("Keithley connection failed!"); } } void MainWindow::on_actionDisconnect_Keithley_triggered() { theKeithley->disconnect(); qInfo("Keithley disconnected."); statusKeithley.setText("Keithley disconnected"); } //***************** Stepper support ********************* void MainWindow::on_actionConnect_Stepper_triggered() { theStepper->connect(1); if (theStepper->isOpen) { qInfo(qPrintable(QString("Stepper controller connected at port %1").arg(theStepper->portName))); } else { qInfo("Stepper connection failed!"); } } void MainWindow::on_actionDisconnect_Stepper_triggered() { theStepper->disconnect(); qInfo("Stepper controller disconnected."); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_exit_clicked() { if(running) stop(); theHW->stop(); theHW->disconnectDevices(); QApplication::exit(); //close the application; }