Browse Source

First commit

Steffen Brucker 2 years ago
  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 38
  4. 66
  5. 39
  6. 46
  7. 16
  8. 58
  9. 632
  10. 11


@ -0,0 +1,5 @@


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// See
// for the documentation about the extensions.json format
"recommendations": [
"unwantedRecommendations": [


@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
* M034.h - Library for M034
* Created by brucker 22.03.2023
#ifndef M034_H
#define M034_H
#include <Arduino.h> // main arduino library
#include <SPI.h> // Arduino SPI library
#include "Pin_Definitions.h" // pin definitions
#include <Ponoor_PowerSTEP01Library.h> // stepper motor shield library
#include <SPI.h> // Arduino SPI library
#include <EEPROM.h> // Arduino EEPROM library
* classes *
// encoder position class
class NanotecAbsolutEncoder{
NanotecAbsolutEncoder(SPIClass *SPIPort);
void readPosition(void);
uint16_t getMultiturn(void);
uint32_t getSingleturn(void);
uint8_t getStatus(void);
uint16_t _startbits = 0;
uint16_t _multiturn = 0;
uint32_t _singleturn = 0;
uint8_t _status = 0;
uint8_t _readBytes[7];
SPIClass *_SPI;


@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
* Pin Definitins for ST Nucleo-F429ZI 144 Pin
* Created by brucker 21.03.2023
// Pin Numbers: Nucleo Pin Name // Nucleo Connector Pin, STM32 Pin, Function
// Pin definitions
// I2C
int const PIN_I2C_SDA = D20; // CN7:4, PB9
int const PIN_I2C_SCL = D21; // CN7:2, PB8
// SPI1 (Arduino compatible)
int const PIN_SPI_1_MOSI = D11; // CN7:14, PA7
int const PIN_SPI_1_MISO = D12; // CN7:12, PA6
int const PIN_SPI_1_CLK = D13; // CN7:10, PA5
int const PIN_SPI_1_SS = D10; // CN7:16, PD14
// SPI3
int const PIN_SPI_3_MOSI = PB5_ALT1;// CN7:13, PB5, D22
int const PIN_SPI_3_MISO = PB4_ALT1;// CN7:19, PB4, D25
int const PIN_SPI_3_CLK = PB3_ALT1; // CN7:15, PB3, D23
int const PIN_SPI_3_SS = D24; // CN7:17, PA4
// SPI4
int const PIN_SPI_4_MOSI = D59; // CN9:20, PE6
int const PIN_SPI_4_MISO = D58; // CN9:18, PE5
int const PIN_SPI_4_CLK = D39; // CN10:26, PE12
int const PIN_SPI_4_SS = D57; // CN9:16, PE4
// SPI5
int const PIN_SPI_5_MOSI = D63; // CN9:28, PF9
int const PIN_SPI_5_MISO = D61; // CN9:24, PF8
int const PIN_SPI_5_CLK = D62; // CN9:26, PF7
// Pin definitions for the X-NUCLEO-IHM03A1
int const PIN_STEPPER_FLAG = D2; // CN10:12, PF15
int const PIN_STEPPER_BUSY = D4; // CN10:8, PF14
int const PIN_STEPPER_RESET = D8; // CN7:20, PF12
int const PIN_STEPPER_STEP_CLK = D9;// CN7:18, PD15, SPI1
int const PIN_STEPPER_SPI_SS = D10; // CN7:16, PD14, SPI1
// naming scheme of stepper motor library
int const nBUSY_PIN = D4;
int const nSTBY_nRESET_PIN = D8;
int const STCK_PIN = D9;
int const nCS_PIN = D10;
int const PIN_RGB_LED_R = D6; // CN10:4, PE9
int const PIN_RGB_LED_G = D5; // CN10:6, PE11
int const PIN_RGB_LED_B = D3; // CN10:10, PE13
// Optical UART
int const PIN_OPTICAL_RX = D0; // CN10:16, PG9, USART6
int const PIN_OPTICAL_TX = D1; // CN10:14, PG14, USART6
// TTL input on Lemo for position controll
int const PIN_POS1 = A3; // CN9:7, PF3
int const PIN_POS2 = A4; // CN9:9, PF5
int const PIN_POS3 = A5; // CN9:11, PF10
// ADC inputs
int const PIN_ADC_5V = A1; // CN9:3, PC0
int const PIN_ADV_VIN = A2; // CN9:5, PC3
int const PIN_ADC_I_M = A0; // CN9:1, PA3


@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
This directory is intended for project header files.
