// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. // Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other // software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output // files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation // files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject // to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription // Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable // license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the // sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by // Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable // agreement for further details. `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps module altgpio_one_bit( inclock, outclock, phy_mem_clock, inclocken, outclocken, oe, din, dout, pad, pad_b, aset, sclr, hr_clock, fr_clock, mimic_clock, nsleep ); parameter PIN_TYPE = "output"; parameter BUFFER_TYPE = "single-ended"; parameter REGISTER_MODE = "bypass"; parameter ASYNC_MODE = "none"; parameter SYNC_MODE = "none"; parameter BUS_HOLD = "false"; parameter SET_REGISTER_OUTPUTS_HIGH = "false"; parameter USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER = "false"; parameter BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER = "true"; parameter INVERT_OUTPUT = "false"; parameter INVERT_INPUT_CLOCK = "false"; parameter INVERT_OUTPUT_CLOCK = "false"; parameter INVERT_OE_INCLOCK = "false"; parameter USE_ONE_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE = "false"; parameter USE_DDIO_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE = "false"; parameter OPEN_DRAIN_OUTPUT = "false"; parameter ENABLE_OE_HALF_CYCLE_DELAY = "true"; parameter USE_ADVANCED_DDR_FEATURES_FOR_INPUT_ONLY = "false"; parameter ENABLE_CLOCK_ENA_PORT = "false"; parameter ENABLE_HR_CLOCK = "false"; parameter ENABLE_PHASE_DETECTOR_FOR_CK = "false"; parameter ENABLE_NSLEEP_PORT = "false"; localparam DATA_SIZE = (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr") ? 2:1; localparam DDIO_REG_POWER_UP = (ASYNC_MODE == "preset" || SET_REGISTER_OUTPUTS_HIGH == "true") ? "high" : "low"; input inclock; input outclock; input inclocken; input outclocken; input oe; input nsleep; input [DATA_SIZE - 1:0] din; output [DATA_SIZE - 1:0] dout; inout pad; inout pad_b; input aset; input sclr; input phy_mem_clock; input hr_clock; (* altera_attribute = "-name GLOBAL_SIGNAL\"OFF\"" *) output fr_clock; output mimic_clock; wire din_ddr; wire buf_in; wire oe_out; wire nsleep_in; generate if (PIN_TYPE == "output" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir") begin wire [1:0] din_fr; if (INVERT_OUTPUT == "false") begin assign din_fr = din; end else begin assign din_fr = ~din; end wire outclock_wire; if (REGISTER_MODE != "bypass") begin if (INVERT_OUTPUT_CLOCK == "false") begin: normal_input_clock assign outclock_wire = outclock; end else begin: inverted_output_clock assign outclock_wire = ~outclock; end end wire outclocken_wire; assign outclocken_wire = (ENABLE_CLOCK_ENA_PORT == "true") ? outclocken : 1'b1; if (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr" && USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER == "true") begin if (ASYNC_MODE != "none") begin: async_mode_out_path_enhanced_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_out #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .use_enhanced_ddr_hio(USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER), .bypass_three_quarter_register(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .use_new_clocking_model("true") ) fr_out_data_ddio ( .datainhi(din_fr[0]), .datainlo(din_fr[1]), .dataout(din_ddr), .clkhi(outclock_wire), .clklo(outclock_wire), .muxsel(outclock_wire), .areset(aset), .ena(outclocken_wire), .phymemclock(phy_mem_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .clk (outclock_wire), .sreset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .dffhi(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end else if (SYNC_MODE != "none") begin: