
227 lines
6.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-09-07 13:31:49 +02:00
#include "display.h"
#include "ui_display.h"
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QCheckBox>
Display::Display(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::display)
// Copy/Create and initialize radio buttons
radioButtonFixedScale = ui->radioButtonFixedScale;//new QRadioButton("Fixed Scale", this);
radioButtonAutoscale = ui->radioButtonAutoscale;//new QRadioButton("Autoscale", this);
// Copy/Create and initialize the button group
buttonGroup = ui->buttonGroup;//new QButtonGroup(this);
buttonGroup->setExclusive(true); // Ensure exclusivity
// Add radio buttons to the button group
// Connect the buttonClicked signal of the button group
connect(buttonGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)), this, SLOT(onButtonClicked(QAbstractButton*)));
connect(ui->pushButton_savebkg, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Display::onSaveBackgroundClicked);
connect(ui->pushButton_loadbkg, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Display::onLoadBackgroundClicked);
connect(ui->checkBox_subbkg, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &Display::onCheckBoxStateChanged);
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delete ui;
void Display::showEvent(QShowEvent * event)
if (!event->spontaneous())
void Display::plot(const QVector<unsigned short> &data)
//resize data vectors and fill X values - only if needed
if (data.length() != nrPoints)
nrPoints = data.length();
for (int i = 0; i < nrPoints; i++)
dataX[i] = i;
//fill Y values
double min = 65535;
double max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nrPoints; i++)
dataY[i] = /*65535 -*/ data[i];
if (dataY[i] < min)
min = dataY[i];
if (dataY[i] > max)
max = dataY[i];
if (subtractBackground && ui->checkBox_subbkg->isChecked()) {
// Check if background subtraction is enabled and the checkbox is checked
QString planeName = ui->lineTitle->text();
planeName.remove(QChar(' '));
// Check if background data exists for this plane
if (backgroundDataMap.contains(planeName)) {
const QVector<unsigned short> &backgroundData = backgroundDataMap[planeName];
// Subtract background data from the current data
for (int i = 0; i < nrPoints; ++i) {
dataY[i] -= backgroundData[i];
2023-09-07 13:31:49 +02:00
if (ui->radioButtonAutoscale->isChecked())
else if (ui->radioButtonFixedScale ->isChecked())
ui->plot->yAxis->setRange(ui->spinBox_fixedmin->value(), ui->spinBox_fixedmax->value());
//feed plotter
ui->plot->graph(0)->setData(dataX, dataY);
void Display::plot()
void Display::setTitle(QString title)
// Slot to handle button clicks
void Display::onButtonClicked(QAbstractButton *button)
// Handle button clicks here
if (button == radioButtonFixedScale)
// Fixed Scale radio button clicked
// Handle the Fixed Scale selection
// Perform actions when Fixed Scale is selected
radioButtonFixedScale->setChecked(true); // Enable relevant controls
radioButtonAutoscale->setChecked(false); // Disable other controls
else if (button == radioButtonAutoscale)
// Autoscale radio button clicked
// Handle the Autoscale selection
// Perform actions when Autoscale is selected
ui->radioButtonFixedScale->setChecked(false); // Disable relevant controls
ui->radioButtonAutoscale->setChecked(true); // setEnabled(true); // Enable other controls
void Display::onSaveBackgroundClicked()
// Check if there is data to save
if (buffer.isEmpty()) {
// No data to save
// Get the plane's name (you might need to adjust how you retrieve it)
QString planeName = ui->lineTitle->text();
// Remove invalid characters from the plane name (e.g., spaces)
planeName.remove(QChar(' '));
// Generate the filename with the plane name appended
QString filename = QString("bkg/background_%1.txt").arg(planeName);
// Open the file for writing
QFile file(filename);
if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
QTextStream stream(&file);
// Write the data to the file
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.size(); ++i) {
stream << QString::number(buffer[i]) << "\n";
// Close the file
// Notify the user that the data has been saved
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qInfo() << "Data saved to" << filename;
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} else {
// Failed to open the file
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qWarning() << "Error: Failed to open" << filename << "for writing";
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void Display::onLoadBackgroundClicked()
// Get the plane's name (you might need to adjust how you retrieve it)
QString planeName = ui->lineTitle->text();
// Remove invalid characters from the plane name (e.g., spaces)
planeName.remove(QChar(' '));
// Generate the filename with the plane name appended
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QString filename = QString("bkg/background_%1.txt").arg(planeName);
// Open the file for reading
QFile file(filename);
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
QTextStream stream(&file);
// Read the data from the file and store it in the map
QVector<unsigned short> backgroundData;
while (!stream.atEnd()) {
QString line = stream.readLine();
unsigned short value = line.toUShort();
// Close the file
// Store the background data in the map
backgroundDataMap[planeName] = backgroundData;
// Notify the user that the data has been loaded
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qInfo() << "Background data loaded for" << planeName;
} else {
// Failed to open the file
2023-09-07 14:11:45 +02:00
qWarning() << "Error: Failed to open" << filename << "for reading";
void Display::onCheckBoxStateChanged(int state)
// The state argument will be Qt::Unchecked (0) or Qt::Checked (2)
subtractBackground = (state == Qt::Checked);