A header file is a file containing C declarations and macro definitions
to be shared between several project source files. You request the use of a
header file in your project source file (C, C++, etc) located in `src` folder
by including it, with the C preprocessing directive `#include'.
#include "header.h"
int main (void)
Including a header file produces the same results as copying the header file
into each source file that needs it. Such copying would be time-consuming
and error-prone. With a header file, the related declarations appear
in only one place. If they need to be changed, they can be changed in one
place, and programs that include the header file will automatically use the
new version when next recompiled. The header file eliminates the labor of
finding and changing all the copies as well as the risk that a failure to
find one copy will result in inconsistencies within a program.
In C, the usual convention is to give header files names that end with `.h'.
It is most portable to use only letters, digits, dashes, and underscores in
header file names, and at most one dot.
Read more about using header files in official GCC documentation:
* Include Syntax
* Include Operation
* Once-Only Headers
* Computed Includes


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
This directory is intended for project specific (private) libraries.
PlatformIO will compile them to static libraries and link into executable file.
The source code of each library should be placed in a an own separate directory
("lib/your_library_name/[here are source files]").
For example, see a structure of the following two libraries `Foo` and `Bar`:
| |
| |--Bar
| | |--docs
| | |--examples
| | |--src
| | |- Bar.c
| | |- Bar.h
| | |- library.json (optional, custom build options, etc)
| |
| |--Foo
| | |- Foo.c
| | |- Foo.h
| |
|- platformio.ini
|- main.c
and a contents of `src/main.c`:
#include <Foo.h>
#include <Bar.h>
int main (void)
PlatformIO Library Dependency Finder will find automatically dependent
libraries scanning project source files.
More information about PlatformIO Library Dependency Finder


@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
platform = ststm32
board = nucleo_f429zi
framework = arduino
lib_deps = ponoor/Ponoor PowerSTEP01 Library@^1.0.2
monitor_speed = 921600


@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* M034.h - Library for M034
* Created by brucker 22.03.2023
#include "M034.h" // classes and functions for M034
* Nanotec absolut position encoder
* SSI format length: 51 bit
* 16 startbits, all always zero
* 16 multiturn bits, MSB first
* 17 singleturn bits, MSB first
* 1 bit "D1", always zero
* 1 bit "D2", Error if 0
* SPI read 7 bytes = 56 bit
* convert read data:
* shift relevant bits to the right position, mask not relevant bits and link bytes
NanotecAbsolutEncoder::NanotecAbsolutEncoder(SPIClass *SPIPort){ // constructor
_SPI = SPIPort;
void NanotecAbsolutEncoder::readPosition(){ // read position from encoder
for(uint8_t i=0; i<7; i++){ // read 7 bytes
_readBytes[i] = _SPI->transfer (0); // store in array
delayMicroseconds(10); // time out of encoder is typ. 7µs
uint16_t NanotecAbsolutEncoder::getMultiturn(){
_multiturn = (uint16_t) _readBytes[2] << 9; // convert and return multiturn
_multiturn |= (uint16_t) _readBytes[3] << 1;
_multiturn |= (uint16_t) _readBytes[4] >> 7;
return _multiturn;
uint32_t NanotecAbsolutEncoder::getSingleturn(){ // convert and return singelturn
_singleturn = (uint32_t) (_readBytes[4] & 0x7F) << 10;
_singleturn |= (uint32_t) _readBytes[5] << 2;
_singleturn |= (uint32_t) _readBytes[6] >> 6;
return _singleturn;
uint8_t NanotecAbsolutEncoder::getStatus(){ // check if encoder or transmission error exists
_startbits = (uint16_t) _readBytes[0] << 9; // convert startbits
_startbits |= (uint16_t) _readBytes[1] << 1;
_startbits |= (uint16_t) _readBytes[2] >> 7;
_status = (_readBytes[6] >> 4) & 0x03; // convert status
if(_status == 1 & _startbits == 0){
return 0; // return without error
