// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. // Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other // software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output // files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation // files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject // to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription // Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable // license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the // sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by // Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable // agreement for further details. /* This block is used to breakout the 256 bit streaming ports to and from the write master. The information sent through the streaming ports is a bundle of wires and buses so it's fairly inconvenient to constantly refer to them by their position amungst the 256 lines. This block also provides a layer of abstraction since the descriptor buffers block has no clue what format the descriptors are in except that the 'go' bit is written to. This means that using this block you could move descriptor information around without affecting the top level dispatcher logic. 1.0 06/29/2009 - First version of this block of wires 1.1 02/15/2011 - Added read_early_done_enable to the wire breakout 1.2 11/15/2012 - Added in an additional 32 bits of address for extended descriptors */ // synthesis translate_off `timescale 1ns / 1ps // synthesis translate_on // turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings // altera message_level Level1 // altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 module read_signal_breakout ( read_command_data_in, // descriptor from the read FIFO read_command_data_out, // reformated descriptor to the read master // breakout of command information read_address, read_length, read_transmit_channel, read_generate_sop, read_generate_eop, read_park, read_transfer_complete_IRQ_mask, read_burst_count, // when 'ENHANCED_FEATURES' is 0 this will be driven to ground read_stride, // when 'ENHANCED_FEATURES' is 0 this will be driven to ground read_sequence_number, // when 'ENHANCED_FEATURES' is 0 this will be driven to ground read_transmit_error, read_early_done_enable, // additional control information that needs to go out asynchronously with the command data read_stop, read_sw_reset ); parameter DATA_WIDTH = 256; // 256 bits when enhanced settings are enabled otherwise 128 bits input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] read_command_data_in; output wire [255:0] read_command_data_out; output wire [63:0] read_address; output wire [31:0] read_length; output wire [7:0] read_transmit_channel; output wire read_generate_sop; output wire read_generate_eop; output wire read_park; output wire read_transfer_complete_IRQ_mask; output wire [7:0] read_burst_count; output wire [15:0] read_stride; output wire [15:0] read_sequence_number; output wire [7:0] read_transmit_error; output wire read_early_done_enable; input read_stop; input read_sw_reset; assign read_address[31:0] = read_command_data_in[31:0]; assign read_length = read_command_data_in[95:64]; generate if (DATA_WIDTH == 256) begin assign read_early_done_enable = read_command_data_in[248]; assign read_transmit_error = read_command_data_in[247:240]; assign read_transmit_channel = read_command_data_in[231:224]; assign read_generate_sop = read_command_data_in[232]; assign read_generate_eop = read_command_data_in[233]; assign read_park = read_command_data_in[234]; assign read_transfer_complete_IRQ_mask = read_command_data_in[238]; assign read_burst_count = read_command_data_in[119:112]; assign read_stride = read_command_data_in[143:128]; assign read_sequence_number = read_command_data_in[111:96]; assign read_address[63:32] = read_command_data_in[191:160]; end else begin assign read_early_done_enable = read_command_data_in[120]; assign read_transmit_error = read_command_data_in[119:112]; assign read_transmit_channel = read_command_data_in[103:96]; assign read_generate_sop = read_command_data_in[104]; assign read_generate_eop = read_command_data_in[105]; assign read_park = read_command_data_in[106]; assign read_transfer_complete_IRQ_mask = read_command_data_in[110]; assign read_burst_count = 8'h00; assign read_stride = 16'h0000; assign read_sequence_number = 16'h0000; assign read_address[63:32] = 32'h00000000; end endgenerate // big concat statement to glue all the signals back together to go out to the read master (MSBs to LSBs) assign read_command_data_out = {{115{1'b0}}, // zero pad the upper 115 bits read_address[63:32], read_early_done_enable, read_transmit_error, read_stride, read_burst_count, read_sw_reset, read_stop, read_generate_eop, read_generate_sop, read_transmit_channel, read_length, read_address[31:0]}; endmodule