sync_mode_out_path_enhanced_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_out #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .use_enhanced_ddr_hio(USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER), .bypass_three_quarter_register(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .use_new_clocking_model("true") ) fr_out_data_ddio ( .datainhi(din_fr[0]), .datainlo(din_fr[1]), .dataout(din_ddr), .clkhi(outclock_wire), .clklo(outclock_wire), .muxsel(outclock_wire), .sreset(sclr), .ena(outclocken_wire), .phymemclock(phy_mem_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .clk (outclock_wire), .areset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .dffhi(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end else begin: out_path_enhanced_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_out #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .use_enhanced_ddr_hio(USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER), .bypass_three_quarter_register(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .use_new_clocking_model("true") ) fr_out_data_ddio ( .datainhi(din_fr[0]), .datainlo(din_fr[1]), .dataout(din_ddr), .clkhi(outclock_wire), .clklo(outclock_wire), .muxsel(outclock_wire), .ena(outclocken_wire), .phymemclock(phy_mem_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .areset(1'b0), .clk(1'b0), .sreset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .dffhi(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end end else if (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr" && USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER == "false") begin if (ASYNC_MODE != "none") begin: async_mode_out_path_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_out #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .use_new_clocking_model("true"), .bypass_three_quarter_register(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER) ) fr_out_data_ddio ( .datainhi(din_fr[0]), .datainlo(din_fr[1]), .dataout(din_ddr), .clkhi(outclock_wire), .clklo(outclock_wire), .muxsel(outclock_wire), .areset(aset), .ena(outclocken_wire) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .clk(1'b0), .phymemclock(1'b0), .sreset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .dffhi(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end else if (SYNC_MODE != "none") begin: sync_mode_out_path_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_out #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .use_new_clocking_model("true"), .bypass_three_quarter_register(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER) ) fr_out_data_ddio ( .datainhi(din_fr[0]), .datainlo(din_fr[1]), .dataout(din_ddr), .clkhi(outclock_wire), .clklo(outclock_wire), .muxsel(outclock_wire), .sreset(sclr), .ena(outclocken_wire) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .areset(1'b0), .clk(1'b0), .phymemclock(1'b0), .dfflo(), .dffhi(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end else begin: out_path_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_out #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .use_new_clocking_model("true"), .bypass_three_quarter_register(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER) ) fr_out_data_ddio ( .datainhi(din_fr[0]), .datainlo(din_fr[1]), .dataout(din_ddr), .clkhi(outclock_wire), .clklo(outclock_wire), .muxsel(outclock_wire), .ena(outclocken_wire) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .areset(1'b0), .clk(1'b0), .phymemclock(1'b0), .sreset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .dffhi(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end end else if (REGISTER_MODE == "single-register") begin: out_path_sdr reg reg_data_out /* synthesis altera_attribute="FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER=on" */; always @(posedge outclock_wire) reg_data_out <= din_fr[0]; assign din_ddr = reg_data_out; end else begin: out_path_reg_none assign din_ddr = din_fr[0]; end end endgenerate generate if (PIN_TYPE == "bidir" || PIN_TYPE == "output") begin wire oe_inclk_wire; if (USE_ONE_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE == "true" || USE_DDIO_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE == "true") begin if (INVERT_OE_INCLOCK == "false") begin: normal_oe_inclock assign oe_inclk_wire = outclock; end else begin: inverted_oe_inclock assign oe_inclk_wire = ~outclock; end end wire oe_outclocken_wire; assign oe_outclocken_wire = (ENABLE_CLOCK_ENA_PORT == "true") ? outclocken : 1'b1; if (USE_DDIO_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE == "true") begin if (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr" && USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER == "true") begin if (ASYNC_MODE != "none") begin: async_mode_oe_path_enhanced_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_oe #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .use_enhanced_ddr_hio(USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER), .bypass_three_quarter_register(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER), .enable_half_cycle_delay(ENABLE_OE_HALF_CYCLE_DELAY), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP) ) fr_oe_data_ddio ( .oe(~oe), .dataout(oe_out), .clk(oe_inclk_wire), .areset(aset), .ena(oe_outclocken_wire), .phymemclock(phy_mem_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .sreset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .dffhi(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end else if (SYNC_MODE != "none") begin: sync_mode_oe_path_enhanced_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_oe #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .use_enhanced_ddr_hio(USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER), .bypass_three_quarter_register(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER), .enable_half_cycle_delay(ENABLE_OE_HALF_CYCLE_DELAY), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP) ) fr_oe_data_ddio ( .oe(~oe), .dataout(oe_out), .clk(oe_inclk_wire), .sreset(sclr), .ena(oe_outclocken_wire), .phymemclock(phy_mem_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .areset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .dffhi(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end else begin: oe_path_enhanced_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_oe #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .use_enhanced_ddr_hio(USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER), .bypass_three_quarter_register(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER), .enable_half_cycle_delay(ENABLE_OE_HALF_CYCLE_DELAY), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP) ) fr_oe_data_ddio ( .oe(~oe), .dataout(oe_out), .clk(oe_inclk_wire), .ena(oe_outclocken_wire), .phymemclock(phy_mem_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .areset(1'b0), .sreset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .dffhi(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end end else if (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr" && USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER == "false") begin if (ASYNC_MODE != "none") begin: async_mode_oe_path_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_oe #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .enable_half_cycle_delay(ENABLE_OE_HALF_CYCLE_DELAY), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .bypass_three_quarter_register(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER) ) fr_oe_data_ddio ( .oe(~oe), .dataout(oe_out), .clk(oe_inclk_wire), .areset(aset), .ena(oe_outclocken_wire) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .phymemclock(1'b0), .sreset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .dffhi(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end else if (SYNC_MODE != "none") begin: sync_mode_oe_path_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_oe #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .enable_half_cycle_delay(ENABLE_OE_HALF_CYCLE_DELAY), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .bypass_three_quarter_register(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER) ) fr_oe_data_ddio ( .oe(~oe), .dataout(oe_out), .clk(oe_inclk_wire), .sreset(sclr), .ena(oe_outclocken_wire) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .areset(1'b0), .phymemclock(1'b0), .dfflo(), .dffhi(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end else begin: oe_path_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_oe #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .enable_half_cycle_delay(ENABLE_OE_HALF_CYCLE_DELAY), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .bypass_three_quarter_register(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER) ) fr_oe_data_ddio ( .oe(~oe), .dataout(oe_out), .clk(oe_inclk_wire), .ena(oe_outclocken_wire) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .areset(1'b0), .phymemclock(1'b0), .sreset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .dffhi(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end end end else if (USE_ONE_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE == "true") begin: oe_path_sdr fiftyfivenm_ff oe_reg ( .clk(oe_inclk_wire), .d(~oe), .clrn(1'b1), .ena(1'b1), .q(oe_out) ); end else if (USE_ONE_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE == "false" && USE_DDIO_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE == "false") begin: oe_path_reg_none assign oe_out = ~oe; end end endgenerate generate if (PIN_TYPE == "input" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir") begin wire [1:0] ddr_input; wire inclock_wire; if (REGISTER_MODE != "bypass") begin if (INVERT_INPUT_CLOCK == "false") begin: normal_input_clock assign inclock_wire = inclock; end else begin: inverted_input_clock assign inclock_wire = ~inclock; end end wire inclocken_wire; assign inclocken_wire = (ENABLE_CLOCK_ENA_PORT == "true") ? inclocken : 1'b1; if (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr") begin if (USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER == "true" || USE_ADVANCED_DDR_FEATURES_FOR_INPUT_ONLY == "true") begin if (ENABLE_HR_CLOCK == "true") begin if (ASYNC_MODE != "none") begin: async_mode_in_path_enhanced_ddr_with_halfrateresyncclk fiftyfivenm_ddio_in #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .invert_input_clock(INVERT_INPUT_CLOCK) ) fr_in_ddio ( .datain(buf_in), .clk(inclock_wire), .ena(inclocken_wire), .halfrateresyncclk(hr_clock), .regouthi(ddr_input[1]), .regoutlo(ddr_input[0]), .clkout(fr_clock), .areset(aset) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .sreset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end else if (SYNC_MODE != "none") begin:sync_mode_in_path_enhanced_ddr_with_halfrateresyncclk fiftyfivenm_ddio_in #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .invert_input_clock(INVERT_INPUT_CLOCK) ) fr_in_ddio ( .datain(buf_in), .clk (inclock_wire), .ena(inclocken_wire), .sreset(sclr), .halfrateresyncclk(hr_clock), .regouthi(ddr_input[1]), .regoutlo(ddr_input[0]), .clkout(fr_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .areset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end else begin:in_path_enhanced_ddr_with_halfrateresyncclk fiftyfivenm_ddio_in #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .invert_input_clock(INVERT_INPUT_CLOCK) ) fr_in_ddio ( .datain(buf_in), .clk (inclock_wire), .ena(inclocken_wire), .halfrateresyncclk(hr_clock), .regouthi(ddr_input[1]), .regoutlo(ddr_input[0]), .clkout(fr_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .sreset(1'b0), .areset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1) `endif ); end end else begin if (ASYNC_MODE != "none") begin: async_mode_in_path_enhanced_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_in #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .invert_input_clock(INVERT_INPUT_CLOCK) ) fr_in_ddio ( .datain(buf_in), .clk(inclock_wire), .ena(inclocken_wire), .regouthi(ddr_input[1]), .regoutlo(ddr_input[0]), .clkout(fr_clock), .areset(aset) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .sreset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1), .halfrateresyncclk(1'b0) `endif ); end else if (SYNC_MODE != "none") begin:sync_mode_in_path_enhanced_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_in #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .invert_input_clock(INVERT_INPUT_CLOCK) ) fr_in_ddio ( .datain(buf_in), .clk (inclock_wire), .ena(inclocken_wire), .sreset(sclr), .regouthi(ddr_input[1]), .regoutlo(ddr_input[0]), .clkout(fr_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .areset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1), .halfrateresyncclk(1'b0) `endif ); end else begin:in_path_enhanced_ddr fiftyfivenm_ddio_in #( .async_mode(ASYNC_MODE), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE), .power_up(DDIO_REG_POWER_UP), .invert_input_clock(INVERT_INPUT_CLOCK) ) fr_in_ddio ( .datain(buf_in), .clk (inclock_wire), .ena(inclocken_wire), .regouthi(ddr_input[1]), .regoutlo(ddr_input[0]), .clkout(fr_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .sreset(1'b0), .areset(1'b0), .dfflo(), .devpor(1'b1), .devclrn(1'b1), .halfrateresyncclk(1'b0) `endif ); end end end else if (ENABLE_PHASE_DETECTOR_FOR_CK == "true") begin assign mimic_clock = buf_in; end else begin: in_path_ddr wire input_cell_l_q; wire input_aset; assign input_aset = ( ASYNC_MODE == "clear") ? !aset : aset; fiftyfivenm_ff input_cell_l ( .clk(inclock_wire), .d(buf_in), .clrn(input_aset), .ena(inclocken_wire), .q(input_cell_l_q) ); fiftyfivenm_ff input_latch_l ( .clk(~inclock_wire), .d(input_cell_l_q), .clrn(input_aset), .ena(inclocken_wire), .q(ddr_input[0]) ); fiftyfivenm_ff input_cell_h ( .clk(~inclock_wire), .d(buf_in), .clrn(input_aset), .ena(inclocken_wire), .q(ddr_input[1]) ); end end else if (REGISTER_MODE == "single-register") begin: in_path_sdr reg reg_data_in /* synthesis altera_attribute="FAST_INPUT_REGISTER=on" */; always @(posedge inclock_wire) begin reg_data_in <= buf_in; end assign ddr_input[0] = reg_data_in; end else begin: in_path_reg_none assign ddr_input[0] = buf_in; end assign dout[DATA_SIZE - 1:0] = ddr_input[DATA_SIZE - 1:0]; end endgenerate generate if (PIN_TYPE == "output" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir") begin if(BUFFER_TYPE == "pseudo_differential") begin: pseudo_diff_output_buf wire wire_pseudo_diff_o; wire wire_pseudo_diff_o_bar; fiftyfivenm_io_obuf #( .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD), .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN_OUTPUT) ) obuf_a ( .i(wire_pseudo_diff_o), .oe(~oe_out), .o(pad), .obar() `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .seriesterminationcontrol(16'b0), .devoe(1'b1) `endif ); fiftyfivenm_io_obuf #( .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD), .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN_OUTPUT) ) obuf_a_bar ( .i(wire_pseudo_diff_o_bar), .oe(~oe_out), .o(pad_b), .obar() `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .seriesterminationcontrol(16'b0), .devoe(1'b1) `endif ); fiftyfivenm_pseudo_diff_out pseudo_diff_a ( .i(din_ddr), .o(wire_pseudo_diff_o), .obar(wire_pseudo_diff_o_bar) ); end else if (BUFFER_TYPE == "true_differential") begin: true_diff_output_buf fiftyfivenm_io_obuf #( .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD), .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN_OUTPUT) ) obuf ( .i(din_ddr), .oe(~oe_out), .o(pad), .obar(pad_b) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .seriesterminationcontrol(16'b0), .devoe(1'b1) `endif ); end else begin: output_buf fiftyfivenm_io_obuf #( .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD), .open_drain_output(OPEN_DRAIN_OUTPUT) ) obuf ( .i(din_ddr), .oe(~oe_out), .o(pad), .obar() `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .seriesterminationcontrol(16'b0), .devoe(1'b1) `endif ); end end endgenerate assign nsleep_in = (ENABLE_NSLEEP_PORT == "true") ? nsleep : 1'b1; generate if (PIN_TYPE == "input" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir") begin if(BUFFER_TYPE == "true_differential" || BUFFER_TYPE == "pseudo_differential") begin: diff_input_buf if (ENABLE_NSLEEP_PORT == "true") begin: diff_input_buf_with_nsleep fiftyfivenm_io_ibuf #( .