else return 1; // return with error


@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
* short explanation
#include <Arduino.h> // main arduino library
#include <Ponoor_PowerSTEP01Library.h> // stepper motor shield library
#include <SPI.h> // Arduino SPI library
#include <EEPROM.h> // Arduino EEPROM library
#include "Pin_Definitions.h" // pin definitions
#include "M034.h" // include header file for project
// string with manual for printing over UART
const String manual = "\nM034 stepper motor controll\n"
"protocol structure: command parameter e.g. movl 200\n"
"commands (in small letters):\n"
"help: print instruction manual\n"
"movl (move left): spin x steps counterclockwise\n"
"movr (move right): spin x steps clockwise\n"
"movp (move to position): move motor to position uint32_t x\n"
"gtmp (go to motor position): go to saved motor position x {0-2}\n"
"gtep (go to encoder position): go to saved encoder position x {0-2}\n"
"smpo (set motor position): save current motor position (moved steps) as position x {0-2}\n"
"sepo (set encoder position): save current encoder position as position x {0-2}\n"
"getp (get position): get current position\n"
"setn (set null): set current position as null (home)\n"
"setm (set mode): set mode to: 0 - voltage mode; 1 - current mode\n"
"sets (set microstep size):\n"
"\tOptions: 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128\n"
"\tSetS parameter = 1 for 1; 2 for 1/2; ...\n"
"\tIn current mode the maximum microstepping resolution is 1/16\n"
"\tIf changed, Null and saved positions get lost\n"
"gete (get encoder position): get current encoder singleturn position (average over x)\n"
"seep (set EEPROM encoder position): save current encoder singleturn home position to EEPROM\n"
"reep (reed EEPROM encoder position): reed current encoder singleturn home position from EEPROM\n"
"init (initialize): move to encoder EEPROM home position and set it to position null\n"
* constant definitions *
const uint32_t SERIAL_BAUD_RATE = 921600; // Baud Rate of serial output
// if changed, must also be changed in platformio.ini: monitor_speed
const SPISettings SPI_ENC_Settings(2600000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3); // SPI settings for stepper motor encoder
const uint8_t POSITION_COUNT = 3; // legth of position array
const uint32_t ENCODER_AV_COUNT = 1024; // Number of encoder positions over which to average
const uint32_t MOTORSTEPS = 200; // number of full steps wich the motor has
// EEPROM (test)
// const
// motor power settings. Complete explanation in setup. Tested with 16 microsteps
const byte CM_RUN_TVAL = 20; // motor power settings for current mode
const byte CM_ACC_TVAL = 32;
const byte CM_DEC_TVAL = 32;
const byte CM_HOLD_TVAL = 16;
const float CM_MAX_SPEED = 1000.0;
const byte VM_RUN_TVAL = 16; // motor power settings for voltage mode
const byte VM_ACC_TVAL = 24;
const byte VM_DEC_TVAL = 24;
const byte VM_HOLD_TVAL = 28;
const float VM_MAX_SPEED = 1000.0;
* global variables *
long positionMotor[POSITION_COUNT] = {(long)0, (long)1062, (long)-1067}; // array to save motor positions
int32_t positionEncoder[POSITION_COUNT] = {}; // array to save motor positions
uint16_t eeAddress = 0; // Location of next free EEPROM address
uint32_t motorMicrosteps = 16; // number of microsteps wich currently used
* function declaration *
void controlUart(uint8_t port); // check if uart communication is incomming on one of the UART's. If this is the case, read and execute incomming command
int32_t averageEncPosition(uint32_t count); // read and build avverage of current encoder position
* instance generation *
HardwareSerial Serial6 (D0, D1); // create Serial instance for optical links on USART6
SPIClass SPI_Encoder(PIN_SPI_5_MOSI, PIN_SPI_5_MISO, PIN_SPI_5_CLK); // create SPI instance for encoder on SPI5
//SPIClass * SPI_Encoder_ptr = &SPI_Encoder; // pointer to SPI_Encoder
//NanotecAbsolutEncoder encoder(SPI_Encoder_ptr); // create encoder instance
NanotecAbsolutEncoder encoder(&SPI_Encoder); // create encoder instance
