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2025-02-20 15:39:04 +01:00
#include <QObject>
#include <QVector>
#include <QList>
#include <QFile>
#include <QThread>
#include <QMutex>
#include <QMutexLocker>
#include <QQueue>
#include <QWaitCondition>
//#include "hw.h"
#include "datareceiver.h"
#include "histogram.h"
#include <immintrin.h> // Include for Intel Intrinsics
#include <emmintrin.h> // Include for SSE2
//The event builder will constantly keep some data in the buffers to enable synchronization of the devices. So:
#define EVB_MIN_BUFFER_OCCUPANCY (RECEIVER_BUFFER_SIZE / 8) //the EVB will wait until so much data is in each device buffer
#define EVB_MAX_BUFFER_OCCUPANCY (RECEIVER_BUFFER_SIZE / 2) //or so much in at least one
class EventBuilder : public QObject
explicit EventBuilder( QObject *parent = 0);
void addSource(DataReceiver *source);
void deleteSources();
void startLogging(QString filename);
void stopLogging();
int isLogging();
void startTakingHistos(int sample_count);
void stopTakingHistos();
QVector<Histogram> &getHistos();
QVector<BufferData> getLastFrame();
QVector<BufferData> getNewFrame(); //as getLastFrame(), but ensures that the frame is new, i.e. no frame will be read twice
void recalculateChannels(); //recalculate baseAddresses
void setChannelCount(int sensor_nr, int nr_channels);
void sigInit();
void sigDeinit();
void sigStartLogging();
void sigStopLogging();
void sigStartTakingHistos(int);
void sigStopTakingHistos();
void sigHistoCompleted(); //this is a public signal which can be used to notify user that the histo is ready
// Define a signal to notify when postdata is updated
void dataReady(const QByteArray& data); // Define a signal for data readiness
public slots:
void onNewData(DataReceiver *receiver);
// Add a public slot to receive and store data
void receiveData(const QByteArray &data);
// Add a method to get data from the queue
QByteArray getNextData();
int checkBufferOccupancies();
int findLowestId();
void logDataToFile();
void init(); //run after moving to thread
void deinit();
QThread thread;
QSemaphore initSemaphore;
QVector<DataReceiver*> receivers;
QVector<BufferData> currentFrame;
signed short * copy_sensor_data;
QVector<BufferData> backgroundFrame;
QVector<BufferData> lastFrame;
QVector<Histogram> histograms;
int histogramSamplesToTake = 0;
QVector<unsigned short> baseAddresses; //base channel numbers for receivers
QVector<unsigned short> channelCounts; //and numbers of channels
unsigned short totalChannels; //we like unsigned shorts to put them directly into the data file
unsigned short totalBoards;
QMutex lastFrameMutex;
QSemaphore newDataSemaphore;
int nrReceivers;
QString logFileName;
QFile logFile;
int loggingData = 0;
protected slots:
void onInit();
void onDeinit();
void onStartLogging();
void onStopLogging();
void onStartTakingHistos(int sample_count);
void onStopTakingHistos();
long long int frame_counter = 0;
double intensity = 0.0;
double position = 0.0;
double focus = 0.0;
QQueue<QByteArray> dataQueue;
QMutex mutex;
QWaitCondition dataAvailable;