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD) ) ibuf ( .i(pad), .ibar(pad_b), .o(buf_in), .nsleep(nsleep_in) ); end else begin: diff_input_buf_without_nsleep fiftyfivenm_io_ibuf #( .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD) ) ibuf ( .i(pad), .ibar(pad_b), .o(buf_in) ); end end else begin:input_buf if (ENABLE_NSLEEP_PORT == "true") begin: input_buf_with_nsleep fiftyfivenm_io_ibuf #( .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD) ) ibuf ( .i(pad), .o(buf_in), .nsleep(nsleep_in) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .ibar(1'b0) `endif ); end else begin: input_buf_without_nsleep fiftyfivenm_io_ibuf #( .bus_hold(BUS_HOLD) ) ibuf ( .i(pad), .o(buf_in) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .ibar(1'b0) `endif ); end end end endgenerate generate if (PIN_TYPE == "output") begin assign dout = {DATA_SIZE{1'b0}}; end if (PIN_TYPE == "output" || REGISTER_MODE != "ddr" || USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER == "false") begin assign fr_clock = 1'b0; end if (PIN_TYPE == "input" || PIN_TYPE == "output" || REGISTER_MODE != "ddr" || ENABLE_PHASE_DETECTOR_FOR_CK == "false") begin assign mimic_clock = 1'b0; end endgenerate endmodule module altera_gpio_lite( inclock, outclock, inclocken, outclocken, oe, din, dout, pad_io, pad_io_b, pad_in, pad_in_b, pad_out, pad_out_b, aset, aclr, phy_mem_clock, sclr, hr_clock, fr_clock, invert_hr_clock, mimic_clock, nsleep ); parameter PIN_TYPE = "output"; parameter BUFFER_TYPE = "single-ended"; parameter REGISTER_MODE = "bypass"; parameter SIZE = 4; parameter ASYNC_MODE = "none"; parameter SYNC_MODE = "none"; parameter BUS_HOLD = "false"; parameter SET_REGISTER_OUTPUTS_HIGH = "false"; parameter INVERT_OUTPUT = "false"; parameter INVERT_INPUT_CLOCK = "false"; parameter INVERT_OUTPUT_CLOCK = "false"; parameter INVERT_OE_INCLOCK = "false"; parameter USE_ONE_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE = "false"; parameter USE_DDIO_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE = "false"; parameter OPEN_DRAIN_OUTPUT = "false"; parameter USE_ADVANCED_DDR_FEATURES = "false"; parameter USE_ADVANCED_DDR_FEATURES_FOR_INPUT_ONLY = "false"; parameter INVERT_CLKDIV_INPUT_CLOCK = "false"; parameter ENABLE_HR_CLOCK = "false"; parameter ENABLE_OE_HALF_CYCLE_DELAY = "true"; parameter ENABLE_OE_PORT = "false"; parameter ENABLE_CLOCK_ENA_PORT = "false"; parameter ENABLE_PHASE_INVERT_CTRL_PORT = "false"; parameter ENABLE_PHASE_DETECTOR_FOR_CK = "false"; parameter ENABLE_NSLEEP_PORT = "false"; localparam USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER = USE_ADVANCED_DDR_FEATURES; localparam BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER = (USE_ADVANCED_DDR_FEATURES == "true") ? "false" : "true"; localparam DATA_SIZE = (REGISTER_MODE == "ddr") ? 2 : 1; input inclock; input outclock; input inclocken; input outclocken; input [SIZE - 1:0] oe; input [SIZE - 1:0] nsleep; input [SIZE * DATA_SIZE - 1:0] din; output [SIZE * DATA_SIZE - 1:0] dout; inout [SIZE - 1:0] pad_io; inout [SIZE - 1:0] pad_io_b; input [SIZE - 1:0] pad_in; input [SIZE - 1:0] pad_in_b; output [SIZE - 1:0] pad_out; output [SIZE - 1:0] pad_out_b; input aset; input aclr; input sclr; input phy_mem_clock; input invert_hr_clock; output [SIZE - 1:0] fr_clock; output wire hr_clock; output [SIZE - 1:0] mimic_clock; wire [SIZE * DATA_SIZE - 1:0] din_reordered; wire [SIZE * DATA_SIZE - 1:0] dout_reordered; wire aclr_aset_wire; wire sclr_wire; wire [SIZE - 1:0] pad_io; wire [SIZE - 1:0] pad_io_b; assign aclr_aset_wire = (ASYNC_MODE == "clear") ? aclr : (ASYNC_MODE == "preset") ? aset : 1'b1; assign sclr_wire = (SYNC_MODE == "clear") ? sclr : 1'b0; generate if (PIN_TYPE == "input") begin assign pad_io = pad_in; assign pad_io_b = pad_in_b; assign pad_out = {SIZE{1'b0}}; assign pad_out_b = {SIZE{1'b0}}; end else if (PIN_TYPE == "output") begin assign pad_out = pad_io; assign pad_out_b = pad_io_b; end else begin assign pad_out = {SIZE{1'b0}}; assign pad_out_b = {SIZE{1'b0}}; end endgenerate genvar j, k; generate begin : reorder for(j = 0; j < SIZE ; j = j + 1) begin : j_loop for(k = 0; k < DATA_SIZE; k = k + 1) begin : k_d_loop assign din_reordered[j * DATA_SIZE + k] = din[j + k * SIZE]; assign dout[j + k * SIZE] = dout_reordered[j * DATA_SIZE + k]; end end end endgenerate genvar i; generate begin : gpio_one_bit for(i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; i = i + 1) begin : i_loop wire oe_wire; wire nsleep_wire; assign oe_wire = (PIN_TYPE == "output" && ENABLE_OE_PORT == "false") ? 