powerSTEP driver(0, nCS_PIN, nSTBY_nRESET_PIN); // powerSTEP library instance, parameters are distance from the end of a daisy-chain of drivers, !CS pin, !STBY/!Reset pin
* setup *
void setup() {
// Prepare pins
pinMode(nSTBY_nRESET_PIN, OUTPUT);// for stepper motor shield
pinMode(nCS_PIN, OUTPUT); // for stepper motor shield
pinMode(PIN_SPI_1_MOSI, OUTPUT); // SPI1 MOSI for stepper motor shield
pinMode(PIN_SPI_1_MISO, INPUT); // SPI1 MISO for stepper motor shield
pinMode(PIN_SPI_1_CLK, OUTPUT); // SPI1 CLK for stepper motor shield
pinMode(PIN_SPI_5_MOSI, OUTPUT); // SPI5 MOSI: not nessesary for our encoder
pinMode(PIN_SPI_5_MISO, INPUT); // SPI5 MISO from encoder
pinMode(PIN_SPI_5_CLK, OUTPUT); // SPI5 CLK for encoder
pinMode(LED_GREEN, OUTPUT); // Green LED on Nucleo-144
pinMode(LED_BLUE, OUTPUT); // Blue LED on Nucleo-144
pinMode(LED_RED, OUTPUT); // Red LED on Nucleo-144
pinMode(PIN_RGB_LED_R, OUTPUT); // Red part of the RGB LED
pinMode(PIN_RGB_LED_G, OUTPUT); // Green part of the RGB LED
pinMode(PIN_RGB_LED_B, OUTPUT); // Blue part of the RGB LED
pinMode(PIN_POS1, INPUT_PULLDOWN);// TTL Input for position controll
pinMode(PIN_POS2, INPUT_PULLDOWN);// TTL Input for position controll
pinMode(PIN_POS3, INPUT_PULLDOWN);// TTL Input for position controll
Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD_RATE); // Start serial UART on USB
Serial6.begin(SERIAL_BAUD_RATE); // Start serial UART on optical links
SPI_Encoder.begin(); // Start SPI for stepper motor encoder
SPI_Encoder.beginTransaction(SPI_ENC_Settings); // set correct settings
// initialise stepper motor shield
// Reset powerSTEP and set CS
digitalWrite(nSTBY_nRESET_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(nSTBY_nRESET_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(nSTBY_nRESET_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(nCS_PIN, HIGH);
SPI.begin(); // Start SPI1 for stepper shield
SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE3); // set correct SPI mode
// Configure powerSTEP
driver.SPIPortConnect(&SPI); // give library the SPI port (only the one on an Uno)
driver.configSyncPin(BUSY_PIN, 0); // use SYNC/nBUSY pin as nBUSY,
// thus syncSteps (2nd paramater) does nothing
driver.configStepMode(STEP_FS_16); // 1/16 microstepping, full steps = STEP_FS,
//driver.configStepMode(STEP_FS); // 1/16 microstepping, full steps = STEP_FS,
// options: 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128
// In current mode the maximum microstepping resolution is 1/16
driver.setMaxSpeed(1000.0); // max speed in units of full steps/s (15.25 to 15610)
driver.setFullSpeed(2000.0); // full steps/s threshold for disabling microstepping
//driver.setAcc(1800); // full steps/s^2 acceleration
//driver.setDec(1800); // full steps/s^2 deceleration
driver.setAcc(900); // full steps/s^2 acceleration
driver.setDec(900); // full steps/s^2 deceleration
driver.setSlewRate(SR_520V_us); // faster may give more torque (but also EM noise),
// options are: 114, 220, 400, 520, 790, 980(V/us)
driver.setOCThreshold(16); // over-current threshold for the 2.8A NEMA23 motor
// used in testing. If your motor stops working for
// no apparent reason, it's probably this. Start low
// and increase until it doesn't trip, then maybe
// add one to avoid misfires. Can prevent catastrophic
// failures caused by shorts
driver.setOCShutdown(OC_SD_ENABLE); // shutdown motor bridge on over-current event
// to protect against permanant damage
driver.setPWMFreq(PWM_DIV_1, PWM_MUL_0_75); // 16MHz*0.75/(512*1) = 23.4375kHz
// power is supplied to stepper phases as a sin wave,
// frequency is set by two PWM modulators,
// Fpwm = Fosc*m/(512*N), N and m are set by DIV and MUL,
// options: DIV: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
// MUL: 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2
driver.setVoltageComp(VS_COMP_DISABLE); // no compensation for variation in Vs as
// ADC voltage divider is not populated
driver.setSwitchMode(SW_USER); // switch doesn't trigger stop, status can be read.
