#include "dialogdevices.h" #include "ui_dialogdevices.h" #include "helpers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // Include QPushButton header for button creation DialogDevices::DialogDevices(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::DialogDevices) { ui->setupUi(this); } DialogDevices::~DialogDevices() { delete ui; } //***************** Initialization ****************** void DialogDevices::showEvent(QShowEvent * event) { if (!event->spontaneous()) { if (deviceSettings != NULL) { top(deviceSettings); deviceSettings->beginGroup("Global"); ui->spinNrDevices->setValue(deviceSettings->value("NrDevices", int(1)).toInt()); ui->tableDevices->setColumnCount(12); QStringList h_header; h_header.append("IP Address"); h_header.append("Hardware ver."); h_header.append("Layer"); h_header.append("Position"); h_header.append("Sensors"); h_header.append("Master"); h_header.append("Master dly"); h_header.append("Slave dly"); h_header.append("Threshold"); h_header.append("ClusterSize"); h_header.append("CalibFile"); // Column for showing file path h_header.append("Select Calib File"); // New column for the button ui->tableDevices->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(h_header); importSettings(); } initialized = 1; } QDialog::showEvent(event); } //***************** Processing ****************** void DialogDevices::accept() { // qInfo("Accepted!"); if (validateAndSave()) QDialog::accept(); } void DialogDevices::selectCalibrationFile(int dev_nr) { // Open a file dialog to select a calibration file QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Select Calibration File", "", "Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*)"); if (filename.isEmpty()) { return; // User canceled the dialog } // Set the file name in the table for the corresponding device QTableWidgetItem* calibItem = new QTableWidgetItem(filename); ui->tableDevices->setItem(dev_nr, 10, calibItem); // Load calibration data from the file QVector calibrationData; QFile file(filename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QMessageBox::critical(this, "Error", "Could not open file for reading"); return; } QTextStream in(&file); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); bool ok; unsigned short value = line.toUShort(&ok); if (ok) { calibrationData.append(value); } else { calibrationData.append(32768); // assume calibration range is 0 = and 1 = 65536 QMessageBox::warning(this, "Warning", "Invalid data in file. Skipping line."); } } file.close(); // Store the calibration data for the device applyCalibrationDataToDevice(dev_nr, calibrationData); } void DialogDevices::applyCalibrationDataToDevice(int dev_nr, const QVector& data) { // Implementation for applying the calibration data to the specific device // For example, updating device settings or performing calculations qDebug() << "Calibration data loaded for Device" << dev_nr << ":" << data; // Example: Set the calibration data in your application logic // deviceSettings->setValue("Device%1/CalibrationData", data); // if storing in settings } void DialogDevices::importSettings() { int nr_devices = ui->spinNrDevices->value(); ui->tableDevices->setRowCount(nr_devices); for (int dev_nr = 0; dev_nr < nr_devices; dev_nr++) { if (dev_nr >= last_nr_devices) //update only new rows! { top(deviceSettings); QString group_label = QString("Device%1").arg(dev_nr); deviceSettings->beginGroup(group_label); QTableWidgetItem* newItem; newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(deviceSettings->value("IP","").toString()); ui->tableDevices->setItem(dev_nr, 0, newItem ); newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(deviceSettings->value("HardwareVer","1").toString()); ui->tableDevices->setItem(dev_nr, 1, newItem ); newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(deviceSettings->value("Plane","0").toString()); ui->tableDevices->setItem(dev_nr, 2, newItem ); newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(deviceSettings->value("Position","0").toString()); ui->tableDevices->setItem(dev_nr, 3, newItem ); newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(deviceSettings->value("Sensors","2").toString()); ui->tableDevices->setItem(dev_nr, 4, newItem ); newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(deviceSettings->value("Master","0").toString()); ui->tableDevices->setItem(dev_nr, 5, newItem ); newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(deviceSettings->value("MasterDelay","22").toString()); ui->tableDevices->setItem(dev_nr, 6, newItem ); newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(deviceSettings->value("SlaveDelay","1").toString()); ui->tableDevices->setItem(dev_nr, 7, newItem ); newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(deviceSettings->value("ClusThresh","10").toString()); ui->tableDevices->setItem(dev_nr, 8, newItem ); newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(deviceSettings->value("ClusSize","4").toString()); ui->tableDevices->setItem(dev_nr, 9, newItem ); // Add an item for the calibration file path (optional, for display) newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(deviceSettings->value("CalibFile", "").toString()); ui->tableDevices->setItem(dev_nr, 10, newItem); // Add a button for selecting calibration files QPushButton* calibButton = new QPushButton("Select File"); ui->tableDevices->setCellWidget(dev_nr, 11, calibButton); // Column index 11 for button // Connect the button to a slot with the sensor index as a parameter connect(calibButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [this, dev_nr]() { selectCalibrationFile(dev_nr); }); } } last_nr_devices = nr_devices; } int DialogDevices::validateAndSave() { if (deviceSettings == NULL) return 0; int nr_devices = ui->spinNrDevices->value(); int data_ok = 1; //check each table row for (int dev_nr = 0; dev_nr < nr_devices; dev_nr++) { //first the IP QString user_data = ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,0)->text(); QString generated = ip2num(user_data); //if the strings are identical, save the value and return 1 if (generated.compare(user_data) != 0) data_ok = 0; ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,0)->setText(generated); //hardware version user_data = ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,1)->text(); int num_hw = user_data.toInt(); if (num_hw < 1) num_hw = 1; if (num_hw > 2) num_hw = 2; generated = QString("%1").arg(num_hw); //if the strings are identical, save the value and return 1 if (generated.compare(user_data) != 0) data_ok = 0; ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,1)->setText(generated); //now the plane user_data = ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,2)->text(); int num_value = user_data.toInt(); if (num_value < 0) num_value = 0; generated = QString("%1").arg(num_value); //if the strings are identical, save the value and return 1 if (generated.compare(user_data) != 0) data_ok = 0; ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,2)->setText(generated); //now physical position user_data = ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,3)->text(); num_value = user_data.toInt(); if (num_value < 0) num_value = 0; generated = QString("%1").arg(num_value); //if the strings are identical, save the value and return 1 if (generated.compare(user_data) != 0) data_ok = 0; ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,3)->setText(generated); //now number of sensors user_data = ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,4)->text(); num_value = user_data.toInt(); int max_sensors = (num_hw == 1) ? 2 : 5; if (num_value < 1) num_value = 1; if (num_value > max_sensors) num_value = max_sensors; generated = QString("%1").arg(num_value); //if the strings are identical, save the value and return 1 if (generated.compare(user_data) != 0) data_ok = 0; ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,4)->setText(generated); //now master selector user_data = ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,5)->text(); num_value = user_data.toInt(); if (num_value < 0) num_value = 0; if (num_value > 1) num_value = 1; generated = QString("%1").arg(num_value); //if the strings are identical, save the value and return 1 if (generated.compare(user_data) != 0) data_ok = 0; ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,5)->setText(generated); //now master delay user_data = ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,6)->text(); num_value = user_data.toInt(); if (num_value < 1) num_value = 1; if (num_value > 255) num_value = 255; generated = QString("%1").arg(num_value); //if the strings are identical, save the value and return 1 if (generated.compare(user_data) != 0) data_ok = 0; ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,6)->setText(generated); //now slave delay user_data = ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,7)->text(); num_value = user_data.toInt(); if (num_value < 1) num_value = 1; if (num_value > 255) num_value = 255; generated = QString("%1").arg(num_value); //if the strings are identical, save the value and return 1 if (generated.compare(user_data) != 0) data_ok = 0; ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,7)->setText(generated); //now cluster threshold user_data = ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,8)->text(); num_value = user_data.toInt(); if (num_value < 1) num_value = 1; if (num_value > 255) num_value = 255; generated = QString("%1").arg(num_value); //if the strings are identical, save the value and return 1 if (generated.compare(user_data) != 0) data_ok = 0; ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,8)->setText(generated); //now cluster size user_data = ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,9)->text(); num_value = user_data.toInt(); if (num_value < 1) num_value = 1; if (num_value > 255) num_value = 255; generated = QString("%1").arg(num_value); //if the strings are identical, save the value and return 1 if (generated.compare(user_data) != 0) data_ok = 0; ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,9)->setText(generated); } //now store the data if (!data_ok) return 0; top(deviceSettings); deviceSettings->beginGroup("Global"); deviceSettings->setValue("NrDevices", nr_devices); for (int dev_nr = 0; dev_nr < nr_devices; dev_nr++) { top(deviceSettings); QString group_label = QString("Device%1").arg(dev_nr); deviceSettings->beginGroup(group_label); deviceSettings->setValue("IP", ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,0)->text()); deviceSettings->setValue("HardwareVer", ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,1)->text()); deviceSettings->setValue("Plane", ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,2)->text()); deviceSettings->setValue("Position", ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,3)->text()); deviceSettings->setValue("Sensors", ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,4)->text()); deviceSettings->setValue("Master", ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,5)->text()); deviceSettings->setValue("MasterDelay", ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,6)->text()); deviceSettings->setValue("SlaveDelay", ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,7)->text()); deviceSettings->setValue("Threshold", ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,8)->text()); deviceSettings->setValue("ClusterSize", ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr,9)->text()); deviceSettings->setValue("CalibFile", ui->tableDevices->item(dev_nr, 10)->text()); } return 1; } void DialogDevices::on_spinNrDevices_valueChanged(int arg1) { if (initialized) importSettings(); } QVector> DialogDevices::getAllCalibrationFactors() const { QVector> calibrationFactors; for (int row = 0; row < ui->tableDevices->rowCount(); ++row) { QVector factors(320, 8192); // Initialize with default value of 8192 QTableWidgetItem* item = ui->tableDevices->item(row, 10); // Assuming column 10 is for calibration factors if (item) { QStringList factorStrings = item->text().split(',', Qt::SkipEmptyParts); for (int i = 0; i < factorStrings.size() && i < 320; ++i) { bool ok; int factor = factorStrings[i].toInt(&ok); if (ok && factor >= 0 && factor <= 65535) { factors[i] = factor; } } } calibrationFactors.append(factors); } return calibrationFactors; }