1'b1 : (PIN_TYPE == "input") ? 1'b0 : oe[i]; assign nsleep_wire = (PIN_TYPE == "input" && ENABLE_NSLEEP_PORT == "false") ? 1'b1 : (PIN_TYPE == "output") ? 1'b0 : nsleep[i]; altgpio_one_bit #( .PIN_TYPE(PIN_TYPE), .BUFFER_TYPE(BUFFER_TYPE), .REGISTER_MODE(REGISTER_MODE), .ASYNC_MODE(ASYNC_MODE), .SYNC_MODE(SYNC_MODE), .BUS_HOLD(BUS_HOLD), .SET_REGISTER_OUTPUTS_HIGH(SET_REGISTER_OUTPUTS_HIGH), .USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER(USE_ENHANCED_DDR_HIO_REGISTER), .USE_ADVANCED_DDR_FEATURES_FOR_INPUT_ONLY(USE_ADVANCED_DDR_FEATURES_FOR_INPUT_ONLY), .BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER(BYPASS_THREE_QUARTER_REGISTER), .INVERT_OUTPUT(INVERT_OUTPUT), .INVERT_INPUT_CLOCK(INVERT_INPUT_CLOCK), .INVERT_OUTPUT_CLOCK(INVERT_OUTPUT_CLOCK), .INVERT_OE_INCLOCK(INVERT_OE_INCLOCK), .USE_ONE_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE(USE_ONE_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE), .USE_DDIO_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE(USE_DDIO_REG_TO_DRIVE_OE), .OPEN_DRAIN_OUTPUT(OPEN_DRAIN_OUTPUT), .ENABLE_OE_HALF_CYCLE_DELAY(ENABLE_OE_HALF_CYCLE_DELAY), .ENABLE_CLOCK_ENA_PORT(ENABLE_CLOCK_ENA_PORT), .ENABLE_HR_CLOCK(ENABLE_HR_CLOCK), .ENABLE_PHASE_DETECTOR_FOR_CK(ENABLE_PHASE_DETECTOR_FOR_CK), .ENABLE_NSLEEP_PORT(ENABLE_NSLEEP_PORT) ) altgpio_bit_i ( .inclock(inclock), .outclock(outclock), .phy_mem_clock(phy_mem_clock), .inclocken(inclocken), .outclocken(outclocken), .oe(oe_wire), .din(din_reordered[(i + 1) * DATA_SIZE - 1 : i * DATA_SIZE]), .dout(dout_reordered[(i + 1) * DATA_SIZE - 1 : i * DATA_SIZE]), .pad(pad_io[i]), .pad_b(pad_io_b[i]), .aset(aclr_aset_wire), .sclr(sclr_wire), .fr_clock(fr_clock[i]), .hr_clock(hr_clock), .mimic_clock(mimic_clock[i]), .nsleep(nsleep_wire) ); end end endgenerate generate if ((PIN_TYPE == "input" || PIN_TYPE == "bidir") && (ENABLE_HR_CLOCK == "true")) begin if (ENABLE_PHASE_INVERT_CTRL_PORT == "true") begin if (SYNC_MODE == "clear") begin : clock_divider_sync_mode_invert_hr_clock fiftyfivenm_io_clock_divider #( .invert_input_clock_phase(INVERT_CLKDIV_INPUT_CLOCK), .use_phasectrlin(ENABLE_PHASE_INVERT_CTRL_PORT), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE) ) io_clkdiv ( .clk(inclock), .phaseinvertctrl(invert_hr_clock), .sreset(sclr_wire), .clkout(hr_clock) ); end else begin : clock_divider_invert_hr_clock fiftyfivenm_io_clock_divider #( .invert_input_clock_phase(INVERT_CLKDIV_INPUT_CLOCK), .use_phasectrlin(ENABLE_PHASE_INVERT_CTRL_PORT), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE) ) io_clkdiv ( .clk(inclock), .phaseinvertctrl(invert_hr_clock), .clkout(hr_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .sreset(1'b0) `endif ); end end else begin if (SYNC_MODE == "clear") begin : clock_divider_sync_mode fiftyfivenm_io_clock_divider #( .invert_input_clock_phase(INVERT_CLKDIV_INPUT_CLOCK), .use_phasectrlin(ENABLE_PHASE_INVERT_CTRL_PORT), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE) ) io_clkdiv ( .clk(inclock), .sreset(sclr_wire), .clkout(hr_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .phaseinvertctrl(1'b0) `endif ); end else begin : clock_divider fiftyfivenm_io_clock_divider #( .invert_input_clock_phase(INVERT_CLKDIV_INPUT_CLOCK), .use_phasectrlin(ENABLE_PHASE_INVERT_CTRL_PORT), .sync_mode(SYNC_MODE) ) io_clkdiv ( .clk(inclock), .clkout(hr_clock) `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS , .sreset(1'b0), .phaseinvertctrl(1'b0) `endif ); end end end else begin assign hr_clock = 1'b0; end endgenerate endmodule