// SW_HARD_STOP: TP1 causes hard stop on connection
// to GND, you get stuck on switch after homing
driver.setOscMode(INT_16MHZ); // 16MHz internal oscillator as clock source
// KVAL registers set the power to the motor by adjusting the PWM duty cycle,
// use a value between 0-255 where 0 = no power, 255 = full power.
// Start low and monitor the motor temperature until you find a safe balance
// between power and temperature. Only use what you need
driver.setCurrentMode(); // set current mode
driver.setParam(ALARM_EN, 0x8F); // disable ADC UVLO (divider not populated),
// disable stall detection (not configured),
// disable switch (not using as hard stop)
driver.getStatus(); // clears error flags
// end of stepper motor shield initialisation
// led greeting
digitalWrite(PIN_RGB_LED_R, LOW); // set all off
digitalWrite(PIN_RGB_LED_G, LOW);
digitalWrite(PIN_RGB_LED_B, LOW);
digitalWrite(PIN_RGB_LED_R, HIGH);// red on
digitalWrite(PIN_RGB_LED_R, LOW); // red off
digitalWrite(PIN_RGB_LED_G, HIGH);// blue on
digitalWrite(PIN_RGB_LED_G, LOW); // blue off
digitalWrite(PIN_RGB_LED_B, HIGH);// green on
digitalWrite(PIN_RGB_LED_B, LOW); // green off
Serial.print(manual); // print instruction manual on USB UART
Serial6.print(manual); // print instruction manual on optical UART
} // end of setup()
* loop *
void loop() {
if(Serial.available() != 0){ // check if uart communication is incomming on USB UART
controlUart(3); // If this is the case, read and execute incomming command
if(Serial6.available() != 0){ // check if uart communication is incomming on optical UART
controlUart(6); // If this is the case, execute command
if(digitalRead(PIN_POS1)==HIGH){ // if TTL position 1 input is HIGH
driver.goTo(positionMotor[0]); // drive motor to saved position 1
if(digitalRead(PIN_POS2)==HIGH){ // same for position 2
if(digitalRead(PIN_POS3)==HIGH){ // and position 3
} // end of loop()
* functions *
// read and execute incomming UART command
void controlUart(uint8_t port){
String input; // String for buffering read data
String parameterStr; // STring for extracted parameter
uint32_t parameter = 0; // variable for storing command parameter
String message; // String for buffering vallidation message
String errorMessage; // String for buffering error message
switch(port){ // Read from the port where the communication is coming from
case 3:
input = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); // read till line feed
case 6:
input = Serial6.readStringUntil('\n'); // read till line feed
input.trim(); // remove leading and trailing whitespace
parameterStr = input.substring(5); // extract parameter: read from sign 5
parameter = atoi(parameterStr.c_str()); // convert String into int
// search for controll string. If found execute command.
// movl (move left): spin x steps counterclockwise
driver.move(REV, parameter);
message = "Motor is moved counterclockwise. Steps: ";
message += (String) parameter;
// movr (move right): spin x steps clockwise
else if(input.startsWith("movr")){
driver.move(FWD, parameter);
message = "Motor is moved clockwise. Steps: ";
message += (String) parameter;
// movp (move to position): move motor to position uint32_t x
else if(input.startsWith("movp")){
message = "Motor is moved to position: ";
message += (String) parameter;
// gtmp (go to motor position): go to saved motor position x {0-2}
else if(input.startsWith("gtmp")){
message = "Motor is moved to saved position: ";
message += (String) parameter;
errorMessage = "Parameter out of range";
// gtep (go to encoder position): go to saved encoder position x {0-2}
else if(input.startsWith("gtep")){
int32_t currentPosition;
int32_t steps2Drive = 1;
uint8_t i = 0; // loop counter
message = "Motor is moved to saved position: ";
message += (String) parameter;
message += ". Moved steps: ";
while(steps2Drive != 0){ // move motor to position null till the position is reached, because null is not reached exactly every time
currentPosition = averageEncPosition(ENCODER_AV_COUNT); // read singleturn position
steps2Drive = int32_t ((double)(currentPosition - positionEncoder[parameter]) / (131072.0 / (MOTORSTEPS*motorMicrosteps))); // calculate steps to move
driver.move(REV, ((unsigned long) (steps2Drive * -1)));
driver.move(FWD, (unsigned long) steps2Drive);
message += (String) steps2Drive;
message += ("; ");
errorMessage = ("positioning not possible. Check neutron switch. Maybe motor parameter must be updated");
// smpo (set motor position): save current motor position (moved steps) as position x {0-2}
else if(input.startsWith("smpo")){
positionMotor[parameter] = driver.getPos();
message = "Current position is saved as motor position: ";
message += (String) parameter;
errorMessage = "Parameter out of range";
// sepo (set encoder position): save current encoder position as position x {0-2}
else if(input.startsWith("sepo")){
positionEncoder[parameter] = averageEncPosition(ENCODER_AV_COUNT); // read singleturn position
message = "Current position is saved as encoder position: ";
message += (String) parameter;
errorMessage = "Parameter out of range";
// getp (get position): get current position
else if(input.startsWith("getp")){
long position = driver.getPos();
message = "Current position is: ";
message = (String) position;
// setn (set null): set current position as null (home)
else if(input.startsWith("setn")){
message = "Current position is set to 0";
// setm (set mode): set mode to: 0 - voltage mode; 1 - current mode
else if(input.startsWith("setm")){
// Settings at 24V
message = ("Voltage mode is set");
else if(parameter==1){
message = ("Current mode is set");
else errorMessage = "Parameter out of range";
// sets (set microstep size):
// Options: 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128
// SetS parameter = 1 for 1; 2 for 1/2; ...
// In current mode the maximum microstepping resolution is 1/16
// If changed, Null and saved positions get lost
else if(input.startsWith("sets")){
driver.configStepMode(STEP_FS); // full steps
message = "Full step is set";
else if(parameter==2){
driver.configStepMode(STEP_FS_2); // 2 microsteps
message = "microstep size 1/2 is set";
else if(parameter==4){
driver.configStepMode(STEP_FS_4); // 4 microsteps
message = "microstep size 1/4 is set";
else if(parameter==8){
driver.configStepMode(STEP_FS_8); // 8 microsteps
message = "microstep size 1/8 is set";
else if(parameter==16){
driver.configStepMode(STEP_FS_16); // 16 microsteps
message = "microstep size 1/16 is set";
else if(parameter==32){
driver.configStepMode(STEP_FS_32); // 32 microsteps
message = "microstep size 1/32 is set";
else if(parameter==64){
driver.configStepMode(STEP_FS_64); // 64 microsteps
message = "microstep size 1/64 is set";
else if(parameter==128){
driver.configStepMode(STEP_FS_128); // 128 microsteps
message = "microstep size 1/128 is set";
errorMessage = "wrong parameter for sets";
message += "\nposition lost, new initialisation needed";
// gete (get encoder position): get current encoder singleturn position (average over x)
else if(input.startsWith("gete")){
message = (String) averageEncPosition(parameter); // read and build avverage of current encoder position
errorMessage = "Parameter out of range";
// seep (set EEPROM encoder position): save current encoder singleturn home position to EEPROM
else if(input.startsWith("seep")){
int32_t currentPosition;
currentPosition = averageEncPosition(ENCODER_AV_COUNT);
EEPROM.put(eeAddress, currentPosition);
message = "Saved as encoder home position in EEPROM: ";
message += (String) currentPosition;
// reep (reed EEPROM encoder position): reed current encoder singleturn home position from EEPROM
else if(input.startsWith("reep")){
EEPROM.get(eeAddress, parameter); // reed address from EEPROM and save in parameter
message = "Encoder home position in EEPROM is: ";
message += (String) parameter;
// init (initialize): move to encoder EEPROM home position and set it to position null
else if(input.startsWith("init")){
int32_t homePosition;
int32_t currentPosition;
int32_t steps2Drive = 1;
uint8_t i = 0; // loop counter
message = "Moved steps to EEPROM encoder home position: ";
driver.softStop(); // hold motor
driver.move(FWD, 10); // move a little bit so that the later move begins at a good position
driver.move(REV, 10); // move back so that a second init returns 0 moved steps
driver.softStop(); // hold motor
delay(100); // wait till motor stands still
EEPROM.get(eeAddress, homePosition); // read home position from EEPROM
while(steps2Drive != 0){ // move motor to position null till the position is reached, because null is not reached exactly every time
currentPosition = averageEncPosition(ENCODER_AV_COUNT); // read singleturn position
steps2Drive = int32_t ((double)(currentPosition - homePosition) / (131072.0 / (MOTORSTEPS*motorMicrosteps))); // calculate steps to move
driver.resetPos(); // set motor driver position 0
driver.goTo(steps2Drive); // move calculated steps
message += (String) steps2Drive;
message += ("; ");
errorMessage = ("init not possible. Check neutron switch. Maybe motor parameter must be updated");
driver.resetPos(); // set motor driver position 0
// help: print instruction manual
else if(input.startsWith("help")){
message = manual;
// hold: test how much hold power is needed
else if(input.startsWith("hold")){
message = ("hold test done");
// setb: test set backup register
else if(input.startsWith("setb")){
uint32_t index = 0;
uint32_t value = 1000;
int32_t currentPosition;
currentPosition = averageEncPosition(ENCODER_AV_COUNT);
//setBackupRegister(index, value);
EEPROM.put(8, currentPosition);
message = ("Backup register written");
// getb: test set backup register
else if(input.startsWith("getb")){
uint8_t test = 0;
message = ("Backup register:");
for(int8_t i=10; i<20; i++){
message += (" ");
message += EEPROM.get(i, test);
// command unknown
errorMessage = "Command unknown or parameter is missing. Send 'help' to get the manual again";
if(message.length() != 0){ // if message available, print on the port on which command was receiverd
case 3:
case 6:
if(errorMessage.length() != 0){ // if error message available, print on the port on which command was receiverd
case 3:
case 6:
} // end of controlUart()
// read and build avverage of current encoder position
int32_t averageEncPosition(uint32_t count){
int32_t encoderPositionAv = 0;
uint32_t i = 0;
for(i; i<count; i++){
encoder.readPosition(); // read position from encoder
if(encoder.getStatus()==0){ // if status is good,
encoderPositionAv += encoder.getSingleturn(); //sum up positions
else{ // if status is not good,
i--; // count down i so that the count is correct
encoderPositionAv = encoderPositionAv / i; // build average
return encoderPositionAv;
} // end of averageEncPosition()


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This directory is intended for PlatformIO Test Runner and project tests.
Unit Testing is a software testing method by which individual units of
source code, sets of one or more MCU program modules together with associated
control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to
determine whether they are fit for use. Unit testing finds problems early
in the development cycle.
More information about PlatformIO Unit Testing: